A dialogue about the communicative approach

A dialogue about the communicative approach for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam

We must acquire a language in order to communicate with others. There are .some ways to learn a language. Now, write a dialogue between Rana and Sana about communicative competence.

A dialogue between two friends about the communicative approach:

Rana : Hello, Sana. How are you? 

Sana : Fine and you?

Rana : I'm fine, too. But I can't understand the difference between mother tongue learning and second language learning.. 

Sana : Oh! learning mother tongue is a natural and subconscious process and second language learning means to learn language consciously. 

Rana : What does 'consciously' mean?

Sana : 'Consciously' means to know, the rules of grammar and of using the language correctly being aware of them.

Rana : Why do we learn second language?

Sana : We learn second language only for communication with the world people.

Rana : Thank you.

Sana : You are welcome.


A dialogue about future plan after ssc exam

A dialogue about future plan

Suppose, you are Salam/Salma and your Mend is Anwar/Anwara. Both of you have just completed your SSC examination. Now, write a dialogue between you and your Mend regarding your future plan after the publication of the result.

A dialogue between myself (Salam) and my friend, Anwar regarding my future plan after the publication of the result:

Myself   :  Hello, Anwar, how are you?

Anwar    :  I'm fine, thanks. How is about your examination?

Myself   :  I think I did take it fairly.

Anwar    :  Well. Would you like to talk about your future plan?

Myself   :  Yes. I would. I would like to be an engineer. And for this I will try to get myself admitted into a well-reputed college after the publication of my result.

Anwar    :  Well. Where do you like to admit?

Myself   :  I would like to get myself admitted into Mothijheel Ideal School and College in science group.

Anwar    :  Nice, I appreciate your idea.

Myself   :  So, please pray for me so that I can be able to fulfil my desire. 

Anwar    :  May Allah bless you.


Social Networking Services Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Social Networking Services'.

Social Networking Services | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

A social networking service is actually an online service. There are a good number of social networking services such as facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, Youtube, Hi5, Skyrock, Friendster, Orkut, Skype, etc. Among these, how facebook is the most popular social networking service.

All kinds of social network services are web-based. These services have made it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the users to feel that they really live in a global village.

Nowadays, social networks are expanding so fast. Because, most of the social services are cost-free. We can make use of them free, paying a very little to our Internet service provider. We can make our personal profile before the entire online community.

It is really like presenting ourselves before the entire world. We can also look into other people's profile if we are interested. It is simple and easy. Besides these, social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia contents and modify the profile.

But there are privacy protection measures too. A user himself or herself decides over the number of visitors or viewers and what information should be shared with others. Undoubtedly, in the age of digitalization, there is a trend among social networks led by technologies such as Open ID and Open Social.

In most mobile communities, mobile phone users can now create their own profiles, make friends, participate in chat rooms, create chat rooms, hold private conversations, share photos and videos, and share blogs-by using their mobile phone. Again, some companies provide wireless services that allow their users to provide their own mobile community.

But it is true that social networking services are not free from demerits. The young generation specially school-going, college-going and university-going students are addicted to such kinds of social networks.

As a result, their study is greatly hampered. Even some go to the dogs because they like to share obscene videos with their friends. Even killing, .smuggling, Eve-teasing, etc. are likely to happen with the help of social networking services. Any social movement or anti social movement can take place through these, networks.

In fine, emphatically it can be sketched that everything, good or bad, depends on the users of the social networking services. The users will be greatly benefited if they use these services properly. On the contrary, they will be greatly hampered unless they use these services properly.

So, the whole world community must be aware of the bad effects of the social networking services.

A dialogue about city life and village life

A dialogue about city life and village life

Asif and Arif are two Mends. Now, Asif lives in the town after he has got himself admitted into a college situated in a town. On the other hand, Arif lives in the village after his admission Into the local college. Now, write a dialogue between the two Mends on the advantages and disadvantages of village life and town life.

A dialogue between two friends about city life and village life:

Asif :   How do you feel in my village?

Arif :   Fantastic. I like villages very much.

Asif :   Really? I know you're a city dweller. But why do you like villages?

