HSC English 1st Paper Model Test-48 (বাংলা অনুবাদসহ) pdf download

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, NCTB প্রণীত সর্বশেষ প্রশ্নকাঠামো ও মানবণ্টন অনুযায়ী ১, ২ ও ৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য পরীক্ষায় ৩টি Seen Passage থাকবে। সুতরাং পরীক্ষায় একই Passage ১নং বা ২নং বা ৩নং প্রশ্নের জন্য Set করা হতে পারে। তাই অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে বিশেষজ্ঞ শিক্ষকগণ ও মাস্টার ট্রেইনারদের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী একই Passage এর অধীনে ১, ২ ও ৩ নং এর ওপর প্রশ্ন প্রদান করা হল। এগুলো নিয়মিত অনুশীলন করলে উপকৃত হবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Model Test-48
HSC English First Paper
Question with Answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-I: Reading Test (60 Marks) 
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
The term 'diaspora' is used to refer to people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world, either because they were forced to do so or because they wanted to leave on their own. The word is increasingly used for such people as a collective group and/ or a community. The world has seen many diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent decades.
Among the great diasporas of history is that of the Jewish people, who were forced to leave their lands in ancient times. The movement of Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent thousands of years ago is also a noteworthy diaspora, although the causes of this diaspora are unclear. In twentieth century history, the Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of attention and been a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of Palestinians. There have been massive diasporas in Africa, too, over the centuries, either because of war or because of the ravages of nature. But the chief reason why the phenomenon of diaspora is attracting so much attention now is globalization. 
[Unit-11; Lesson-1]
[CtgB '17; Dhaka Commerce College- '16; Rajdhani Ideal College, Rampura, Dhaka- '16; Comilla Residential College- '16; Al-Amin Academy School & College, Chandpur- '16; Noakhali Govt. College- '16; Chowmohony Govt. S.A. College, Noakhali- '16; Ispahani Public School & College, Chittagong- '16; Mirkadim Hazi Amzad Ali University College, Munshigonj- '16; Cantonment Public School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari- '16; Noapara Model Degree College, Jessore- '16; Ispahani Public School & College, Comilla- '16; Cantonment College, Comilla- '16; Ramganj Model University College, Lakshmipur- '16]

