HSC English 1st Paper Model Test-45 (বাংলা অনুবাদসহ) pdf download

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, NCTB প্রণীত সর্বশেষ প্রশ্নকাঠামো ও মানবণ্টন অনুযায়ী ১, ২ ও ৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য পরীক্ষায় ৩টি Seen Passage থাকবে। সুতরাং পরীক্ষায় একই Passage ১নং বা ২নং বা ৩নং প্রশ্নের জন্য Set করা হতে পারে। তাই অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে বিশেষজ্ঞ শিক্ষকগণ ও মাস্টার ট্রেইনারদের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী একই Passage এর অধীনে ১, ২ ও ৩ নং এর ওপর প্রশ্ন প্রদান করা হল। এগুলো নিয়মিত অনুশীলন করলে উপকৃত হবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Model Test-45
HSC English First Paper
Question with Answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-I: Reading Test (60 Marks) 
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that you've often found yourself puzzling over the content of a dream, or perhaps you've wondered why you dream at all.
First, let's start by answering a basic question: What is a dream? A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or frightening images; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing.
Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed, no consensus has emerged. Considering the time we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unraveling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Next, let's learn more about some of the most prominent dream theories. 
Consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective, Sigmund Freud's theory of dreams suggests that dreams are a representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. While these thoughts are not consciously expressed, they find their way into our awareness via dreams. In his famous book "The Interpretation of Dreams", Freud wrote that dreams are '.... disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes'.
Freud's theory contributed to the popularity of dream interpretation. Following his paths many theorists came up with their own ideas about dreams. The following are just a few of them:
► Some researchers suggest that dreams are a subjective interpretation of signals generated by the brain during sleep. Dreams are not meaningless. Instead, during dreams the cognitive elements in our brain produce new ideas.
► One theory suggests that dreams are the result of our brains trying to interpret external stimuli during sleep. For example, the sound of the radio may be incorporated into the content of a dream.
► Another theory uses a computer metaphor on account for dreams. According to this theory, dreams serve to 'clean up' clutter from the mind, much like clean-up operations in a computer, refreshing the mind to prepare for the next day.
► Yet another model proposes that dreams function as a form of psychotherapy. In this theory, the dreamer is able to make connections between different thoughts and emotions in a safe environment. 
[Unit-10; Lesson-1]
[Pabna Cadet College- '16; Lalmonirhat Govt. College- '16; BAF Shaheen College, Chittagong- '16; Jalalabad Cantonment Public School & College, Sylhet- '16; Govt. Begum Rokeya College, Rangpur- '16; Ispahani Public College, Comilla- '16; Govt. City College, Chittagong -'16]

