A School Library Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A School Library'.

(a) What is a library? (b) What is the importance of a school library? (c) Where is it located? (d) How are the books arranged? (e) How are the books issued for the students? (f) How do you feel about your school library?

A SCHOOL LIBRARY | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. It is a room or a building or a part of an institution where books, newspapers, magazines and journals are kept for students to read, use or to borrow. The importance of a school library is immense. The school library is meant for students and teachers who can use the library to enrich their knowledge. Our school also has a good library from which students can borrow books. It is located in the ground floor of the school building. In our library, there are numerous books on various subjects such as science, history, philosophy, politics, our culture and so on. Students borrow books according to their interest, taste or curiosity. Books are arranged neatly but alphabetically in the shelves. Two persons are there in our library to help the students. The, librarian is a helpful man. He not only finds books from the shelves but also gives us useful advice and information about books. This he can do because he knows his books. The assistant librarian is a lover of books and takes interest in both books and students. He helps us find confined books to read in the library. He issues books to the students against their library cards. We can borrow a book for a week. Our head teacher is a very wise and prudent person. He always tries his best to promote our library. So, whenever students feel any lack of book and inform him of it, he meets it. Thus, our library is getting richer day by day. I do feel proud of our school library which is well-managed by the librarian and his assistant.


A Rainy Day Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Rainy Day'.

(a) What is a rainy day? (b) How is a rainy day? (c) How do people feel on a rainy day? (d) What happens to the poor? (e) How do school going boys and girls feel on a rainy day? (f) What impacts does a rainy day create upon poets and common people?

A RAINY DAY | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A rainy day is the day when it rains all day long. We call it a rainy day. On such a day, the sky remains cloudy. The sun is not seen at all. The day looks dull and gloomy. Sometimes, it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles. Often thunder is heard in the sky. Birds are hardly seen to fly. They keep standing on the branches of trees in the midst of leaves. Cattle keep standing under their sheds. In such a day, people have to remain indoors. The roads become almost muddy and desolate. One cannot move from one place to another easily. One does not generally come out without compulsion. The poor suffer much. They cannot go out to earn their daily bread. It is a great joy to the students. Because classes are not held on that day. They feel elated with the chance to play and gossip on a rainy day. Some people then spend time in gossiping, playing at cards, singing or hearing songs. A rainy day bears a great appeal and attraction for the poets. They get thrilled at incessant rain. They enjoy it greatly. It gives rise to such an excitement and pleasure among them that they get absorbed in an imaginary world and compose poetry. Imaginative people get lost in imagination and their heart desires for their dear ones. They most feel the missing of their dearest persons. Their heart aches in their absence and at not being able to enjoy their company or exchange their feelings. After all, a rainy day gives us both joy and sorrow. It comes to different classes of people, in different ways.


A Railway Station Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Railway Station'.

(a) What is a railway station? (b) What do passengers do there? (c) How is the building of a railway station made? (d) What type of people are generally found in a railway station? (e) How do passengers feel in a railway station?

A RAILWAY STATION | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A railway station is a place where trains stop at and start from. It is one of the busiest and crowded places. People of all ages and all walks of life are seen here. Passengers come and go. A kind of eagerness can be noticed in their eye and face as they are on the way to their respective destination. Moreover, train journey creates a kind of thrill and excitement in the passengers especially in the young ones. Some come out of the station followed by coolies with luggage on their heads. They look tired but are now somewhat relieved of the journey. Some are busy buying tickets." They push one another to go ahead. In almost every station, there is a book stall where newspapers and magazines can be found. The total place become lively by the hue and cry of the passengers and above all by the peculiar voices of the hawkers who try to attract the attention of the buyers. The building of a railway station is brick-built. It is generally painted red and has a very antique look. At the Iron Gate stands a railway official with a hat on the head. In the rest room, passengers are found waiting for the train. When the expected train comes, they get into the train. One can see from a distance the green, blue and red signals'. The flagman moves about with red and green flags. The station is indeed a busy place. But as soon as the train steams off, the station loses its main business and looks somewhat deserted, calm and quiet. The business of the coolies and hawkers also gets lessened. Thus, a railway station alternately becomes busy and quiet.


A Moonlit Night Paragraph

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Moonlit Night'.

(a) What is a moonlit night? (b) What does it provide us with? (c) When does it make The earth bright and grey? (d) What do the children do at a moonlit night? (e) What do we feel and forget then?

A MOONLIT NIGHT | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A moonlit night is different from any other night. A moonlit night is a night when the moon shines with full size of the moon and gives a fresh and overwhelming light. In a moonlit night, it provides us with a milky white fresh light blanket throughout the world and rouses many thoughts in our mind. After the sunset as the moon starts to creep in the middle sky, it starts to make the earth bright and gay. A moonlit night is pleasant to all. People go to wander in the fields. Someone goes for boating. Children make use of the night for their multipurpose activities. They play with their team in the field. They seek flowers and fruits in the light of the moon. As we are fond of beauty, we feel happy and do recreation in moonlit night. We do everything in accordance with our ability and aptitude on that night. More importantly, we forget our animosity with others on a moonlit night. In the tender light of a moonlit night, we do feel fresh and. cheerful. Actually, a moonlit night is a blessing of God to all his creatures. On a moonlit night, everyone's spirit gets roused. Old people come out and sit together in groups to gossip and tell stories. The poets are moved with pulsation of delight and compose poems. Some birds come out of their nests and "hover around. Even some beasts leave their folds and run hither and thither. Rivers, canals and tanks contain the splendid piece of the sky with the moon and the stars in their open bosoms. The trees and plants, crops and creepers all appeal bright and glistening. A moonlit night is, therefore, a night of exquisite beauty and joy.