Arif :   I think village life is more charming and interesting than city life.

Asif :   I don't agree with you on some points. To me, city life is more attractive because there are many other advantages and comforts.

Arif :   I agree with you on this point. But you can't deny the natural beauty and many advantages of the villages.

Asif :   Please tell me frankly. .......

Arif :  In the villages you get fresh air, clean blue sky, green trees, vast green fields, simple frank people. In them you can catch the very soul of nature. On the other hand, the city life is full of din and bustle. Most streets, houses, offices and restaurants are overcrowded. The atmosphere is smoky and stuffy. The city atmosphere is very much harmful for health. Moreover, the people living in the cities are not open-minded. They are often self-centered and do not assist their neighbours.

Asif :  Oh, I have got the point. I'm very much glad that you have developed a tender love for villages and the green beauty of the country, in spite of being born and brought up in the luxurious atmosphere of the city life.

Arif : Thank you very much.


Renewable Energy Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Renewable Energy'.

Renewable Energy | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Renewable energy is one that comes from resources which are continually being replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable resources. New renewables account for another 3% and are growing very rapidly.

While many renew projects are large-scale, renewable technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. Over 44 million households use biogas made in household-scale digesters for lighting or cooking, and more than 166 million households rely on a new generation of more efficient biomass cookstove.

Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. Renewable energy flows involve natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, tides, plant growth, and geothermal heat, as the International Energy Agency explains.

Included in the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.

Renewable energy resources and significant opportunities for energy efficiency exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas: electricity generation, hot water/ space heating, motor fuels, and rural energy services.

Renewable energy provides 19% of electricity generation worldwide. Renewable power generators are spread across many countries, and wind power alone already provides a significant share of electricity in some areas.

Solar hot water makes an important contribution to renewable heat in many; countries, most notably in China, which now has 70% of the global total. Most of these systems are installed on multi-family apartment buildings and meet a portion of the hot water needs of an estimated 50-60 million households in China.

Renewable biofuels have contributed to a significant decline in oil consumption in the United States since 2006. The 93 million liters of gasoline, equal to about 5% of world . gasoline production.

Solar energy applies energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation for heating or generating electricity. Solar powered electricity generation uses either photovoltaics or heat engines (concentrated solar power).

A partial list of other solar applications includes space heating and cooling through solar architecture, daylighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, and high temperature process heat for industrial purposes. 

Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy.

A dialogue about buying a gift

A dialogue about buying a gift

You are Dollie. You want to buy a birthday gift for your mother. You talk about this matter with your sister, Mollie. Now, make a dialogue between you and Mollie about buying a gift for your mother.

A dialogue between myself (Dollie) and my sister, about buying a gift for my mother:

Myself : Well Mollie, don't you remember that mother's birthday falls on February 25? 

Mollie   :  Yes, today is the 22nd. Only three days left. 

Myself :   How about buying her a gift?

Mollie : Good idea. What do you like to buy? Let's go to a jewellery shop and buy a necklace.

Myself :   I don't think mother would like such costly things. She would rather prefer a simple thing of daily use.

Mollie : Right you are. Then let's buy a fashionable vanity bag or an attractive wrist watch.

Myself :  I think, a wrist watch would be the right thing a round shaped small golden Seiko watch with a golden chain. Mother would like such a watch very much.

Mollie   :  Yes, I agree with you. Then let's go to a watch shop.

Myself :  Let's.


A dialogue about the career

A dialogue about the career

 There is a boy whose name is Shafiq. He wants to be a good doctor. Mr. Jabbar, his father, wants to make his son an engineer. Now, write a dialogue between Shafiq and Mr. Jabbar regarding Shafiq's future plan.

A dialogue between Mr. Jabbar and his son Shafiq about the future career of his son.

Mr. Jabbar : What are you doing now?

Shafiq : I'm reading Chemistry.

Mr. Jabbar : What do you want to be?

Shafiq : I want to be a doctor.

Mr. Jabbar : Why have you decided it? But I want you to be an engineer.

