HSC English 1st Paper Model Test-68 (বাংলা অনুবাদসহ) pdf download

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, NCTB প্রণীত সর্বশেষ প্রশ্নকাঠামো ও মানবণ্টন অনুযায়ী ১, ২ ও ৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য পরীক্ষায় ৩টি Seen Passage থাকবে। সুতরাং পরীক্ষায় একই Passage ১নং বা ২নং বা ৩নং প্রশ্নের জন্য Set করা হতে পারে। তাই অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে বিশেষজ্ঞ শিক্ষকগণ ও মাস্টার ট্রেইনারদের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী একই Passage এর অধীনে ১, ২ ও ৩ নং এর ওপর প্রশ্ন প্রদান করা হল। এগুলো নিয়মিত অনুশীলন করলে উপকৃত হবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Model Test-68
HSC English First Paper
Question with Answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-I: Reading Test (60 Marks) 
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
.............A craftwork thus is a dynamic object-always evolving, and always abreast of changing tastes and preferences. It also represents a way of life and a cultural flavour. Therefore changes in lifestyle and material conditions are expected to have their impact on craftworks and their production. But certain forms, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences change little over time, suggesting that a craftwork can function as a stable signifier of community values and desires over time. Mechanical and mass production take away this feeling of assurance and stability and the sense of continuity that the handmade craftwork evokes.
In the clash between expectations of pure, handmade craftworks and the market need of mechanically produced craftworks, two contesting views emerge: on the one hand, traditionalists contend that the society needs to preserve the authenticity and naturalness of craftworks and their association with domesticity and environment; and, on the other, promoters of machine production argue that the machine has helped restore the appeal of the crafts due to their cheaper production costs.
There are no easy solutions to the problems that craftworks face in our time. Crafts that are disappearing can and should be revived, even where the machine has made the prospect difficult. And crafts that are still practiced can be safeguarded and made to consolidate their position further. This can be done by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers, and helping them find a comfortable customer base. But more importantly, craftwork can be branded and successfully marketed throughout the country and beyond as there are always buyers and users of handmade products who feel a strong attraction towards such cultural products. 
[Unit-14; Lesson-3]
[Mymensingh Girls' Cadet College- '16; New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi- '16; Cantonment Public School, Rangpur- '16; Chuadanga Govt. College- '16; Govt. City College, Chittagong- '16]