বাংলা অনুবাদঃ 
‘ডায়াসপোরা’ (অভিবাসী) শব্দটি বলতে বুঝায় ঐ সমস্ত লোককে যারা তাদের মাতৃভূমি ত্যাগ করেছে এবং পৃথিবীর অন্য কোথাও বসতি স্থাপন করেছে, হয় তারা বাধ্য হয়েছে তা করতে অথবা স্বেচ্ছায় চলে গিয়েছে। এ শব্দটি ক্রমবর্ধমানভাবে এসব লোকের সমষ্টিকে অথবা একটি সম্প্রদায়কে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে। বিশ্ব অনেক অভিবাসীদেরকে দেখেছে কিন্তু বিদ্যানুরাগীরা সাম্প্রতিক দশকগুলোতে এই বিষয়টিতে প্রচণ্ড আগ্রহ সহকারে অধ্যয়ন করছে। 
ইতিহাসের বড় অভিবাসনের ঘটনাসমূহের মধ্যে ইহুদি জনগোষ্ঠিই সবচেয়ে বড় যারা অতি প্রাচীনকালে তাদের নিজ ভূমি ছাড়তে বাধ্য হয়েছিল। মধ্য ইউরোপ থেকে হাজার হাজার বছর পূর্বে আর্যদের ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশে আগমন একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য অভিবাসন, যদিও এই অভিবাসনের কারণ অজ্ঞাত। বিংশ শতাব্দীতে, প্যালেস্টাইনিদের অভিবাসন অনেকের নজর কেড়েছে এবং প্যালেস্টাইনিদের দুঃখ দুর্দশা বিশ্ব নেতাদের উদ্বেগের কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। শতাব্দীর পর শতাব্দী আফ্রিকাতেও ব্যাপক অভিবাসন হয়েছে, হয়তো যুদ্ধের কারণে নয়তো প্রকৃতির নিষ্ঠুরতায়। কিন্তু বর্তমানে অভিবাসন বিষয়টি বেশি আকর্ষণীয় হওয়ার মূল কারণ হচ্ছে বিশ্বায়ন।
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) What does the word 'force' refer to?
 (i) yield (ii) compel (iii) separate (iv) wonder
(b) The synonym of 'noteworthy' is —. [CtgB '17]
 (i) insignificant (ii) noticeable (iii) invaluable  (iv) appricable
(c) What is the closest meaning of the word 'concern'?
 (i) mention (ii) tiny (iii) trivial (iv) interest
(d) The word 'attract' refers to —.
 (i) discourage (ii) give up (iii) wonder (iv) invite
(e) The Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of attention in the —.
 (i) eighteenth century  (ii) nineteenth century
 (iii) twentieth century   (iv) twenty first  century 
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) What does the word 'settle' in the passage refer to?
 (i) solve (ii) establish (iii) reconcile (iv) reside
(g) The word 'diaspora' is increasingly used for —.
 (i) people as a collective group (ii) people as a community
 (iii) People as a collective group and a community 
 (iv) People as a collective group and/ or a community
(h) What is the synonym of 'homeland'?
 (i) birthplace (ii) abode (iii) living place (iv) motherland
(i) The word 'decade' refers to —. [CtgB '17]
 (i) thirty years (ii) fifty years (iii) ten years (iv) five years
(j) — are among the great diasporas of history.
 (i) the Aryans from Central Europe (ii) the Aryans of Indian Sub-continent
 (iii) the Jewish people  (iv) the Palestinians
(k) The Aryans came to the Indian Sub Continent from —. [CtgB '17]
 (i) America (ii) Africa (iii) Central Europe (iv) Europe
(l) What is the closest meaning of the word 'massive'?
 (i) great (ii) extensive (iii) slight (iv) solid
(m) What does the phrase 'a cause of concern' mean?
 (i) an object of apprehension (ii) a reason of worry
 (iii) a reason of anxiety  (iv) a basis of interest
(n) In Africa there have been —. [CtgB '17]
 (i) massive diasporas (ii) a little diasporas (iii) no diasporas (iv) very little diasporas
(o) What is the closest meaning of the word 'ravages'?
 (i) plunder (ii) ruinations (iii) ransack (iv) loots
(p) The phrase 'in ancient times' refers to —.
 (i) original (ii) primeval (iii) out of date (iv) modern
(q) The word 'globalization' means —.
 (i) connecting different cultures and economic systems of the world
 (ii) worldwide (iii) internationality (iv) universality
(r) What is the closest meaning of 'recent'?
 (i) new (ii) old (iii) fresh (iv) current
(s) What does 'diaspora' mean? [CtgB '17]
 (i) people live their own country (ii) people go abroad
 (iii) people work in other countries 
 (iv) people live their own countries and settle in other parts of the world
(t) The word 'community' means —.