বাংলা অনুবাদঃ 
স্বপ্ন হাজার বছর ধরে দার্শনিকদেরকে মুগ্ধ করেছে, কিন্তু শুধু সাম্প্রতিককালে স্বপ্ন বাস্তব গবেষণা ও বৈজ্ঞানিক গবেষণার অংশে পরিণত হয়েছে। ভাগ্য এমন যে তোমাকে প্রায় সময়ই স্বপ্ন নিয়ে গভীর চিন্তিত অবস্থায় পাওয়া যায়, কিংবা তুমি আদৌ স্বপ্ন কেন দেখ সম্ভবত তা ভেবে অবাক হও।
প্রথমে, একটি প্রাথমিক প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়ে শুরু করা যাক: স্বপ্ন কী?  একটি স্বপ্নে যেকোনো ধরনের প্রতিচ্ছবি, ভাবনা ও আবেগ অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকতে পারে যা আমরা ঘুমন্ত অবস্থায় অভিজ্ঞতা লাভ করি। স্বপ্ন অসাধারণভাবে স্পষ্ট হতে পারে কিংবা খুবই অস্পষ্ট হতে পারে; আনন্দদায়ক আবেগ বা ভীতিকর প্রতিচ্ছবিতে পূর্ণ হতে পারে; কেন্দ্রীভূত ও বোধগম্য বা অপরিষ্কার ও দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত হতে পারে।
আমরা কেন স্বপ্ন দেখি? স্বপ্ন কী কাজে লাগে? যখন অনেকগুলো তত্ত্ব প্রস্তাব করা হয়, কোনো ঐক্য প্রকাশিত হয় না। আমরা স্বপ্ন দেখা অবস্থায় যে সময়টা অতিবাহিত করি তা বিবেচনায় এনে, গবেষকরা যে এখনো স্বপ্নের উদ্দেশ্য বুঝতে পারেনি তা হতবুদ্ধিকর মনে হয়। যা হোক, এটা বিবেচনা করা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ যে বিজ্ঞান এখনো ঘুমের সঠিক উদ্দেশ্য ও কাজ উদঘাটন করতে পারেনি। কিছু গবেষকগণ পরামর্শ দেন যে, স্বপ্নের সত্যিকার কোনো উদ্দেশ্য নেই, যেখানে অন্যরা বিশ্বাস করে যে স্বপ্ন দেখা মানসিক, আবেগিক ও শারীরিক কল্যাণের জন্য আবশ্যক।
তারপর, আরও কিছু প্রধান স্বপ্ন তত্ত্ব সম্পর্কে জানা যাক।
মনোবীক্ষণিক বিষয়বস্তুর সাথে সংগতিপূর্ণ, সিগমন্ড ফ্রেড এর স্বপ্ন তত্ত্ব অনুযায়ী স্বপ্ন হলো অবচেতন মনের ইচ্ছা, ভাবনা ও প্রেষণার রূপায়ণ। ফ্রেড এর মতে, মানুষ আগ্রাসী ও যৌন বিষয় দ্বারা তাড়িত হয় যা তাদের সচেতন হওয়া থেকে দমিয়ে রাখে। যখন এ ভাবনাগুলো সচেতনভাবে প্রকাশিত না হয়, স্বপ্নের মাধ্যমে আমাদের সচেতনতায় এগুলো তাদের পথ খুঁজে নেয়। ফ্রেড তার বিখ্যাত বই  The Interpretation of Dreams- এ লিখেছেন যে স্বপ্ন হলো ‘দমিয়ে রাখা ইচ্ছেগুলোর ছদ্মবেশী পূর্ণতা।’
ফ্রেড এর তত্ত্ব স্বপ্ন ব্যাখ্যার জনপ্রিয়তার ক্ষেত্রে অবদান রেখেছে। তার পথ অনুসরণ করে অনেক তত্ত্ববিদ স্বপ্ন সম্পর্কে নিজেদের ধারণা ব্যক্ত করেছেন। নিচের তত্ত্বগুলো এগুলোর কয়েকটি:
► কিছু গবেষক মনে করেন যে স্বপ্ন হল ঘুমের সময় মস্তিষ্ক চালিত সংকেতের একটি মনোগত ব্যাখ্যা। স্বপ্ন অর্থহীন নয়। বরং স্বপ্ন দেখার সময় মানসিক বোধশক্তি বিকাশের উপাদানগুলো আমাদের মস্তিষ্কে নতুন ধারণার জন্ম দেয়।
► একটি তত্ত্ব অনুযায়ী স্বপ্ন হল ঘুমের সময় আমাদের মস্তিষ্কের বাহ্যিক উদ্দীপনাকে রূপদানের চেষ্টার ফল। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, রেডিওর শব্দ স্বপ্নের বিষয়বস্তুর সাথে একীভূত হতে পারে।
► অন্য একটি তত্ত্বে স্বপ্ন দেখার কারণ ব্যাখ্যা করতে কম্পিউটারের সাথে তুলনা করা হয়েছে। এই তত্ত্ব অনুযায়ী স্বপ্নের কাজ হল মনের এলোমেলো অবস্থার অবসান ঘটানো, অনেকটা কম্পিউটার পরিষ্কারের মত, মনকে সতেজ করে পরের দিনের জন্য প্রস্তুত করা। 
