HSC English 1st Paper Model Test-36 (বাংলা অনুবাদসহ) pdf download

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, NCTB প্রণীত সর্বশেষ প্রশ্নকাঠামো ও মানবণ্টন অনুযায়ী ১, ২ ও ৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য পরীক্ষায় ৩টি Seen Passage থাকবে। সুতরাং পরীক্ষায় একই Passage ১নং বা ২নং বা ৩নং প্রশ্নের জন্য Set করা হতে পারে। তাই অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে বিশেষজ্ঞ শিক্ষকগণ ও মাস্টার ট্রেইনারদের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী একই Passage এর অধীনে ১, ২ ও ৩ নং এর ওপর প্রশ্ন প্রদান করা হল। এগুলো নিয়মিত অনুশীলন করলে উপকৃত হবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

Model Test-36
HSC English First Paper
Question with Answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-I: Reading Test (60 Marks) 
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where, 
Nor any drop to drink.
Coleridge' poem, a ballad, narrates the harrowing sea-voyage of an old mariner who at one point of his journey didn't have any water to drink because of a curse. Cursed or not, we know how important drinking water is in our life. We know we cannot survive without it. In fact two-thirds of our body is made up of water. Not for nothing is it said that the other name of water is life. Is there a crisis in our time with regard to access to clean drinking water? The United Nations in a meeting on the eve of the new millennium identified the drinking water problem as one of the challenges for the future. But do we need to worry about the problem as ours is a land of rivers and we have plenty of rainfall? Besides, we have a sea in our backyard too.
One of the sources of water in our country are the rivers. Rivers are everywhere in our life, literature, economy and culture. But are the rivers in good shape? Unfortunately, they are not. A few are already dead and several are going through the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example of a dying river. A report published in the Daily Sun describes what has happened to the river Buriganga and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air around it. But that is not what it was like before.
The report says that the river had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary of the mighty Ganges and flowed into the Bay of Bengal through the river Dhaleshwari. Gradually, it lost its link with the Ganges and got the name Buriganga. The Mughals marveled at the tide level of the Buriganga and founded their capital Jahangirnagar on its banks in 1610. The river supplied drinking water and supported trade and commerce. Jahangirnagar was renamed Dhaka which grew into a heavily populated city with a chronic shortage of space........................
[Unit-8; Lesson-1]
[SB '17; Rajshahi Cadet College- '16; Shamsul Hoque Khan School & College, Dhaka- '16; Dania University College, Dhaka- '16; Dinajpur Govt. Women's College- '16; Cox's Bazar Govt. College- '16]

