Email Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Email'. 

(a) What is email? (b) How does it work? (c) What is its benefit? (d) Who uses it? (e) What are the merits and demerits of it?

EMAIL | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Electronic mail popularly known as 'email' is the communication of textual message via electronic means. In this system, personal computer, a modem and, a telephone connection are necessary. It requires an email account number. Email is delivered to individual electronic mail boxes based, in computers. Messages can be transmitted from one country to another within seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Privacy is ensured as the email is delivered to an individual's mail box which can be accessed or opened by the intended recipient. An important advantage of email is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper in the office. Nowadays' trade and commerce have become greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. Email gives us an opportunity to face the international arena. It establishes almost instantaneous communication to any part of the world and maintains worldwide information network with remote areas of the globe. But it is true that email is not without demerits. Email is an individual communicative system. That's why, every user of email has individual password. And this password should be preserved secretly. If this password is revealed to anyone, the user concerned can fall in danger. Sometimes a user has some secret things preserved in individual mail box. And if these secret things are revealed, the users must fall in danger certainly. If the user can guess that his or her password have already been disclosed,-he or she has to make a new password immediately. The user has to bear in mind that he or she should not accept all kinds of emails. These emails which are involved with crimes should be rejected.


E-learning Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'E-learning'.

(a) What is e-learning? (b) Who has given the concept of e-learning in Bangladesh? (c) How is it different from conventional learning? (d) How does the process of education take place in e-learning? (e) What is the prospect of e-learning?

E-LEARNING | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


E-learning refers to various kinds of electronic media and information and communication technology in education. It includes air forms of educational technology supporting learning and teaching. In this process, students must be first equipped with basic knowledge of technology such as computer, the Internet, etc. This learning also provides the learners and teachers with text, radio, images, animation and streaming video. It can occur in or out of class. It can be self-paced, asynchronous or synchronous learning. But it can also be face-to-face learning. That is, it can be done in a conventional way with the support of technology. So, e-learning is the latest and most refined mode of education which is basically processed through an electronic device in general and the Internet in particular. Dr. Badrul Huda Khan, an eminent educationist in Bangladesh, is one of the theorists and thereby one of the pioneers of e-learning in our country. In fact, Dr. Khan has given his well-thought of concept in Bangladesh. E-learning is totally different from conventional learning. In this system, a tutor can answer the question of a learner even when he is on board a flight to a distant country. In e-learning, everything from admission to certification is completed electronically through computer and the Internet technology in a virtual campus. E-learning is digitalized and conducted by a system called Learning Management System (LMS). The revolutionary concept of e-learning is in its initial phase in many countries of the world. Its prospect is bright in Bangladesh. We expect the south Asian's first virtual university here.


Early Rising Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Early Rising'.

(a) What is early rising? (b) How does it help us?(c) Who gets enough time to work? (d) Why are late risers affected? (e) What can one enjoy in the morning? (f) What is quite beneficial to health? (g) How does nature remain' in the morning? (h) How is an early riser more benefitted than a late riser?

EARLY RISING | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Early rising means leaving the bed very early in the morning. It is a good habit. It helps us in various ways. An early riser can have enough time to start his dayjs work nicely. He can finish a lot of works before others get up. Work done early in the morning is well done. On the other hand, late risers cannot finish their work properly. They fail to do their works, in time. In the morning, the mind and the body remain fresh. An early riser can take physical exercise in the morning breeze: It gives him energy for the day's toil, and turmoil. Thus, he can finish all his work well in time. In this regard, early rising is quite beneficial to health. So, he will not be late for going to bed and will enjoy a sound sleep. After a restful sleep throughout the night, he will rise early the next morning to begin the work Of another day. There is a proverb about early rising. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Actually, this saying is completely true. An early riser, gets refreshed in the peaceful morning's fresh air and thus gets healthy. He can meditate or concentrate upon the creations of God or the universe in the serene environment and he gets spiritually elevated. Getting more time, he can accomplish more work and thus can be wealthy and prosperous. On the other hand, a late riser becomes deprived of many things. He cannot enjoy the fresh air of the morning and can not have the opportunity of having physical exercise. In a word, he deprives himself materially, physically and spiritually.


