35+ Modifier exercise with answer board question pdf download

Board Exam Preparation
Use of Modifiers
[Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces. 0.5x10=5]

English 2nd Paper
Modifier exercise with answer pdf download

1. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dhaka Board]
Deforestation means cutting down of trees (a) — (post-modify the verb). To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, trees are being cut in large scale and thus it causes (b) — (pre-modify the noun) imbalance. Besides, there are some dishonest people who cut trees in our forest (c) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). The (d) — (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in near future. New areas of the world are (e) — (use a participle to pre-modify the verb) turned into desert as a result of deforestation. So, we must stop (f) — (use a participle to post-modify the verb) down trees unnecessarily. (g) — (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) trees indiscriminately will be hazardous for our future existence. If we destroy tress (h) — (use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) one day the country will turn into a great desert. The (i) — (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) temperature will cause green house effect. Necessary measures should be taken (j) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).
Answer: (a) indiscriminately/at random; (b) ecological; (c) to make profit; (d) sea; (e) being; (f) cutting; (g) Felling/Cutting; (h) indiscriminately/unwisely; (i) rising; (j) to stop deforestation/to save our environment.

2. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Cumilla Board]
A balanced diet is a good mixture of (a) — (pre modify the noun) foods. It is essential for us (b) — (post modify the adjective with an infinitive) a healthy life. There are many benefits of eating a (c) — (pre modify the noun) diet because it prevents (d) — (use determiner to premodify the noun) diseases. As a result, we do not get sick (e) — (post modify the verb with an adverb). We should select (f) — (pre modify the noun with possessive) diet according to our needs. We should not eat the (g) — (use adjective to pre modify the noun) foods for the whole week. We can keep fit (h) — (use a participle) a balanced diet. But it is not easy (i) — (post modify the adjective with an infinitive) a balanced diet. Here (j) — (use a determiner) nutritionist can help us.
Answer: (a) nutritious; (b) to lead; (c) balanced; (d) many; (e) easily often; (f) our; (g) same; (h) eating/taking; (i) to choose; (j) a.

3. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Rajshahi Board]
Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a (a) — (pre-modify the noun) farmer who used (b) — (post-modify the verb by using infinitive) on other people's land. With great effort they married (c) — (use a pronoun) daughters off by the time they reached teenage. The sons also started (d) — (use present participle to modify the verb) with their father as (e) — (pre-modify the noun) labourers when they were old enough to help. By the time they were seventeen, they left for towns (f) — (use infinitive to post modify the verb) money. At first they used to send money to their parents (g) — (use an adverb to post modify the verb) but after getting married they barely had enough to support their (h) — (pre-modify the noun) families. Out of desperation, Ayesha Begum started (i) — (post-modify the verb) in the village to feed her old, (j) — (pre-modify the noun) husband and herself.
Answer: (a) landless/poor; (b) to work; (c) their; (d) working; (e) day; (f) to earn; (g) at times/occasionally; (h) own; (i) begging; (j) febble/weak/poor.

4. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dinajpur Board]
Sabbir is (a) — (use determiner to pre modify the noun phrase) ideal student. He prepares (b) — (use possessive to pre modify the noun) lessons in collaboration with his teachers. He does (c) — (post modify the verb) in every examination as he does not waste time. He knows time once lost is lost for ever. So, he utilizes every moment. During his free time he goes to his native village. He teaches (d) — (pre modify the noun) people. He wants (e) — (use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb) illiteracy from his village. (f) — (use present participle to pre modify the verb) illiteracy from his village, he wants to bring about massive development there. He is (g) — (use an intensifier to pre modify the adjective) devoted to God. He says prayer (h) — (use quantifier to pre modify the noun) times a day. He never tells a lie. He respects his parents very much. Other superiors are also respected by him. His father, (i) — (post modify the noun phrase with an appositive) supports him cordially. His mother, an ideal housewife, (j) — (pre modify the verb) supports him very much. Such a student like Sabbir is rarely found nowadays.
Answer: (a) an; (b) his; (c) well; (d) rural; (e) to eliminate/to remove; (f) By removing; (g) highly/very; (h) five; (i) a farmer/ a teacher; (j) also.

5. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Jashor Board]
A village doctor is a very (a) — (pre-modify the noun) person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) — (pre-modify the verb) known as quack. A village doctor is not a (c) — (pre-modify' the noun) doctor. He usually sits in a small dispensary (d) — (post modify the verb). He treats the patients (e) — (use a participle phrase to post-modify the verb). A village doctor is not a (f) — (pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (g) — (pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicine to (h) — (pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, the number of qualified doctors is (i) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j) — (pre-modify the noun) villagers.
Answer: (a) important/familiar; (b) widely/usually; (c) qualified; (d) in the village; (e) taking a small amount of money/using local medicine; (f) rich; (g) poorly; (h) his/poor; (i) very; (j) poor.

6. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Chattogram Board]
The people of Bangladesh have expressed their shock (a) — (post modify the verb) at the reaction of the Pakistan Parliament. Pakistan strongly protested the execution of two (b) — (pre- modify the noun) collaborators who committed crimes against humanity on their own people in 1971. There is a demand for apology from (c) — (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) government for the crimes of its army during the liberation war of Bangladesh. Recently Pakistan's National Assembly may be within its rights (d) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) for the execution of two collaborators. But it is quite clear to us that Pakistan always tries to erase its past history. To erase (e) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) history is not easy because history continues to follow all of us. Pakistan, (f) — (post modify the noun with an appositive), cannot come out of its military influence. As a result, the country has become (g) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) barbarous. So Pakistan is going down (h) — (use an adverb to post-modify the verb). The founder of Pakistan Mr. Jinnah was physically (i) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) weak and so, the state always tried to show its physical strength since (j) — (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun ) birth.
Answer: (a) Profoundly/instantly; (b) of its/notorious; (c) Pakistan; (d) to react; (e) this; (f) a country still unmoved by its misdeeds; (g) very; (h) gradually/day by day/horrendously; (i) very much; (j) its.

7. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Sylhet Board]
Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the Shelley of Bengali literature. He was a (a) — (pre-modify the noun) poet. He wrote (b) — (post-modify the verb) in every branch of Bengali literature. Nazrul, (c) — (use an appositive), won the attention of everyone in his early childhood. He wrote ceaselessly until the death of (d) — (use possessive pronoun) poetic flair. He composed his songs (e) — (use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb). His songs are (f) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) melodious. He enriched the Bengali literature (g) — (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb). His literary works have enriched (h) — (use a noun adjective) literature. He was (i) — (use an article) secular poet. He sang the songs of equality (j) — (use an adverbial phrase).
Answer: (a) rebel/great; (b) spontaneously/successfully /plentifully; (c) a poet rebellion/our national poet; (d) his; (e) to inspire people/ to liberate the country; (f) very; (g) immensely; (h) Bangla; (i) a; (j) throughout his life.

8. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Barishal Board]
Raja, (a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is known to his classmates as a good student. He has (b) — (use a quantifier to pre-modify the noun) good qualities. He knows that the (c) — (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) duty of a student is to study and he never neglects (d) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) duty. He prepares (e) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons regularly. He maintains discipline. He knows the value of time. He gets up (f) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb) so that he can get enough time to study. He goes to school (g) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb). He never wastes a (h) — (use determines to pre-modify the noun) moment in vain. Raja is (i) — (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) gentle. He always obeys his parents and teachers. He never mixes with (j) — (pre-modify the noun) boys. A student like Raja is a great asset of a nation.
Answer: (a) a student of class 9; (b) many; (c) main; (d) this; (e) his; (f) early; (g) regularly; (h) single; (i) very; (j) bad.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers in the blank spaces as directed: [Dhaka Board]
Rabindranath Togore was a (a) — (pre-modify the noun) poet of Bangali literature. He was born in a (b) — (pre-modify the noun) family at Jarasanko, Kolkata. He went to school (c) — (post-modify the verb). He wrote his (d) — (pre-modify the noun) verse at the age of eight. At the age of seventeen, he went to London (e) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) school there. He was put up in a lodging house under the care of a (f) — (pre-modify the noun) coach, Mr. Scott. He was lucky (g) — (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) an English family of Mr. Scott. He also visited the House of Parliament (h) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) Gladstone and John Bright's debates on Irish rule. He wrote letters to Kolkata (i) — (post-modify the verb with a present participle) English society. At this, his family thought that they might lose their son (j) — (post-modify the verb). So, he was called back to Kolkata.
Answer: (a) famous/great/renowned; (b) rich/sophisticated; (c) early; (d) first; (e) to attend; (f) professional; (g) to find; (h) to listen to; (i) praising/admiring; (j) for ever/soon.

10. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Cumilla Board]
I had a peculiar experience (a) — (Post-modify the verb) while travelling to St. Martin's Island. I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, (b) — (Post-modify the noun with an appositive), was our guide. On our way to the island, we watched (c) — (demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d) — (Pre-modify the noun) birds were flying (e) — (Post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f) — (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g) — (Use a present participle to pre-modify the verb) them we became (h) — (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided (i) — (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of days. We can never forget (j) — (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase) lovely sea birds.
Answer: (a) last year; (b) a young boy; (c) many; (d) sea; (e) along; (f) very; (g) Feeding; (h) very; (i) to enjoy ourselves; (j) those.

11. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Rajshahi Board]
It was a hot (a) — (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day. A (b) — (pre-modify the noun) crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any water. She felt (c) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) weak, almost giving up hope. Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew (d) — (post-modify the verb) to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug. The crow tried (e) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. But she found (f) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) jug too heavy. The crow thought (g) — (use a phrase to post-modify the verb) what to do. (h) — (use a participle to pre-modify the verb), she saw some pebbles nearby. She (i) — (pre-modify the verb) had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high (j) — (post-modify the adjective) for the crow to drink. The crow quenched its thirst and flew away.
Answer: (a) summer; (b) thirsty; (c) very; (d) straight down; (e) to put its head into the jug/to drink water; (f) that; (g) for a while; (h) While thinking/Looking around; (i) then/suddenly; (j) enough.

12. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dinajpur Board]
Water is a (a) (pre modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b) (possessive to pre modify) own. The (c) (determiner to pre modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water, we can quench (d) (Possessive to pre modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive on earth. But (e) (pre modify the noun) water is life killing. By drinking contaminated water, we suffer from diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid etc. We may (f) (pre modify the verb) face (g) (pre modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) (noun adjective to pre modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides in their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) (participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j) (pre modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.
Answer: (a) liquid; (b) its; (c) other; (d) our; (e) polluted; (f) also; (g) unexpected; (h) water; (i) standing; (j) Public.

13. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Jashor Board]
Most of the people in (a) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English. In fact, it is an (b) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a (c) __ (pre-modify the noun) village. So, if you know English (d) __ (post modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) __ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) __ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English with proper understanding, you cannot complete (g) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English in the process of higher education. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) __ (use a noun-adjective) development. In short, if you do not have a good command of English, you will suffer (i) __ (post-modify the verb with prepositional phrase/adverbial) of your life. So, don't waste your time and try to learn English (j) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.
Answer: (a) our; (b) international; (c) global; (d) well; (e) the; (f) language/communication; (g) your; (h) career; (i) in every sphere; (j) properly.

14. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Chattogram Board]
Once there lived a (a) (pre-modify noun) — fox in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) — (post-modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) — (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said "My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e) — (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) — (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn't we?". All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) — (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) — (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, "My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you have (j) — (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own."
Answer: (a) cunning; (b) slowly; (c) very; (d) to come; (e) new/great; (f) really; (g) carefully; (h) to cut; (i) wise; (j) no.

15. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Sylhet Board]
Othello, (a) — (Use an appositive to post-modify the noun) had risen to become a general. He had shown his bravery in many (b) — (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) battles against the Turks. Everyone praised him (c) — (Use an adverb to post-modify the verb) and the senate trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich senator of Venice had a daughter named Desdemona (d) — (Use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). Brabantio (e) — (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures. He told them of deserts, of caves and of mountains high (f) — (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) to touch the sky. Desdemona had to weep (g) — (Use a present participle to post modify the verb phrase) and she never became tired of listening to it. She pitied Othello (h) — (Use an adverb to post-modify the verb) for the misfortunes and hardships of his life. Her pity (i) — (Use an adverb to post-modify the verb) turned to love. She refused all the young men (j) — (Use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) because she loved Othello, a noble Muslim Moor from North Africa.
Answer: (a) an ordinary soldier/the Moor; (b) mighty; (c) highly; (d) who was beautiful; (e) once; (f) enough; (g) listening to these stories; (h) highly; (i) soon; (j) to marry.

16. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces:  [Barishal Board]
A village doctor is a (a) __ (use an intensifier to pre-pre-modify the adjective) familiar person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) __ (pre-modify the verb) known as a quack. A village doctor is not a (c) __ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. He (d) __ (pre-modify the verb) sits in a small dispensary in the morning and evening. He treats the patients (e) __ (use a participle to post-modify the verb) small fees. A village doctor is not a (f) — (pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (g) __ (pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicines to the (h) __ (pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, the number of qualified doctors is (i) __ (use to intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j) __ (pre-modify the noun) people.
Answer: (a) very/quite; (b) also; (c) qualified; (d) usually; (e) taking; (f) rich; (g) poorly; (h) poor; (i) very/quite; (j) village.

17. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Nelson Mandela, (a) __ (post-modify the noun with appositive), is one of the greatest leaders of the world, no doubt. During (b) __ (use article to pre-modify the noun) time of Mandela, the Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. It was (c) __ (use noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) policy of racial segregation. The blacks were subjected to (d) __ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) sorts of indignities. They were denied all basic (e) __ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) rights. They were in fact aliens in (f) __ (use possessive) own country. The blacks were also treated (g) __ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks. The (h) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice. Unfortunately, (i) __ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) great man thrown behind the prison bars. But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. All his life he struggled against apartheid. Eventually, the great leader fulfilled the goal of liberating (j) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) people.
Answer: (a) a South-African leader /an icon of peace; (b) the; (c) government; (d) all; (e) human; (f) their; (g) inhumanely/ cruelly; (h) great; (i) this; (j) his.

18. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Mother is an (a) __ (Use an adjective phrase to pre-modify the noun) blessing in the world. Mother's Day is a (b) __ (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) significant day observed as a (c) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) occasion in honour of mothers. The day was for the first time, announced as a formal holiday in the United States of America. Mother's Day is now observed (d) __ (Use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) as elsewhere around the world. The sons and daughters (e) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) wait for this day. They buy some special presents for their (f) __ (Use a superlative degree to pre-modify the noun) mother. When they offer the presents, the mother becomes very happy. It brings a (g) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) happiness between a mother and (h) __ (Use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. The bond of relationship between mother and children becomes everlasting. The mother (i) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) draws her children with her motherly affection. In this way, we pay a (j) __ (Use a participle to pre-modify the noun) tribute to our dear mothers.
Answer: (a) unique/ incomparably great and devine; (b) very; (c) great /special; (d) in Bangladesh/in our country; (e) eagerly; (f) dearest; (g) divine/heavenly; (h) her; (i) always /naturally; (j) glowing.

19. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
It was a cold (a) — (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) morning. A farmer was going to his field (b) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) seed. On the way he saw a snake (c) — (post-modify the noun with a present participle) on the ground. The farmer went near it (d) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) what happened to it. It was almost dead in cold. He took pity on the snake. He put it (e) — (post-modify the verb) and brought it home. (f) — (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase) by the fire, he took care of it. Then he gave it (g) — (pre-modify the noun) milk. Soon the snake got well. It began (h) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) with the children of the farmer. But the snake showed its (i) — (pre-modify the noun) nature and bit one of the children. (j) — (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase), the farmer killed the snake.
Answer: (a) winter; (b) to sow; (c) lying; (d) to see; (e) in his bag/ in his basket; f) Warming it up/Placing it/Putting it; (g) some /warm; (h) to play; (i) cruel /real/ original; (j) Knowing its nature/Being very angry.

20. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Most of the people in (a) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English, (b) __ (post-modify the noun with an appositive). In fact, it is an (c) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a global village. So, If you know English (d) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) __ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) __ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English, you cannot complete (g) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) __ (use noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) development. In short, if you do not have a good command over English, you will suffer (i) __ (post-modify the verb with adverb). So, start to learn English (j) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.
Answer: (a) our [but]; (b) an international language; (c) international; (d) well; (e) the; (f) language /communication/language; (g) your; (h) career; (i) extremely/in every stage; (j) properly.

21. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Once upon a time there lived (a) __ (Use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) generous and kind-hearted king. But the people were not happy with (b) __ (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) king, because the king was too lazy and would not do (c) __ (Use determiner to pre-modify the noun) work other than eating and sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in (d) __ (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun phrase) bed either eating something on sleeping. He became (e) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the noun) inactive. The king became (f) __. (Use article to pre-modify the noun) potato couch and the people started worrying about the king. (g) __ (Use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day the king realized that he could not even move his body. He became fat and his enemies made fun of him calling "fatty king" of "bulky king" etc he invited (h) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) doctors from (i) — (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) parts of his country and offered them generous rewards (j) __ (Use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb) fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king regain his health and fitness.
Answer: (a) a; (b) their; (c) any/much; (d) his; (e) very/ quite/ completely; (f) a; (g) One; (h) some/renowned; (i) different; (j) to make.

22. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
I experienced a very interesting incident (a) — (Post-modify the verb) on my way to Dinajpur. My friend Tamalika, (b) — (Post-modify the noun with an appositive) was driving. A crow was crossing the road but suddenly in the middle of the road it stopped and remained standing. In a minute Tamalika had to change her course but she didn't have (c) — (Pre-modify the noun) time and space to do that. Tamalika tried to turn in the left when the cow too walked (d) __ (Post-modify the verb) back a few steps. To save (e) — (Use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun) cow Tamalika had to move n the right. She lost her control and bumped the car with a (f) — (Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) tree. (g) — (Use a participle to pre-modify the verb) Tamalika was shocked but she was (h) — (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) happy (i) — (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). She patted the (j) — (Pre-modify the noun) cow and burst into laughter.
Answer: (a) last week; (b) a famous athlete; (c) enough; (d) slowly; (e) that; (f) jackfruit; (g) Seeing the damage in her new car; (h) very; (i) to save the cow; (j) naughty/innocent.

23. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
One day Robert Bruce, a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive) was lying in the cave. He was thinking of b) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) misfortune. He thought that he would not be able c) — (use an infinitive phrase). Suddenly, he saw a spider d) — (post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase). The spider was trying to reach e) — (use article to pre-modify the noun) ceiling of the cave. It almost got to the point f) — (use quantifier to premodify the noun) times but fell down at the last moment. It didn't lose hope. It was trying g) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb). On the seventh attempt it reached the ceiling. Robert Bruce became very much amazed h) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) the success of the spider. He felt encouraged & came out of the cave. He began to gather soldiers again & prepared i) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb) for the battle. He fought hard with the English and (j) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time, he came out successful.
Answer: (a) a famous king /the king of the Scotland; (b) his; (c) to regain his lost kingdom; (d) in the cave; (e) the; (f) several; (g) continuously/repeatedly/ relentlessly; (h) to see; (i) well/again; (j) this.