► তবু আরেকটি নমুনায় রয়েছে যে স্বপ্ন মনস্তাত্তি¡ক চিকিৎসা হিসাবে কাজ করে। এ তত্ত্বে, একজন স্বপ্নদর্শী একটি নিরাপদ পরিবেশে বিভিন্ন ভাবনা ও আবেগের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করতে সক্ষম হয়।
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) Which of the following has the closest meaning the word 'fascinate'?
 (i) bore (ii) delight (iii) famish (iv) repel
(b) The word 'nightmare' in the context refers to —.
 (i) bad dream (ii) day-dream (iii) imagination (iv) romantic dream
(c) "The Interpretation of Dreams" is written by —.
 (i) Charles Darwin   (ii) Sigmund Freud 
 (iii) Karl Marx  (iv) Leo Tolstoy 
(d) The word 'meaningless' in the passage has the closest meaning to —.
 (i) fruitful (ii) fruitless (iii) significant (iv) important
(e) Dreams serve to 'clean up' clutter from the mind. What does it imply?
 (i) dreams refresh the mind (ii) dreams remove mental agony 
 (iii) dreams deal with mental problem (iv) dreams remain in the mind
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) Which of the following is the closest meaning of the word 'empirical'?
 (i) impractical (ii) practical (iii) theoretical (iv) illogical
(g) What does the word 'research' mean?
 (i) search (ii) look for (iii) study  (iv) revision
(h) The word 'puzzling' means —.
 (i) perplexing (ii) straightforward (iii) wise (iv) enlightening
(i) The word 'thought' means —.
 (i) objection (ii) opposition (iii) supporter (iv) opinion
(j) Dreams can be — vivid or very vague.
 (i) exceptionally (ii) usually (iii) ordinarily (iv) normally
(k) What does the word 'vivid' mean?
 (i) lifeless (ii) colourless (iii) colourful (iv) unrealistic
(l) The word 'vague' means —.
 (i) definite (ii) unclear (iii) clear (iv) solid
(m) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'essential'?
 (i) necessary (ii) unnecessary (iii) valueless (iv) inessential
(n) What does the word 'prominent' mean?
 (i) ordinary (ii) notable (iii) known (iv) infamous
(o) The word 'perspective' means —.
 (i) viewpoint (ii) personal (iii) cognitive (iv) pervasive
(p) Dreams are a — of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations.
 (i) present (ii) gift (iii) depiction (iv) depression
(q) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'unconscious'?
 (i) aware (ii) insensible (iii) subconscious (iv) sensible
(r) What is the synonym of the word 'desire'?
 (i) expectation (ii) exception (iii) excursion (iv) demand
(s) The word 'interpret' means —.
 (i) to interrupt (ii) to clarify (iii) to confess (iv) to concentrate
(t) The word 'cognitive' refers to a —.
 (i) mental process of understanding (ii) process of entertainment
 (iii) process of keeping good health (iv) process of developing thoughts
(u) The word 'clutter' refers to —.
 (i) confusion (ii) relaxation (iii) tension (iv) action