Dowry System Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Dowry System'.

(a) What is dowry? (b) What is the main reason of dowry? (c) Who take dowry and who are the victims of dowry? (d) How does the dowry system affect the whole society? (e) What is your reaction to this social vice? (f) How can this social curse be eliminated?

DOWRY SYSTEM | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married. Nowadays, the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage has struck deeper roots in Bangladesh. Illiteracy, poverty and greed of the bridegroom are the main causes of this heinous system. In Bangladesh, this is seen to be a major problem. In the Bangladeshi society, this system is treated as a serious curse. Wife is inhumanly tortured, and killed by her husband for dowry. Most of the parents are poor. They cannot' keep their word they give before marrying off their daughters. This leads .to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to grow awareness among all. Movement against the dowry system should be started right now. We can get rid of this social vice by taking social reformative measures urgently. With this end in view, we have to make people aware of the importance of education. Education and self-reliance of women can make them get rid of the curse of dowry. An educated woman can develop her personality and thus can command respect from her family and society. She can contribute to the earning of the family and can maintain peace and; happiness. On the other hand, an uneducated woman is helpless and has nothing to do .but undergo the repression and torture by her in-laws. So, first of all, we have to educate our women folk and at the same time we must launch campaigns against this malpractice. Thus, we can get rid of the curse of this social malady.


Deforestation Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Deforestation'.

(a) What does deforestation mean? (b) What are the main causes and effects of deforestation? (c) Does our country face this problem? (d) How does it affect our crops? (e) How can we prevent deforestation?

DEFORESTATION | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

The cutting down of trees indiscriminately to meet up the basic needs of food and housing and thus destroying the ecological balance is called deforestation. Man needs houses, furniture, firewood etc. For this, man uses wood. Wood is also used in big industries. Man makes shops, educational institutions, boats, launches, trucks and other vehicles that lead many people to cut down trees. It Poses threats to our environment. There are also many: people engaged in trafficking trees from the forests making vast areas almost desert and leaving many wild animals in danger. All these have multifarious effects over the environment. Deforestation is very closely related to environment pollution and the greenhouse effects. Trees absorb poisonous carbon-dioxide and produce oxygen and thereby maintain a balanced environment. But owing to deforestation, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing day by day. Consequently, various natural calamities such as flood, drought, cyclone, Sidr, etc. are occurring very often on earth. And these are wrecking a great havoc upon life and property. Floods and droughts, cyclones and tornedos are the common phenomena in a region or in a country where deforestation is going on. In our country, less rainfall, excessive rainfall, bad harvest, soil erosion, extinction of wild animals, the greenhouse effects are the problems prevailing owing to deforestation. To prevent deforestation, some pragmatic steps should be taken. A social movement should be launched to prevent deforestation. Social awareness can be raised regarding adverse effects of deforestation. For this purpose, environment science and study on ecology should be introduced from the schopl level. Massive awareness regarding tree plantation can be raised through TV programmes. And above all our forest department should execute all codes of manner strictly at least to reduce deforestation to some extent.

Corruption Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ' Corruption'.

(a) What is corruption? (b) What is the nature of corruption in our everyday life? (c) Why does it occur? (d) What happens owing to corruption? (e) What is your feeling at these types of corrupt people? (f) How can corruption be removed?