বাংলা অনুবাদঃ
পানি, পানি, সর্বত্র/ সব জায়গায়,
এবং সবগুলো জাহাজ সঙ্কুচিত হয়েছিল;
পানি, পানি, সর্বত্র/ সব জায়গায়,
পান করার জন্য এক ফোঁটাও নয়।
কলরিজ এর কবিতা, একটি গীতিকবিতা, যা এক বৃদ্ধ নাবিকের হৃদয় বিদারক সমুদ্রযাত্রার বর্ণনা দিচ্ছে যে অভিশাপের কারণে ভ্রমণের এক পর্যায়ে পান করার পানিও পায়নি। অভিশপ্ত হই বা নাই হই, আমরা জানি আমাদের জীবনে পানীয় জল কত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আমরা জানি, আমরা এছাড়া বাঁচতে পারি না। প্রকৃতপক্ষে, আমাদের শরীরের দুই-তৃতীয়াংশ পানির সমন্বয়ে গঠিত। অকারণে বলা হয় না যে পানির অপর নাম জীবন। আমাদের সময়ে পরিষ্কার পানীয় প্রাপ্তির ব্যাপারে কোনো সংকট আছে কি? নতুন সহস্রাব্দের প্রাক্কালে জাতিসংঘ এক সভায় পানীয় জলের সমস্যা ভবিষ্যতের অন্যতম হুমকি হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করেছে। কিন্তু এ সমস্যার ব্যাপারে আমাদের কি দুশ্চিন্তা করা প্রয়োজন আছে যেহেতু আমাদের দেশটি নদীমাতৃক এবং আমাদের এখানে প্রচুর পরিমাণে বৃষ্টিপাত হয়? তাছাড়া, আমাদের পেছনের দিকে একটা সাগরও রয়েছে।
আমাদের দেশের পানির অন্যতম উৎস হচ্ছে নদী। নদী আমাদের জীবন, সাহিত্য, অর্থনীতি এবং সংস্কৃতির সর্বত্রই বিরাজমান। কিন্তু নদীগুলো কি ভালো অবস্থায়/ আকৃতিতে আছে? দুর্ভাগ্যবশত তা নেই। কিছু নদী ইতোমধ্যে মৃত এবং অনেক নদী মৃত্যু যন্ত্রণার মধ্য দিয়ে চলছে। বুড়িগঙ্গা নদী একটা মৃত প্রায় নদীর উদাহরণ। ডেইলি সান পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত এক প্রতিবেদনে বুড়িগঙ্গা নদীর এমন দশা কেন হয়েছে তার বর্ণনা দিয়েছে। এর পানি দূষিত এবং একটা অন্তহীন দুর্গন্ধে এর চারিদিকের বাতাসপূর্ণ। কিন্তু এটা আগে যেমন ছিল তার মত নয়।
প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে যে নদীটির একটি গৌরবময় অতীত ছিল। একসময় এটা প্রমত্তা গঙ্গার শাখানদী ছিল এবং ধলেশ্বরী নদীর মাধ্যমে বঙ্গোপসাগরে প্রবাহিত হত। ধীরে ধীরে এটা গঙ্গানদীর সংগে সংযোগ হারিয়ে ফেলে এবং বুড়িগঙ্গা নাম ধারণ করে। মুঘলরা বুড়িগঙ্গার জোয়ার ভাটার উচ্চতায় বিস্মিত হতেন এবং ১৬১০ সালে তারা এর তীরে তাদের রাজধানী জাহাঙ্গীরনগর প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন। নদীটি পানীয় জল সরবরাহ এবং ব্যবসা বাণিজ্যে সহায়তা করত। জাহাঙ্গীরনগরের পুনঃনামকরণ ঢাকা করা হয়েছিল যা তীব্র স্থানাভাবে মারাত্মক জনবহুল নগরীতে পরিণত হয়েছে।....................
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) What could be the closest meaning for 'ballad' in the first paragraph? [SB '17]
 (i) epical poem  (ii) mock-epical song 
 (iii) parody  (iv) simple narrative poem
(b) The word 'curse' in the first paragraph refers to —.  [SB '17]
 (i) discharge  (ii) devilish act
 (iii) divine decree of destruction (iv) angel's bounty
(c) 'Survive' in the first paragraph could be best replaced by —.  [SB '17]
 (i) exist (ii) attend (iii) appear (iv) revive
(d) The old mariner had a very — sea-voyage. [SB '17]
 (i) pleasant (ii) agonizing (iii) wonderful (iv) memorable
(e) The best synonym of perpetual is —. [SB '17]
 (i) continuous (ii) stable (iii) entire (iv) temporary
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) What does the word 'mariner' mean?
 (i) sailor  (ii) tailor  (iii) pilot  (iv) bus driver 
(g) The word 'harrowing' in the passage refers to —.
 (i) bitter  (ii) enjoyable  (iii) awesome  (iv) attracting 
(h) Once Buriganga flowed into the Bay of Bengal through —.
 (i) Karnaphuli (ii) Tista (iii) Dhaleshwari (iv) Padma
(i) Guess the meaning of the word 'perpetual' used in the passage —.
 (i) eternal  (ii) temporary  (iii) transient  (iv) floating 
(j) ".... the other name of water is life." What does it imply?
 (i) life without water is impossible (ii) water is an unnecessary thing
 (iii) water has no importance in life (iv) none of the above
(k) Who is the writer of the four lines mentioned in the passage?
 (i) Keats (ii) Coleridge (iii) Shelley (iv) Shakespeare
(l) Ballad is close to —.
 (i) verse (ii) prose (iii) epic (iv) sonnet
(m) Water is mostly important for our —.
 (i) economy (ii) literature (iii) life (iv) culture
(n) Which is an example of dying river?
 (i) Dhaleshwari (ii) Ganges (iii) Buriganga (iv) all the above
(o) Buriganga lost its link with Ganges —.
 (i) rapidly (ii) slowly (iii) swiftly (iv) both (ii) and (iii)
(p) Capital Jahangirnagar was founded in —.
 (i) 17th century  (ii) 16th century 
 (iii) mid of the 16th century (iv) early of the 17th century
(q) At past Buriganga flowed into —.
 (i) Bay of Bengal (ii) Ganges (iii) Dhaleshwari (iv) Both (i) and (ii)
(r) The closest meaning of 'survive' is —.
 (i) endure (ii) develop (iii) live (iv) success
(s) In the passage 'tributary" is used as —.
 (i) a branch of a sea (ii) a branch of a river (iii) a branch of a city (iv) both (i) and (ii)
(t) The word "mighty" refers to —.
 (i) powerful (ii) dignified (iii) weak (iv) slender
(u) The word "gradually" means —.
 (i) gently (ii) lightly (iii) harshly (iv) slowly
(v) The closest meaning of the word "marveled" is —.
 (i) gassed (ii) amazed (iii) angry (iv) confused
Answer (A):
(a) (iv) simple narrative poem (b) (iii) divine decree of destruction (c) (i) exist (d) (ii) agonizing (e) (i) continuous (f) (i) sailor (g) (i) bitter (h) (iii) Dhaleshwari (i) (i) eternal (j) (i) life without water is impossible (k) (ii) Coleridge (l) (i) verse (m) (iii) life (n) (iii) Buriganga (o) (ii) slowly (p) (iv) early of the 17th century (q) (i) Bay of Bengal (r) (iii) live (s) (ii) a branch of a river (t) (i) powerful (u) (iv) slowly (v) (ii) amazed

