Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Acid Throwing'.
(a) Is acid throwing a crime? (b) Who throws acid? (c) Why do the people throw acid? (d) What happens to the victim? (e ) How can we stop it?

Acid throwing is beyond question a heinous social crime. It is increasing day by day. Usually the young boys, mostly unemployed, looking for job as a security of life, choose this heinous way. Sometimes, the dowry hunter husbands throw acid to their wives. People throw acid to the weaker sex mainly for two reasons. One is family enmity, and the other is the rejection of love. If two families get into enmity on any issue, often one of them takes the path of savage vengeance and throws acid to the women and children of the opponent side. Similarly, if any youth is rejected in his love by the girl he loves, he also may throw acid to the girl. The victims suffer a lot as acid damages the part of the body where it falls and gives them an indescribable feeling of pain and anguish. It takes a long time to recover it. The damage is incurable. The place of the body becomes disfigured forever. Even the victims, however, recover from physical pain, the painful experience can never be forgotten. Sometimes the victim can lose her important organ forever. For example, if acid is thrown on the eyes, the victim can be blind forever. So, it is high time we took all out steps against the vicious" acid throwers. The Government must also take punitive action against .the acid throwers. The involved criminals should be tried in summary trial and must be awarded death sentence. Government, non-government and socio-cultural organizations should come forward to launch campaign against this crime.
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