CORRUPTION | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Corruption means committing crime and mischief to the country. It causes a great harm to the countrymen. None can escape 'from the harm of corruption. It is a social malady. It spreads its greedy clutches all over the country. Today each and every government sector of the country is badly affected with it. Government officials, clerks, secretaries even ordinary peons, security officers and so on are involved in corruption. They take bribe from the common people for giving the illegal service. The country has zapped the list of corrupt countries five times. There is none to raise voice against the galloping corruption. However, there are many reasons behind this corruption and the reasons are not far to seek. The greed for power, pelf, wealth and money is the root cause of corruption. Avarice, dishonesty, nepotism and favouritism are also responsible for corruption. The result, of corruption has a far-reaching effect on socio-economic condition of our country. It once made the country a bottomless basket. It has slowed down the economy and made the country poorer. It hinders the development programmes. The widespread practice of corruption should not be allowed to go unchecked. The corrupt people should be punished by enforcing law. It should be checked, prevented and controlled at any cost. It is heartening to note that the Independent Ann Corruption Commission, set up recently, has been working seriously to check corruption.

Climate Change Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Climate Change.

(a) What is the climate change? (b) Where does it affect mainly? (c) What is the cause of the increase of the temperature? (d) What is the condition of the sea level? (e) Will the mangrove forest be affected?

CLIMATE CHANGE | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


The change of climate is now a major global concern. The worst of all the problems that affect all the flora and fauna of our environment is the climate change. There are many plants and animals that are vulnerable to climate change. As a result of increasing temperature, they are likely to be extinct from nature. But the reasons of increasing temperature are numerous. Firstly, carbon dioxide is, the main culprit for the increasing temperature. Everyday most industries, mills and factories are run in different countries. Besides these, many vehicles ply on the roads. All these create smoke which emits carbon dioxide. In addition, the industrially developed countries are emitting tons of carbon on the sea, which is indirectly responsible for producing carbon dioxide. The more carbon dioxide will increase, the'more the temperature will increase in the world. About 18000 years ago, the sea level was more than 100 metres lower than today. Over the last century, the sea level has risen by 10-20 cm possibly in response .to global warming. The mangrove forest will be affected because of increasing salinity during the winter season and high tides during the monsoon. Moreover, coastal surges will also raise water level in the area.. Therefore, all the plants and animals vulnerable to the climate change will be hampered severely. Owing to high, salinity, many trees will be eliminated. All the flora and fauna will be affected by the salinity of water. They will lose the sources of their food and shelter.


Child Labor Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Child Labor'.

(a) What is child labour? (b) Of what rights are the working children deprived? (c) Where do they work? (d) Why do they suffer from malnutrition? (e) Who should act to protect their rights and stop their labour? (f) What should be done to develop their living standard?

CHILD LABOUR | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A boy or girl below the age of fifteen is called a child. The manual labor given by children is called child labour. Children employed to earn .money are deprived of proper education. They grow up to be illiterate and ignorant. They also do not have a proper growth of mind' and body. They are also deprived of living a normal life in a loving environment. All the child labourers in Bangladesh are manual workers. They have to work very hard to earn their living. The work they do is usually unfit for them. From their early age they start working as servants at other houses. They even-work in cheap hotels and shops. Many children are found on the streets breaking stones or bricks for house-building. They are also found doing dangerous work like welding. Some children work as street hawkers. They sell different items to the passers-by. Some work in factories, some polish boots and some even work as rickshaw-pullers. In the rural areas, we have a different picture. The children are engaged in farming and rearing which is very difficult. They are not given proper food and cloths. They are always half-fed and suffer from malnutrition. Child labour is banned all around the world but the law in this respect is not implemented sturdily. So, the law should be implemented strictly to ban child labour. It is the responsibility of the government as well as society to protect their rights and give them education. Child labour should be banned by legislation. Parents must be conscious of sending their children somewhere to learn instead of sending them to earn.


Bangladesh at a glance Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Bangladesh at a Glance'.
(a) Where is Bangladesh located? (b) When and how did it gain independence? (c) What are different religions of Bangladesh? (d) What are the common dresses that men, women and young people wear? (e) What is the capital of our country? (f) What are the other points (if any) that you want to include?