English 2nd Paper Board Question with answer pdf download

24. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
It was twenty years (a) __ (use adverb to post modify the verb) when I was living in an apartment (b) __ (use present participle to post modify the noun) a cemetery. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me (c) __ (use present participle to post modify the noun) one of my books just (d) __ (use past participle to post modify the noun) in the newspaper. It made me so excited that I sent her a letter of thanks. Immediately after that she wrote me second letter (e) __ (use present participle to post modify the noun) that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. The lady also requested me (f) __ (use infinitive to post modify the noun) her a little luncheon at Foyot's. (g) __ (use perfect participle to post modify the noun) the letter I became pleased and excited. I was eager to enjoy the company of the (h) __ (per modify the noun) lady. However, at Foyot's I met the lady. I was disappointed to see the guest. She was not so charming and young as I expected her to be. She was a woman of forty (i) __ (use present participle to post modify the noun) more teeth. She was also (j) __ (use intensifier to pre modify the adjective) talkative.
Answer: (a) ago; (b) overlooking; (c) praising; (d) published; (e) saying; (f) to give; (g) Having read [Having received]; (h) beautiful /young; (i) having; (j) very.

25. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
I have (a) — (Pre-modify the noun) friends, but Karim is my (b) — (Pre-modify the noun) friend. He studies in my class. We go to college (c) — (Post modify the verb). He is good at studies and helps the students (d) — (Use a relative clause to post modify the noun). He is (e) — (Use an intensifier to premodify the adjective) hardworking. His parents want him (f) — (Use an infinitive phrase to postmodify the verb) in life. So his father, (g) — (Post modify the verb with an appositive), is really an honorable person (h) — (Use a prepositional phrase to post modify the noun phrase). He wants his son to become a teacher like him and Karim's mother (i) — (Pre-modify the verb) inspires him (j) — (Use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb)
Answer: (a) many/a lot of; (b) best/close/closest/bosom; (c) together; (d) who are weak; (e) very; (f) to be successful; (g) a teacher/a college teacher; (h) in the locality/in the village; (i) also/always/regularly; (j) to be an honest man/teacher.

26. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Tea is the most (a) __ (pre-modify the noun) drink in the world. It is (b) __ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) refreshing. Tea plants grow (c) __ (post-modify the verb) on the slope of the hills. In the tea garden tea plants are (d) __ (pre-modify the verb) planted in rows. (e) __ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) leaves are plucked four times a year. (f) __ (use participle to pre-modify the verb) they are rolled by a machine and dried in a cauldron over a furnace. After (g) __ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) process, tea is ready for consumption. As a drink, tea is prepared in a (h) __ (pre-modify the noun) way. It is now (i) __ (pre-modify the verb) used for the entertainment of guests in our country. But it is harmful for our health (j) __ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) too much of tea.
Answer: (a) popular; (b) very; (c) well/plentifully/abundantly ; (d) usually /always/ usually; (e) Tea; (f) After being plucked; (g) this; (h) special systemic; (i) widely; (j) to drink.

27. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
There lived a (a) __ (pre-modify the noun) fox in a jungle. Once the fox was feeling (b) __ (use an intensifier to pre modify the adjective) hungry. He roamed here and there (c) __ (use prepositional phrase to post modify the verb), but be could not find anything to eat. He became (d) __ (use an intensifier to pre modify the adjective) tired. (e) __ (use infinitive phrase to pre modify the verb), he sat under a (f) __ (use a noun adjective to pre modify the noun) tree. When he looked up, he saw a crow (g) __ (use participle to post modify the noun) on one of the branches of the tree. The crow was holding a piece of meat (h) __ (use prepositional phrase to post modify the verb). (i) __ (use a participle phrase to pre modify the verb), the mouth of the fox began to water and he wished to have (j) __ (use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun) piece of meat.
Answer: (a) cunning clever; (b) very; (c) in search of food; (d) extremely very; (e) To take rest; (f) banyan big/tall; (g) sitting; (h) in its beak /in her mouth / between her beaks; (i) Seeing the piece of meat; (j) that.

28. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Once there lived a (a) — (pre-modify noun) fox in the jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) — (post- modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) — (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan .He invited all the foxes (d) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said, "My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e) — (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) — (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn't we? All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) — (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) — (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him," My friend, your plan is beautiful but evil. Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you have (j) — (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.
Answer: (a) cunning; (b) carelessly /alone; (c) very; (d) to come; (e) new/great; (f) totally/really; (g) carefully/ attentively; (h) to cut off; (i) wise; (j) no.

29. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Our people fought (a) __ (post modify the verb with an adverb) in our Liberation War. Independence was our (b) __ (pre-modify the noun with a phrase) need. We tried to live (c) __ (adverb post-modify the verb) with the Pakistanis. But they were (d) __ (use an adjective) to us. They behaved (e) __ (use an adverb). (f) __ (use a participle) no way of settlement, we look up arms. India had reasons enough (g) __ (use an infinitive phrase to post modify the adverb) us. At last, the (h) __ (pre-modify the noun) force won over Pakistan. We started living (i) __ post-modify the adverb by an adverb). We must speak (j) __ (post-modify- the verb by an adverb) of our independence.
Answer: (a) bravely; (b) crying; (c) peacefully; (d) hostile/unjust; (e) rudely; (f) Finding/Having; (g) to stand by/to support strongly; (h) allied; (i) happily/ independently / peacefully; (j) freely.

30. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
A few days ago, the (a) __ (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) ceremony was held. We invited our friends and relatives (b) __ (post-modify the noun with infinitive phrase). The (c) __ (pre-modify the noun) guests started to come in the evening. We receive them (d) __ (post-modify the verb). We all were waiting (e) __ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) the bridegroom. The groom came at about 8 p.m. We were happy (f) __ (post-modify the adjective with infinitive phrase). The groom came (g) __ (post-modify the verb with a present participle) wedding dress. He was looking (h) __ (pre-modify the adjective with intensifier) smart and handsome. I took him to the stage (i) __ (post-modify the verb with a present participle) his hand. He took his seat. The Quazi solemnized the marriage (j) __ (post-modify the verb with present participle phrase) from the Holy Quran.
Answer: (a) marriage; (b) to attend the ceremony; (c) invited /wedding; (d) warmly/cordially /gladly; (e) to receive; (f) to see him; (g) wearing; (h) very; (i) holding; (j) reciting some verses.

31. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Afforrestation is the (a) __ [use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective] beneficial to us. We all know about (b) __ [use a determiner] harmful effects of deforestation. Deforestation (c) __ [use a relative clause to post modify the noun] is one of the causes of global warming. Non only that, it has (d) __ [use a quantifier to pre-modify the noun] negative impacts on our daily life. Deforestation has caused the extinction of various (e) __ [pre-modify the noun] animals. On the other hand, afforestation has a (f) __ [use a compound adjective to pre-modify the noun] positive impact on human life, animals and environment. In Bangladesh, tree plantation programme is conducted by both the government and private firms. (g) __ [use-a possessive] sunderbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. (h) __ [use an infinitive phrase], public awareness is also important. We all know that trees, (i) __ [use an appositive], provide us food, shelter, oxygen, timber etc. They also protect us from different (j) __ [pre-modify the noun] calamities.
Answer: (a) most ; (b) the; (c) that means cutting down trees; (d) many/a lot of; (e) wild; (f) long-term; (g) Our; (h) To make tree plantation programme successful; (i) an important element of environment; (j) natural.

32. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
My elder sister is (a) __ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) affectionate to me. She is a very (b) __ (pre-modify the noun) lady. She advises me (c) __ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) my knowledge and skill. She tells me to go to college (d) __ (post-modify the verb). She encourages me to follow the (e) __ (pre-modify the noun) path. She also advises me (f) __ (post modify the verb with an infinitive phrase) towards other fellow students. She is really a (g) __ (pre-modify the noun) woman. She teaches me how (h) — (post modify the verb with an infinitive) between right and wrong. She advises me to be a (i) — (pre-modify the noun) human being. (j) __ (pre-modify with a present participate phrase) I want to become a trustworthy man.
Answer: (a) very; (b) wise; (c) to increase; (d) regularly; (e) right/honest; (f) to be friendly/to be helpful; (g) trustworthy/great; (h) to differentiate; (i) good/ real; (j) Following her advice.

33. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
Students are the (a) __ (pre-modifier of noun) leaders of a country. The development of a country depends (b) __ (post modifier of verb) on how the students prepare themselves to face (c) __ (a noun-adjective to pre-modify a noun) challenges. But unfortunately many students are not serious (d) __ (a prepositional phrase to post-modify the adjective). They spoil their (e) __ (pre-modifier of a noun) time. Some of them do not go to school (f) __ (noun phrase functioning as adverb). Again some remain inattentive (g) __ (prepositional phrase functioning as adverbial of place). But they have to be attentive and struggle hard (h) __ (an infinitive) in life. They should remember that success is equal to (i) __ (Adjective) work plus determination. So, all students should work hard (j) __ (infinitive) in life.
Answer: (a) future; (b) largely/greatly/much; (c) development/ life/future; (d) about their studies/ responsibilities; (e) valuable; (f) for poverty; (g) to their class/to their study; (h) to succeed/to be successful; (i) hard; (j) to shine/to prosper.

34. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
 One day Israt was returning home (a) –– (post modify the verb) from college. On the way she saw a dog (b) __ (use a participle phrase to postmodify the noun). It was barking (c) –– (postmodify the verb). An (d) –– (premodify the noun) boy had hit the poor creature with a big stone. It hurt its (e) –– (premodify the noun) leg and it was bleeding (f) –– (postmodify the verb). Israt became very (g) –– (postmodify the verb). She (h) –– (premodify the verb) carried the dog home and nursed the wound. She tied a bandage tightly round the (i) –– (premodify the noun) leg. In a week the dog was (j) –– (use an intensifier to premodify the adjective) well.
Answer: (a) early/alone;(b) lying on the road;(c) bitterly; (d) unkind; (e) right; (f) badly; (g) sad; (h) gently; (i) wounded; (j) quite.

35. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 
I enjoyed my (a) — (premodify the noun) journey by plane (b) — (postmodify the verb). After getting into the plane, I felt a little bit nervous. I looked (c) — (postmodify the verb) and tried to have a glimpse of the other passengers. All of them looked calm and (d) — (postmodify the verb), but I felt my tension (e) — (use a participle to postmodify the noun). The captain announced that he would be soon starting. I clenched (f) — (use a possessive to premodify the noun) fists. The plane began to race down the runway and after a while with a jerk, it took off. I looked (g) — (postmodify the verb) from my window and saw buildings, people and trees looking like miniatures. As we rose (h) — (postmodify the verb), the plane bumped a little as the weather was a (i) — (premodify the adjective) rough. I held on to my seat and closed my eyes. However, soon I began (j) — (use an infinitive phrase to postmodify the verb) and looked out of my window again.
Answer: (a) first; (b) last week; (c) around; (d) relaxed; (e) rising; (f) my; (g) down; (h) higher; (i) little; (j) to overcome my fear.


২০২৪ সালের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার সময়সূচি

HSC Exam Routine

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতি

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
(সকল বিভাগ)
বাংলা ১ম পত্র ১ম পত্র গাইড | বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড | লালসালু উপন্যাস গাইড | সিরাজুদ্দৌলা নাটক গাইড | ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র গাইড | আইসিটি গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ১ম পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ২য় পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স, ব্যাংকিং ও বীমা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স ব্যাংকিং ও বীম ২য় পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ১ম পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ২য় পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ১ম পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ১ম পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ২য় পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ১ম পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্য ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি শব্দার্থ VOCABULARY