SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [11] pdf download

Model Test 
Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 2nd Paper 
Subject Code: 108 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Grammar (40 Marks)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1x5=5
[use - adopt - divide - finish - hold - work - last]
In recent years all British Universities (a) —— the semester system. A semester is a period of time which (b) —— for half the academic year. Semester 1, for example, starts in September and finishes in January. Previously, the academic year (c) —— into three terms; autumn, winter and  spring. Most courses consist of modules which last for one semester and exams (d) —— at the end of each. Britain began (e) —— semesters to make it easier for international students to move from one country to another.
Right form of verbs
(a) have adopted;
(b) lasts;
(c) was divided;
(d) are finished;
(e) holding.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1x5=5
The evening arrived; the boys took their places. The master (a) —— his cook’s uniform, stationed himself (b) —— the copper; his pauper assistants arranged themselves (c) —— him; the gruel was served out; and a long grace was said. The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered (d) —— each other, and winked (e) —— Oliver, while his next neighbours nudged him.
Appropriate prepositions
(a) in;
(b) at;
(c) behind;
(d) to;
(e) at.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5
Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her (a) —— husband. During marriage ceremony (b) —— section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) —— guardians of (d) —— brides. (e) —— poor illiterate girls usually become (f) —— victims of dowry. If (g) —— guardians fail to accomplish (h) —— demand of (i) —— bridegrooms, the brides are ill-treated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (j) —— special curse. We all have to stand against this social evil.
Use of articles
(a) x;
(b) a;
(c) the;
(d) the;
(e) The;
(f) the;
(g) the;
(h) the;
(i) the;
(j) a.

4. Fill in the gaps with suitable phrases and idioms from the following list. 5
[right and left - nine days wonder - of the first water - ran into - over head and ears - rule out - tell upon]
(a) Less sleep at last —— her health.
(b) His achievement will remain a —— to escape arrest.
(c) The snatcher ran —— to escape arrest.
(d) He is in love with Mina ——.
(e) We cannot —— the possibility of failure in Cadet College.
Use of phrases & idioms
(a) told upon;
(b) nine days' wonder;
(c) right and left;
(d) over head and ears;
(e) rule out.

5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1x5=5
“Did Dr Dunbar sew may nose once again?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she said.
“Will it stay on?”
“He says, It will. How do you feel my darling?”
“Sick,” I said.
“Look under your pillow,” my mother said smiling.
Changing the form of speech
I asked my mother if Dr Dunbar had sewn my nose once again. My mother replied in the affirmative. I asked her if it would stay on. She replied that he (D) told it would. Addressing me as her darling she asked me how I felt. I replied that I felt sick. My mother then told me with a smile to look under my pillow.

6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1x5=5
(a) A poor woman is the worst sufferer in our country. (Positive)
(b) She cannot work independently without taking  help of others. (Compound)
(c) She depends on pity of the people of the society. (Complex)
(d) She leads a very wretched life. (Exclamatory) The father took the female child to be his a burden.
(e) but Allah granted them equal civil rights. (Passive)
Transformation of sentences
(a) No other sufferer in our country is as bad as a poor woman.
(b) She cannot work independently and so she takes the help of others.
(c) She depends on pity that is shown by the people of society.
(d) What a wretched life she leads!
(e) But equal civil rights were granted to them by Allah.
Or, But they were granted equal civil rights by Allah.

7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) I am right, ——?
(b) Let’s walk to the shore, ——?
(c) Nobody cared for the child, ——?
(d) Your luck has let down you this time, ——?
(e) She never wastes her any moment, ——?
Tag questions
(a) I am right, aren't I/ain't I?
(b) Let's walk to the shore, shall we?
(c) Nobody cared for the child, did they?
(d) Your luck has let down you this time, hasn't it?
(e) She never wastes her any moment, does she?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) As soon as he heard the news ——
(b) The boy hid behind the bush lest, ——
(c) Had we met earlier, ——
(d) ——, you learned your lessons.
(e) —— was not known to me.
Completing sentences
(a) As soon as he heard the news, he looked very sad.
(b) The boy hid behind the bush lest the criminal should catch him.
(c) Had we met earlier, we would have solved the problem easily.
(d) As you were attentive, you learned your lessons.
(e) How he had done the work was not known to me.