B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) What, according to you, are the significance of water? [SB '17]
(b) Why have the United Nations identified drinking water problem as a challenge? [SB '17]
(c) Narrate the conditions of the rivers in Bangladesh in your own words. [SB '17]
(d) What has been depicted in a report published in the Daily Sun? [SB '17]
(e) Do you think the Buriganga river is dying? If so, why? [SB '17]
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) What do the four lines of the poem describe?
(g) Why do we need water?
(h) What does the passage deal with?
(i) Describe the past condition of the river Buriganga.
(j) What is your suggestion to save our rivers from pollution?
(k) Why does Buriganga need a monster's stomach?
(l) What do we learn from the old mariner's sea-voyage?
(m) Why is water called the other name of life?
(n) What will be the challenge for the future according to the United Nations? 
(o) How do we realize the presence of rivers in our life?
(p) What is the present condition of most of our rivers? Give an example from the passage.
(q) How was river Buriganga glorious in the past? Describe in 2/3 sentences.
(r) How is Buriganga polluted everyday?
(s) According to experts which areas are responsible for river pollution?
(t) How is water important in our life?
Answer (B):
 (a) The significance of water is immense. We cannot survive without water. It is said that the other name of water is life.
 (b) The access of clean drinking water is a crisis in our time. That is why the United Nations identified drinking water problem as a challenge. 
 (c) The rivers of our country are in great danger. Most of the rivers are dying. A few are already dead. The water of the rivers is polluted. 
 (d) A report published in the Daily Sun has depicted the present condition of the river Buriganga. The report also published the reasons behind the vulnerable condition of the river.
 (e) Yes, I think the Buriganga river is dying. It is because of the random discharging of wastes in it. Industrial wastes, human wastes and wastes from the water vehicle are discharging indiscriminately in the river Buriganga and thus the river is dying.
 (f) The four lines of the poem describe the harrowing sea-voyage of an old mariner who at one point of his journey didn't have any water to drink because of a curse. The lines also indicate the importance of water in our life. 
 (g) We need water for various reasons. Basically two-thirds of our body is made up of water. It is a source of life. Our body and water are inter-related.
 (h) The passage deals with the river Buriganga about its present condition, concerning with the glorious past as a source of water in our country, mentioning a part of S.T. Coleridge's poem.
 (i) The river Buriganga had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary of the mighty Ganges and flowed into the Bay of Bengal through the river Dhaleshwari. Gradually, it lost its link with the Ganges and got the name Buriganga. The Mughals marveled at the tide level of the Buriganga and founded their capital Jahangirnagar on its banks in 1610.
 (j) At first, we have to be sincere in our daily work. Discharge of industrial wastes into rivers has to be stopped and similarly alternative dumping zones need to be created. Besides, the polluted rivers are to be treated and dredged. 
 (k) Buriganga needs a monster's stomach to digest all the toxic materials and wastes which are thrown by the people, mills and factories, hospitals and clinics etc.
 (l) In the voyage of the old mariner we see that, he was in the middle of the water but cannot drink a drop of water. Because the water was not drinkable. So this indicates, as like as the mariner we will also face this kind of situation. The water around us is polluting gradually. There will come one day when we will not get pure water to drink.
 (m) Water is the other name of life because we cannot survive without it. Even two thirds of our body is made up of water.
 (n) In a meeting on the eve of the new millennium the United Nations identified the drinking water problem as one of the challenges for the future.
 (o) We realize the presence of rivers when we find it everywhere in our life, literature, economy and culture.
 (p) The present condition of our rivers is not good. A few are already dead and several are going through the pangs of death. Buriganga is the most important example among the dying rivers.
 (q) In the past Buriganga was glorious, because it was a tributary of the mighty Ganges and flowed into the Bay of Bengal. Being surprised at the tide level of the Buriganga. The Mughals founded their capital Jahangirnagar on its banks. The river supplied drinking water and supported trade and commerce.
 (r) Buriganga is polluted by the toxic materials and wastes which are thrown by the mills and factories, hospitals and clinics etc. The Dhaka city discharges about 4500 tons of solid waste everyday.
 (s) According to the experts nine industrial areas in and around the capital city are the primary sources of river pollution. They are : Tongi, Tejgaon, Hazaribagh, Tarabo, Narayanganj, Savar, Gazipur, Dhaka Export processing zone and Ghorashal.
 (t) Water is important many ways in our life. We cannot deny the necessity of water for our existence as two thirds of our body is composed of water.