Shafiq : Father, most of the people of our country are poor and they cannot get proper medical treatment because of it. I want to serve the people of my village first.

Mr. Jabbar : Ummm...... so what will you do for them? How can you solve their poverty?

Shafiq : I cannot solve their poverty but I will build a hospital from where I shall give them free treatment.

Mr. Jabbar : Your aim is appreciable. Go ahead, my son.

Shafiq : Pray for me, father.


Aim in Life Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Aim in Life'.

Aim in Life | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Life on earth is full of activities. No man can live here without aim or ambition. Now, the question arises: What do I want to be? The answer is: I want to be a teacher. I want to educate or give light to the people who would make this country a better one.

Reasons for my choice are very clear. There was a time when I began to think over my own future. I thought I would be a rich or well-to-do person. I had a mind to be a scientist or a doctor or an engineer. Thereafter, I carefully thought over the matter and lastly decided to be a teacher.

Because, I like the life of learning and scholarship. I .always think for the people, the society and the nation as a whole. I know education is light and knowledge is power. Hence, people should be enlightened through education. Ignorance is similar to darkness. No society can make progress without education.

Illiteracy is a curse. A teacher can play a vital role on the way of removing illiteracy and make people aware and conscious of the curse of illiteracy. A teacher is the most honourable person in any society.

To be a teacher I heed to be a highly educated man. I, must prepare myself first. I must have degrees. First of all, I should be a graduate and should have training on teaching.

I have every- reason to believe that this profession of teaching will suit, my taste and. temperament. And I am sure that I will shine in my life by taking to teaching.

A dialogue about food habit

A dialogue about food habit

 The eating habit of the people of a country is always different from another country for some reasons. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Kamal about the eating habit of the people of the world.

A dialogue between myself and Sohel about food habit of the people of the world:

Myself : How are you, Kamal ?

Kamal : I am fine, and you?

Myself : I am also fine.

Kamal : What are you reading so attentively?

Myself : I am reading a book on the food habits of the people all over the world.

Kamal : Well, can you say why the food habits differ from, people to people?

Myself : It differs mainly because of geographical difference.

Kamal : Yes. People eat usually what they can grow or afford easily.

Myself : I think so, because people in the sea-coast countries mainly eat sea-food arid fishes.

Kamal : That is why the people of Pacific Ocean eat taro root, bread fruit and sea-food.

Myself : They also eat a lot of limes, coconuts, bananas and pine-apples.

Kamal : Not only that the Indians of Central America eat mostly fruits and vegetables.

Myself : The Eskimos eat a lot of raw fish.

Kamal : Thus the food habit depends mainly on climatic and geographic condition of a country.

Myself : Thanks for your valuable discussion on food habits of people. Bye.

Kamal : Bye. See you tomorrow.


A dialogue about the preparation for examination

A dialogue about the preparation for examination

A father is anxious about his son, Raju's examination is knocking at the door. Now, write a dialogue between Raju and his father.
A dialogue between a father and a son about the son's preparation for examination:

Father : Raju,-when will your examination begin?

Son : On Tuesday next.

Father : Have you prepared well, my boy?

Son : My preparation is quite ok in all subjects. But, I have problem in Mathematics.

Father : What's the problem, my son? Is it very difficult to you?

Son : No, father, not so difficult. But, I simply forget after a long time what I solve.

Father : Do you write what you learn?

Son : No.

Father : Perhaps, you forget your lessons because you don't write them. If you write the lessons after you've learned them, I'm sure, you won't forget them. 

Son : Thank you, father. From now on, I'll follow your advice.


A dialogue about brilliant success

A dialogue about brilliant success

Suppose, your younger brother Asim has obtained scholarship in the Junior Scholarship Examination. Now, write a dialogue between you and your younger brother on his brilliant success in the examination.

A dialogue between myself and my younger brother Asim about his brilliant success in the examination:

Myself : Hello, Asim. How are you?

Asim : Fine, thanks. And you?

Myself : I'm fine but was worried about your result of Junior Scholarship Exam published "yesterday. So, what's about your result?

Asim : You don't need to feel tension any more. I got scholarship in A grade. Now, are you pleased?