 (i) neighbourhood (ii) fact (iii) huge (iv) destroy
(u) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word phenomenon in line-4?
 (i) philosophy (ii) result (iii) characteristics (iv) permanent
(v) Among the great diasporas of history is that of the Jewish people— what does it imply? 
 (i) they left their country willingly to settle elsewhere
 (ii) they were compelled to leave their country and settle elsewhere  
 (iii) they were compelled to leave their lands in ancient times to settle elsewhere   
 (iv) none of the above statements
(w) What does the phrase 'a lot of' mean?
 (i) some (ii) little (iii) a great amount (iv) not too much
(x) What is the contextual meaning of 'plight'?
 (i) memory (ii) purification (iii) dilemma (iv) race
(y) What does 'leave' refer to?
 (i) arrive (ii) deprive (iii) resist (iv) exit
(z) The word 'diaspora' defines —.
 (i) city dwellers (ii) votes (iii) urbanization (iv) settlers
(aa) The Aryans settle to —.
 (i) Central Europe (ii) Europe (iii) Indian Sub-continent (iv) Indian continent
(bb) Ravage of nature implies —.
 (i) gift of nature (ii) natural calamities (iii) natural resources (iv) adversity
(cc) The scholars have been observing the diaspora in —.
 (i) recent decades (ii) 50 years ago (iii) coming decades (iv) modern age
(dd) The Jewish settled to —.
 (i) Africa (ii) Indian sub-continent (iii) Palestine (iv) Europe
(ee) Which of the following is true in respect of diaspora?
 (i) the Jewish diasporas were willing to leave their lands
 (ii) the Aryans moved to Central Europe
 (iii) the Palestinian diasporas were in serious condition
 (iv) there have been many diasporas in Africa
(ff) There are — reason(s) behind diaspora.
 (i) one (ii) two (iii) three (iv) four
(gg) In the passage, the phrase 'ravages of nature'  means—
 (i) natural calamities  (ii) good things 
 (iii) beauty of nature  (iv) exploitation of natural resources
(hh) What is the purpose of the author of this passage?
 (i) to show the cause of diaspora (ii) to put up the exploitation on diaspora
 (iii) to explain different aspects of diaspora (iv) to highlight the plights of diaspora
(ii) The — of the movement of Aryans are still unclear.
 (i) effects (ii) grounds (iii) purpose (iv) history
(jj) The number of diaspora in the world is —.
 (i) scanty (ii) great (iii) small (iv) tolerable
(kk) Why did the Jewish people leave their lands?
 (i) The cause is unknown (ii) The cause is known 
 (iii) The cause is distinct (iv) The cause is compulsion
(ll) The movement the of Aryans is — diaspora.
 (i) an essential (ii) a unique (iii) a noteworthy (iv) an exterior
(mm) The word 'scholar' means —
 (i) learner (ii) moron (iii) ignorant (iv) illiterate
Answer (A):
(a) (ii) compel (b) (ii) noticeable (c) (iv) interest (d) (iv) invite (e) (iii) twentieth century (f) (iv) reside (g) (iv) people as a collective group and/ or a community (h) (i) birthplace (i) (iii) ten years (j) (iii) The Jewish people (k) (iii) Centra Europe (l) (ii) extensive (m) (iii) a reason of anxiety (n) (i) massive diasporas (o) (ii) ruinations (p) (ii) primeval (q) (i) connecting different cultures and economic systems of the world (r) (iv) current (s) (iv) people leave their own countries and settle in other parts of the world (t) (i) neighbourhood (u) (iii) characteristics (v) (iii) they were compelled to leave their lands in ancient times to settle elsewhere (w) (iii) a great amount (x) (iii) dilemma (y) (vi) exit (z) (iv) settlers (aa) (iii) Indian Sub-continent (bb) (ii) natural calamities (cc) (i) recent decades (dd) (iii) Palestine (ee) (iv) there have been many diasporas in Africa (ff) (ii) two (gg) (i) natural calamities (hh) (iii) to explain different aspects of diaspora (ii) (iii) purpose (jj) (ii) great (kk) (iv) The cause is compulsion (ll) (iii) a noteworthy (mm) (i) learner