2. Read the above text and make a flow chart showing the glorious past of river Buriganga. (One has been done for you.) 2☓5 = 10
1. Tributary of the Ganges → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6.
Answer (2):
A flow chart showing the glorious past of river Buriganga is given below:
1. Tributary of the Ganges → 2. Flowed into the Bay of Bengal → 3. Marvellous tide level → 4. Founding Jahangirnagar as capital on its bank → 5. Source of drinking water → 6. Supporting trade and commerce

3. Write a summary of the above text. 10
Answer (3):
We know that the other name of water is life. It is because no living being can survive without it. In a meeting on the eve of the new millennium, the United Nations identified the drinking water problem as one of the challenges for the future. Bangladesh, being a riverine country, had a glorious past. Then the rivers and canals were filled with water and people easily found fishes of different species. Besides, our rivers were pollution free and people could use water for drinking, cooking and cultivation. But at present the rivers are polluted with toxic chemicals, food waste and human waste. As a result, the water has become totally undrinkable and unusable. The river Buriganga is a perfect example of this conditions. It is very much polluted with toxic materials and perpetual stench fills the air all around it. Unless we take care of our rivers, a day may come when we will cry for water everywhere but we will not get a drop of it to drink.

4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable word from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5☓10 = 5
lay down dignity small cover warn ordinary
magnificent preserve who huge enable memory
We have a national memorial at Savar. Our National Memorial is a (a) — monument founded in (b) — of our valiant freedom fighters (c) — fought for our liberation and (d) — their lives. Their mission was to (e) — us to stand upright in honour and (f) — with other nations of the world. There is a plan to build a (g) — complex in several stages of development. The whole complex (h) — an area of 126 acres which will include a mosque, a library and a museum. The relics of the Liberation War (i) — in the museum will remind its visitors the supreme sacrifices of our valiant freedom fighters. It will simultaneously give all a (j) — that the oppressors will always be defeated.

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap. 1☓10 = 10
Over pollution is a threat to the environment. The world is getting (a) — because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die (b) — as a result of pollution. In recent years, there have been many (c) — reports  that the world's (d) — is undergoing a significant (e) —. All these reports provide strong (f) — that world temperatures are (g) — day by day. Climatologists (h) — that mid way through the next century temperature may have (i) — as much as 4 centigrade. This could raise sea-levels and thereby (j) — coastal areas and farmlands.

6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 1☓10 = 10
(a) But the sound vanished in the air. Meanwhile, he saw a man coming towards him.
(b) The nobleman was so kind-hearted and lifted up the heavy sack and placed on the horse's back.
(c) Once a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill.
(d) "You can do that easily, friend" said the nobleman.
(e) A sack fell down on the way when the horse stumbled.
(f) If I asked him to help me, it would become an insult to him, thought the farmer.
(g) "My Lord, how can I thank you" the farmer said cordially.
(h) Help someone while he is in danger. It will be thanking me.
(i) The farmer could recognize him.
(j) "Is there anyone to lift the sack please?" the farmer said indefinitely.

Part-II: Writing Test (40 Marks)
7. Write a paragraph on "Dowry" on the basis of the answers to the following questions in about 200 words. 10
(a) What is dowry? (b) What is the main reason of dowry? (c) Who take dowry and who are the victims of dowry? (d) How does if affect the whole society? (e) How can this vice be eliminated?

8. The following is the beginning of a story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 7
Once in a village there lived two friends. They were very close. One day they were walking through a forest. They .................

9. Suppose, one of your friends borrowed a book from you. Send a message to him through email to return your book. 5

10. The following is a graph on population growth in Bangladesh over the past few years. Examine it and write a paragraph on it. 1☓10 = 10

11. Write down the theme of the following poem (Not more than 50 words). 8
Hold fast to dreams 
For if dreams die 
Life is a broken-winged bird 
That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams 
For when dreams go 
Life is a barren field 
Frozen with snow.


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