Myself : Oh, my dear brother. Why not? Congratulations on your brilliant success!

Asim : Is that all? Won't you make me happy with sweets?

Myself : Of course, why not? Let's go to Mohan Chand Sweet house to buy some fresh sweetmeat.

Asim : OK, brother, lets go. By the by, I've taken a decision to take admission into Rajuk School and College, Uttara.

Myself : I think it would be better for you because the teachers of the school are very good. They can help the students make a brilliant result. So, I hope you can make another glorious result in the SSC Exam.

Asim : Yes, brother, I nope so. Pray for'me so that I can do that.

Myself : Thank you, Asim.

Asim : You are welcome.


International Mother Language Day Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'International Mother Language Day'.

International Mother Language Day | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Mother language means first language. People express their feelings, thought, etc. through mother language. The 21st February is the International Mother Language Day.

It is a red-letter day in our national history. During the Pakistani-rule, the Pakistani rulers exploited ,us in. the most inhuman way. They adopted all kinds of evil ways-to exploit us. To obstruct the way of our education and prosperity, they wanted to take away our mother tongue, the language of thousand years.

So, they declared Urdu as the only state language of Pakistan. The intellectuals and the educated people of this country could realize their evil purpose. They burst into protest against this unjust imposition, People all over the country brought out procession.

When the movement of the enraged students and teachers of Dhaka University, and people of all classes got intense, the Pakistani government imposed section 144 in Dhaka city. But the students of Dhaka University ignored it and brought out a procession in road. Consequently they had a clash with the police.

Police fired into the crowd of students and killed. Salam, Jabbar, Barkat and many others. Thus they laid down their lives for the sake of the mother tongue. This day is, therefore, observed as a token of respect to the martyrs.

In order to show due respect and honour to the language martyrs, the day has been, declared as the International, Mother Language Day by UNESCO. The recognition has added a new era in our national history. It is our greatest achievement.

A proposal has been passed unanimously in the general .assembly of UNESCO though some countries pointed out that the incident of 21st February is related to the Bangalees only.

However, the recognition of the day as the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO has upheld the prestige of the Bangalees all over the world. The objective of observing the day is to preserve the mother languages, of different countries of the world.

A dialogue about buying a book

Suppose, you are Shabab/Shahida. You want to buy a book. Write a dialogue between you and a bookseller about buying a book.

A dialogue between myself and a book-seller about buying a book:

Book-seller : Good evening. Can I help you?

Myself : Yes. I am looking for a few books.

Book-seller : What kind of books?

Myself : They're mainly fables' books.

Book-seller : Ok, do you have any particular name?

Myself : Yes, I do. I like 'Aesop's Fables".

Book-seller : Oh! yes, we have the same in our collection.

Myself : I like the story of hare and tortoise very much.

Book-seller : Here is your bill.

Myself : Thank you very much.

Book-seller : You're welcome.

A dialogue about buying a book


A dialogue about environment pollution

A dialogue about environment pollution

Suppose, you are Sunny/Sonia. Your close friend, Tania knows a lot about environment pollution. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend on various adverse effects and remedies to this problem.

A dialogue between myself (Sonia) and my friend, Tania about environment pollution:

Sonia   :   Good morning, Tania.

Tania   :   Good morning. How are you?

Sonia   :   Quite fine. And you?

Tania:  :  I'm not so fine. I've been suffering from headache for about one week.

Sonia   :  I think environment pollution is responsible for this, especially air pollution.

Tania   :  How is our environment being polluted?

Sonia   :  Our -environment is polluted in many ways. Air and water are the main elements of our environment. Air is constantly being polluted by smoke from mills, factories and monoxide gases emitted by motor vehicles. What do you think about water?

Tania   :   I think water is polluted by waste chemicals or chemical fertilizer and other poison.

Sonia   :   Right you are. Besides, sound from motor vehicles, aero planes, mills, factories, domestic appliances, radio, television, VCD, cassette player and  so on. also pollutes the environment.

Tania   :   But we all should be careful about environment pollution collectively.

Sonia   :   You're absolutely right.