বাংলা অনুবাদঃ 
............একটি শিল্পকর্ম এভাবেই একটি প্রাণবন্ত কর্ম যা সর্বদা বিকাশমান এবং পরিবর্তিত স্বাদ ও রুচির সাথে সদা তাল মিলিয়ে চলে। এটি একটি জীবন পদ্ধতি ও সাংস্কৃতিক বিশেষ গুণেরও প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। অতএব, শিল্পকর্ম ও এদের উৎপাদনের ওপর জীবনধারা ও বস্তুর অবস্থার পরিবর্তের প্রভাব রয়েছে বলে প্রত্যাশা করা হয়। কিন্তু সময়ের বিবর্তনে নির্দিষ্ট কিছু গঠন, আকৃতি, শৈলী ও নান্দনিক অভিরুচির সামান্য পরিবর্তন ঘটে যা নির্দেশ করে যে একটি শিল্পকর্ম সময়ের সাথে জনসাধারণের মূল্যবোধ ও আকাগুক্ষার একটি দৃঢ় নিদর্শন হিসেবে কাজ করতে পারে। যান্ত্রিক ও অধিক উৎপাদন যে নিশ্চয়তা ও স্থিতিশীলতা এবং অবিচ্ছিন্নতার অনুভূতিকে দূরে সরিয়ে নিয়ে গেছে হাতে তৈরি শিল্পকর্ম তা জাগিয়ে তোলে।
সম্পূর্ণরূপে হাতে তৈরি শিল্পকর্মের প্রত্যাশা এবং বাজার চাহিদা অনুযায়ী যান্ত্রিকভাবে উৎপাদিত শিল্পকর্মের মধ্যে অমিল থাকায়, দুটি বিপরীত ধারণা আবির্ভূত হয়েছে: একদিকে, ঐতিহ্যবাদীরা মত দেন যে শিল্পকর্মের অকৃত্রিমতা ও স্বাভাবিকতা এবং পারিবারিক জীবন ও পরিবেশের সাথে তাদের সম্পৃক্ততা সংরক্ষণ করা সমাজের প্রয়োজন; আর অপরপক্ষে, যান্ত্রিক উৎপাদনের প্রবর্তকরা যুক্তি দেন যে শিল্পকর্মগুলোর উৎপাদন খরচ কম হওয়ার কারণে এগুলোর আকর্ষণ পুনঃস্থাপনে যন্ত্র সহায়তা করেছে।
আমাদের সময়ে শিল্পকর্ম যেসব সমস্যার সম্মুখীন তার সহজ কোনো সমাধান নেই। যে সকল শিল্পকর্ম হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে সেগুলোকে পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা যেতে পারে এবং তা করা উচিত, এমনকী সেখানেও যেখানে যন্ত্র এর সম্ভাবনাকে কঠিন করে তুলেছে। আর যে সকল শিল্পকর্ম এখনও চর্চা করা হয় সেগুলোকে রক্ষা করা যেতে পারে এবং এগুলোর অবস্থাকে আরও সুদৃঢ় করতে হবে। উৎপাদনকারীদেরকে প্রাপ্য অর্থ প্রদান, ঋণ সহায়তা ও অন্যান্য সহযোগিতা করে এবং তাদেরকে একটি স্বস্তিদায়ক বাজার খুঁজে পেতে সাহায্য করার মাধ্যমে তা করা যেতে পারে। কিন্তু অধিকতর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হলো, শিল্পকর্মের প্রচার এবং সফলভাবে সারাদেশে বাজারজাত করা যেতে পারে আর এর কারণ সর্বদাই হাতে তৈরি পণ্যের ক্রেতা ও ব্যবহারকারী থাকে যারা সাংস্কৃতিক পণ্যের প্রতি ভীষণ আকর্ষণ অনুভব করে।
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) What does the phrase 'sense of continuity' mean?
 (i) with interruption  (ii) having compactness 
 (iii) faultless  (iv) unbarred
(b) Craftwork is influenced by —. 
 (i) changes in lifestyle  (ii) the past  (iii) fashion  (iv) people's desire 
(c) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'evoke'?
 (i) dormant (ii) latent (iii) awaken (iv) evict
(d) What is the closest meaning of the word 'dynamic'?
 (i) static (ii) immovable (iii) settled (iv) motion
(e) What is the meaning of the word 'evolving'?
 (i) unfold (ii) confidential (iii) unrevealed (iv) hidden
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) The word 'preference' means —.
 (i) choice (ii) pick (iii) fancy (iv) favour
(g) 'It also represents a way of life and a cultural flavour.' Here cultural flavour means —
 (i) cultural mix (ii) attributes of a culture (iii) cultural presence (iv) cultural value
(h) The word 'impact' refers to —.
 (i) meaning (ii) shock (iii) contact (iv) influence
(i) The synonym of the word 'production' is —.
 (i) assembly (ii) consumption (iii) manufacturing (iv) staging
(j) The closest meaning of the word 'aesthetic' is —
 (i) beautiful (ii) unlocked (iii) fine arts (iv) product
(k) The word 'suggesting' means —.
 (i) ordering (ii) moving (iii) indicating (iv) hinting
(l) The meaning of 'stable' is —.
 (i) shaky (ii) abiding (iii) fast (iv) fixed
(m)  The word 'assurance' refers to —.
 (i) confidence (ii) certainty (iii) uncertainty (iv) courage
(n) The closest meaning of 'continuity' is —.
 (i) connection (ii) flow (iii) sequence (iv) linkage
(o) The word 'clash' means —.
 (i) fight (ii) conflict (iii) collision (iv) clank
(p) The word 'emerge' refers to —.
 (i) arise (ii) issue (iii) fade (iv) develop
(q) The word 'authenticity' means —.
 (i) invalidity (ii) honesty (iii) truth (iv) genuineness
(r) The closest meaning of the word 'preserve' is —.
 (i) destroy (ii) ruin (iii) maintain (iv) keep
(s) The meaning of 'association' is —.
 (i) alliance (ii) society (iii) company (iv) tie
(t) The word 'promoter' means —.
 (i) introducer (ii) founder (iii) advertiser (iv) seller
(u) The word 'argue' refers to —.
 (i) show (ii) talk (iii) discuss (iv) claim
(v) The word 'restore' means —.
 (i) return (ii) revive (iii) repair (iv) replace
(w) The word 'appeal' means —.
 (i) attraction (ii) beauty (iii) charm (iv) interest
(x) The synonym of the word 'revive' is —.
 (i) rally (ii) rouse (iii) restore (iv) suppress
(y) The meaning of 'consolidate' is —.
 (i) unite (ii) unify (iii) join (iv) fuse
(z) The word 'comfortable' refers to —.
 (i) happy (ii) homely (iii) poor (iv) delightful
(aa) What does the word 'authentic' refer to?
 (i) imitation (ii) forgery (iii) plagiarism (iv) genuine
(bb) What is the meaning of the word 'emerge'?
 (i) disappear (ii) submerge (iii) appear (iv) stirred
(cc) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'consolidate'?
 (i) fragile (ii) harden (iii) crisped (iv) brittle
(dd) The word 'revive' refers to —.
 (i) re-animate (ii) rolling along (iii) rotating (iv) revel
(ee) A craftwork functions as a — of community values. 
 (i) delicate (ii) hard example (iii) fragile example (iv) feeble
Answer (A):
(a) (ii) having compactness (b) (i) changes in lifestyle (c) (iii) awaken (d) (iv) motion (e) (i) unfold (f) (i) choice (g) (ii) attributes of a culture (h) (iv) influence (i) (iii) manufacturing (j) (i) beautiful (k) (iii) indicating (l) (iv) fixed (m) (ii) certainty (n) (i) connection (o) (iii) collision (p) (i) arise (q) (iv) genuineness (r) (iii) maintain (s) (i) alliance (t) (ii) founder (u) (iii) discuss (v) (ii) revive (w) (i) attraction (x) (iii) restore (y) (i) unite (z) (iv) delightful (aa) (iv) genuine (bb) (iii) appear (cc) (ii) harden (dd) (i) re-animate (ee) (ii) hard example