Part B : Composition (60 Marks)
9. Write a paragraph on “Our School Magazine”. Your answer should include the answers to the following questions.  10
(a) What is called a school magazine?
(b) Who publishes this?
(c) What is the name of it?
(d) Who are included in the committee?
(e) Who write in it?
(f) How can it help the students?

10. Suppose, you are Mazhar of the village Deyana, Upazilla-Daulatpur, District-Khulna. Recently a severe flood has affected the village seriously. People are suffering the aftermath of the flood. They need immediate help. Now write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief and medical aid for the affected people. 10

11. Write a short composition on any one of the following topics in about 200 words. 15

12. Suppose, you are Rana and you are an SSC candidate. Regular traffic congestion has got on your nerves nowadays. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Sabbir about how this traffic blockage has been interrupting your normal way of life. 10

Or, Write the summary of the following passage and a suitable title.              
Sincerity is the root of success of all works. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. The people who are sincere to their work are capable of making anything a success. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never prosper in life. The people who are not sincere always lag behind. If they do not know the benefit of sincerity, they cannot make a good use of it. Sincerity is the tonic to any work because it helps the work to be done properly. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life. Sincerity does not mean only to do any work properly. It also means dutifulness, honesty and modesty.

Importance of Sincerity
Sincerity is the key to success. People who have been sincere in their work became successful. On the other hand, insincere people always lag behind. Sincerity does not mean only to do the work in time and properly. It also means dutifulness, honesty and modesty. Most people blame their lot but the fact is that if they were sincere, they could easily change their lot.

13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
One day two cats found a piece of bread somewhere. Each of them wanted to have the larger share of it. They began wrangling. They could not decide how to deal out with that piece of bread. They.................
Completing story

এসএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test.

SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [12] pdf download

Model Test 
Monipur High School, Mirpur, Dhaka
SSC Examination 
English 2nd Paper 
Subject Code: 108 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Grammar (40 Marks)
1. Fill in each gap with the correct form of verb given in the box. Use negative form if necessary. 1x5=5
[tell - teach - sustain - respect - try - trouble - preach]
Truth always reigns in the last. Falsehood may triumph for the time being. Those who are engaged in preaching the truth (a) —— by all. Those who feel interest in (b) —— lies cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly but cannot (c) —— it all the time. Socrates throughout his life would (d) —— the truth. He (e) —— to make people understand what was good for them.
Right form of verbs
(a) are respected; 
(b) telling;
(c) sustain;
(d) preach;
(e) tried.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1x5=5
It is known to all that smoking is detrimental (a) —— health. In spite of knowing the fact, the smokers do not abstain (b) —— smoking. They are indifferent (c) —— their health. Those who are addicted (d) —— smoking lose their appetite (e) —— food.
Appropriate prepositions
(a) to;
(b) from;
(c) to;
(d) to;
(e) for.

3. Fill in the blanks with articles. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5
Punctuality is of great value to (a) —— student. (b) —— unpunctual boy who is late in (c) —— class will miss (d) —— part of his lesson and fall (e) —— behind other students. But (f) —— punctual student will learn his lesson in (g) —— time and do well in (h) —— examination. Punctuality is (i) —— key to success in life. We all should be (j) —— punctual in our activities.
Use of articles
(a) a;
(b) An;
(c) the;
(d) a;
(e) x;
(f) a;
(g) x;
(h) the;
(i) the;
(j) x.

4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases and idioms from the list given in the box. 5
[French leave - know no bound - tell upon - day dreams - sine die]
(a) The university was closed ——.
(b) Over exercise —— our health.
(c) The unruly girl was a ——.
(d) At present the sufferings of the flood affected people ——.
(e) No one should enjoy a ——.
Use of phrases & idioms
(a) sine die;
(b) tells upon;
(c) fresh blood;
(d) know no bound;
(e) French leave.