Tree Plantation Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Tree Plantation.

TREE PLANTATION | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC



Trees are the best friend of man. They do us good in many ways. They supply us with food, medicine, timber, fuel and what not. Trees take in carbon di-oxide and give out oxygen without which no animals can live.

Everyday a huge amount of carbon dioxide is being produced from numerous vehicles, mills and factories. And only trees on earth can absorb it and use it in the process of their making food arid at last produce oxygen. Thus trees have great role in maintaining ecological balance.

As a result of cutting trees indiscriminately, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing day by day. This carbon dioxide is responsible for greenhouse effect. Owing to greenhouse effect, the world temperature is on the increase and consequence creating various natural disasters. If this situation, goes on, human civilization must face destruction one day.

So, we must plant more, trees and stop indiscriminate destruction of forest and trees. The best time of tree plantation is June-July. We have to make people aware of the importance of trees and thus encourage them to plant trees; Trees present us flowers, the most beautiful things on earth. They keep the atmosphere cool and bring down rain. Yet some people are so ungrateful that they recklessly fell down such a beneficent friend.

The little forests that we have in Chittagong, Khulna, Dinajpur and Tangail areas are shrinking day by day. Owing to increasing population. There are various fruit trees all over the country. But they are not sufficient to meet our fruit requirement.

To make our country prosperous arid to check air pollution and to save our earth from greenhouse affects us should plant more and more trees. Trees make the earth beautiful. Trees give us fruits which are the best kind of food. That is why heaven is imagined as a garden' full of trees.

The earth without trees would be a big desert where all animals will die. So we should plant more trees.


The Prize Giving Day at Our School Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'The Prize Giving Day at Your School'.



The prize giving ceremony of a school is always a thrilling event to the students. It was the month of February. The names of the recipients of prizes and medals on the result of the last examination had been announced.

A day was fixed <or distributing prizes to the prize winners. The D.C of our district himself had consented to preside over the function. So, we set about decorating the premises of the school. The flowers and festoons, artistically laid out, give gala appearance to the whole scene.

By 3 p.m. the invited guests began to come in. The volunteers -with their distinctive badges were all attention to the guests. They guided the distinguished citizens of the locality to the seats especially reserved for them. Punctually at 4 p.m. the President came in. The students provided him with the guard of honour. A loud burst of cheering welcomed him as he took his seat.

The proceedings began with the singing of our national song with all of us standing. The President then read out his report. At one stage he made, a moving appeal to the government and the public not to treat education as a subject of lesser importance than any other subject for depending the fate of the future generation and the welfare of the country as a whole.

Then the main function began. The Headmaster called each recipient by name, announced the subject in which the award was made and the place of honour, he occupied. The winners of the topmost awards were vigorously cheered by all, while there friends shouted words of good humoured encouragement. The sportsmen, I could see, were by far the most popular. When the colours were awarded, the cheering was loud enough to be heard for miles.

Finally, the President rose to speak. He congratulated the institution, the teachers, the students, and in fact, everybody on the good work done in the past year, and observed that all this could be dene because there was co-operation all around.

With the customary vote of thanks proposed by the senior most teacher and seconded by the most brilliant student, the function drew to a close. The national anthem was then sung by all standing, and the President was taken to his car. 

The cheering were tumultuous; and slowly as the evening faded into darkness, the gathering broke up and dispersed. It was quite an enjoyable evening.


The Season I Like Best Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'The Season You Like Best'.

THE SEASON I LIKE BEST | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC


Bangladesh is the blue-eyed child of nature and that's why she has embellished our country with fascinating sights, sounds and colours.

Depending on these, we have six seasons in a year. Every season appears with its own hue, beauty and charm. But I have a special fascination for the rainy season.

The rainy season sets in the month of July and continues till the end of August. This season has a great impact on the life of the people of Bangladesh and the whole nature.

The, season appears after the sweltering and humid weather of the summer. Roars of thunder with flashes of lightning followed by heavy precipitations are the special characteristics of this season. During the season sometimes it pours with rain and sometimes it drizzles. Rain refreshes the whole nature.

During this season our countryside takes on a spectacular look. Rivers, canals, ponds, marshes are filled to the brim. Sometimes water overflows their banks and reaches the very edge of our homesteads. People move in boats. In this season there is a plentiful supply of fish. Catching fish with nets and rods is another common sight in this season.

The clattering sound of rain on tin-roofs or the pitter-patter sound creates an air of romanticism; the dark clouds in the sky veil the sunlight. People love to stay at home and enjoy special delicacies.

