SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [64] pdf download

Board Question/Model Test 
Shamsul Haque Khan School and College, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 1st Paper
Question-Answer pdf download
Subject Code: 107 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test (40 Marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. [Unit—10; Lesson—7(B)]
Feroza's childhood was full of sufferings and sorrows. She never had a moment of happiness in her life. All she remembered from her childhood was extreme want of food, want of shelter and want of clothing. In 1972 at the age of 12, she was married to a 24-year old unemployed man. Feroza entered into her husband's house with the dreams and hopes of a young girl but all she saw was more want. It was Feroza who worked for a handful of grains to feed herself, her mother-in-law and her husband. When her first son was born, she was 19. The birth of a child meant another mouth to feed. Feroza's toiling days became harder with the birth of her second son in 1982. Her husband was still unwilling to work and therefore she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths. 

From morning till dark she worked, worked and worked. When she was 24, her third son was born. Each day became more difficult for Feroza. No matter how hard she worked she could never earn enough to feed everyone. Eight years went by and Feroza was still struggling for herself and her family. Then she came to learn about the Grameen Bank. She became a member of the bank, took a loan and started her own 'rice-husking' business. Gradually she managed to improve her conditions and managed to repay the loan she had borrowed from the Grameen Bank. In 1995, Feroza took an even larger loan and started a stationery shop alongside her husking business. She went to the adult literacy centre and learned to read and write. By 2000 Feroza's worst days were over. She had solvency, security and happiness.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5
(a)  After marriage, Feroza’s hopes were ——.
(i) jeopardized
(ii) nipped in the bud
(iii) endangered
(iv) all are correct

(b) She had an —— view about her in- law’s house.
(i) optimistic
(ii) real
(iii) positive
(iv) interesting

(c) ‘Toiling’ means ——.
(i) hard
(ii) difficult
(iii) active
(iv) both (i) and (ii)

(d) Feroza’s hopes were shattered for the cause of her husband’s ——.
(i) laziness
(ii) reluctant to work
(iii) devotion to work
(iv) both (i) and (ii)

(e) By struggling and working hard she was —— to bring solvency.
(i) able
(ii) unsuccessful
(iii) unable
(iv) all are incorrect

 Multiple choice 
(a)==>(i) nipped in the bud;
(b)==>(i) optimistic;
(c)==>(iv) both (i) and (ii);
(d)==>(iv) both (i) and (ii);
(e)==>(i) able.

2. Write whether the statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
(a) Feroza was born in 1960.
(b) She was a pessimistic lady.
(c) Her evil days were over by 2000.
(d) She went to the adult literacy centre to teach the adult.
(e) In 1984 her 3rd son was born.

(a) True.
(b) False.  Correct Statement:  She was an optimistic lady.
(c) True.
(d) False. Correct Statement:  She went to the adult literacy centre to receive education.
(e) True.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 0.5x10=5

[was - herself - well-to-do - to - could - ambitious - had - came - earned - do - journey - work]
Feroza (a) —— of a poor family. Her husband’s family was also not (b) ——. But she was a very (c) —— young girl. She started her (d) —— of life against all odds. She never thought (e) —— inferior (f) —— men. So she began to (g) —— the (h) —— of a man and (i) —— whatever she (j) —— to survive the family.

 Filling in gaps with clues 
(a) came;
(b) well to do;
(c) ambitious;
(d) journey;
(e) herself;
(f) to;
(g) do;
(h) work;
(i) earned;
(j) could/had.

4. Read the passage in ‘A’. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about Feroza’s life. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in a logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. 5

[suffering - happiness - loan - education - want - repay - improve - struggle - solvent]

 Information transfer 
Feroza was an ordinary woman. Her childhood was full of sorrows and sufferings. She never had a moment of happiness in her early days. She was extremely poverty-stricken. At the age of twelve, she was married to a 24-year old unemployed man. She went to her husband's house. There she started a miserable life of want, poverty and struggle. During this time she made a link with the Grameen Bank, took loanrepaid it regularly and improved her condition by way of business and became solvent. At the same time she received education from an adult literacy centre.

5. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, answer the following questions in your own words. 1x5=5
(a) When was Feroza married?
(b) How was her husband?
(c) When did her working days become harder?
(d) From where did she take loan?
(e) Was she able to bring happiness?

(a) Feroza was married in 1972 at the age of 12.
(b) Her husband was averse to working.
(c) Her working days became harder with the birth of her second son in 1982.
(d) She took loan from the Grameen Bank.
(e) Yes, she was able to bring happiness  through determination and hard work.