B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) Who are called 'diaspora'?
(b) Why do people leave their own countries? [CtgB '17]
(c) Do you think that there have been massive diasporas in Africa? [CtgB '17]
(d) Why did the Jewish people leave their homeland?
(e) How do the twentieth century Palestinian diasporas draw the attention of the world leaders? [CtgB '17]
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) Where did the Aryans live? When and where did they move as diaspora?
(g) When did the plight of the Palestinians attract the attention of world leaders?
(h) Why is diaspora attracting so much attention? [CtgB '17]
(i) What are the reasons of massive diaspora in Africa?
(j) What does 'diaspora' mean?
(k) Why would a group of people want to leave their country?
(l) When have the scholars seen many diasporas?
(m) When did the Jewish people leave their homeland?
(n) Why did the Aryans diaspora take place?
(o) What is the great diaspora of history?
(p) When did the Aryans move to the Indian sub-continent?
(q) What has been a cause of concern for world leaders?
(r) What has globalization to do with diaspora?
(s) When did 'Diaspora' become the subject of study for the scholars?
(t) Why have the scholars been studying about the diasporas with great interest? [CtgB '17]
(u) What are the main diasporas of the past?
(v) Are all diaspora voluntary?
(w) What do you know about globalization?
(x) What are some of the major diasporas of the part?
(y) What is the activity of the scholars regarding diaspora?
(z) When and why did the Aryans shift from Central Europe?
(aa) How does diaspora come to limelight?
(bb) What made the world leaders worried?
Answer (B):
 (a) The people who leave their homeland and settle in other parts of the world are called diaspora.
 (b) Sometimes people are forced to leave their own country and sometimes they leave willingly.
 (c) Yes, I think that there have been massive diasporas in Africa and it was happened because of war or because of the ravages of nature.
 (d) The Jewish people left their homeland because they were forced to do so.
 (e) The plight of Palestinians of twentieth century has become a great concern for world leaders. So, the twentieth century Palestinian diasporas draw the attention of the world leaders.
 (f) The Aryans lived in Central Europe. They moved to the Indian sub-continent as a noteworthy diaspora thousands of years ago.
 (g) The plight of the Palestinians attracted the attention and was a cause of concern for world leaders in the 20th century.
 (h) Diaspora is attracting so much attention throughout the world because of globalization.
 (i) The reasons of massive diaspora in Africa over the centuries are either because of war or of the ravages of nature.
 (j) The term 'Diaspora' refers to people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world.
 (k) A group of people would want to leave their country as they were forced to do so. Sometimes they left their homeland willingly. Sometimes, it is also caused by the ravages of nature.
 (l) The scholars have seen many diasporas in recent decades.
 (m) The Jewish people left their lands in ancient times.
 (n) The reason for the Aryans' diaspora is unclear to all.
 (o) The great diaspora of history is that of the Jewish people. They were forced to leave their land in ancient times.
 (p) Thousands of years ago, the Aryans moved to the Indian sub-continent.
 (q) The plight of the Palestinians has been a cause of concern for world leaders.
 (r) Globalization has many things to do with diasporas. It gears up diasporas. Diaspora in one country helps make bridge between two nations. People dream to be diasporas only for globalization process.
 (s) In the last few decades 'Diaspora' became the subject of study for the scholars. 
 (t) The scholars have been studying about the diasporas with great interest so that they can find out more information about the reasons of diasporas.
 (u) The Jewish diaspora, the Aryan diaspora, the Palestinian diaspora and the massive diaspora in Africa are the main diasporas of the past.
 (v) All diasporas are not voluntary. Sometimes the diasporas are forced to leave their homelands.
 (w) Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies and government of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
 (x) The movement of the Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent, the Palestinian diaspora and the massive diasporas in Africa are some major diasporas.
 (y) The scholars are studying about diaspora with great interest. They are trying to find out the various aspects of diaspora.
 (z) Thousands of years ago, the Aryans shifted from Central Europe to Indian Sub-continent. In fact the reason of their shifting is still unclear.
 (aa) Diaspora comes to limelight with the Palestinian diaspora. This diaspora has attracted a lot of attention. 
 (bb) The Palestinian diaspora and the plight of the Palestinians made the world leaders worried.