Enchanting flowers like Keya, Kadam, Hasna-hena, Jui, Togor bloom in this season and send their sweet fragrance all around. In this season, the urban life also becomes attractive. The dust and dirt are washed away. People enjoy the soothing temperature.

But it is also true that the torrential rain creates sufferings and difficulties to the poor shelter less people. In spite of the disadvantages the rainy season has, I have a fascination for this season.


Physical Exercise Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Physical Exercise.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC


Physical exercise means the systematic movement of the limbs of the body to keep them mobile and strong. Without it none can enjoy a sound health. It keeps us free from diseases, makes us physically strong and healthy.

There is a close connection between the body and the mind. It is physical exercise which enables us to have a sound mind in a sound body. Music soothes our mind and brings us into a domain of pleasure.

There are various forms of physical exercise. The common items of physical exercise include walking, swimming, cycling, rowing, riding, wrestling, gymnastics etc. Walking is an excellent physical exercise. It is suitable for the people of all ages. Swimming is another good exercise.

All the limbs of the body are moved by it. All kinds of sports can be regarded as physical exercise. Games like football, cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton, ha-du-du, etc. are good forms of physical exercise.

We should take any of these exercises if we want to make the body and the mind healthy and strong. Some people think that physical exercise is a mere waste of time. But they are mistaken. It is physical exercise that keeps the limbs of our body in a perfect condition.

If makes our muscles strong and body active. Physical exercise improves digestion of food. It helps the proper circulation of blood and removes extra fat from the body.     Therefore, a man who takes regular physical exercise is sure to enjoy a sound health all through his life.

In our country very little attention is given to physical exercise. People above thirty hardly take any physical exercise. These people are engaged in brain work. There are many students, who do not appreciate the utility of physical-exercise. They think, it is simply a waste of their time.

But they do not know that they can work hard if they have a sound health. There is maxim, "A sound mind in a sound body keeps a man healthy and wealthy". So it is imperative to take physical exercise so as to keep our body fit.

So all of us should take any sort of physical exercise every day. However all sorts of physical exercise are not suitable for all men.

We should take physical exercise on the recommendation of a doctor.


Punctuality Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Punctuality'.

PUNCTUALITY | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC


Punctuality means doing something at the agreed or proper time. A punctual man does his duties according to a schedule, so he can finish them on time. But an unpunctual man who starts late cannot do so.

'Time is money' says the proverb. A punctual man can utilise the valuable time but an unpunctual man wastes his time and, therefore, becomes a loser. He cannot do his work properly, so he cannot shine in life.

Punctuality is of great value to a student. An unpunctual boy who is late in the class will miss a part of his lesson, and fall behind other students. But a punctual student learns his lesson in time and fares well in the examination.

Punctuality is the key to success in business. A businessman has to do much work and deal with many people. If he is not punctual he will lose his customers and suffer loss. The importance of punctuality is great in other professions also.

A doctor's unpunctuality might kill a patient. His unpunctual lawyer will lose his case and, therefore, his clients. Hence, the importance of punctuality in all spheres of life cannot be denied.

Unpunctuality in some cases is discourteous. If you are unpunctual in keeping appointment with a person, he may very reasonably feel slighted.

Finally, punctual habits I make us healthy while unpunctual habits are harmful to bur health.


Pahela Baishakh Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Pahela Baishakh' that you have celebrated.

PAHELA BAISHAKH | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC


Pahela Baishakh is the first day of the Bangla New Year. People celebrate this day by holding cultural functions and fairs. This day is our national festival.

People irrespective of caste, colour, social status etc. assemble in the fair. They forget all their differences on this day and indulge in pure delight. I went to Ramna Batamul in the Ramna Park, enjoyed the cultural function which was being held.

Various cultural organizations arrange various programmes on this day. Chayanat the leading cultural organization of our country is the main attraction on this day. They begin the function with the song, Esho he Boishakh asho esho. They represent our national culture.

I woke up early in the morning and wearing traditional Bangali dress went to the Batamul by rickshaw.

The famous artistes were singing welcoming the New Year. A large number of people of all ages assembled there. On this occasion a fair was held where various handicrafts were sold. Temporary hotels sold traditional Bangali foods.

This attracted me most. I bought a plate of wet rice and hilsha fish and ate it to my heart's content. Then I went to the fair and bought some handicraft. I came back home at 2'p.m. Again I went to the fair with my friends and enjoyed seeing people of different ages in traditional dresses.

Pahela Baishakh is a tradition of Bangla culture. So people of different creeds and religions assemble together to welcome the day. Different cultural organizations arrange folk songs, jatra boat race and horse race.

The day is indeed a day of great rejoicing and merry making.

Population Problem in Bangladesh Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Population Problem in Bangladesh'.



Bangladesh is beset with many problems. The population problem is the most serious of them all. The total land area of the country is about 1,48,393 square kilometres.

About 1400 million people live in this small area. More than 750 people live per square kilometre. Every year some 22,00,000 people are born. Thus the country is very thickly populated.