5. Rewrite the following passage in the indirect speech. 1x5=5
Rimi said to her English teacher, “Sir, I want to improve my English. How can I do that?” “Don’t worry I shall help you,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said Rimi. “Give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing,” said the teacher.
Changing the form of speech
Rimi respectfully told her English teacher that she wanted to improve her English and asked how she could do that. The teacher forbade her to worry and added that he would help her. Rimi respectfully thanked him. Then the teacher told her to give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

6. Transform the following sentences as directed. 1x5=5
(a) Road accidents are a curse (Negative). (b) They cause a great loss to life and property (Interrogative). But these accidents occur due to a number of reasons. (c) The drivers are basically responsible for the accidents (Complex). (d) Most of them hardly know the traffic rules (Passive). (e) Even if they know some rules, they hardly care for them (Simple).
Transformation of sentences
(a) Road accidents are not blessings.
Or, Aren't road accidents a curse?
(b) Don't they cause a great loss to life and property?
(c) It is the drivers who are basically responsible for the accidents.
(d) The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them.
(e) Even in spite of their knowing some rules, they hardly care for them.

7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) Your mother need not go there, ——?
(b) Thank you so much, ——?
(c) There is little water in the jug, ——?
(d) Let’s aim at doing good, ——?
(e) Nobody believes a liar, ——?
Tag questions
(a) Your mother need not go there, need she?
(b) Thank you so much, don't I?
(c) There is little water in the jar, is there?
(d) Let's aim at doing good, shall we?
(e) Nobody believes a liar, do they?

8. Complete the following sentences by using meaningful clauses. 1x5=5
(a) Fools rush in ——.
(b) No teacher likes such a student ——.
(c) 1971 is the year ——.
(d) ——, I would have flown to you.
(e) Scarcely had she reached the station ——.
Completing sentences
(a) Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
(b) No teacher likes such a student as violates the rules.
(c) 1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent.
(d) Had I been a bird, I would have flown to you.
(e) Scarcely had she reached the station when the train left.

Part B : Composition (60 Marks)
9. Write a paragraph on “A Book Fair You Have Visited” on the basis of the following questions: 10
(a) What do you mean by a book fair? (b) When did you visit the fair? (c) Where was it held? (d) What was the occasion? (e) What did you do in the fair?

10. Write a short composition on : 15
(b)  The Importance of Reading Newspapers in not more than 250 words.

11. Suppose, you are Shamim or Shamima, a student of Kushtia Zilla School. You have a common room but its facilities are not at all sufficient to meet up your demand. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school on behalf of the students requesting him to increase the facilities of the common room as soon as possible. 10

12. Sumona gets up late in the morning. She cannot prepare her lessons in time and so she does badly in the examination. On the contrary, Mila rises early in the morning and can complete her lessons well. So she is doing well in the examination. Now, write a dialogue between Sumona and Mila about the benefits of early rising. 10

Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and give a suitable title to it.
Good manners form an important part of our education. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good manners. In our behaviour towards others, we must show proper respect to them. We should have a sense of propriety in our conduct with others. We should show respect to our propriety which is necessary for a cultural and disciplined society. Again good manners cost us nothing; they are often the result of good sense and good nature. The importance of good manners in life is great indeed. Good manners win love and respect for a man and help him in every sphere of his life. Everyone likes a man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really a man of good manners is a gentle man in the true sense of the term.

Importance of Good Manners
Good manners are an integral part of education. The necessity of good manners cannot be ignored. Rather priority should be given to them. To win love and respect of others, we must have good manners. A man possessing nice behaviour and pleasing personality is liked by all. We should bear in mind that good manners cost us nothing but give us everything.

13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
Once there lived a woodcutter. He was very poor but honest. He lived on the bank of a river near a jungle. He used to cut wood................
এসএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Board Question Answer.

SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [13] pdf download

Model Test 
Dhanmondi Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 2nd Paper 
Subject Code: 108 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Grammar (40 Marks)
1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1x5=5
[undertake - solve - succeed - avoid - teach - frustrate - eradicate]
Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance which (a) —— all development efforts of the government and the community. No development effort can be (b) —— unless illiteracy is removed. No individual, community or organisation not even the government is capable of (c) —— this huge problem single handed. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people to (d) —— illiteracy from society. We can (e) —— this responsibility.
Right form of verbs
(a) frustrates;
(b) succeeded;
(c) solving;
(d) eradicate;
(e) hardly avoid.