Bangladesh is a south-east Asian country. It is a small low lying country. It is bounded by India on its west, north-west and east, by Myanmar on the south-east and by the Bay of Bengal on the south. The total area of our country is about 1,47,570 square kilometres. Though not very large in area, she has a big population. It got its independence on 16 December, 1971 through an armed liberation war of 9 months. Its capital is Dhaka. In our country, there are different communities of people. They have different religions. The religions of the people are Islam, the Hinduism, the Christianity and the Buddhism. People of different tribes live in our country. The chief religion is Islam and Muslims constitute 80% of the population. Hindus are the largest minority group. There are other  religions also. There are considerable numbers of Christians and Buddhists. The common customs and traditions that people follow here include the hospitality, harmony, and fellow-feelings, the observance of Pahela Baishakh, the 1st day of Bengali year, etc. The people are, by and large, simple, sociable and pious. They are very loyal to family ties and respectful towards the seniors and elders. The main tourist spots in Bangladesh include the sea-beach of Cox's Bazar, the mangrove of the Sundarbans in Khulna, the capital of ancient Bangla, Sonargaon, the Mahasthangarh etc. Bangladesh is unique with the beauties and bounties of Nature. There .is no other country in the world which is as beautiful as Bangladesh. We, the people of Bangladesh, are really fortunate enough to feel proud of being born in such a beautiful land.

Baishakhi Mela Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Baishakhi Mela'.

(a) What is a Baishakhi Mela? (b) What does Baishakhi Mela signify? (c) How did you decorate the school premises? (d) What did the volunteers do? (e) What did the children do? (f) How much did you enjoy?

BAISHAKHI MELA | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Baishakhi Mela is a fair held on the 1st day of Baishakh in celebration of the Bengali New Yedr's day. It is a part and parcel of Bangalee culture. Baishakhi mela is the" reflection of our national unify. It shows that we, the Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, live here in peace and communal harmony. It is our a great long tradition. This mela strengthens our unify and mutual relationship. In this festival; our various cultural activities are performed and thus it helps us preserve our long-aged native culture. On the first day of Baishakh, we decorated our school premises very tastefully with colbured-paper-festoons, baloons and cloth flags of multi-colours. We erected two gates of pine-leaves on bamboo structures; one for entrance* and one* for exit. Bamboo enclosure was put up around the premises. Mela stalls were laid out in a circular shape and they were rented out to different shop keepers who set varieties of fascinating articles to sell. The decoration and building work was done: by volunteers who were also engaged in maintaining order and disicpline in the fair. The whole premises looked like a dream-land. We arranged a cultural .function when our various native culture were enacted by renowned singers, dancers and actors. The children were most happy in the fair and had a lot of fun and excitement. They bought fancy articles and were overjoyed with them. People of all ages and occupations, irrespective of sex, caste and creed crowded the fair, bought things and enjoyed„a lot. I was also in a very festive mood and had been to the fair all the day long with my friends. I enjoyed a great deal to remember for another year to come.


Awareness Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Awareness'.

(a) What does awareness mean? (b) What is the benefit of awareness? (c) What happens in the absence of awareness? (d) Why do we need awareness? (e) How can we have awareness?

AWARENESS | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Awareness means having knowledge or realization that also means consciousness. We can derive some benefits from awareness. If we have awareness; we can be prudent and reasonable to get over some problems in our day to day; life. If we want to avert any mishap or accident, we should have awareness. Our people are not aware of what to do and what to avoid, according to the needs of the circumstances. We are in the habit of doing something without thinking of the consequence. As a result, we fall a the victim to untoward incidents or accidents. All our transports on land or waterways, are often overcrowded or overloaded. There are reports of boat capsize, sinking of steamers or launches because of over crowdedness. To get rid of these problems, we need massive, awareness. Textual, speaking, passengers should avoid boarding any water transport if there is inclement weather -and in such a situation to avert any accident, none should board a boat or steamer. To give more examples, ft can be said that the students should also be aware of their studies . If they are not aware of their studies and do not read attentively, they fail to make a good result in the examination. A bus driver can cause a fatal accident unless he is aware of the consequence of reckless driving. Even a teacher cannot deliver a good lecture if he or she is not aware of his/her topic. Rather a good teacher is to be aware of making a lesson plan. If a doctor is not aware of examining the patients, he or she will not be able to give a good prescription to the patients. So, it is clear that all kinds of people should be aware of being successful or avoiding unwanted incidents or accidents.