The effects of overpopulation are very dangerous. If our population grows at such a high rate, it will add to the problem of food and clothing- of accommodation and employment, of education and training, of health and sanitation and what not. All the development efforts of the government as well as other organizations have been set at naught by this explosion of population.

The aim of life is not just to struggle and survive. There must be solution of this problem. Population survey should be carefully done. Manpower development programmes should be taken up. Efforts should be made for proper utilization of human resources. Family planning measures should be geared up. Early marriage should be discouraged.

Food production should be increased by application of modern methods. More industries of different scales should be set up and skilled labour should be turned out and exported. We must try to improve our living conditions. We must make it feasible to live in a decent way.

It is everybody's duty to understand that control and management of population in our country is an urgent necessity. Our government is quite aware of this problem. 

All its functionaries are very up and doing in this regard. It is expected that the liability of our overpopulation will turn into an exportable asset within a short time.


Our Cultural Heritage Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on ‘Our Cultural Heritage’.


Culture is traditions. According to Rabindranath Tagore, education is a piece of diamond and culture is the emission of light therefrom. Tradition always molds culture. Henceforth, the concept of the cultural heritage grows.

Our linguistic history and our cultural heritage go hand in hand as both originate from the same source. Bangladesh has a glorious past. She has an ancient civilization. She has also a distinct socio-cultural life. This rich cultural heritage is deeply rooted in its soil. Its land and people are inter-dependent.

This cultural heritage, was not built in a day. It is the product of thousands of years. Here people of various religions live but there is a great cultural unity among them. Their ideas, customs, ways of life have been cherished from a long ancient time. This nation has sacrificed a dot to ensure it. The valiant sons of the soil laid down their lives to protect it.

We have our Bangla New Year, different social and religious festivals. These festivals have relevance to Nature. They also have relevance to the religions and cultural activities of the people. They encourage local handicraft and folklore music. They contribute to the ethics and rituals "that bind the society together.

Musical activities cover a great part in any culture. We have a distinctive and original music. But it is a pity that now these songs are losing its originality under the influence of western music and instrument.

Now our traditional songs are being sung with western musical instruments and the original tones are being greatly altered. We have also distinction in respect of dance-culture. This has a great variety and shows bur individuality.

But gradually we are becoming accustomed to foreign culture. We are trying to copy the western culture. Young generations are becoming more inclined to western cultured with the passage of time we are losing our good things.

But we have to hold on to our culture and make the young people realize its importance.

Necessity of Female Education Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Necessity of Female Education'.


Education means the training of a person both mentally and morally, and it should be universal. This should not be limited to men only. Women should also be educated by all means. In a house a woman plays the most important role.

But some people are strongly opposed to female education. They consider that women are inferior to men. They should be confined to the kitchen only. Their duty is cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth and rearing up children.

But without education they can't perform the abovementioned duties efficiently, and systematically. I think female education is necessary, because education will enable them to discharge their duties quite nicely and decently. It is also necessary from the point of view of child education. Anything good or bad taught by the mother bears a lasting impression on the character of a person. Napoleon said, "Give me a good mother, I shall give you a good nation."

Education can make such a good mother. After receiving education the contribution of a woman at home and society increases. An educated mother surely brings up her children in a better way than an uneducated one. In the present context female education is most necessary. Now we live in the competitive world. In the globalized world, to go on with the rest world we must educate our women folk. Women comprise almost half of the total population. If this great part of population is not educated and does not participate in the national activities, overall development of the nation is impossible.

To enhance the speed of the development process of the country, we must not keep our women-folk illiterate and unproductive. If these women are given opportunities of developing their intellectual faculties, they must turn into great assets.

And the output of these women will greatly contribute to our national economy. Therefore, female education is necessary for any nation from every point of view.

My Favorite Book Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Your Favourite Book'.

MY FAVOURITE BOOK | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

I have not read much. I cannot read any and every book. I read only when I want to read. I like reading the poems of Nazrul, the short stories of Maugham and Tolstoy, the tales of Sherlock Holmes. If I am asked to name one book as my favourite, I would mention Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens.

Mr Pickwick is the main character of the story. But in this book, the story is rather unimportant. It is the detached incidents that absorb our interest. Mr Pickwick with his three associates forms the Pickwick Club;

The story revolves round these Pickwickians and how the Pickwickians meet with one experience after another, and how they behave and react will keep you eagerly expectant and will often set you laughing boisterously. The characters are very likeable sorts. Mr Pickwick is genial and good-natured and obliging. Mr Wardle is generous and hospitable.

Sam Weller, Mr Pickwick's devoted servant, is also quite agreeable. As the story draws to its end, everything is concluded to the satisfaction of everybody. The conversations contained in this book are interesting in themselves.

For all these reasons 'Pickwick Papers' is my favourite book. I am always interested to read the book and I am cheerful about reading the book.

My Village Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Your Village.

MY VILLAGE | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

The name of my village is Sherpur. It is a typical village of Bangladesh. The village is in Sailkupa Upazilla in the district of Jhenidah. About four thousand people live here. Like other villages, most of the inhabitants are farmers.