2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5
Our life is (a) —— sum total of hours, days and years. But all the days are not equally memorable to us. Most of (b) —— days are forgotten with (c) —— passage of time. Only (d) —— few of these days remain ever fresh in our memory. My (e) —— first day at school is such (f) —— day. It is fresh in my mind even now. When I was (g) —— boy of six, my father proposed that I should be admitted into (h) —— school in (i) —— class 1. I felt (j) —— both joy and delight.
Use of articles
(a) the;
(b) the;
(c) the;
(d) a;
(e) x;
(f) a;
(g) a;
(h) a;
(i) x;
(j) x.

3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition. 1x5=5
The 21st February is a memorable day (a) —— the history of our nation. That day many Bangalees sacrificed their lives (b) —— the sake of their mother tongue. We pay homage (c) —— the martyrs of the language movement (d) —— that day. We should use our mother tongue in every sphere (e) —— our lives.
Appropriate prepositions
(a) in;
(b) for;
(c) to;
(d) on;
(e) of.

4. Complete the following sentences with phrases or idioms from the list given in the box below. 1x5=5
[bless with - to be in the soup - over head and ears - spared no pains - no one else - see the light - find fault with]
(a) After asking many questions I ——.
(b) The habit of —— others is not good.
(c) He is —— than your brother.
(d) The man was —— in debt.
(e) The maid —— to make the bedroom beautiful.
Use of phrases & idioms
(a) saw the light;
(b) finding fault with;
(c) no one else;
(d) over head and ears;
(e) spared no pains.

5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 1x5=5
“Why did you not go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the girl. “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied. “How are you today?” the mother asked again. “Well,” said the girl, “Don’t worry for me.”
Changing the form of speech
The mother asked the girl why she (G) had not gone to school the previous day. Addressing her as mum, the girl replied that she had been ill. The mother asked the girl again how she (G) was that day. The girl replied that she was well and also told her mother not to worry for her/forbade her mother to worry for her.

6. Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed in the brackets. 1x5=5
We are human beings. (a) All men must die. (Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives or not. (Interrogative) (c) Our life is not measured by months or years. (Active) (d) The people living only for their own interest are not real human beings. (Complex) (e) Their life is not better than that of a beast. (Positive)
Transformation of sentences
(a) All men cannot but die.
(b) Doesn't it matter little if a man lives or not?
(c) We do not measure our life by months or years.
(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings.
(e) Their life is as good as that of a beast.

7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) What a pity! ——?
(b) He will buy this book, ——?
(c) Neither of them complained, ——?
(d) Fire burns, ——?
(e) Let you and me go for a walk, ——?
Tag questions
(a) What a pity, isn't it?
(b) He will buy this book, won't he?
(c) Neither of them complained, did they?
(d) Fire burns, doesn't it?
(e) Let you and me go for a walk, shall we?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) I am optimistic that ——.
(b) Fault is thick ——.
(c) Fortune smiles upon those who ——.
(d) Hardly had he reached the station ——.
(e) Since the boy broke discipline ——.
Completing sentences
(a) I am optimistic that he will win the game/I will succeed in life/I will pass the exam.
(b) Fault is thick where love is thin.
(c) Fortune smiles upon those who are brave.
(d) Hardly had he reached the station when the train left.
(e) Since the boy broke discipline, he was taken to task.

Part B : Composition (60 Marks)
9. Write a paragraph about “A rickshaw puller”. Your paragraph should include the answer to the following questions. 10
(a) Who is a rickshaw-puller? (b) How does he lead his daily life? (c) How much does he earn a day? (d) How long does he work everyday? (e) What happens when he earns too little?

10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of the following topics. 15

11. Suppose, you are a student of Rangpur Zilla School. You are interested in reading books in the library. But books are not sufficient here. Now, write an application to your Headmaster asking more books in the library. 10

Write the summary of the following passage. Give a suitable title to it.
Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that necessarily brings happiness. Happiness is absolutely by a psychological thing. It is the name of a feeling. It means the contentment of the mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content with his life, is really happy. Happiness can not be purchased with money. So we see that the richest men of our society are not the happiest men. They lead life with cares and anxieties and pass sleepless nights. On the other hand, there are large number of poor men who are happy and enjoy a sound sleep. The man who is honest and virtuous, though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. His conscious mind does not torment him. Hence money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness.
Writing a summary
Money cannot Buy Happiness
Though money is a must it cannot bring us happiness. A man is happy who is satisfied with what he gets. The richest people are not the happiest people. Instead, they are afflicted with cares and anxieties and pass a sleepless night. An honest and virtuous man does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. Happiness lies in moral and spiritual development.

