Application for enhancing library facilities

Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library.
Application for enhancing library facilities.

 27 January 2023
 The Principal
 Pioneer College

 Subject : Application for enhancing library facilities.
 Dear Sir
 I, on behalf of the students of our college would like to draw your attention to the fact that the library facilities in our college is not sufficient. The number of books in the library, accommodation, library hours, etc cannot serve the students well. For the greatest benefit of the students more books are required in the library. Again accommodation inside the library and library hours need to be increased because we are going to sit for HSC Examination soon for which we are to study more at present. Your kind consideration and cooperation in this respect will help us make good results in our HSC Exam.
 I, on behalf of the students, hope that you would take necessary action for enhancing the library facilities and oblige thereby.
 I remain
 Yours sincerely,
 Class-XII, Roll-02
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