There are a few businessmen, carpenters, fishermen and potters, some teachers and govt, employees. About 90% of the people are Muslims and the rest are Hindus. There are two primary schools *and a high school, in the village. The high school has a big playground where the boys and others play football. A football tournament is held every year and teams from far and near participate in it.

There is a big market in the village, where the villagers buy and sell the daily necessities like rice, vegetables, fish etc. On two days of the week people of the adjoining villages come here to sell their agricultural products like vegetables, rice, bananas, jute etc. The traders buy these goods and send them to distant towns.

The natural scenery of my village is very charming. There are a lot of trees in my village. Various kinds of birds five on these trees. The sweet songs of these birds are very pleasant. The green trees provide us with cold atmosphere and shade. These aspects of my village make our life pleasant and happy. In my village people of various religions live in peace.

They observe their respective religious festival undisturbed. They invite one another on their various festivals. They help one another in their danger. The people of my village lead a life a delight and amusement. They often arrange cultural functions. But the most delightful occasion is Pahela Baishakh. There is a large banyan tree in my village and under the tree the fair of Pahela Baishakh is held.

My village is an ideal one. The village with its green fields and rows of palm trees, mango and jackfruit trees is an island of peace, where the people of all communities live in peace and harmony and share the joys and sorrows of life equally.

This is my village, my heaven and I love it so much.

My Favorite Personality Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Your Favourite Personality.


There are many people in our society. I like many of them certainly. But M. Rahman, our Headmaster, is my favourite personality. I have observed him very closely, over a long time. Thus I have noticed many virtues in him.

As a man he is honest, truthful and benevolent. He always helps the poor. He is sympathetic to the helpless and tries his utmost to help them. He helps all kinds of people with money or good advice. He never allows evil-doers to go on with their immoral activities. On the contrary, he always encourages good activities. As a teacher he is excellent.

He represents all the good qualities of an ideal teacher. He teaches us English. We receive education under his active guidance. I admire him and respect him. He has a striking personality. He is very gentle and polite. Nothing goes unnoticed by him. Sometimes he looks very stern and severe but in the class he behaves like a friend. 

He is, as if, a sharer of knowledge with us. His method of teaching makes each lesson attractive, interesting and useful. He has a lucid voice which makes us almost spell-bound in the class.

A good teacher has no substitute in the formation of a good nation. His importance cannot be under-estimated. My favourite personality is a good and ideal teacher. He is selfless in his dealings. 

Under his active guidance the result of our school is very good. After all, he has all the qualities that are required for a good teacher as well as a good person.

For all these reasons; he is my favourite personality.


Our School Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Your School.

OUR SCHOOL | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

The name of our school is Banglabazar Govt. Girls' High School. The school is situated at a suitable place in old Dhaka. It was established in 1951. It is a renowned school. Its site is both beautiful and healthy. It is a three storied building that faces the west.

There are twenty classrooms and one hall room in it. There is another building that faces the north where the teachers common-room, office room, Headmistress room are situated on the ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor of this building are used as laboratory and science activities.

Our school is two-shifted. There are morning and day shifts. The morning shift starts at 7:30 a.m. and breaks at 11:45 a.m. The day shift starts at 12 a.m. and breaks at 4:30 p.m. There are 1,600 students in both shifts. There are 50 teachers, two assistant Headmistresses and one Headmistress and 15 other office staffs in our school. Our school has a rich library, a good play ground and also a gymnasium. Our physical instructor trains us in various games and sports.

Our teachers are kind and sympathetic to us. They take special care of us. So, the school makes, satisfactory result every year. Our school also publishes school magazine every year.

Ours is a good school. We are proud of it and always try to add to its prestige.


My Favorite Teacher Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Your Favourite Teacher.


I am a student. Many teachers taught me and many are still teaching me. I respect all of them. I am grateful to them for their kind contribution in the field of my education.

But my favourite teacher is Mr Abul Basher who teaches us English. Mr M A Bashar is an MA. B. Ed as well. He is in possession of all good qualities and a good teacher. He has a sweet and clear voice. All the students of the class can hear him clearly. He has a good command of the subject he teaches.

His English pronunciation is correct and distinct. He makes the different grammatical problems easy and clear to us with the help of examples and explanation. In his class he speaks English. We have to talk to him in English too. He helps us prepare the lesson in the class.

We need not spend much time on his subject at home. He loves each and every student. He talks to us affectionately. If any student fails to answer a question correctly he does not punish or rebuke him. Rather he helps him to understand. His method of teaching is very effective.

He knows every student personally. He inspires us to read English newspaper and journals. He is a good sportsman. In the play-ground, he is a friend of us. Whenever we are in any problem, we seek his valuable advice.

Mr Bashar is the pride of our school. An ideal teacher of his standard is rare at present. I wish him a long and healthy life.

My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'Your Visit to a Place of Historical Interest'.


In Bangladesh, there are many places of historical interest. Visits to such places bear a great educative value. So after the stress of the test examination, I along with some of my friends visited Mahasthangarh.