13. The following story is incomplete. Use your imagination and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
There was an old pond in a village. There lived a large number of frogs in the pond. The frogs were living happily. One day some boys were passing by the pond. At that time, the frogs were swimming and croaking happily. Seeing this, the boys began to........


এসএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Board Question Answer.


SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [14] pdf download

Model Test 
Shamsul Haque Khan School & College, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 2nd Paper 
Subject Code: 108 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Grammar (40 Marks)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1x5=5
[take - pray - offer - remain - keep - do - publish]
With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly worried about their results. This is a common sight during the S.S.C Examination in thousands of families. Special prayers (a) —— in families having such an examinee. Parents (b) —— special care of their children. They make sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents shuttle to mazars and temples and (c) —— for the examinees. Sometimes they give cash money and kinds for their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (d) —— worried until the result (e) ——.
Right form of verbs
(a) are offered;
(b) take;
(c) pray;
(d) remain;
(e) is published.

2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5
Though newspaper is not always (a) —— unmixed blessing yet it is (b) —— most useful thing in modern life. We cannot think of (c) — day without it. To read newspaper is (d) —— good habit. (e) —— more we read newspaper, (f) —— more we can acquire knowledge. If we do not read it, we shall be like (g) —— frogs in (h) —— dark well. It is (i) —— looking glass of (j) —— modern world.
Use of articles
(a) an;
(b) the;
(c) a;
(d) a;
(e) The;
(f) the;
(g) the;
(h) the/a;
(i) a;
(j) the.

3. Put a suitable preposition in each blank. 1x5=5
A huge number of Bangladeshi children are (a) —— their parents’ control. The parents are also very much indifferent (b) —— their children’s fault. As a result, many of them become involved in bad activities subversive (c) —— society. They don’t pay heed (d) —— their superiors. They even indulge in various dangerous habits. It seems that the sensible society is deaf (e) —— all these anomalous development.
Appropriate prepositions
(a) beyond/out of;
(b) to;
(c) to/of;
(d) to;
(e) to.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1x5=5
[when - if - and - but - what - so - though]
Man is the architect of his own fortune. (a) —— he makes proper division of his time (b) —— does his duties accordingly, he is sure to prosper in life. (c) —— he does otherwise, he is sure to repent. (d) —— it is late. To kill time is (e) —— culpable as to commit suicide, for our life is nothing but the sum total of hours, days and years.
Use of linking words
(a) When;
(b) and;
(c) If;
(d) But/When;
(e) so.

5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5
Omar (R) said to the woman, “Where do you live?” The woman said, “I live in a poor hut south end of this town. I am hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you give me something to eat?” Hazrat Omar (R) said, “Go home, I am coming with food and money.”
Changing the form of speech
Omar (R) asked the woman where she lived. The woman replied that she lived in a poor hut south-end of that town. She added that she was hungry but there was no food in her house. Then she asked him if he (O) would give her something to eat. Hazrat Omar (R) advised her to go home and assured her that he was going with food and money.

6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1x5=5
(a) Poverty is the most undesirable problem in a person’s life (Positive). (b) It is a great problem of a country (Negative). (c) It destroys the dignity of an individual as well as a nation (Passive). (d) Bangladesh is a poor country but blessed with a lot of natural resources (Complex). (e) Proper utilization of these resources can eradicate our poverty (Interrogative).
Transformation of sentences
(a) No other problem in a person's life is as undesirable as poverty.
(b) It is not a little problem of a country.
(c) The dignity of an individual as well as a nation is destroyed by it.
(d) Though Bangladesh is a poor country, it is blessed with a lot of natural resources.
(e) Can't proper utilization of these resources eradicate our poverty?

