30+ Sentence Connector exercise with answer board question pdf download

Board Exam Preparation
Sentence Connectors
[Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. 0.5x10=5]

English 2nd Paper
Sentence Connector exercise with answer pdf download

1. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Dhaka Board]
Mobile phone has added a new dimension to our communication system. It has made the world closer to us. (a) __ it has made worldwide communication easier. We use it for our day to day communication. (b) __, it has been a part and parcel in our life as we cannot go for a single day without using it. We use it for rapid communication. (c) __, mobile phone is not free from defect. It has some negative sides as well. (d) __, excessive use of mobile phone may damage our hearing power. (e) __, it is a means of money wastage. (f) __, it is seen that many underworld crimes are being done with the use of mobile network. (g) __, the radiation from mobile phone may cause cancer to the users. (h) __, we are aware of these harmful effects. (i) __, we are not aware of using the mobile phone. (j) __, we must have to be conscious of the negative impact of mobile phone.
Answer: (a) That is/Besides/Now; (b) In fact/ Thus/ Therefore; (c) But/ However; (d) Firstly/ For example; (e) Secondly/ Besides; (f) Usually/ Sometimes; (g) Moreover/Again; (h) Fortunately/No doubt/ Undoubtedly; (i) Yet; (j) So/ Therefore.

2. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Cumilla Board]
Trees are a vital part of our environment. (a) __, they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) __ we are not careful about them. (c) __, we destroy trees at random. (d) __, one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect. (e) __ ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends on it. (f) __, our agriculture is dependant on rain. (g) __, trees play a vital role on our climate. (h) __, trees keep the soil strong. (i) __, trees save us from flood (j) __ many other natural calamities.
Answer: (a) In fact/Actually/Hence; (b) But/However; (c) Rather/ Moreover; (d) No doubt/ As a result/ Consequently; (e) As/ Since; (f) Besides/On the other hand; (g) Hence/ Therefore/ So; (h) Generally/ Usually/ In fact; (i) Besides/ Again/ In addition; (j) and.

3. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Rajshahi Board]
Man is a social being. (a) __, man cannot live alone. (b) __, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task. We have to follow certain rules and regulations of the society. (c) __, we should be cooperative. (d) __, we must help others when they are in need. (e) __, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f) __, we must control our emotions and behave rationally with others. (g) __, we should not think and live only for us. (h) __, we should always think and work for the betterment of the society. (i) __, we should remain prepared to sacrifice our lives for the greater interest of the society. (j) __, sacrificing our lives for the society makes us immoral.
Answer: (a) Actually/ truly/ So; (b) For this reason/That is why/  hence; (c) First of all/Firstly; (d) That is; (e)Then/ Secondly; (f) For this/Moreover; (g) Thirdly; (h) Rather; (i) Above all/ Finally; (j) Undoubtedly/ In fact/ Actually.

4. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Dinajpur Board]
It was the night before my math exam in the 2nd semester. I could not do better in the math exam of 1st semester. (a)  __, I was really serious about the exam. (b) __, I was careful enough not to spend a single moment in vain. But, the night did not pass smoothly at all. (c) __, it was full of mishaps. (d) __, the electricity went out. I waited for it for about an hour, however, there was no sign of its coming. (e) __, I lighted a candle and began to study again. The flickering light of the candle was creating problems for me. Soon, I began to feel a bad headache. I really wanted to get rid of it. (f) __, I left my reading room and stood in the balcony for some time. I began to feel better, but could not stay there for long. (g) __, I left the place. (h) __, I went to my reading room again. (i) __, to add to my gladness the electricity came. I could finish my study within two hours. (j) __, I went to bed with a happy mind.
Answer: (a) So/Therefore; (b) In fact/ Moreover; (c) Rather; (d) First of all/ For example; (e) So/However; (f) So/Hence; (g) After a while; (h) Then; (i) Fortunately; (j) Then/ At last.

5. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Jashore Board]
Unemployment is a great problem in our country. (a) __, it is the burning question of the day. (b) __ almost all the countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (c) __  Bangladesh is the worst  sufferer of this so called problem. (d) __  no where in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. (e) __ there are many reasons behind it. (f) __ our country is industrially backward. (g) __ our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. (h) __ it has little provision for vocational training. (i) __  our students and youth have false sense of dignity. (j) __ they run after jobs blindly.
Answer: (a) Also/In fact; (b) At present/ Now; (c) However; (d) But; (e) However; (f) Firstly/ For example; (g) Besides; (h) Actually; (i) Again/ In addition; (j) Therefore.

6. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following paragraph: [Chattogram Board]
Rangpur town hall is a place of cultural activities. (a) __ in 1971 it became a torture cell used by the Pakistani army. (b)   __ the army brought here innocent Bangalees. After that they started to bring Bangalee women here. Among them Mansura Begum was one who was the wife of a freedom fighter. (c) __ she was young and beautiful, she drew the attention of local collaborators. (d) __ they informed the Pakistani army. (e) __ the Pakistani army abducted Mansura. On the day of occurrence Pakistani soldiers surrounded her house. (f) __ they searched her husband who joined the Mikti Bahini. (g) __ they found her father-in-law. They started to beat him mercilessly. The old man got unconscious. (h) __ the barbarous soldiers did not stop beating him. Mansura rushed to her father-in-law, grabbed his bleeding body and begged the military not to kill him. (i) __ they did not listen to her.  They picked up the old man on the military truck. (j) __, they pulled and dragged Mansura on to the truck.
Answer: (a) But/Unfortunately; (b) At first; (c) Since/As; (d) So/Subsequently; (e) Later; (f) At that time/ Actually/At first; (g) Instead; (h) Yet; (i) However/ But; (j) Then/ After that/ Afterwards.

English 2nd Paper Board Question with answer pdf download

7. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Sylhet Board]
Honesty is a noble virtue. The man possessing this invaluable quality is the happiest man on earth, (a) __. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness. (b) __, nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c) __, he goes to the dogs. (d) __ we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy. (e) __ dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) __, dishonest people are cursed. (g) __, children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (h) __, parents should be honest and upright in their business of life. (i) __, children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j) __ they can mould their characters.
Answer: (a) indeed; (b) Truly speaking/No doubt/Undoubtedly; (c) But eventually; (d) So; (e) On the other hand/ On the contrary; (f) But/ On the other hand; (g) Therefore/ Hence; (h) That's why/ So; (i) At the same time/And; (j) Thus.

8. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Barishal Board]
Water is a vital element of the environment (a)  __ this element is polluted in many ways.  (b) __, farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their field. (c) __ rain and flood wash away these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds (d) __ pollute it.  (e) __,mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste product into water. (f) __, water vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste and human waste into it. (g) __ insanitary latrines and unsafe drains also contribute to water pollution. Water is called life.  (h) __ we cannot allow this pollution to continue. We have to raise an awareness about it. (i) __, laws should be enforced strictly. (j) __ we fail to check water pollution, we will suffer.
Answer: (a) but; (b) For example; (c) When; (d) and; (e) Moreover; (f) Similarly; (g) In addition/ Apart from these; (h) Hence/Therefore/ So; (i) At the same time; (j) If.

9. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blanks space of the following text: [Dhaka Board]
A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) __ a lamb was also drinking water from the down stream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) __ he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c) __ he hit upon a plan. (d) __ the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from down stream. (e) __ the question of muddying water on his part did not arise here. (f) __ the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water upstream. (g) __ the lion retorted that the lamb spoke ill of him a year ago. (h) __ the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i) __ he said that  perhaps his farther spoke ill of him last year. (j) __ the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.
Answer: (a) At that time; (b) So; (c) Then; (d) accordingly; (e) Therefore/So; (f) Moreover/In addition/Besides; (g) But/ However; (h) But/Surprisingly; (i) Then; (j) That’s why/ So/ Consequently.

10. Use appropriate sentences connectors in the blanks spaces of the following passage: [Cumilla Board]
Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody (a) __ it has become very popular. (b) __ it has created a number of problems. It has (c) __ advantages (d) __ disadvantages. (e) __ it helps to connect people. (f) __ it helps to exchange information. (g) __ it can be used for various purposes. (h) __ it has a few disadvantages (i) __ can cause a lot of troubles. (j) __ its advantages are more than its disadvantages.
Answer: (a) Nowadays; (b) At the same time/ However/But; (c) both; (d) and; (e) For example; (f) Besides; (g) Furthermore/ Moreover; (h) On the other hand; (i) that/which; (j) However/In sum.

11. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage: [Rajshahi Board]
(a) __ I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I picked it up and opened it to see (b) __  I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside (c) __ some small change and a rather old photograph__ a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back (d) __ took the purse to the Police station. (e) __ I handed it to the sergeant in charge. Before I left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address in case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, (f) __ there would be four people at table. The young woman's face was familiar (g) __ I could not remember where I had seen it. I was quite sure (h) __ we had not met before. (i) __ conversation, however, the young woman happened to mark that she had lost her purse that afternoon. I at once remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young woman in the photograph (j) __ she was now much older.
Answer: (a) when/while; (b) whether/if; (c) except; (d) and; (e) Then; (f) and; (g) but; (h) that; (i) During; (j) although.

12. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  [Dinajpur Board]
Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) __ possesses this rare quality is the happiest man on earth. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness (b) __ nobody trusts a lair. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c) __ ultimately he goes to the dogs. (d) __ we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy (e) __ dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) __ dishonest people are cursed. Childhood is the best time (g) __ children should be taught honesty. It is seen that children follow their parents. (h) __ parents should be honest. (i) __ children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j) __ they can mould their characters.
Answer: (a) who; (b) because; (c) But; (d) So; (e) and; (f) On the other hand; (g) when; (h) So; (i) And; (j) Thus.

13. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  [Jashore Board]
Time and tide wait for none. (a) __ no one can stop the onward march of time. (b) __, we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) __ , we should make proper use of every single moment of our life. (d) __, the students should understand the value of time. It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (e) __, they kill their time. (f) __ , they cannot prepare their lessons well. (g) __ they always have a poor preparation for the examination. (h) __ they cannot do well in the examination. (i) __ , they do not stop wasting time. (j) __, they continue to waste their time using cell phone and Facebook till it is too late for them.
Answer: (a) And; (b) So; (c) Rather; (d) Most importantly; (e) Thus; (f) As a result; (g) Consequently; (h) As a result; (i) Nevertheless; (j) Besides/Moreover.

14. Use appropriate sentences connectors in the blanks spaces of the following passage: [Chattogram Board]
Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a) __, her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. (b) __, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c) __, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and sow seeds in time. (d) __, they can reap a good harvest. (e) __, if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have good harvest. (f) __, without water our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture. (g) __, sometimes it rains so much that it causes floods. (h) __, our crops go under water and most often, they are totally destroyed. (i) __, the farmers who constitute the most part of our professional people, lose everything. (j) __ we can safely conclude that our economy depends on rain.
Answer: (a) Accordingly/and; (b) However; (c) For example/ That is; (d) As a result; (e) On the other hand; (f) In fact; (g) For instance; (h) Then/ Consequently; (i) Ultimately; (j) So.

15. Use appropriate sentences connectors in the blanks spaces of the following passage: [Sylhet Board]
The gifts of science are uncountable. (a) __ we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. Satellite TV channels are the means through (b) __ we can see and hear the events (c) __ are happening all over the world. (d) __, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) __, people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) __, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores. (g) __ satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) __ satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) __ doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) __ still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels.
Answer: (a) Wherever; (b) which; (c) that/which; (d) Besides; (e) Furthermore/So; (f) Consequently/As a result; (g) In addition; (h) Though; (i) also; (j) However/ But.

16. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  [Barishal Board]
Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for future use. (a) __ it is managed properly to gain success. The skills of managing time properly are called time management skills. (b) __ these skills are necessary for job hunting and career success (c) __ it is essential to improve these skills. (d) __ there are several useful strategies that can be used to improve your time management skills. (e) __ have clear goal in mind. (f) __ set up your priorities. (g) __ block out time for your high priority activities first and protect that time from interruptions. (h) __ set a deadline to do them and try your best to stick to it. (i) __ your skills will help you avoid stress in completing any work successfully (j) __ reward yourself when the job is done.
Answer: (a) That's why; (b) Indeed/No doubt; (c) So; (d) In this case/However; (e) Firstly; (f) Secondly; (g) Thirdly; (h) Finally; (i) Thus; (j) and.

17. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. (a) __ they do, people keep looking for newer forms of entertainment. (b) __ snake charming, puppet shows, jatra, jarigan, sharigan and kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past, have almost lost their appeal. (c) __, radio were used to be a good source of entertainment. (d) __ it is giving place to TV, and to satellite channels in particular. (e) __, the entertainment business, like other spheres of life, is getting westernized. (f) __, folk music or palligeeti is now sung with western instruments. (g) __, modern music is now fusing melodies from folk and traditional songs. (h) __, band and pop music is becoming more and more popular, particularly among the young generation. (i) __ sport has become a great source of entertainment today. (j) __ football, which used to be the most popular spectator sport in Bangladesh, is gradually being replaced by cricket.
Answer: (a) Even if; (b) Thus; (c) Once; (d) Now/But now; (e) Moreover/At present; (f) In addition/ Consequently; (g) Again; (h) Now/Nowadays; (i) On the top of that/Besides/Also; (j) But.

18. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:
Soil is necessary for life (a) __ most of our foods come from soil. It is true (b) __ some of us eat meat. (c) __ meat comes from animals that live on plants (d) __ again grow on soil. (e) __ we do not give food to soil, plants will become weak. (f) __ natural and inorganic manure are necessary for cultivation. (g) __ compost manure is widely used in cultivation. (h) __ agriculture scientists  discourage the farmers to use pesticides, (i) __ they opt for a method of catching pests in traditional way. (j) __ it is not so popular.
Answer: (a) because/as; (b) that; (c) But; (d) which; (e) If; (f) For this/Both; (g) Nowadays/However; (h) Moreover/But; (i) and/rather; (j) But/However/ Unfortunately.

19. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
Home is the word (a) __ gives solace to each (b) __ every soul in the universe. Home is the place (c) __ people feel secured. (d) __ a fortunate child I have my loving parents and one brother. My mother is affection personified. My father is earning (e) __ a disciplined man. I nave tremendous regard for both of them. (f) __ my mother gets angry with me, I feel restless (g) __ I make mother happy again. My father is a quiet person (h) __ at times (i) __ he has spare time, he plays with us and tells us interesting stories. And my brother is the cutest person I have ever seen. (j) __ he is very small, he is quite capable of expressing his concern for me.
Answer: (a) that/which; (b) and; (c) where; (d) As; (e) as well as; f) If/When; (g) However/Anyway/But soon; (h) and; (i) when; (j) Though/Although.

20. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:
In life we want to be perfect. (a) __ to attain perfection in life is impossible (b) __ man is originally imperfect. (c) __ we should try to be great. (d) __ be great we have to achieve certain qualities. (e) __ we have to be truthful. (f) __ this is (g) __ the best virtue in our life. It gives rise to many other virtues (h) __ makes us respectable in society. (i) __ we must be truthful (j) __ we can be great in life.
Answer: (a) But; (b) as/because; (c) However; (d) In order to; (e) First of all/At first; (f) In fact/Because; (g) also; (h) and; (i) Therefore/So; (j) so that.

21. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:
We should always keep in mind (a) __ all kinds of physical exercise are not suitable for all (b) __ different people have different capacities. (c) __, harder exercise (d) __ wrestling and gymnastics are suitable for young people (e) __ have energy to perform them. Weaker and old people should take the milder exercise (f) __ walking, jogging and free hand exercise. Over exercise never does good (g) __ breaks down the health. (h) __, we should always take (i) __ exercises as would suit us. Physical exercise is important for the preservation of good health. It (j) __ builds our character.
Answer: (a) that; (b) because/as; (c) For example/For instance; (d) like; (e) who; (f) such as; (g) rather/and; (h) So; (i) such; (j) also.

22. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
There is a wise saying “Early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." (a) __, a person who gets up early in the morning enjoys several benefits. (b) __, he can walk in the morning. It is a simple exercise. (c) __ it is very beneficial for both our physical and mental health. (d) __, he can enjoy the fresh air of the morning. (e) __, morning walk is free from noise and pollution. (f) __, it also provides us with a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature in the cold and calm atmosphere. (g) __, an early riser can offer his Fazar prayer. (h) __, he can get extra time to work which helps him earn more. (i) __, an early riser can also get enough time to study which makes him wise. (j) __, we should develop this habit of getting up early in the morning.
Answer: (a) In deed/So; (b) First/For example; (c) Besides/ But; (d) Secondly/Besides; (e) Thirdly/In addition; f) Fourthly/ Furthermore; (g) Fifthly/ Importantly; (h) Next/Also; (i) Finally/Last but not the least; (j) So/Therefore.

23. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:
(a) __, most of our students cannot write out their examination paper fairly. (b) __ they cannot understand the questions properly; they often beat about the bush and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details. (c) __ they fail to arrange their answers neatly, clearly and systematically. (d) __ the teacher suggests that their answer should be brief and precise, they often lengthen unnecessarily where size does not matter at all. (e) __, they have a silly notion that the more they write, the more will be their marks. (f) __, the reality is just the opposite; their long answers generally become disgusting. (g) __, such answers always earn unhappy marks. If you want to get expected marks, all you should do is to understand the questions well and answer them just to the point. Don't worry if your answers are fairly short. (h) __, try to answer the question more or less in your own English. (i) __ plain and clear English is not bad. Again your handwriting should be legible. (j) __, you will get poor marks in the exam.
Answer: (a) At present/Nowadays; (b) As/Since; (c) So/As a result; (d) Though/Although; (e) In fact; (f) But/ However; (g) So; (h) Moreover; (i) In fact; (j) Otherwise.

24. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
A student should prepare himself to face the problems (a) __ lie before him. He is (b) __ an individual (c) __ a member of the community too. He should try to equip himself fully (d) __ in future he can be able to discharge his duties as an individual (e) __ as a member of the community to (f) __ he belongs. (g) __ he wastes his time in (h) __ activities (i) __ agitational politics, his future will be doomed. The students should not forget that their main duty is to study. (j) __ it is their first and foremost duty also.
Answer: (a) which/that; (b) not only; (c) but also; (d) so that; (e) as well as/and; (f) which; (g) If; (h) such/other; (i) as/such as/like; (j) Actually/In fact.

25. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
There are a good number of reasons why students in Bangladesh fail in English. (a) __ English is a foreign language. (b) __ students have no good feeling with English.  (c) __ teaching a foreign language becomes very difficult when the learners are not mentally prepared to receive it.  (d) __ a teacher of English can hardly find out a technique suitable for all.  (e) __ they fail to make the language learning interesting. (f) __ the motto of the questions in public examinations inspires memorizing rather than learning the language. (g) __ students can be successful in English if teachers are trained well. Students should be encouraged to learn four skills of language. The four skills of language are speaking, listening, reading and writing. Every teacher should put emphasis on the four skills of language. (h) __ they should give importance to communicative approach. (i) __ spontaneous communication of a language helps one learn it easily. (j) __ every student should be involved in communicative approach.
Answer: (a) Firstly; (b) So/Secondly; (c) And/Thirdly; (d) Secondly/ Fourthly; (e) As a result/ Consequently /So; (f) Finally/At the end/In the end; (g) In fact; (h) Besides/Moreover; (i) True that/Indeed; (j) Therefore/For this.

26. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
The greatness of a book depends (a) __ on the acceptability among the readers. (b) __ we read a book (c) __ once, we can discover many things in it. (d) __ basing on one reading, we cannot judge the standard of a book. (e) __ a book is praised (f) __ we have no doubt about the greatness of the book. (g) __ the first reading we may not understand a book. But if it is read more than once, we will see (h) __ it was read (i) __ praised. So, the great books are those (j) __ have passed the test of time.
Answer: (a) actually/mainly/mostly/generally; (b) If; (c) only for; (d) But; (e) When/If; (f) highly/widely; (g) After; (h) why; (i) and; (j) that/which.

27. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
Food adulteration is a social problem. There is hardly any food that is not adulterated. (a) __, a business syndicate is involved in this. (b) __, they are bringing national health to the edge of death. (c) __, people taking adulterated food will become gradually sick. (d) __, they will suffer from many complicated diseases. (e) __, they will die. (f) __, food adulteration has reached in an alarming state in our country. (g) __, the authority concerned is playing a silent role. (h) __, laws regarding this crime are not so strict. (i) __, this crime is going to be out of control. (j) __, steps must be taken against this heinous crime to save our life.
Answer: (a) In fact; (b) Truly speaking/By doing so; (c) Unfortunately/Certainly; (d) Moreover/Then/And; (e) Finally/Eventually; (f) Nowadays/At present; (g) But; (h) Besides/Sorrowfully; (i) As a result; (j) So/Therefore.

28. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
We cannot walk on a road in the darkness without light. (a) __, we cannot step forward in our life without education. (b) __ throughout the ages, education has always been compared to light and. (c) __, ignorance has been compared to darkness, (d) __, the light of education enlightens us. (e) __, it broadens our mind and widens our outlook, (f) __, it is education that helps us to become a good citizen. (g) __, education creates good citizens and ensures the smooth development of a country. (h) __, ignorance stands on the way of the development of an individual, (i) __, ignorance has a detrimental effect on the overall development of a nation. (j) __, we should come forward to educate every single person of our country and, thereby, ensure the development of our country.
Answer: (a) Similarly/Likewise; (b) And/That’s why; (c) on the contrary/on the other hand; (d) In fact/Indeed; (e) Besides; (f) moreover; (g) Thus; (h) On the other hand/On the contrary; (i) furthermore; (j) So/Therefore.

29. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
The language movement was a political movement in former East Bengal (today Bangladesh). It advocated the recognition of Bangla language as an official language. (a) __, this movement wanted Bangla to be used in government offices. (b) __, it supported Bangla as a medium of instruction. (c) __ it demanded the use of Bangla script. (d) __ the partition of India in 1947, the dominion of Pakistan began. (e) __ Pakistan and Bangladesh were composed of various ethnic and linguistic groups. (f) __ these two regions were not geographically attached. (g) __, the Government of Pakistan declared Urdu as the sole national language. (h) __, it produced massive protest among the Bengali speaking people of erstwhile East Pakistan. The Pakistani government banned public meetings and rallies. (i) __, the students of Dhaka University disobeyed the law and organized a protest on 21st February 1952. (j) __, the central government granted Bangla as an official language in 1956.
Answer: (a) Moreover/And; (b) That's why/At first; (c) Accordingly/Later on; (d) After; (e) At that time; (f) Besides/Even/During that period; (g) However/ Suddenly; (h) Consequently/As a result; (i) But/ However; (j) Finally.

30. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage:  
We earned our independence in nine months. There were many reasons that made our victory easier. (a) __ we all were united at one point. (b) __ it was a question of our survival and dignity. (c) __ our freedom fighters were committed. They fought valiantly in the war fields. (d) __ we had huge international support, (e) __ the Pakistani soldiers didn't have any noble reason before them. They were killers. They were not natives of this country. (f) __ they didn't have sufficient ideas about the communication systems, weather, or people's sentiment in this country. (g) __ they had two superpowers behind them. (h) __ these superpowers could do very little directly for them. (i) __ only in nine months the Pakistani soldiers had to accept the worst defeat the world had ever experienced. (j) __ it can be said, the war of independence proved that no power can suppress the desire of the mass people.
Answer: (a) Firstly; (b) Besides/Because; (c) Moreover/ Secondly; (d) Not only that/Thirdly; (e) On the other hand/On the contrary; (f) Hence/ Besides; (g) True that/However; (h) However/But; (i) As a result/Consequently; (j) Finally.


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২০২৪ সালের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার সময়সূচি

HSC Exam Routine

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতি

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
(সকল বিভাগ)
বাংলা ১ম পত্র ১ম পত্র গাইড | বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড | লালসালু উপন্যাস গাইড | সিরাজুদ্দৌলা নাটক গাইড | ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র গাইড | আইসিটি গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ১ম পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ২য় পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স, ব্যাংকিং ও বীমা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স ব্যাংকিং ও বীম ২য় পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ১ম পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ২য় পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ১ম পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ১ম পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ২য় পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ১ম পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্য ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি শব্দার্থ VOCABULARY