On January 20, 2005 we started for our visit. We went to Bogra by bus and stayed there overnight. The following day after breakfast we set out for Mahasthangarh. It was only a few kilometres away from Bogra town. We went by rickshaw. When we reached Mahasthangarh a glorious chapter of old history opened up before our eyes. Mahasthangarh was the site of Pundranagar.

Pundranagar was the capital of the Mouryas, Guptas, Senas and other Hindu kings. The old city was about 2000 metres long and 1500 metres wide and was surrounded by a wall. Once it was a very flourishing city. Mahasthangarh stands on the western bank of the river Korotoa. There are some elevated places near Mahasthangarh. These places are known as Vitas, Kundas, Ghous and Dhaps.

One part of the dried river is known as the ghat of Kankabati. There is a museum at Mahasthangarh. Some images, dice, ornaments and pots excavated from Mahasthangarh have been kept in the museum. We have seen all these relics of the past and learnt a lot about our past heritage.

We have, spent the day at Mahasthangarh and started back for Bogra in the evening. We enjoyed the day. It was a great pleasure to be at Mahasthangarh. It was indeed a rewarding visit.


My Childhood Memories Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on ‘Your Childhood Memories’.


Sweet are the memories of our childhood. Rich and poor, high and low, we all had divine memories of our childhood. The love and affection of our parents, relatives and friends gave us a joy and happiness which we shall never find again. The world was young and nature was fresh. We lived in a dream that has passed away. It is true that man loves recalling the past.

Childhood days are very much enjoyable and fascinating. The family circle is important here. I remember my father who was a hardworking and honest1 person. He was of a strict nature. But his heart was soft. We were very close to our mother and always made our demands to her. Our grandma told us fairy tales and recited nursery rhymes.

Another recollection of my childhood is the place where I was born. I was born in a big village. Its natural beauty was superb. There were many cornfields and groves of mango, blackberry, jackfruit, coconut and other trees. The most beautiful things about the village was a big river and a canal. We bathed in them and watched many boats big and small plying on them. There were a market place, a post office, two mosques and a temple, a primary school and a high school in the village.

Another important thing to recollect is my early education. I do not remember when I learnt the alphabet. But later on my father sat with us and taught us lessons. He took me to the primary school. It was a strange place at first. But gradually I had many friends there. The teachers were very kind and loving. But we feared our English teacher.

The final annexation to my childhood memories is the village fiend my playmates. The days were endless rounds of games and plays in my childhood. We liked very* much kite flying and fishing. We played football, hadudu and many other simple, games. Weekly bazar days were of special attraction for us. We enjoyed the village fair which was held annually, to observe the last day of Chaitra. We enjoyed the rows of temporary shops, displaying various kinds of articles sold in the fain I bought sweets, pencils, knives, kites, fishing angles etc. from the big village fair. There were some other fairs during the year.

These were very exciting. I also remember some magic shows and circuses which I witnessed during my holidays in my childhood. I had some close playmates with whom I played games like cricket, football, chess, and hadudu. I am now away from my village. I see my parents only during the holidays. The big village has now become a small town.

My childhood friends now live at different places. I miss the deep love and intense joy of my childhood days. So I feel very happy when I recollect my childhood.

My Favorite Game Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on 'My Favourite Game'.

MY FAVOURITE GAME | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

The game I like best is football. It is not our country game. It came to our country during the British rule in this subcontinent. At present, this, game is played all the year round. It is a popular game all over the world.

I played this game first when I was ten years old. Before that I played this game with little children at home with an artificial ball made of straw and .cloth. During my school life I took part in this game. I enjoyed this game very much. I like this game because it is full of thrills and excitement. Not only that, this game has some value. It teaches us discipline and gives us delight.

There is competition between two teams. Each team consists of eleven players. All the players obey the referee. It teaches us to be obedient and hard-working. It has some important physical value. It is the only game that helps us grow both mentally and physically. It enriches our health and mind, it also teaches us to be smart. It inculcates in us the habit of team spirit and team work. It also makes us strong and stout. It makes the players prompt, strong and hardy.

It has also some risks. The players may be hurt at any moment. Yet the game is exciting and a source of great pleasure and recreation. It is also within our means. For all these reasons I like this game most.

My Hobby Composition in about 200 words

Write a composition on Your Hobby

MY HOBBY | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Hobby is nothing but an alternative mental occupation. Winston Churchill defines it as an alternative mental interest; It gives us joy and pleasure but we do not pay for it. A man cannot enjoy his leisure without a hobby. Without hobby, life becomes dull and monotonous.

Different persons have different tastes and choices. Some choose gardening, some choose catching fish, some like collecting stamps, and some like painting and so on. Whatever may be the hobby, it has its own values. I am a student of class X, I also, have a hobby and it is gardening.

Some of my friends say to me, it is a wastage of time. I do not think so. At first, I was a thinner boy and I was sick very often. But now I am a healthy boy.

My garden is in front of my house. I have put a fence around it so that cattle or naughty children can do no harm to the plants and. flowers. I have various kinds of flower-plants in my garden such as the rose, the beli, the sheuli, the dahlia etc. Whenever I get time, I go to my garden and work there.