(v) The word 'function' in the passage has the closest meaning to —.
 (i) operate (ii) behave (iii) go (iv) perform
(w) Which of the following is the closest word of 'consensus'?
 (i) decision (ii) discussion (iii) permition (iv) emotion
(x) Dreams function as a form of — .
 (i) radiotherapy  (ii) psychotherapy  (iii) physiotherapy  (iv) brain therapy 
(y) The word 'aggressive' in the passage has the closest meaning to —.
 (i) offensive (ii) submissive (iii) friendly (iv) timid
(z) 'puzzling over the content of dream'— what does it imply?
 (i) thinking deeply about the subject of dream 
 (ii) thinking deeply about the condition of dream 
 (iii) thinking deeply about the satisfaction of dream
 (iv) thinking lightly about the subject of dream
(aa) The word 'basic' means —.
 (i) main  (ii) fundamental (iii) important (iv) major
(bb) A dream is —.
 (i) sleep  (ii) what we experience during sleep
 (iii) our intention of future activities (iv) what we want to be
(cc) Empirical research on dream is —.
 (i) recent (ii) old (iii) past (iv) current
(dd) 'Perspective' could be best replaced by–.
 (i) outlook (ii) perception (iii) concept (iv) precept
(ee) What is the main idea of the passage?
 (i) To focus the purpose of dream (ii) To disintegrate dreams from nightmare
 (iii) To define dream and its purposes (iv) To give us idea about dream
(ff) For which one, as mentioned in the passage, dreaming is not essential?
 (i) mental well being  (ii) physical upliftment 
 (iii) sentimental developments (iv) anger management
(gg) Which of the followings is the correct meaning of 'unravel' in the third paragraph?
 (i) riddle (ii) baffle (iii) unearth (iv) unbriddle
(hh) Which of the following is not incorrect?
 (i) There is a definite reason of dreaming 
 (ii) Dreams are a representation of conscious desires
 (iii) Scientists have been researching dreams for thousands of years
 (iv) We are very often puzzled by the content of dream
Answer (A):
(a) (ii) delight (b) (i) bad dream (c) (ii) Sigmund Freud (d) (ii) fruitless (e) (i) dreams refresh the mind (f) (ii) practical (g) (iii) study (h) (i) perplexing (i) (iv) opinion (j) (i) exceptionally (k) (iii) colourful (l) (ii) unclear (m) (i) necessary (n) (ii) notable (o) (i) viewpoint (p) (iii) depiction (q) (ii) insensible (r) (i) expectation (s) (ii) to clarify (t) (i) mental process of understanding (u) (i) confusion (v) (iv) perform (w) (i) decision (x) (ii) psychotherapy (y) (i) offensive (z) (i) thinking deeply about the subject of dream (aa) (ii) fundamental (bb) (ii) what we experience during sleep (cc) (i) recent (dd) (i) outlook (ee) (iii) to define dream and its purposes (ff) (iv) anger management (gg) (iii) unearth (hh) (iii) Scientists have been researching dreams for thousands of years

