Acid Throwing Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Acid Throwing'.

(a) Is acid throwing a crime? (b) Who throws acid? (c) Why do the people throw acid? (d) What happens to the victim? (e ) How can we stop it?

ACID THROWING | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Acid throwing is beyond question a heinous social crime. It is increasing day by day. Usually the young boys, mostly unemployed, looking for job as a security of life, choose this heinous way. Sometimes, the dowry hunter husbands throw acid to their wives. People throw acid to the weaker sex mainly for two reasons. One is family enmity, and the other is the rejection of love. If two families get into enmity on any issue, often one of them takes the path of savage vengeance and throws acid to the women and children of the opponent side. Similarly, if any youth is rejected in his love by the girl he loves, he also may throw acid to the girl. The victims suffer a lot as acid damages the part of the body where it falls and gives them an indescribable feeling of pain and anguish. It takes a long time to recover it. The damage is incurable. The place of the body becomes disfigured forever. Even the victims, however, recover from physical pain, the painful experience can never be forgotten. Sometimes the victim can lose her important organ forever. For example, if acid is thrown on the eyes, the victim can be blind forever. So, it is high time we took all out steps against the vicious" acid throwers. The Government must also take punitive action against .the acid throwers. The involved criminals should be tried in summary trial and must be awarded death sentence. Government, non-government and socio-cultural organizations should come forward to launch campaign against this crime.


A Tokai Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Tokai'.

(a) Who is a tokai? (b) How is his dress? (c) How does he earn his livelihood? (d) Where does he sleep? (e) When does his figure seem to be important? (f) What is our responsibility towards them?

A TOKAI | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Tokai is a local Bangla word. It means one who collects or picks up the abandoned things. He is a boy of the street having no home and hearth. He has no definite place of residence. Usually he has no parents or relatives, ndr has he any definite means of livelihood. He leads a very dirty and unhygienic hfe. He puts on rags and patched up clothes. He looks dirty in torn and patched up cloches. Bad smell comes from his body and dress. He roams about in the streets picking up torn papers and clothes, wood and other refuses. He earns his livelihood by selling those things. Sometimes, a number of tokais gather together and play about in the streets. Tokais pass their night on the verandahs of shops, pavement of streets or railway platforms. If he can save money, he goes to the cinema hall to enjoy a film. This is the way of their life which is dull and colourless. They are care-free and are not moved by any thought about the future. The tokais figure becomes prominent when the political leaders need to show a large number of supporters. They hire the tokais from the street and give them packet lunch. During hartal, they are hired for picketing. They also join political processions for money. It is a social responsibility of all to work for setting up these rootless boys in life so that they can lead a normal and happy life.


A Tea Stall Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Tea Stall'.

(a) What is a tea stall? (b) What are the furniture? (c) What items are sold there? (d) When does it open and remain closed? (e) Who gossip in a tea stall? (f) How does a tea stall become important for people?

A TEA STALL | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A tea stall is a small shop where tea is prepared and sold. It is seen on the road-side, in markets, stations, terminals etc. and everyone is acquainted with it. In a tea stall, there are one or two long tables and some long benches on both sides of the table. There is a cash counter where the owner or manager generally sits. Biscuits, cakes, bread etc. are sold in a: tea stall. A tea stall opens very early in the morning and closes very late at night. In some important-places like railway and steamer stations, the tea stall remains open round the clock. Passengers, rickshaw pullers, officials, laborers, passers-by, students as well as political workers are the customers in a tea stall. Some tea stalls prepare quality tea. In a tea stall, one or two boys entertain the customers with tea or other food items they need. Political leaders and unemployed old people occupy seats and gossip without caring for time factor;. Politician discuss the current political situations of the country or foreign countries. Sometimes this discussion turns into quarrel. So, a tea stall can be called political spot. Moreover, people of all walks of life discuss their respective issues with one another. In most of the tea stalls, a newspaper is kept and so people get opportunity of reading a newspaper and knowing various current issues of home and abroad; Thus, a tea stall is not wily a centre of getting refreshed with tea but also a place of being informed of various things and exchanging ideas for people. They become informed of each other's happiness and sorrows. The owner, of the tea stall invests comparatively less amount of money, but his income is not less. At the same time the owner gets informed of various things from the discussion of the people and becomes wiser day by day.


A Street Hawker Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Street Hawker'.

(a) Who is a street hawser? (b) What does a street hawker do? (c) How does he create the attention of the customers? (d) How does he carry his articles? (e) Who are his special customers? (f) How is the life of a street hawker?