2. (i) Read the above text and make a flow chart describing the reasons of diaspora. (One has been done for you.) 2☓5 = 10
1. The Jews being forced to leave their lands → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6.
❤ Extra Questions:
(ii) Make a flow chart showing the different diasporas in the past. (One has been done for you.) 2☓5 = 10
1. Massive diasporas in Africa → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6.

Or, Read the above passage and complete the table below with the given information. 1 × 10 = 10
What/ Who Where When Information
(i) .......... different parts of the world (ii) .......... migrated
The world (iii) .......... many diasporas
(iv) .......... of the world (v) .......... studying on Diaspora
(vi) .......... from their land in the ancient times (vii) ..........
The Aryans (viii) .......... thousands of years ago migrated from central Europe
(ix) .......... in the Middle East in the 20th century (x) ..........
Answer (2):
(i) A flow chart describing the reasons of diaspora is given below:
1. The Jews being forced to leave their lands → 2. For own cause → 3. War → 4. Ravages of nature → 5. Globalization → 6. For better life

 (ii) A flow chart showing the different diasporas in the past is given below:
1. Massive diasporas in Africa → 2. Great diasporas in Jewish people → 3. The movement of Aryans people → 4. Attracting diaspora of Palestinian → 5. Diasporas in Indian sub continent → 6. Diasporas in Europe

Or, (i) Diaspora (ii) different periods of world history (iii) in all its parts (iv) Scholars (v) in recent decades (vi) The Jewish people (vii) being forced to leave (viii) to the Indian sub continent (ix) The Palestinian diaspora (x) attracted a lot of attention

3. Write a summary of the above text. 10
Answer (3):
The term 'diaspora' denotes people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world. They did it being forced to do so or willingly. Though the scholars have been studying diasporas in recent times, the world has seen diasporas from ancient times. The Jewish people were forced to leave their lands. The Aryans moved from Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent. The diaspora of Palestinians in the twentieth century attracted a lot of attention for world leaders because of the plight of the Palestinians. In Africa, there have been massive diasporas because of war or the ravages of nature.

4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable word from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5☓10 = 5
narrow townships phenomenon developed quickly urbanization
estimated change provincial lift-up present pastoral
Bangladesh is changing herself (a) — from a rural to an urban existence. It is (b) — that her urban population will rise by 15 million by 2015. This means that the process of (c) — is accelerating. During the liberation war period, Dhaka was a sleepy (d) — city of about a million people. But at (e) — her population is over 15 million. Even smaller (f) — are experiencing a similar migration to them from the (g) — areas. Urbanization is a common (h) — in the developing countries. It marks a (i) — in socio-economic development. It is also contributing in a similar manner but only the (j) — sense to the developing countries. 

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap. 1☓10 = 10
There are many beauties of the Taj Mahal. There is a beautiful garden (a) — the Taj Mahal and a long pool that (b) — out in front of the building. The pool (c) — the beauty of the Taj Mahal by (d) — its view. One can (e) — the beauty of the Taj well when it (f) — in the pool water. (g) — come to see this (h) — architectural building because it (i) — a different look at different times. Most people like it (j) — on moonlit night.

6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 1☓10 = 10
(a) She thought the way people lived in India was almost as nice as being rich. 
(b) She formed some idea about India from other passengers' conversation. 
(c) A young English woman Elizabeth decided to travel to India. 
(d) She hoped to have much enjoyment in India. 
(e) They sailed into Colombo through green glassy waters. 
(f) She travelled to Burmah by a ship on summer. 
(g) She tasted the charming atmosphere of clubs in India. 
(h) She also learnt some Hindustani phrases. 
(i) As soon as the ship reached Colombo, two Sampanwallahs quarrelled to have them as their passengers. 
(j) The ship sailed across the Mediterranean and reached the Indian ocean.

Part-II: Writing Test (40 Marks)
7. Write a paragraph on "Good Health" in about 200 words based on the answers to the following questions. 10
(a) What is good health? (b) How can one keep good health? (c) Do all the people of our country get the food needed for good health? (d) Are the rich and the educated people of our country conscious of the rules of good health? (e) Do you think a simple and carefree life is conducive to good health?

8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words. 7
Once at twilight I along with my younger brother was walking home. I was five miles away from my village home. As it was getting dark,..................................

9. Suppose, your friend has secured A+ in the HSC exam. Now, write an email congratulating him/ her on his/her success. 5

10. The graph below shows the percentage of 15-19 and 20-24 year old married women in urban and rural areas in Bangladesh who have experienced physical or sexual violence. Describe the graph in at least 80 words. 10

11. Write down the theme of the following poem (Not more than 50 words). 8
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.


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