B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) Why is a craftwork familiar as a dynamic object?
(b) What does a craftwork represent?
(c) What kind of objects have an impact on craftworks?
(d) What is the argument of the traditionalists?
(e) Why should we preserve our traditional craftworks?
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) What is a craftwork?
(g) Why are crafts disappearing?
(h) What is your idea about art and craftwork?
(i) What does market play in promoting crafts?
(j) 'Mechanically produced craftwork is a big challenge to the handmade craftwork'. Do you support it?
(k) What are the problems faced by craftworks in recent time?
(l) How can we solve these problems?
(m) Why does it say that 'handmade craftworks are different from machine produced product?
(n) "Marketing can help in promoting crafts". Do you support that? Why or why not?
(o) What are the positive sides of new technological machine?
Answer (B):
 (a) A craftwork is familiar as a dynamic object because it is always evolving and always abreast of changing tastes and preferences.
 (b) A craftwork represents a way of life and a cultural flavour.
 (c) Changes in lifestyle and material condition, changes in nature and environment have impact on craftworks.
 (d) Traditionalists contend that the society needs to preserve the authenticity on naturalness of craftworks and their association with domesticity and environment.
 (e) We know that crafts play a vital role in the life of ordinary people and they are an important part of the society and historical culture. That's why we should preserve our traditional craftworks.
 (f) A craftwork is an applied form of art in making products with hands. In other words, a craftwork is the work done by a craftsman.
 (g) Crafts are disappearing because of many problems. Firstly, crafts depend on the authenticity and naturalness of craftwork and the society fails to preserve them. Secondly, motifs, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences needed for craftwork are badly affected by mechanical production.
 (h) Art and craftwork are different forms. Craftwork is the practical form of art, while art is the application of imagination to express ideas or feelings in painting and drawing.
 (i) Market plays a vital role in promoting crafts both at home and abroad. Craftwork can be branded and marketed throughout the country in order to draw the attention of the consumers. Providing easy loans, grants and other assistance are required to marketise craftwork.
 (j) Yes, I do support it. Mechanically produced craftwork is a big challenge to the handmade craftwork. Because, machine production is cheaper and easily available compared to handmade craftwork. Moreover, craftwork made by machine faces a lot of difficulties.
  (k) Craftworks have faced different problems in the present time. The lack of sponsors, workers, lower investment, use of technology at a higher portion etc. are the present problems of craftworks.
 (l) These problems can be solved by the interference of the government. Government can help by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers.
 (m) A handmade craftwork represents a way of life and cultural flavour and retains its aesthetic value as well. On the other hand, a machine product always emphasizes on the market demand. 
 (n) Yes, I support that because by marketing or advertising it is possible to create attraction of people both home and abroad towards these cultural products. Thus both demand and supply of crafts will increase.
 (o) There are some positive sides of new technological machine. It saves both time and production cost of goods. It can produce goods without any defects.

2. Read the above text and make a flow chart showing the solution of the problems that craftworks face. (One has been done for you.) 2☓5 = 10
1.  Providing loans, grants to the produces → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6.