I weed out the grass; I water the plants, I sow seeds of new flowers. When the tender flower plants blossom forth, I become overjoyed. On holidays I work more in my garden. Sometimes my friends, neighbours and relatives visit my garden. They become very glad to see my garden and they appreciate very much!

I am very glad to choose this hobby because it has improved my body and mind; It is helpful to me in various ways. First of all it makes me forget my worries and anxieties. It relieves me from my routine bound work.

So people should adopt delightful pursuits as hobbies to make life happy and pleasant.


A Postman Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Postman'.

(a) Who is a postman? (b] What is his uniform? (c) What does he bear with him? (d) What does he do everyday? (e) How is his relation with the people? (f) Why is his duty important?

A POSTMAN | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A postman is a low paid government employee. His duty is to deliver letters and parcels. He is a familiar as well as a popular figure in our country. He renders essential services to the people. He has a uniform. Formerly he used to put on a khaki dress with a turban on his head. A leather bag hung across his shoulder. But nowadays the outfit does not seem to matter much. He uses an umbrella, to save himself .from the sun and the rain. Some postmen ride on bicycles. His letters, parcels and other things are safely carried in his bag. Everyday he opens the mail bag, sorts letters, parcels and money orders. Then he goes from door to door to deliver the postal articles to the right persons. People eagerly wait for the arrival of the postman. He is the symbol of both joy and sorrow. He carries both good and bad news. People become happy when they get good news from him. He works regularly in fair or foul weather. In rural areas he is very friendly with all. But in towns and cities he maintains an official air and does not mix freely with the people. The postman is a poor employee of the Postal Department. But the job he performs is very important. He plays a significant role in the smooth running of the Postal Department. He knows it well that his negligence may cause harm to people. So he is an important person. He is friendly to all. Considering his importance, the government should take a hand to improve his lot.


A Good Teacher Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Good Teacher'.

(a) Who is a teacher? (b) What does he do for the students?, (c) What is the importance of his service? (d) What does he teach his students? (e) What is the condition of the teachers in our country?

A GOOD TEACHER | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to his/her students. Again, a teacher in possession of sound knowledge on his/her subject, having the qualities of punctuality, honesty, sympathy etc. is termed as a good teacher. A teacher is similarly termed as an architect of a nation. His/her first and foremost duty and responsibility is to should up his/her students. He/she acts as a friend, guide and philosopher of his/her students. A teacher's area of responsibility is not confined to academic aspect only, but his/her area of responsibility is much wider. He/she tries to make his/her students as ideal citizens of the country. A teacher is believed to have given light to the nation. If the people are deprived of education, the entire nation: is supposed to be in the darkness of ignorance. So, the importance of a teacher can hardly be expressed in language. He/she holds a noble profession and deals with such an important aspect of life which is the backbone of a nation. He/she teaches the students the total codes of life. Their social service, their religious aspects etc. are included in it. A teacher renders his/her utmost service to the nation, but it is a matter of great regret, the overall condition of a teacher is not good at all. He/she is not evaluated in comparison with his/her contribution to society. He/she is financially and socially in a deplorable condition.


A Fisherman Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph 'A Fisherman'.

(a) Who is a fisherman? (b) Where does he live? (c) How does he catch fish? (d) How does he support his family? (e) How does he pass his days?

A FISHERMAN | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


The man who catches fish to earn his livelihood is known as a fisherman. The man, who is involved in this work, has taken it as a profession. In fact, he leads a very ordinary life. He finds it difficult to make both ends meet because of his meagre income. He is labourious and painstaking, no doubt, but his income is not proportionate to his labour. His first and foremost task is to catch fish from different sources and sell them in the local market to earn his livelihood. He usually catches fishes in the rivers, seas, canals, haors, beels, ponds and ditches by nets and boats. Sometimes, he fishes in groups in the form of cooperation. His life is very risky as his income is uncertain. When he goes to the deep seas, his family becomes anxious for him. In the event of a natural calamity, his life grows totally uncertain and risky. It is difficult to say whether he will come back to his family or not. He works day and night with his net and boat, but he cannot be sure of his income. In such a situation, his family have to starve for days together. In spite of his hard labour, he can hardly lead a comfortable life. A fisherman, being illiterate and ignorant cannot lead a healthy life. He has no knowledge of nutrition or hygiene and consequently he along with the members of his family suffer from various diseases. His economic condition not being good, he cannot afford the cost of proper treatment for himself and his family members. So, it is often seen that diseases and death are constant companions of his family.


Yoga Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Yoga'.

(a) What is yoga? (b) What are the functions of yoga? (c) How can yoga trainers choose the right practice for the practitioners? (d) What are the health benefits of yoga? (e) Can yoga cure you 100 percent?

