Application for opening a relief camp in the college premises

Write an application to the Principal of your college to open a relief camp in your college premises so that you can send relief goods to the flood affected people in your locality. [RB-2011]
Application for opening a relief camp in the college premises.

12 April 2023

The Principal
Rajshahi Govt College

Subject: Application for opening a relief camp in the college premises.

Dear Sir
I, on behalf of the students of our college, would like to inform you that the people of our locality have been greatly affected by the recent flood. Their home and herd of cattle have been washed away. They are now living under open air. They are suffering from want of food and pure drinking water. Many local organizations have come forward to help them. They are sending them dry foods, drinking water and medicines. We the students of your college also want to help the victims. But for that we need to open a relief camp in the college premises so that we can assemble goods from the people of the society and then send them to the flood affected people.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly permit us to open a relief camp in the college premises oblige thereby. 

Yours sincerely,
Kazi Bivash
Class XII, Roll-00101
On behalf of the students of Rajshahi Govt College, Rajshahi


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