A Computer Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Computer'.

(al What is a computer? (b) What are the major parts of it? (c) How to operate and stop it? (d) How is the Internet related with a computer? (e) What are the merits and demerits of a computer?

A COMPUTER | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Computer is the latest miracle, that has brought about a revolutionary change in the application of science for the benefit of mankind. Among all the wonders of science, computer is invented for the best. It was not invented overnight. It took long time and hard labour to invent it. It is a great advancement of modern science. A computer consists of five major components. They are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit. There are some rules, to operate and stop a computer. One has to turn up the start button to operate it. Then clicking the buttons, one can use it in his or her own way. One has to click on the close button if he or she wants to stop it. Nowadays, the. Internet is greatly related with a computer. The Internet is connected to computer through which one can use a computer for any purpose. One can click on the network related to the net to use the Internet. Using the computer, the Internet cart be used properly. Computer is of great use to us. It is like Aladin's magic lamp on magic wand. It has lessened our work loads and made our life easy and comfortable! It is also a source of income. But it has its own demerits too. It causes diseases like Restitutive Stress Injury and weakens the eye sight of the operators. Though it has demerits, computer renders great service to mankind. It has become almost a part>and parcel in our modern day-to-day life.


A Bus Stand Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Bus Stand'.

(a) Where is the bus stand situated? (b) What is the necessity of this? (c) Why is the bus stand a busy place? (d) What lis the condition of an over-crowded bus? (e) What type of hawkers are seen? (f) What is the government's duty in respect of bus stands?

A BUS STAND | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the passengers to get down and to get on the bus. Inside a city area, bus stands are seen at different busy spots. School or college gates, market places, medical centres and the crossing points of two or more roads are the main spots for bus stands. Local buses generally do not maintain fixed bus stands. However, for intercity buses there are fixed bus stands on highways. A bus stand plays an important role in the field of communication. It is a centre to, regularize the - communication of buses or conveyance of the .passengers and goods. Passengers get down or get on from this spot. Thus, it has a regulatory effect upon the buses and the passengers. Though it creates problems; like traffic jam, our communication system would break down without it. A bus stand becomes busy mainly at peak hours when people come out for work and also when they are ready to go back home. When an overcrowded bus reaches the station, there rises a hue and cry. Pushing and shoving occur among the passengers. It looks like a mini battle field. In big bus stands, hawkers are seen to attract the people present there with their peculiar voice and sell their respective things. They sell newspapers, various items of foods, books etc. Nowadays, there are some bus stands where some rules and regulations are maintained. However, government and the authority concerned should be more aware so that a secured and comfortable journey can be, ensured with the better or improved service facilities of each bus.

A Book Fair I have Visited Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

 Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Book Fair You have Visited Recently'.

(a) What is a book fair? (b) What was the occasion of the fair? (c) Where was it held? (d) How was the environment? (e) What experience did you gather by visiting the fair?


A book fair is a fair which is held to represent and sell the books of different writers of home and abroad. The other day I went to visit a book fair. The fair is popularly known as 'Ekushey Boi Mela'. It is held every year at the Bangla Academy premises for about a month from 1st February in commemoration of the Language Movement. There was a large number of well-decorated and attractive book stalls standing in circular rows. There were many books of different kinds written by the famous authors. All the leading publishers took part in the fair. The stalls of the Bangla Academy, the Islamic Foundation and Mukta Dhara were remarkable. The Prime Minister inaugurated the fair amidst great enthusiasm. My younger brother and sister were with me. We went round the stalls and bought some well-known books. Sanitation and security arrangements at the fair were laudable. I met there some great personalities like Prof. Dr. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, Dr. Zafar Iqbal and novelist Imdadul Haq Milon. I took their autographs. The usefulness of such a book fair is very great. It develops reading habit among the people and create in them an attraction for books and awareness about the importance of study.