YOGA | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Yoga is a kind of posture and breathing exercise. It is an ancient exercise which originated in the Indian subcontinent many years ago. Mainly yoga emphasizes the breathing technique. According to Indian yoga, there is a deep relation between body and breath, Breath is the main life-force. It is said that anybody can maintain his or her good health controlling breath in different ways. Among them, "Pranaum" is the yoga breathing technique. 'Pranaum' is such a practice as is important for the human body. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve the peace of the body and the mind. All the practitioners of yoga do hot necessarily need the same kinds of practice. Yoga trainers gradually choose easier to complex activities for the practitioners. The potential health benefits of yoga are numerous. The regular practice of yoga helps manage stress and anxiety. With its quiet, precise movements, yoga draws one's focus away from one's busy, chaotic day towards calm. It also helps one enjoy improved balance, flexibility,, range of motion and strength. Yoga might help one with a variety of health conditions,, such as cancer, depression, pain, insomnia, fatigue and mood. Yoga can also help reduce heartbeat and blood pressure. If one is overweight, yoga may help him drop those extra fats. But one should not expect that yoga will cure or offer him 100 per cent relief. But one can expect that he or she will be able to lead his life almost free from diseases. It can be an enjoyable supplement to one's regular fitness routine.


Women's Contributions to National Development Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Women's Contributions to National Development'.

(a) How important is the participation of women in national development? (b) What is the percentage of women of our population? (c) What are the areas that women contribute to? (d) What role do women play in garment industry? (e) What role do women play in medical profession? (f) What Vole do women play in the administrative area? (g) Which activities are they participating at present?



Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam praises women for their taking part in the development of our nation. He says that what is good, great and prosperous in the world is done half by men and half by women. In fact, the contribution of women to every sphere cannot be denied. Women comprise about 55% of our total population. No nation can achieve progress and development keeping this vast-population backward and; out of the main stream of development activities. Women are gradually coming up at an increasing rate to work outside. A good number of women are working in both formal and non-formal sectors. The numbers of women in mills, factories, construction work, plantation, garment industries, pharmaceutics, electronics, small scale trades and businesses are increasing day by day. 90% of the garments workers are women. The women are doing better than their counterparts in garment sectors. Their role is really appreciable. Besides, 95% of the nursing services are performed by our womenfolk. They are doing laudable work there. Thousands of female doctors are coming out every year and they are doing excellent jobs at home and abroad; In addition, they are doing excellent jobs in administration. Recently, women .are joining the Armed Forces too in large numbers. At present, they are doing very well in teaching, engineering, banking, journalism, social work, etc. It is, no doubt, a very significant step. We are sure, their active participation in various fields of work will accelerate our development work. To speak the truth, for the national development, the participation of women is a must.


Water Pollution Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Water Pollution'.

(a) Why is water an essential element of nature? (b) How can it be harmful? (c) How! can it be polluted?, (d) How can it be purified? (e) Why is it necessary to drink pure water?

WATER POLLUTION | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


The thing which makes the world most worried now is various kinds of wastes and various kinds of pollution. Our environment comprises the elements that surround us. Air, water, the sun, the moon, weather, climate and everything fall under the category of the environment. Thus, the environment makes us survive. But this environment is polluted in various ways. Water pollution-is one of them. Water is an essential element of nature because our entire existence depends on it. It is said that without food, a man can live several days but without water he can hardly live just a few davs. But only pure water can be termed as life. Water pollution means contamination of surface and drinking water to the extent that they are harmful to use. The water filled with filth, dust and germs can be harmful to human life. Water may be polluted in different ways. Men pollute water by discharging domestic and industrial wastages, wastes and filth, poisonous chemicals and carrosines. Mills and factories throw their chemical wastes into rivers and canals and thus pollute water. In the rural areas, farmers use pesticides and chemical fertilizers which are washed away by rain and flood, pollute water. Pilfering of oil from water vehicles, etc. pollute water. Through proper management of wastes, we can minimize water pollution. Water can be purified by boding it for twenty minutes. Purification tablets can be used for the purpose. Pure water is free from all dangers and it is life blood of our existence and good health. So, we all should drink pure water.


Tree Plantation/Importance of Trees Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Tree Plantation/ Importance of Trees' . 

(a) What does a tree do for us? (b) What happens if there were no trees? (c) What is the effect of the loss of trees? (d) What should be done to save mankind? (e) How can people be debarred from cutting trees? (f) How can we make the earth greener, cleaner and safer? (g) What part do people play in protecting trees and increasing forests?



Trees are the most important gifts of nature. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relationship with nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance which is essential for the preservation of life on earth. They are our friends. They play an important role in our life and economy. Trees are helpful to us in many ways. They provide immense wealth and riches for us. Tree plantation means to plant trees in an organized way. Trees give us food, oxygen, furniture and fuel. We are aware how woods and forests bring rain, help our agriculture and prevent floods. If there were no trees, there would be no oxygen and life would have ceased to exist. The thoughtless destruction of our trees, woods and forests has put the: country to a great disadvantage. They are destroyed mostly for being used as firewood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to soil erosion. It deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. As a result, people die of starvation. Besides, heat, pollution, flood, famine disease,, etc. are the results of deforestation: So, to save mankind, forests should be preserved. We should plant more and more plants: This initiative may be taken jointly by government and non-government organizations. We can plant trees in the vacant space around our houses. Trees can also be planted by the side of roads, railway lines and highways. To prevent it, deforestation should be discouraged. Awareness about the importance of trees has to be developed among the general , masses to keep the earth greener, cleaner and safer for the future.