B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) What do you know about a dream?
(b) Why do we dream?
(c) What purpose do dreams serve according to the researchers?
(d) Is a dream real or unreal? Give reasons for your answer. 
(e) Who is a dreamer? Do you like a dreamer? Why/ why not?
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) Who have been fascinated by dreams for thousands of years? What is the recent progress regarding dreams?
(g) Who is the writer of "The Interpretation of Dreams"? What did the writer write about dreams in this book?
(h) How did Freud's theory contribute to the popularity of dream interpretation?
(i) "The sound of the radio may be incorporated into the content of a dream." What is the theory of this example?
(j) Explain the theory of dreams that says "dreams are not meaningless" in 2/3 sentences.
(k) What purpose do dreams serve? Describe in 2/3 sentences.
(l) Is there any relation between dream and action?
(m) Why does a theory use a computer metaphor to account for dreams?
(n) What can a dreamer do when dreams function as a form of psychotherapy?
(o) What is dream according to the passage?
(p) What do you suggest to be essential for coming to a conclusion on the cause(s) and purpose of dream?
(q) Which one is more important: dream or sleep? Why?
(r) What is the opinion of some researchers regarding dream?
(s) "Dreams serve no real purpose"– do you agree with this statement? Why/why not?
(t) What does the expression 'disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes' mean?
(u) Why do you think dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years?
(v) Give your own ideas on Sigmund Freud's theory in interpreting dreams.
(w) What is the difference between dreams and nightmares? Explain.
(x) What do you think how much science has been successful in interpreting dreams?
(y) What do you know about prominent dream theories?
Answer (B):
 (a) A dream is a series of images, events and feelings that happen in our mind while we are in sleep. Dream can be vivid or vague. Sometimes it is joyful and sometimes frightening.
 (b) We dream for our mental, emotional and physical well-being. Though some researchers think that dreams serve no real purpose.
 (c) According to some researchers, dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
 (d) A dream is unreal. It is a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem oral or part of normal life.
 (e) A person who dreams is a dreamer. No, I do not like a dreamer. Because a dreamer has ideas or plans that are not practical or realistic. He does not pay attention to what is happening around him. Moreover, he does not always remember his dreams.
 (f) The philosophers have been fascinated by dreams for thousands of years. The recent progress regarding dreams is that dreams have been subjected to empirical research and scientific study.
 (g) Sigmund Freud is the writer of "The Interpretation of Dreams". In this book he wrote that dreams are '....... disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes'.
 (h) Freud's theory had a great contribution to the popularity of dream interpretation. Many theorists followed his paths and they came up with their own ideas about dreams.
 (i) The theory of the given example is that dreams are the result of our brains trying to interpret external stimuli during sleep.
 (j) The theory of dreams that says 'dreams are not meaningless' describes the dreams as a subjective interpretation of signals generated by the brain during sleep. During dreams the cognitive elements in our brain produce new ideas.
  (k) According to some researchers' suggestion, there is no real purpose of dream. But the other researchers believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
 (l) Yes, I think there is a relation between dream and action. People dream first and then they take action according to their dream to fulfill their dream.
 (m) A theory uses a computer metaphor to account for dreams because according to this theory, dreams serve to 'clean up' clutter from the mind, much like clean-up operation in a computer, refreshing the mind to prepare for the next day.
 (n) When dreams function as a form of psychotherapy, a dreamer can be able to make connection between different thoughts and emotions in a safe environment.
 (o) According to the passage dream is what we experience during sleep.
 (p) I suggest the mental and physical states that a person undergoes when he or she is not sleeping may be essential cause of dream and I don't think dreams have any real purpose.
 (q) Sleep is more important than dream because dream does not determine our health but sleep does.
 (r) Some researchers are of the opinion that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
 (s) Yes, I agree because a dream is unreal. A dream is a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem real or part of normal life.
 (t) The expression means that dreams are a representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. 
 (u) Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years because without dreams they would not have succeeded. The recent progress regarding dreams is that dreams have been subjected to empirical research and scientific study.
 (v) Freud's theory of dreams suggests that dreams are a representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivation. As such his theory contributed to the popularity of dream interpretation. 
 (w) A dream is a series of images, events and feelings that happen in our mind when we are asleep. Dream can be vivid or vague or joyful or frightening. But a nightmare is a dream which is extremely bad and causes anxiety and fear in our mind. 
 (x) I think, science has not been successful yet in interpreting dreams. According to some researchers, dreams serve no real purpose while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being. But they didn't discover the real purpose of it.
 (y) The prominent dream theories say that 'dreams are not meaningless' rather describes the dreams as a subjective interpretation of signals generated by the brain during sleep. During dreams the cognitive elements in our brain produce new ideas.