Tania   :   Thank you.

Sonia   :   You're welcome. See you again.


A dialogue about the causes and effects of acid throwing

A dialogue about the causes and effects of acid throwing

Acid throwing is owe of the heinous crimes, no doubt. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Luna about the causes and effects of acid throwing.

A dialogue between myself and Luna about the causes and effects of acid throwing:
Myself : Good morning, Luna. Where did you go in the morning?
Luna : Good morning. I went to see one of my cousins who fell a victim to acid throwing.
Myself : Acid throwing is one of the heinous crimes.
Luna : Why do people throw acid?
Myself : Frustration in love, personal enmity, mental imbalance and easy availability of acid are the causes of acid throwing.
Luna : Do you know the effects of acid throwing?
Myself : Yes. The victims become blind, the face becomes very ugly. In some cases they die. Some become crippled.
Luna : How can it be checked?
Myself : The sale of acid must be restricted. Exemplary punishment should be given to criminals..
Luna : Thank you very much.
Myself : You are welcome.


A dialogue about the benefits of early rising

A dialogue about the benefits of early rising

 Kabir gets up late in the morning. So, he cannot complete his lesson in time and his result is bad in the examination. On the other hand, Rajib rises early In the morning and learns his lesson. He is doing well in the examination. Now, write a dialogue between Raj lb and Kabir about the benefits of early rising.

A dialogue between Rajib and Kabir about the benefits of early rising getting good marks:

Rajib : Hello, Kabir.

Kabir : Oh! Hello Rajib

Rajib : What are you thinking about?

Kabir : I am worried about my results.

Rajib : But why?

Kabir : I don't know. I just couldn't finish my lessons.

Rajib : I think you everyday get up late in the morning.

Kabir : Yes, but what is the harm?

Rajib : Well, if you get up early, you will get enough time. Again, in the morning the atmosphere is calm and quiet. So, we can attention to our studies. Also, if you go out for a walk for half an hour, it removes all your laziness and makes your body and mind fit for study.

Kabir : Thanks a lot for your good advice.

Rajib : You are welcome.


Duties of a Student Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Duties of a Student'.

Duties of a Student | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Student life is the time for preparation for future life. The future of a student depends on how he utilizes, this; period of life. To ensure a brighter and successful future, a student has to perform some duties most enthusiastically.

The most important duty of a student is to read, read and read. A student has to acquire the best knowledge of the subjects he reads and make brilliant results in all exams.  A student has to cultivate the habit of good manners and etiquette. He should be polite, courteous and respectful to the elders and treat the youngers with love arid affection.

He has to develop the habit of truthfulness, sincerity and honesty and keep himself aloof from bad companions. The next important duty of a student is to build a sound and healthy body. He has to take part in games and sports and other physical activities. He has to make himself physically strong so that he may work tirelessly for the society in future.

A person of ill-health is a liability to his society. The other important duty of a student is to get involved in social services. He should always be sympathetic and helpful towards the needy and the helpless. During disasters, such as flood and cyclone, he has to extend his helping hand towards the people of the affected area and actively take part in the humanitarian activities.

To put it in a nut-shell, the duties of a student are those that will help him grow up as a worthy citizen of the country in all respects.

A dialogue about behavior towards domestic animal

A dialogue about behaviour towards domestic animal

 Once All was rude to one of their hulls. But, he changed his behaviour towards the bull. Now, write a dialogue between Soma and Setu about All's behaviour towards the bull.

A dialogue between Soma and Setu regarding Ali's behaviour towards domestic animal:

Soma : Hello, Setu, how are you?

Setu : I'm fine. Do you know my cousin, Ali?

Soma : Yes, I know him. What happened to him?

Setu : You know, he was once rude towards one of our bulls.

Soma : Then?

Setu : From then, the bull did not like Ali. The bull would become angry at the very sight of Ali.

Soma : Well, the animals are also sensitive.

Setu : Oh, yes. Once the bull got frightened by,thunder and was trying to.get loose but could not.

Soma : Oh, what a pity!

Setu : You see, Ali could see th6 helplessness of the bull* and rushed to the spot and untied him from the stake.