Environment Pollution Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Environment Pollution'.

Environment Pollution | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

The thing which makes the world most worried, is environment pollution. Our environment comprises the elements that surround us. Air, water, s the sun, the moon, weather, climate and everything fall under the category of environment.

Environment makes us survive. We get everything from nature to meet the need of our life. The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and. toxic industrial waste each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse. We know that air is an important element of purr environment and our air is polluted by smoke.

Man makes fire to cook food, make bricks, and melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil. Mills-pnd factories also belch a lot of smoke.

Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. These too emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air;  Water, another vital element of the environment, is also polluted in different ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it.

Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and thus pollute the water.

Sound pollution is smother hindrance to a calm and serene; life. There are so many disturbing sounds made by man and machines. Making loud sounds without caring for human disturbance is a cognizable offence. People suffering from hypertension or heart disease may have heart attack or stroke if they hear loud sounds. Even loud sound may affect the mental upbringing of a baby.

Greenhouse effect is a recent concept which means the adverse effects caused by the rise in the temperature in the climate of the world. Indiscriminate deforestation throughout the world also is one of the causes to create imbalance in the climate and it, in turn, helps greenhouse effect to intensify.

Environment is the basis of our existence. To ensure our existence we should remain free from all sorts of pollution. Government, semi-government, non-government organizations should come forward with the programmes of saving the environment.

All of us should remember the importance of the slogan, “Save the environment, ensure the healthier life."

E-learning Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'E-learning'.

E-learning | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Education system has passed a long way from its conventional one. In the modern technology-based world, education system is also greatly blessed with the support of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

E-learning refers to various kinds of electronic media and information and communication technology in education. It includes all forms of educational technology supporting learning and teaching. In this process, students: must be first equipped with basic knowledge of technology such as computer, Internet, etc.

E-learning includes a great number of types of media that provide the learners and teachers with text, radio, images, animation and streaming video. It also provides them with knowledge of technology applications.

E-learning can occur, in or out of class. It can be self-paced, a simultaneous or synchronous learning. But it can also be face-to-face learning, that is, it can be done in conventional way with the support of technology.

E-learning through a process of evolution, has reached a greater sophisticated state from the point when education was supported with the technological aids. Previously educational activities were performed in conventional campus with departmental classes, teachers, etc. where everything was done through person-to-person activities.

But now, all the activities such as registration, admission, certification, taking or giving lesson everything is done electronically or technologically.

Now, a student can get lesson or education from a teacher who is" currently in an aircraft. And all these are being possible through our computer or Internet knowledge.

E-learning provides now a great store of information on a great number of websites. So, to go with the present world we must make use of this sophisticated mode of learning.

If I Were a Millionaire Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on the things you would do 'If You Were a Millionaire'.

If I Were a Millionaire | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

If I were a millionaire, I would spend a substantial portion of my money for the good of the common man and the society. About eighty per cent of our population live in the villages and most of them are poor.

So development of the country is not possible without the development of the villages. But this is a gigantic task. The govt, alone cannot do this. The rich people of the country should come forward.

I will start the development work from my own village. I will establish poultry and livestock farms. This will give employment to the unemployed youths and women of the village.

There are many unused ponds and ditches in the rural area. I will repair them and start fish cultivation there. This will give employment to the fishermen. All these programmes will raise the living standard of the village people.

Next I will talk with some doctors and put up a low cost hospital in my village. The poor people suffer from some very common diseases like malaria, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea. They treated in the hospital free of cost.

I will not spend my money only for myself because I think that luxury cannot give true happiness. Real happiness lies in loving others and doing good to them.