Or, Read the passage and complete the table below with the given information. 1 × 10 = 10
Which/ Who Description What Why
Craftwork (i) .......... always changing according to tastes and preferences
Changes in lifestyle influence (ii) .......... 
(iii) .......... provide a sense of continuity 
(iv) .......... developed  due to collision between handmade craftworks and machine made craftworks
(v) .......... emphasised on preserving the authenticity of craftwork 
Craftworks stable signifiers of a community  (vi) ..........
The appeal of craftworks revived by (vii) .......... cheaper production cost
(viii) .......... must be revived  
(ix) .......... lack the feeling of assurance 
(x) .......... must be provided with grants and loans 
Answer (2):
A flow chart showing the solution of the problems that craftworks face is given below: 
1. Providing loans, grants to the producers → 2. Giving them proper assistance → 3. Helping them intending comfortable customer base → 4. By branding → 5. By advertising both at home and abroad → 6. Raising awareness among the people about our traditional craftwork

Or, (i) dynamic object (ii) craftworks and their production (iii) Handmade craftworks (iv) Two contesting views (v) Traditionalists (vi) certain forms, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences change little over time (vii) machines (viii) Disappearing crafts (ix) Mechanical and mass production (x) The producers of craftworks

3. Write a summary of the above text. 10
Answer (3):
A craftwork which represents a way of life and a cultural flavour is always kept up with the changing tastes and material conditions. But mechanical progress reduces the demand for traditional craftwork specially handmade craftworks. That's why some of them are disappeared. But it is our duty to preserve the authenticity and naturalness of these traditional handcrafts. It can be done by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers and helping them find a comfortable customer base.

4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable word from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5☓10 = 5
taking respect in nowadays mould together
constitute participation think ultimately have made
There should be no discrimination between men and women. (a) — both men and women are working (b) —. They (c) — half of our total population. We cannot (d) — of any development without keeping them (e) — the dark. No nation can read progress in their development work without the (f) — of women. In this (g) — women should be educated. (h) — education women can come forward and work hand in hand with men. An educated mother can (i) — his children's future better than an uneducated mother. So (j) — country's future depends on an educated mother.

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap. 1☓10 = 10
The writer envisions a time when she will turn sixty. She (a) — to be surrounded by (b) — and grandchildren. She likes to sit in a (c) — and overlook a beautiful (d) — that she will have. The writer dreams the garden to be a (e) — of colours. She has a dream to visit the Latin (f) — countries. She further dreams to have a (g) — girl as her (h) —. She wants to play a game of (i) — and (j) — movies.

6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 1☓10 = 10
(a) Milk, milk products, fish, fruits and vegetables contain DDT, Aldrin, Chlordane and Heptachlor. 
(b) National Food Safety Laboratory conducted a survey recently with support from the Food and Agricultural Organisation. 
(c) Cucumber and street foods are found contaminated with high microbial populations. 
(d) High microbial populations were found in pasteurised milk. 
(e) The survey found that the levels of pesticides present in the vegetables and fruits are unsafe.
(f) There were 15 members in the team. 
(g) Turmeric powder contains traces of lead chromate. 
(h) Coriander, mango and fresh shrimps are detected adulterated with formaldehyde. 
(i) Chicken and fish contain traces of antibiotics. 
(j) Rice is found to be contaminated with arsenic and chromium.

Part-II: Writing Test (40 Marks)
7. Write a paragraph on "Female Education" in about 200 words based on the answers to the following questions. 10
(a) What is the condition of female education in our country? (b) What are the barriers on the way of female education? Or, What are the obstacles on the way of female education? (c) What are the reasons behind these barriers? (d) Why is female education important? Or, Why is female education important in our country?

8. Complete the given story following the cue: 7
It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workers were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound ................

9. Write an email to a friend who is lying under treatment in a hospital. 5

10. The bar chart below shows the information of the workers in a garment factory. Write a paragraph using the following information given in the chart: 10

11. Write down the theme of the following story (Not more than 50 words). 8
There lived a shepherd boy in a certain village. He used to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not very far from his village. Besides his usual duty, he sang and played on a flute. But the boy had a bad habit. He used to tell a lie to make fun with people. He often cried out, "Wolf! Wolf!" The kind-hearted villagers heard his cry and rushed to the spot with sticks to save the cowboy. But when they came near, they found no wolf and the cowboy laughed at them. After a few days, the boy made the same fun. The villagers again ran to the field but they found no wolf and the boy laughed at them. The villagers became very angry and advised the boy not to make that kind of fun in future. But one day a wolf really came and it started to kill the sheep one by one. The shepherd boy was frightened and started shouting. "Wolf! Wolf! Help!" But none came to help him though the villagers heard him. They thought that the boy was again making fun to them. The wolf killed a number of his sheep and then killed the shepherd boy. So we should never make fun by telling lies.


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একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
(সকল বিভাগ)
বাংলা ১ম পত্র ১ম পত্র গাইড | বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড | লালসালু উপন্যাস গাইড | সিরাজুদ্দৌলা নাটক গাইড | ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র গাইড | আইসিটি গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ১ম পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ২য় পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স, ব্যাংকিং ও বীমা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স ব্যাংকিং ও বীম ২য় পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ১ম পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ২য় পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ১ম পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ১ম পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ২য় পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ১ম পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্য ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি শব্দার্থ VOCABULARY