Soma : How kind he was!

Setu : The bull realized this and changed his behaviour towards Ali. He was grateful and became very meek and mild in behaviour towards Ali.

Soma : Yes, we should be kind to the animals.


A dialogue about the bad effects of arsenic

A dialogue about the bad effects of arsenic

You want to know the bad effects of arsenic. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend about the causes of arsenic and remedy for it.

A dialogue between myself and a friend about the bad effects of arsenic:
Myself   :  Assalamualaikum. How are you my friend?
Friend   :   Fine, thanks. What about you?
Myself   :   I'm also fine. Did you watch the TV program last night on arsenic? 
Friend   :  Yes, of course. Arsenic pollution is a buzzword in our country.
Myself   :   Originally arsenic is a very poisonous brittle substance found in earth.
Friend   :  Yes, but it is not evenly distributed everywhere on earth.
Myself   :  Arsenic enters into our body when we drink arsenic contaminated water from tube-wells.
Friend   :   Can you tell me the probable diseases that we may suffer from after our drinking arsenic contaminated water?
Myself   :   It may cause sores, stomach troubles, gangrene, etc. in our body.
Friend   :   Can we take any measure to escape from this danger?
Myself   :  Yes, we can take water from sources like surface water in ponds and rivers and also rainwater after purification.
Friend   : Okay, thank you for providing me with necessary information regarding arsenic contaminated water.
Myself   :  OK, my friend, we can talk on this later. Goodbye for today.
Friend   :   Bye, see you again.


A dialogue about aim in life

A dialogue about aim in life

Suppose, you are Karim and your friend is Nayeem. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.

A dialogue between myself (Karim) and my friend Nayeem on our aim in life

A dialogue between myself (Karim) and my friend Nayeem on our aim in life:A dialogue between myself (Karim) and my friend Nayeem on our aim in life

Myself :  Good afternoon, Nayeem! How are you?

Nayeem :  Good afternoon. Thanks. I am nice and you?

Myself :   I am also fine. I am very glad at your brilliant result in the HSC Examination. Would you please tell me about your aim in life?

Nayeem :   I have already made up my mind to study law. I'll join politics after . completing my studies. I wish to serve my countrymen by driving away restless politics.

Myself :  All these are true. But it is really a difficult task.

Nayeem : You're right. But don't forget that nothing is impossible for me. A parotic leader can stamp out all kinds of corruptions and injustice from the society. Please, bless for me.

Myself : I am very glad at this. I am sure that we will be able to eradicate evil politics from the country.

Nayeem :  Thanks a lot. See you again. No more today. Goodbye!

Myself :  You are most welcome. Goodbye!


Digital Bangladesh Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Digital Bangladesh'.

Digital Bangladesh | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

'Digital Bangladesh' means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society. Where information will be available on line and where all possible tasks of the government and other non-government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology.

Bangladesh is an independent country. She achieved her freedom more than 40 years ago. But still" she is burdened with many problems like poverty, overpopulation, unemployment, corruption, food deficit, natural calamities/ power crisis etc.

Considering all these, the present government has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to overcome most of these problems. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education, etc. emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation.

The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be drastically reduced. Besides, it will save people's time and money and will make people more enterprising and thus will reduce unemployment problem.

It will connect people, with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically and even culturally. It will open doors for the people to improve their, conditions. It will also improve banking and financial activities.

Money transfer and transaction of business could be made within seconds by clicking the mouse of a computer." Agriculture, health, education, commerce all these sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one.

For implementing this dream of digital Bangladesh, government has to take certain initiatives. First of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured. We have to develop computer network infrastructures throughout the country. We also have to train our people to acquire ICT skill and ensure equitable access to digital governance services by all strata of the society.

Making a digital Bangladesh by 2021 is one of the commitments of the present government. If the government value this commitment, our dream of a digital Bangladesh will be materialized and our country will be able to make progress in all sectors by leaps and bounds.

It will be no exaggeration if we say that the implementation of a digital Bangladesh can help us to uphold ourselves as one of the developed countries in the world by the next decade.