7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) We ought to love our country, ——?
(b) You’d rather go, ——?
(c) Open the windows, ——?
(d) He may excuse this fault, ——?
(e) Let us go there, ——?
Tag questions
(a) We ought to love our country oughtn't we?
(b) You'd rather go, wouldn't you?
(c) Open the windows, won't you/will you?
(d) He may excuse this fault, mayn't he?
(e) Let us go there, shall we?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) He opened a bank account so that ——.
(b) —— he is honest.
(c) If you do not work hard, ——.
(d) It is high time ——.
(e) A patriot is he ——.
Completing sentences
(a) He opened a bank account so that he could save money.
(b) Though he is poor, he is honest.
(c) If you do not work hard, you cannot prosper in life.
(d) It is high time we started the work.
(e) A patriot is he who loves his country truly.

Part B : Composition – Marks-60
9. Imagine that some days ago you witnessed a street accident and you were greatly shocked. Write a paragraph in about ‘A Street accident’. Answer the following questions in your paragraph. 10
(a) When did you witness a street accident?
(b) How did it affect you?
(c) How do you react when you read about street accidents in newspaper?
(d) Why do so many street accidents occur?
(e) Can they be prevented?

10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of the following topics. 15

11. Suppose, you are Simul, a student of class X in Barisal Zilla School. Your father is a government officer. Recently he has been transferred from Barisal to Dhaka. Now write an application to your Headmaster praying for a transfer certificate.  10

12. Suppose, you are Rina and you have been suffering from fever for a week. Now you are at the chamber of a doctor. Write a dialogue between you and the doctor. 10

Write down the summary of the following passage and give a suitable title to it.
People say, “Health is wealth.” Health is the soundness of mind as well as body. A healthy man or woman has a sound body as well as a sound mind. Without having one it is difficult to have the other. To build up your health and to maintain it you have to do certain things for your physical health and you have to eat proper food. Without eating a balanced diet you cannot remain healthy. Besides, without drinking clean water you cannot keep good health. You have to sleep properly. Without it you cannot maintain good health. You have to take proper physical exercise. Without it you cannot remain healthy. For your mental health you have to control your emotions. Without controlling it you cannot enjoy mental health. Above all, you have to have patience and respect for other people’s feeling.

Writing a summary
Health is wealth
Health means a sound mind in a sound body. To keep in good health one should eat a balanced diet, drink clean water, take physical exercise, have a sound sleep and above all, should control one’s emotions.

13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
Once a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby. Suddenly the mouse jumped on the lion’s nose. For this it broke through the lion’s sleep. The lion became..............................
এসএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Board Question Answer.

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [62] pdf download

Board Question/Model Test 
Monipur High School, Mirpur, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 1st Paper 
Subject Code: 107 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test (40 Marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. [Unit-9; Lesson-4(B)]
The first thing is that teaching gives women a better opportunity to take care of both home and career. Very few people realize the amount of work that a teacher has to do. A teacher not only has to take classes but also has to assess students' test and exam scripts after class hours. Also you have to study and be aware of the latest findings and developments in the field of teaching.

In the university teaching profession, a good postgraduate degree from a well-known university is essential for a better career path. However, you can develop as a teacher by doing refresher courses from time to time, by doing study and research and most importantly, by cooperating with your colleagues.

Opportunities for professional development exist equally for everyone in teaching. Yet due to social and family circumstances, it often becomes difficult for women to take them. Thus they fall behind in the merit race. It is not that easy for a woman to leave her family and home behind in order to receive training abroad, even sometimes within the country.

The most important thing in any woman's successful career is the support she gets from her family. This is something that can make or break her career.

Things are definitely changing, though the change is slow and there is much scope for improvement. The new generation of women in the workplace seem more assertive and confident in their work. They are more organized and have a lot more courage than what we had in our day. I feel that the new generation of women can go far into their career as they now have more confidence in themselves.

At first, you have to get good qualifications. Qualifications are something that can never be taken away from you. Plan your career as early as possible and try to make a choice that allows you to give back something to your society.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×5=5
(a) A teacher has to work —— after regular class hours.
(i) very little
(ii) classically
(iii) a lot
(iv) all the time

(b) The women of these days possess more —— than before.
(i) prestige
(ii) self-esteem
(iii) honour
(iv) confidence

(c) Teaching is a/an —— job for women.
(i) easy
(ii) difficult
(iii) suitable
(iv) hard

(d) Women cannot go abroad for training because of ——.