A STREET HAWKER | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A street hawker is a familiar figure in towns. He is the vendor of a variety of things. He moves from street to street. He carries his things sometimes on the head, sometimes in his hands and at some other times in a small hand-cart. He sells toys, bangles, ribbons, clothing, sweets, fruits, utensils, newspapers, fancy goods and things of domestic use by bringing them up to people s doors. He is a clever fellow who knows how to run his business. He brings one kind of goods for children, another kind for women folk and yet another kind for men. He chooses things for children that will attract children and for women that will attract women. So he has to be very careful about what things to sell. As he passes along the street, he makes a peculiar cry to attract the attention of his customers. The children here and there gather around him and stop him. The hawker generally chooses an hour when the master of the family is away and the women are free from their household duties. He hopes thereby to make a good bargain. In towns everywhere we see hawkers and many of them are making good business. On the contrary, there is another kind of hawkers who buy newspapers, blank pots, old books, worn-out cloths from the houses. However, children are fond of a hawker but men do not like them. By carrying the goods for sale in his hands or over his shoulders, he moves from door to door. Sometimes, he goes from one street to another with his moving shop. A street hawker's life is not easy and comfortable but it. is father difficult and full of hardship.


A Street Accident Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Street Accident'.

(a) When did the accident happen? (b) Where did it happen? (c) Where were you when it happened? (d) What did you see? (e) What did you do? (f) How did you feel?

A STREET ACCIDENT | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A serious street accident, took place at New Market area at about 11.30 a.m. the day before yesterday. At that time I was going to the Arts Faculty of Dhaka University to attend my classes. So, I was very close to the spot of the accident when it happened. I was completely stunned at the suddenness of the mishap. I saw an eighteen-year old student crossing the busy road in front of Dhaka College, when a speedy bus which was coming from Science Laboratory ran over him killing him on the spot in an instant. I rushed to the spot, managed an ambulance which was then available there and took the dead body with the help of some other people to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The parents of the boy, in the meantime, rushed to the hospital. The hospital authority conducted post mortem and handed over the dead body to them. Meanwhile, a group of students gathered to the spot and shouted angry slogans against the driver demanding capital punishment of the driver. The driver of the speedy bus was then caught by the people present there and handed over to the local New Market Thana. The accident was so shocking to me. It was the first accident I ever experienced in my life. So, the incident put a permanent shock accompanied by harrow in my mind. I could not efface the innocent face of the boy from my memory. The sight haunts me repeatedly. It was the first accident I have ever experienced in my life. I could not sleep at all that night. Actually, it is a great harrowing experience in my life.


A School Magazine Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A School Magazine'.

(a) What is a school magazine? (b) What does it contain? (c) How are the topics for the magazine selected? (d) Why is a school magazine important?

A SCHOOL MAGAZINE | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A school magazine is a periodical published by  a school. It is to be published every year. But, in fact, a school magazine is published after two or three years. There are many schools that do not do it. A school magazine contains the writing of the students of the school. There are short-stories, poems, jokes, cartoons, essays and miscellaneous collections. The writings of the ex-students and teachers also find place in a school magazine. In order to publish the school magazine, a Magazine Committee is formed. The Headmaster remains the Chief Patron. Three senior teachers are nominated by the Headmaster as advisors. A student of the senior most class is made the Editor. He is assisted by Asstt. editors and other selected members. The committee works according to the advice and guidance of the advisors. The committee collects articles from the students and makes primary selection. There is a magazine fund in every school. The students also collect fund by selling space in the magazine for advertisement. Any printed article in the school magazine serves as a source of inspiration for us. A school magazine plays a great role in the lives of students. It helps students to explore their poetic genius. The students who contribute to the magazine get encouraged to go on with their writing. Thus, their literary talents get roused and flourished. Consequently, in course of time they become great poets, novelists, dramatists, film-makers etc. The readers enjoy the contents of the magazine and thus they become acquainted with various thoughts and -feelings or experiences of the writers. At the same time, these writings rouse the readers' poetic faculties. So, the teachers and the authority concerned should patronize a school magazine in every school.


A Rickshaw Puller Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Rickshaw Puller'.

(a) Who is a rickshaw puller? (b) Where does he live? (c) How does he support his family?, (d) How does he pass his days?

A RICKSHAW PULLER | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


The man who earns his livelihood by. pulling rickshaw is called a rickshaw puller. He is, so to speak, a poor day labourer. He carries passengers and goods from one place to another on payment. He hires a rickshaw from the owner on a daily basis. There are a few who pull their own rickshaws. A rickshaw puller is basically very poor. He can hardly afford to live in a good house. So. he lives in the slum to minimize his living cost. A rickshaw puller works from dawn to midnight, but his income is so meagre. He maintains his family with his meagre income. As a result, he has to lead a miserable life. A rickshaw puller usually depends on his daily income to maintain his family. He has no other source of income. Moreover, due to ignorance, he fails to keep his family size small. He maintains a large family with his limited income. In inclement weather, he can hardly pull his rickshaw. He also cannot pull his rickshaw when he falls sick. The day he fails to pull his rickshaw, he has no income that day. In these cases, he suffers most. Sometimes, he along with the members of his family have to starve. Moreover, a rickshaw puller has to work very hard ignoring the severe heat of the sun or rain. The work of a rickshaw puller is very risky in a busy town where numerous buses, trucks and cars run all day long. He has to ride his rickshaw very carefully all the time. Very often rickshaw pullers are not well paid by the passengers. Thus, we see that the life of a rickshaw puller is very miserable.