2. Read the above text and make a flow chart showing the aspects of dreams. (One has been done for you.) 2☓5 = 10
1. Fascinating to the philosophers → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6.

Or, Read the above passage and complete the table below with the given information. 1 × 10 = 10
What/ Who Where Time Information
Dreams  for thousands of years (i) ..........
Dreams  (ii) .......... subjected to research and study
Emotions (iii) .......... during sleep (iv) ..........
Consensus  (v) .......... having emerged
(vi) .......... around the world still (vii) ..........
(viii) ......... to the world (ix) .......... giving the theory of dream
Dreamers (x) .......... during sleep making connections between thoughts and emotions
Answer (2):
A flow chart showing the aspects of dreams is given below:
1. Fascinating to the philosophers → 2. Puzzling → 3. Vivid or vague → 4. Joyful or frightening → 5. Understanble or confusing → 6. Representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations

Or, (i) fascinating philosophers (ii) recently (iii) in a dream (iv) having experience (v) while many theories being proposed (vi) Science (vii) remaining unravelled exact function of sleep (viii) Sigmund Freud (ix) in the last century (x) in a safe environment

3. Write a summary of the above text. 10
Answer (3):
Dreams have been making an attractive atmosphere to philosophers for hundreds and thousands of years. It is also a subject of pragmatic and scientific research nowadays. While sleeping, a dream can picture skilled emotions that can be cheerful or fearful, perplexing or understandable. But experts have not been able to understand the aim explicitly and science is trying to disclose it. Many researchers think that dreams have no practical goal but others believe that dreaming is essential for psychological or physical well-being.

4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable word from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5☓10 = 5
influence design is craftworks a and
it mainly way qualities naturally its
Craftwork refers to the making of things, especially decorative objects, by hands as a profession or a leisure activity. A craftwork is a dynamic object which (a) –– our way of life. A craftwork is (b) –– handmade. It is one kind of art. (c) –– reflects its creator’s imagination. It represents a (d) –– of life and a cultural flavour. As (e) –– result changes of lifestyle have impacts on (f) –– and their productions. Craftworks have some applied (g) ––. It usually doesn't bear the distinctive of (h) ––maker but retains a personal touch. It (i) –– shaped by the signature of individual creativity (j) –– community aesthetics, interaction functions and human values. 

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap. 1☓10 = 10
Nanomedicine is the preservation and improvement of human health using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body. It is the medical (a) –– for nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can bring revolution in (b) –– fields. The impacts of the application of (c) –– in the field of medicine can be (d) ––. To destroy cancer cells, Molecules can be (e) ––. Nanotechnology can provide the possibility of delivering (f) –– to specific cells of the body. By (g) ––this technology overall drug consumption and side (h) –– may be lowered significantly. Nanomedicine may be (i) –– as a part of tissue engineering to (j) –– reproduce or repair damaged tissue. Nanorobots can be used to repair or detect infections or damages.   

6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 10
(a) It saves us from the harmful effects of environment pollution. 
(b) Different methods of clean energy such as wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydropower, nuclear and bio-fuel are being used now. 
(c) The method of clean energy is one of them. 
(d) Besides big oil companies are against this clean energy. 
(e) But as we spent 150 years depending on oil, it would be difficult to get the habit of clean energy.
(f) We are waiting for many breakthroughs of science. 
(g) Clean energy is heat and electricity which is produced from renewable sources. 
(h) Because we use fossil fuels which creates a threat for environment. 
(i) And it creates little pollution or emissions. 
(j) In spite of their unwillingness many European countries have started to produce clean energy.

Part-II: Writing Test (40 Marks)
7. Write a paragraph on the following questions. Your answers to the questions should give as much detail as possible. 10
(a) What is meant by gender discrimination? (b) Why do people discriminate between boys and girls? (c) What are the major fields of gender discrimination in our country? (d) What are the after effects of such discrimination? (e) What steps can be taken to remove gender discrimination from our social system?

8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words. 7
Long long ago there lived a mighty king in England. His name was King Lear. He ruled England properly. In his old age he decided...................

9. Suppose, you are Anik/Anika of Bangladesh. You have a Facebook friend in Thailand. Her name is Luchu. Now, write an e-mail to her describing the natural beauties of Bangladesh. 5

10. The chart shows the sources of air pollution in a city. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart. 1☓10 = 10

11. Write down the theme of the following poem (Not more than 80 words). 8
I sit on one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street
Uncertain and afraid
As the clever hopes expire.
Of a low dishonest decade:
Waves of anger and fear Circulate over the bright
And darkened lands of the earth,
Obsessing our private lives;
The unmentionable odour of death
Offends the September night.


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