(i) financial problem
(ii) family support
(iii) less merit
(iv) family and social barriers

(e) The new generations of women in the workplace seem more assertive. Here the word ‘assertive’ means ——.
(i) submissive
(ii) boldly self-assured
(iii) narrative
(iv) negative

Multiple choice
(a)==>(iii) a lot;
(b)==>(iv) confidence;
(c)==>(iii) suitable;
(d)==>(iv) family and social barriers;
(e)==>(ii) boldly self-assured.
2. Write whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1×5=5
(a)  As a profession teaching does not suit a woman.
(b)  Gender discrimination exists in teaching.
(c)   Most of the people have a little idea about the amount of work teacher does.
(d)  The speaker is pessimistic about woman’s career in teaching.
(e)   The new generations of women are not conservative.

(a) False. Correct Statement: Teaching is the most suitable profession for women.
(b) False. Correct Statement: Gender discrimination is hardly found in teaching profession.
(c) True.
(d) False. Correct Statement: The speaker is optimistic about woman's career in teaching.
(e) True.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 0.5×10=5

[lag - set - read - abreast - avail - supervise - thought - acquainted - offers - hearted - disparity - evaluate]
Teaching is a noble profession. Women do not face any (a) —— in this profession. Teaching (b) —— women a better opportunity to build up their career and (c) —— their family. Generally, it is (d) —— that a teacher only takes classes. Actually, besides taking classes, a teacher has to (e) —— various questions and (f) —— answer scripts of the students. At the same time, he/she has to study a lot to keep (g) —— of the latest information in the field of teaching. But in most cases a female teacher has to (h) —— behind because she cannot (i) —— the opportunity for professional excellence by doing different courses. Even she fails to get whole (j) —— support from the family members.

Filling in gaps with clues
(a) disparity;
(b) offers;
(c) supervise;
(d) thought;
(e) set;
(f) evaluate;
(g) abreast;
(h) lag;
(i) avail;
(j) hearted. 

4. Read the passage in 'A' again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the teaching profession for women. Use the clues given in the box below. Write the information in the correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. 5

[family support - confidence - development - realise - assessment]

Information transfer
Teaching gives a woman a better opportunity to take care of both home and career. Women can develop their career in teaching by taking refresher courses. In this profession women have got equal opportunity with their male colleagues for their professional development. For the development of the teaching career, women require to study a lot and to undergo training abroad. The new generation of women are more assertive and possess a lot of confidence. What they require is their family support. In this profession, a teacher has to do a lot of works which very few people can realize. The assessment of examination scripts at times may be very tedious. 

5. Give short answer to the following questions: 1×5=5
(a)  Why do most women prefer teaching as their profession?
(b)  What does a teacher generally do everyday?
(c)   What do most people think about teaching?
(d)  Why does a woman fail to excel in professionally?
(e)   What is the most important thing to a woman’s successful career?

(a) Women prefer teaching as their profession because it gives them a better opportunity to take care of both home and career.
(b) Besides taking classes a teacher has to assess students' test and exam scripts after class hours. Also he/she has to study and be aware of the latest findings and development in the field of teaching.
(c) Most people think that teaching is very easy and the teachers have little work to perform.
(d) A woman fails to excel in professionally because of the lack of support from the family and society.
(e) The most important thing for a woman’s successful career is the support she gets from her family.

6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own, based on the information from the text in 'A' : 0.5×10=5
Women who have (a) —— teaching as a profession are able to look (b) —— their home and also (c) —— in their career. This is (d) —— because a teacher has to (e) —— less time in their workplace. But it does not (f) —— that their work is very (g) ——. In fact, they have to (h) —— a lot. Besides taking classes, they have to (i) —— the answer scripts of the students. They also have to be (j) —— about the latest findings and development in the field of teaching.

Filling in gaps without clues
(a) taken;
(b) after;
(c) advance;
(d) possible;
(e) spend;
(f) mean;
(g) easy;
(h) work;
(i) evaluate;
(j) aware.

7. Read the passage in 'A' again. Suppose, you are a female teacher. Now, write a paragraph in about 70-80 words about your idea of teaching as a career. 5

Rewriting in a different form
I am a teacher and have been teaching in a school for more than 5 years. Though a teacher has to do a lot of works everyday, teaching is a noble profession and by being a teacher one can get real respect and honour. In this profession the working hour is smaller than other profession. For new generation men and women this profession is the best. They can be good teachers by receiving training from home and abroad. Serving in an educational institution they can help their family quite nicely.

8. Read the passage in 'A' again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences. 5

The text deals with the working women. It tells us the problems that the working women faced in the past. Though they had equal opportunities as men, they failed to avail themselves of those due to social and family barriers. The situation is slowly changing. At present the working women are more assertive and confident, and can pursue their career to a far length.

Part B : Vocabulary Test (20 Marks)
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1×10=10

[bewildering - buildings - each - designed - technology - amenities - largest - place - wonder - surrounded - monument - spectacular]
The Sangsad Bhaban at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is a (a) —— modern architecture and (b) ——. It is one of the (c) —— and most (d) —— parliament buildings in the world. It was (e) —— by the famous architect Louis I Kahn. This 155 feet high nine storeyed building is (f) —— by an artificial lake called the Crescent Lake. The structure has 1605 doors, 335 windows, 365 ventilators and corridors totalling to (g) —— length of 41.6 kilometers. The house has 354 seats for MPs, 56 for guests, 40 for journalists and 430 for spectators. It has three party rooms in (h) —— of which can take seat 153 people. The whole (i) —— is air conditioned and includes all modern (j) ——.

Cloze test with clues
(a) wonder;
(b) technology;
(c) largest;
(d) spectacular;
(e) designed;
(f) surrounded; 
(g) bewildering;
(h) each;
(i) place;
(j) amenities.

10. Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only ­one word for each gap. 1×10=10
Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a) —— without education. Education (b) —— our ignorance and gives us (c) —— of knowledge. In respect of (d) —— education, there should be no (e) —— between man and women. Education is one of the basic human (f) ——. If we (g) —— the women of the right of education, almost half of our population will (h) —— in darkness. No development is (i) —— in our country without the (j) —— of women.

Cloze test without clues
(a) prosper;
(b) removes;
(c) lights;
(d) imparting;
(e) disparity;
(f) rights;
(g) deprive;
(h) remain;
(i) possible;
(j) education.

Part C : Writing Test (40 Marks)
11. Read the following table and make ten meaningful sentences. 1×10=10





Educated youth


The government







create opportunities for


the best help

seek self-employment

idle after completing their studies

more people in our country than jobs

a curse

the body and mind of our

 young population

the best solution to the problem 

 of unemployment

not depend on the government

to provide them with jobs

change our notion of secure and

comfortable job in an office or a bank

Producing sentences from substitution table
(a) Unemployment is a curse.
(b) It weakens the body and mind of our young population.
(c) We should change our notion of a secure and comfortable job in an office or a bank.
(d) There are more people in our country than jobs.
(e) Educated youth remain idle after completing their studies.
(f) They should not depend on the government to provide them with jobs.
(g) They should seek self-employment.
(h) The government should create opportunities for self-employment.
(i) It is the best solution to the problem of unemployment.
(j) Self-help is the best help.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 1×10=10
(a) The village was situated far away from the capital. (b) Thus he saved his life. (c) He came with a large army. (d) Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince. (e) Taimur’s soldiers were killed. (f) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. (g) The prince heard the news. (h) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. (i) His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place. (j) Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller.

Reordering sentences
Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince. He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. The village was situated far away from the capital. The prince  heard the news. He came with a large army. His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place. Taimur's soldiers were killed. Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller.  Thus he saved his life.

13. Write a paragraph on “Environment Pollution” by answering the following questions. 10
(a) What is meant by environment pollution? (b) What are responsible for it? (c) How do they cause it? (d) What are its effects on us and other elements? (e) How can we get rid of it?

14. Suppose, you are Sharif/Sharmin living at 101 Rupganj, Dhaka. Your friend Sanjid/Sanjida who lives at 60 Sadar Road, Manikganj has sent you a birthday present.  Now, write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for the nice birthday present. 10


Write a composition in about 200 words on ‘Your Future Plan of Life’. Use the following clues:
Why is future plan essential —— what you want to be —— your plan —— contribution to the society.
এসএসসি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 1st Paper Model Test.