Dowry System Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Dowry System | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Dowry System
There are many hateful systems in a poor or developing country. Dowry is a curse and this system is the most hateful system of our country. There is no written statement of it but it is a hateful act of the narrow-minded fathers. Dowry system is widely prevailed in the Hindu society because a daughter does not get any share of her father’s property. As Bangladesh was a part of Indian sub-continent, this system has been introduced to the Muslim society. The father or the guardian of the bridegroom take dowry in form of cash money, gold, silver, furniture, electronic instruments, land property etc. The father of the bride is the victim of dowry. As Bangladesh is a poor country, most families are poor. In most cases, these poor fathers have to pay the demanded dowry by borrowing money or by giving lease land or by selling land. Thus they become poor to poorer gradually. If the bride’s father cannot fulfill the demand of dowry, the bridegroom tortures and the in-laws maltreat the bride. Sometimes the husband divorces his wife. In this case, she has to be a Barden to the father’s family with her infant children. She has to pass a miserable life working outside as a daily labor or maid-servant. Her children do not get any education and they become the street children or do various works. Only a few families are rich. The curse of dowry is great among the poor and uneducated people of the villages and towns. The elimination of the dowry system depends on the government and the conscious people. If the government think over about the root causes and pass effective rules and apply the rules properly and strictly, and if the conscious people help to remove this system, this social curse can be eliminated from the society.

My Neighbor Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

My Neighbor | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

My Neighbor
Man cannot live alone. He lives in the society. He lives with others in a particular area. They are regarded as neighbors. So it may be called that the persons who live near our house are our neighbors. I have many neighbors. Among them my next-door neighbor Mrs. Sara is very favorite to me. She is an MBBS doctor. She serves in Khulna Medical. She has also a private chamber where she practices privately. Mrs. Sara is a permanent dweller but we have been living here for twelve years. We are her regular patient. She comes to our house at times and attends to all the family functions. In a word, she is one of the members of our family. Her behavior is very good. She is very frank and I have never seen any bad or rude behavior of her during twelve years. She is very kind to the poor and distress people. If anyone calls her at the dead of night, she never feels disturbance. She talks to all as a very simple woman. She never hates anyone. She also does some constructive works in the society. She has set up a social welfare club where some good young girls of the area are engaged. So the corrupted boys cannot do any illegal activity and cannot create any problem in our area. If anyone falls into a trouble, she comes forward to solve the problem. Here is her pleasure. She never takes visiting fees from the neighbors. She gives free treatment to the poor on Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. People of all classes are my neighbors. Most of them are educated and some are poor day-laborers. There are some businessmen also. The educated persons are service-holders. There are some differences in their characters and life-styles. Most of the neighbors are piece-loving and co-operative. There are a few wicked people too. On the whole, we are happy.

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Completing Story pdf download

Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
Read the beginning of the following story and complete it.
There lived two close friends in a certain village. They were very fond of traveling. One day they went to a forest to see the natural beauty.
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A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
There lived two close friends in a certain village. They were very fond of traveling. One day they went to a forest to see the" natural beauty. All on a sudden, they saw a bear coming towards them. They both got frightened. One friend said, "Dear friend, 1 will climb up a tree. As you don't know how to climb, you had, better run away." The other friend became very disappointed hearing this. So, finding no other way, he fell flat on the ground like a dead person. The bear smelt the body of the lying friend and thought him to be a dead body and went away gently. The friend on the tree saw. everything.' When the bear went away, he got down from the tree and asked his friend eagerly, "Dear friend, what did the bear whisper into your ear?" In reply the friend said, "It advised me not to trust a friend who leaves his friend at the time of danger."


Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at his father's death

Letter writing for jsc, ssc, hsc exam preparation
Suppose, you are Anamica/Anik living in Munshigonj. Your friend, Tonima/Tunu who lives in Manikgonj, has lost her/his father.  Now write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at her/his father's death. 

My dear Tonima,
Welcome to you. Take my sincere love. Today I have received your letter and came to know that your father died by heart failure. I am very much grieved and shocked at the sudden death of your father. May his soul take rest in peace.

It is known to all that man in mortal. So I request you not to lose heart and not to be anxious at this mournful occasion. As you are a conscious boy, take care of your younger brother and serve your mother. I am coming to your village home within a week.

No more today. I am so so. Please convey my best regards to your parents and ask them to pray my future success and love to the younger.
With best love to you.

Yours ever





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG

