A dialogue regarding the corruption in Bangladesh

A dialogue regarding the corruption in Bangladesh

You are Ratan. You have a friend named Shapon. Now, make a dialogue between you and Shapon regarding the corruption in Bangladesh.

A dialogue between myself (Ratan) and Shapon regarding the corruption in Bangladesh:

Myself : Hello Shapon. do you know about the TI report on Bangladesh?

Shapon : Yes, I know very well about the report. The report has exposed to the world that Bangladesh is the first in corruption among the countries of the world.

Now we are champion in the race of corruption.

Myself : You are making a joke but I am perplexed to hear this. I think you have no patriotism.

Shapon : I must love my country but what can I do now? Most of the people of our country from the clerk to high officers and the ministers have became corrupt. They can, do everything for their own interest. Actually they are morally empty.

Myself : What do you think about the causes of their moral degenation and corruption in our country?

Shapon : In a developing and poor country like Bangladesh, the main cause of corruption is corrupted politics. Corrupt politicians being devoid of real patriotism misuse their power. Bribery and nepotism are also responsible for corruption.

Myself : The .matter is very grievous and painful. We should be conscious about this matter. Family training is also necessary for the children. Our government should be sincere to remove corruption.

Shapon : Thank you.

Myself : You are quite right.
