SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [61] pdf download

Board Question/Model Test 
Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 1st Paper 
Subject Code: 107 

Full marks: 100                   Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

 Part A: Reading Test (40 Marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. [Unit—18, Lesson—2(B)]
In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Women's Day was observed across the United States on 28 February 1909. In 1910, the Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, established a Women's Day, international in character, to honour the movement for women's rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. The proposal was greeted with unanimous approval by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, which included the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. No fixed date was selected for the observance.
As part of the peace movement brewing on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first 'The International Women's Day' on the last Sunday in February 1913. Elsewhere in Europe, on or around 8 March of the following year, women held rallies either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sisters.
Since those early years, The International Women's Day has become important all over the world for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women's movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nation's women's conferences, has asked for coordinated efforts to demand women's rights and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, the International Women's Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1 x5=5
(a)  In the meeting of Copenhagen the Socialist International hit upon a plan to ——.
(i) upgrade the position of women.
(ii) establish an ‘International Women’s Day’.
(iii) to assist the women in achieving universal suffrage.
(iv) all of these.
(b) —— women were the first to observe the maiden “National Women’s Day”.
(i) American
(ii) Russian
(iii) European
(iv) Finnish
(c) Procession was held by the European women in the year of ——.
(i) 1910
(ii) 1914
(iii) 1913
(iv) 1912
(d) Who played an outstanding role in the movement to assure women’s right?
(i) Humble women
(ii) Royal women  
(iii) Educated women
(iv) Homespun women
(e) In the conference of Copenhagen no particular date was selected for the ——.
(i) celebration
(ii) adherence
(iii) observation
(iv) none of these
Multiple choice
(a)->(iv) all of these;
(b)->(i) American;
(c)->(ii) 1914;
(d)->(i) Humble women;
(e)->(i) celebration.
2. Write whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1 x5=5
(a) The term of International Women’s Day comes into vogue at the first decade of the 20th century.
(b) Universal franchise for women was the key motive for establishing International Women’s Day.
(c) The International Women’s Day is being dealt in both developed and developing countries with same momentum.
(d) Russian women first observed the day while the First World War was proceeding.
(e) Coordinated efforts ought to be needed to declare the movement for women’s rights.
(a) True.
(b) False. Correct Statement: Universal franchise for women was one of the key motives for establishing International Women's Day.
(c) True.
(d) False. Correct Statement: Russian women first observed the day on the eve of World War I.
(e) True.

3. Fill in each gap in the following word from the box. There are more words than necessary. .5 x10=5
[great - before - achieve - protesting - internationally - demanding - form - proposal - nationality - expressing - next - across]
The women’s day wasn’t first observed (a) ——. The USA first observed it nationally in 1909. In the (b) —— year in Copenhagen it was given international (c) ——. More than 100 delegates raised their (d) — to help to (e) —— women’s voting rights. Russian women observed the day just (f) —— the First World War. The women all over in Europe brought out processions (g) —— the war or (h) —— unanimity with their sisters. The International Women’s Day has become significant (i) —— the world. Women are called for (j) —— their rights to participate in every development process.
Filling in gaps with clues
(a) internationally;
(b) next;
(c) form;
(d) proposal;
(e) achieve;
(f) before;
(g) protesting;
(h) expressing;
(i) across;
(j) demanding.

4. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about International Women's Day. Use the clues given below. Write the information in correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. 5
[declaration - movement - meeting - observed - determination - rights - progress - established]

Information transfer
According to the declaration of the Socialist Party of America, the first National Women's Day was observed across the United States on February 28, 1909. The Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen established a Women's Day to honour the movement for women's rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. The proposal was greeted by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries in which the first three women elected to the Finnish Parliament attended. On the eve of the World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913 as a symbol of movement for peace. On or around 8 March of the following year, women held rallies in Europe, either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sisters. The International Women's Day has gradually become an occasion to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination of ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.

5. Answer the following questions. 1 x5=5
(a) What was the declaration of the Socialist Party of America?
(b) From when did the observance of the International Women’s Day begin?
(c) When was the first National Women’s Day observed?
(d) How many women unanimously approved the establishment of Women’s Day?
(e) What is the significance of International Women’s Day?
(a) The declaration of the Socialist Party of America was that the first National Women's Day was observed across the United States on 28 February, 1909.
(b) The observance of the International Women's Day began from 1910.
(c) The first National Women's Day was observed on 28 February, 1909.
(d) Over 100 women from 17 countries unanimously approved the establishment of women's day.
(e) The significance of International Women's Day is great because this day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.

6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information from the text in A. .5 x10=5
Though the Women’s Day was observed (a) —— at first, finally the (b) —— got an international form in a meeting of Copenhagen in (c) ——. More than 100 envoys from 17 countries greeted the (d) —— arose in the conference (e) —— one consent. The main objective of this observance is to raise the women’s (f) —— to demand their right and (g) —— footing with men in the society. The day has been an integral part in developing countries and in developed countries alike. The (h) —— for women’s rights (i) —— gaining strength (j) —— due to this observance.
Filling in gaps without clues
(a) nationally;
(b) day;
(c) 1910;
(d) proposal;
(e) with;
(f) dignity;
(g) equal;
(h) movement;
(i) was;
(j) worldwide.

7. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write in about 70-80 words about you know about the International Women’s Day and its significance. 5
Rewriting in a different form
International Women’s Day and its significance
The International Women's Day is now very important all over the world. It has advanced a long way since its inception. The day is also observed in our country with due respect and solemnity. On this day the women of our country organize seminars and rallies. They put up their various demands and want to get these realized. They celebrate the acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's right. On this day women getting together strengthen their unity so that they can advance the process of realizing their demands. The leaders of various women organizations join the seminars and thus encourage the women to go ahead with their aim.

8. Read the passage in A again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences. 5
Now the Women's Day is observed internationally. It started in the last century. The Socialist Party of America first declared to observe Women's Day, on 28 February, 1909. Women's Day was observed nationally all over the United States. Women's Day was observed internationally in Russia in 1913. Today the day is important both in rich and poor countries. Its importance is increasing day by day.

 Part B : Vocabulary Test (20 Marks)
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1 x10=10
[sacrifice - virtue - hope - comfortable - over - out - inconsiderate - safeguard - peace - paying - real - take - tolerate]
Tolerance is a must for living in the society (a) ——. It is one of the greatest (b) —— of human beings. To achieve this quality a person must be (c) ——. In every step we  should care for the (d) —— of others. Becoming (e) —— we cannot (f) —— of a civil society. Very often we are suggested to be (g) ——. But very few of us (h) —— heed to this. We fail to look (i) —— the little disputes and confusion. Actually tolerance may be the (j) —— of a happy home.
Cloze test with clues
(a) peacefully;
(b) virtues;
(c) virtuous;
(d) comfort;
(e) inconsiderate;
(f) hope;
(g) tolerant;
(h) pay;
(i) over;
(j) safeguard.

10. Complete the following passage using a suitable word. Use only one word for each gap. 1 x10=10
Sincerity is the best way for achieving success. People who are sincere to their work are (a) —— of making anything success. The great men are also sincere because they (b) —— that sincerity is the (c) —— to success. Those who are not sincere (d) —— never make (e) —— in their life. The poor people are not always sincere because they do not know the (f) —— of sincerity. If they knew it, they would make a good (g) —— of it. Sincerity (h) —— not only to do work properly but also with honesty, dutifulness and modesty. But most people of our country are (i) —— aware of the (j) —— of sincerity.
Cloze test without clues
(a) capable;
(b) know;
(c) key;
(d) can;
(e) progress;
(f) significance;
(g) use;
(h) is;
(i) not;
(j) importance.

 Part C : Writing Test (40 Marks)
11. Read the following table and make ten sensible sentences. 1 x10=10

The owl


Its food habit








out from its hiding place at dead of night

very strange

farmers’ friend as it helps them

found everywhere in our country

itself hidden in bush during day time

very ugly

a familiar bird

mice, rats and other insects and
 eats them quickly.

two big eyes, which make it seen very wise

swallow nine mice at a time

Producing sentences from substitution table
(a) The owl is a familiar bird.
(b) It looks very ugly.
(c) It has two big eyes, which make it seem very wise.
(d) It keeps itself hidden in bush during day time.
(e) It is found everywhere in our country.
(f) It hunts mice, rats and other insects and eats them quickly.
(g) Its food habit is very strange.
(h) It can shallow nine mice at a time.
(i) It comes out from its hiding place at dead of night.
(j) It is farmer's friend as it helps them.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 1x10=10
(a)  But some adventurous people undertook difficult and dangerous journeys by land and sea.
(b)  It took Polos over three years to reach China.
(c)  Long, long ago men knew of no lands or people beyond their own by because they did not find it easy to travel.
(d)  They were requested by Kublai Khan, the Emperor of China.
(e)  One of the greatest of these adventurous men was Marco Polo.
(f)   Marco Polo soon became a great favourite with the king.
(g)  In 1271 at the age of 15 he set out from Venice to China accompanied by his father and uncle.
(h)  He was wise and trustworthy.
(i)   The king made him one of his officers.
(j)   So the king sent him as his ambassador to some parts of his Empire.
Reordering sentences
Long, long ago men knew of no lands or people beyond their own by because they did not find it easy to travel. But some adventurous people undertook difficult and dangerous journeys by land and sea. One of the greatest of these adventurous men was Marco Polo. He was wise and trustworthy. In 1271 at the age of 15 he set out from Venice to China accompanied by his father and uncle. It took Polos over three years to reach China. They were requested by Kublai Khan, the Emperor of China to live in his palace. Marco Polo soon became a great favourite with the king. The king made him one of his officers. So, the king sent him as his ambassador to some parts of his Empire.

13. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on ‘A Tea Stall’ by answering the following questions. 10
(a) What is a tea stall? (b) Where is it situated? (c) What do people do at the time of taking tea in a tea stall? (d) How long is it kept open? (e) Why is the tea stall a busy place?

14. Suppose, you are Shumon/Shumona of 225, Station Road, Chittagong. Your friend Munir/Munira living at 32/7, Pallabi, Mirpur Dhaka, wants to know how you have enjoyed your last summer vacation. Now, write a letter to him/her describing about your spending those days. 10

Or, Write a composition in about 200 words on 'The Most Memorable Day in Your Life.' 10
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer (Govt. Laboratory High School)