HSC English 2nd paper model test with answer pdf download [75]

Blue Bird School & College ∎ Sylhet
HSC English Second Paper
model test with answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)  
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a)___ ideal student is (b)___ asset for a country. He is different from (c)___ idle student. (d)___ industrious work hard. On the other hand, (e)___ idle waste away their time. They do not know that (f)___ time is (g)___ most valuable thing. If anyone wants to shine in life, he should make (h)___ best use of his time. Otherwise, he will suffer in (i)___ long run. He will have to drag a very miserable (j)___ life. 
Answer (1):
(a) An (b) an (c) an (d) The (e) the (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) ×

2. Complete the text with suitable preposition: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Man has no escape (a)___ death. Sooner or later, he has to die. (b)___ other words, he is subject (c)___ death. There is no medicine (d)___ the world that can prevent him (e)___ dying. Yet man attempts (f)___ escape death. Death is inevitable and unavoidable. Man is (g)___ no way, free (h)___ death. He has (i)___ drink the water (j)___ death.  
Answer (2):
(a) from (b) In (c) to (d) in (e) from (f) to (g) in (h) from (i) to (j) of

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0.5 × 10 = 5


had better

would rather

have to

let alone


as if

what's it like

was born

as soon as

(a) The man is so weak that he cannot walk. He cannot walk even a kilometer___ five kilometers.
(b) I've never travelled by air.___ flying in the sky?
(c) All over the world politics becomes a dirty game.___ is known to all.
(d) I am tired. I___ stay at home than go outside.
(e) You look very anxious. And you cannot continue your study any longer. You___ take rest.
(f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks___ he knew the ins and outs of the incident.
(g) He feels pain in his chest. He___ go back to the hospital for a scan next week.
(h) Rabindranath Tagore___ in 1861. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.
(i)___ is no fish here. It is a swimming pool.
(j) It may rain at any moment. We should start___ we can.
Answer (3):
(a) let alone (b) What's it like (c) It (d) would rather (e) had better (f) as if (g) has to (h) was born (i) There (j) as soon as

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases: 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard,___ .
(b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time___ .
(c) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant___ .
(d) There goes a proverb that___ . So, we must make proper use of time.
(e) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that___ .
(f) He came to my room while___ . He didn't wake me up.
(g) When he came out,___ . He was worthy of getting such greetings.
(h) There are many helpless people. I wish___ .
(i) You must have confidence in your ability. If you___ you will be successful.
(j) I was very busy with my exam. If I___ , I would have joined your programme.
Answer (4):
(a) If you work hard, you will shine in life.
(b) It is high time we tried to control corruption.
(c) So, we should plant more trees.
(d) There goes a proverb that time and tide waits for none.
(e) The did it so that they would achieve freedom from the oppression of Pakistan.
(f) He came to my room while I was sleeping.
(g) When he came out, everyone greeted him whole heartedly.
(h) I wish I could help them.
(i) If you have belief in your own ability, you will be succeeded.
(j) If I had got enough time, I would have joined your progamme.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Parents (a)___ (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b)___ (bear), their joys (c)___ (know) no bounds. They (d)___ (start) (e)___ (think) of (f)___ (nurse) and (g)___ (bring) up their children. They (h)___ (remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents never mind (i)___ (take) pains for the upbringing of their offspring. We (j)___ never (offend) our parents.
Answer (5):
(a) are (b) is born (c) know (d) start (e) thinking (f) nursing (g) bringing (h) remain (i) taking (j) should never offened.

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 5
(a) We are very much proud of our freedom fighters. (Negative)
(b) They fought for the country with patriotic zeal. (Compound)
(c) They are the most courageous sons of our nation. (Positive) 
(d) Everybody admires and respects them greatly. (Passive)
(e) They will never be forgotten by their countrymen to the end. (Affirmative) 
Answer (6):
(a) Aren't we very much proud of our freedom fighters?
(b) They had a patriotic zeal and they fought for the country with it.
(c) No other sons of our nation are so courageous as they.
(d) They are greatly admired and respected by everybody.
(e) They will ever be/always be remembered by their countrymen to the end.

7. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"What are you writing?" The angel looked up and replied in a sweet tone, "The names of those who loved the Lord." "And is mine one?" asked Abu. "No, your name is not included here," replied the angel. Then Abu said, "Please write down my name as one who loves his fellowmen." 
Answer (7):
Abu asked the angel what he (a) was writing. The angel looked up and replied in a sweat tone that he (a) was writing the names of those who loved the Lord. Abu again asked the angel if his name was there. The angel replied in the negative and said that his name was not included there. Then Abu requested the angel to write down his name as one who loved his fellowmen.
8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear: 5
Women are nowadays as important as men in society. She constitute nearly half of our total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of it in darkness. Without the uplift of women, it is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So, proper education should be given to her so that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmes. 
Answer (8):
Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of its population in darkness. Without the uplift of women, the progress of the nation is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So, proper education should be given to them so that they can work hand in hand with men in all development programmes.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces: 0.5 × 10 = 5
21 February, (a)___ (use an appositive to post modify the noun), in our history is now observed as the International Mother Language day all over the world. On this day, people of our country get up (b)___ (post-modify the verb) in the morning remembering the memory of the martyrs. They walk (c)___ (post-modify the verb) to the Shahhed Minar. Most of them put on (d)___ (pre-modify the noun) badges on their shoulder. They go to the Shaheed Minar (e)___ (use a participle) the most cherished song "Amar vaiyer rokte rangano............". They pay homage and tribute to the memory of the martyrs. Offering the flowers, they pray for the (f)___ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) souls. They also gather in mosques, temples and other (g)___ (pre-modify the noun) institutions and pray for the salvation of the martyrs' (h)___ (pre-modify the noun) soul. Different social and cultural organizations arrange (i)___ (pre-modify the noun) programmes on (j)___ (use a demonstrative) day.    
Answer (9):
(a) language martyrs day (b) early (c) barefooted (d) black (e) singing (f) martyrs' (g) sanctified/ religious (h) departed (i) various (j) this

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody (a)___ it has become very popular. (b)___ it has created a number of problems. It has (c)___ advantages (d)___ disadvantages. (e)___ it helps to connect people. (f)___ it helps to exchange information. (g)___ it can be used for various purposes. (h)___ it has a few disadvantages (i)___ can cause a lot of troubles. (j)___ its advantages are more than disadvantages.  
Answer (10):
(a) and (b) But (c) both (d) and (e) First of all/ Firstly (f) Secondly (g) Besides (h) But/On the contrary (i) which (j) In fact/Truely speaking

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Democracy is the system of government which allows freedom of speech, religious and political opinion. It means fair and equal treatment for the citizens without social class division. In fact, in a democratic country people elect their representatives who work for the people. People enjoy their rights of food, cloth, shelter, education, medical treatment and other facilities.  
(a) system (synonym) (c) freedom (synonym) (e) fair (antonym) (g) division (antonym) (i) treatment (synonym) (b) allow (antonym) (d)  opinion (synonym) (f) equal (antonym) (h) elect (synonym) (j) facility (synonym)
Answer (11):
(a) method (b) disallow (c) liberty/independence (d) view/notion (e) unfair (f) unequal (g) unity/ unification (h) select/choose/vote (i) cure (j) advantage/convenience

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors: 0.5 × 10 = 5
how is your father rana said mr karim he is very well thank you replied rana i am glad to hear that he is in good health said mr karim.
Answer (12):
"How is your father, Rana?" said Mr. Karim. "He is very well, thank you," replied Rana. "I am glad to hear that he is in good health," said Mr. Karim.

HSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for HSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for HSC. HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download.
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HSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestions

Part-B: Composition (Marks 40)
13. Write an application to the Principal of your college for setting up a "Computer Lab" in your college. 8

14. Suppose you are a reporter of an English Daily. You have observed that Facebook is influencing both positively and negatively on our young generation. Now, write a report on "Impact of Facebook on young generation". 8

15. Write a paragraph on "Drug Addiction" mentioning its causes and effects on the society. Use not more than 150 words. 10

16. Is Female Education essential for social development? Give reasons for your answer. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. 14


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