6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own, based on the information from the text in ‘A’. 0.5x10=5
Though Feroza (a) —— born in a very poor family, she had an (b) —— attitude about her in-law’s house. But due to her husband’s (c) —— to work, she had to face more difficulties. She started to struggle hard to (d) —— her family. By the help of loan from Grameen Bank she (e) —— rice-husking business. At the same time, she continued her study in an (f) —— literacy centre. After a hard struggle of long time, she (g) —— her life and (h) —— solvency and (i) ——. Thus Feroza has given us an (j) —— to succeed in life.

 Filling in gaps without clues 
(a) was;
(b) optimistic;
(c) unwillingness;
(d) maintain/save;
(e) started;
(f) adult;
(g) changed;
(h) got/had;
(i) security;
(j) example.

7. Suppose, you are Feroza. You have come to know about Grameen Bank recently and have become a member of the bank. Now, write in about 70-80 words about how and why you have taken loan from the bank. 5

 Rewriting in a different form 
My name is Feroza. I live in Dhamrai. I am a mother of three sons. My husband is still sitting idle at home. I have become a member of the Grameen Bank. I took a loan from the Grameen Bank and I am running a rice husking business. I have also started a stationery shop near my house. I can now read and write. I am very busy but happy now.

8. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences. 5

Feroza was an ordinary woman. She grew up amidst poverty and want. Her condition did not change after her marriage, rather it became worse. But Feroza did not get frustrated. She took a loan from the Grameen Bank, worked hard and improved her life.

Part B : Vocabulary Test (20 Marks)
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1x10=10

[depends - securing - orders - formation - fit - receive - enriched - essential - do - company - make - task]
Student life is the proper time to (a) —— education. Study is the main (b) —— of student life. This time is very valuable. Future life (c) —— on student life. This is the time to make life (d) —— for work. Only (e) —— good marks in examinations are not so important. Both acquisition of knowledge and (f) —— of character are (g) ——. Character is (h) —— in the (i) —— of honest people. It is our duty to obey the (j) —— of our superiors.

 Cloze test with clues 
(a) receive;
(b) task;
(c) depends;
(d) fit;
(e) securing;
(f) formation;
(g) essential;
(h) enriched;
(i) company;
(j) orders.

10. Fill in each gap with suitable words. Use only one word for each gap. 1x10=10
English is a —— language. It is essential to learn English for (b) —— with other countries. In our country we (c) —— English as a foreign language. It is not our mother (d) ——. So, it is not (e) —— to learn English. Besides this, we have very poor (f) —— over this language. As a result, we do not (g) —— any interest in (h) —— this language. So in the examinations, most of the students (i) —— not able to get good marks and they (j) —— English as a difficult language.

 Cloze test without clues 
(a) foreign/global;
(b) communicating;
(c) learn;
(d) tongue;
(e) easy;
(f) knowledge/command;
(g) have/feel;
(h) learning;
(i) are;
(j) take/think.

Part C : Writing Test (40 Marks)
11. Read the following table and make ten meaningful sentences. 1x10=10

Early rising

The man



Morning air










one an opportunity to enjoy the beauties 
of nature

rises early finds time to take exercise

good for health

both the body and the mind of a person

enables a man to begin his day’s work early

the habit of getting early in the morning

a man wise and industrious

a long lasting effect in a man’s life

of rising early is the source of health,
wealth and wisdom
improves health and increases the 
 ability to work

 Producing sentences from substitution table 
(a) Early rising means the habit of getting up early in the morning.
(b) Early rising is good for health/This is good for health.
(c) This gives one an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature.
(d) The man who rises early finds time to take exercise.
(e) The habit of rising early, is the source of health, wealth and wisdom.
(f) This certainly enables a man to begin his day's work early.
(g) Morning air refreshes both the body and mind of a person.
(h) Morning air certainly improves health and increases the ability to work.
(i) Early rising makes a man wise and industrious.
(j) Early rising has a long lasting effect in a man’s life.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 1x10=10
(a) It was the home of sculpture.
(b) This great man however did not die a natural death.
(c) He lived in Athens in Greece.
(d) Socrates was born in 459 B. C in Athens.
(e) About 2500 years have passed since he died.
(f) Socrates was a great philosopher.
(g) He was killed by the ruler of Athens.
(h) He was a great teacher too.
(i) He wanted to spread the knowledge of truth.
(j) Probably his father was a sculptor.

 Reordering sentences 
Socrates was born in 459 B.C in Athens. He lived in Athens in Greece. It was the home of sculpture. Probably his father was a sculptor. Socrates was a great philospher.  He was a great teacher too. He wanted to spread the knowledge of truth. This great man however did not die a natural death. He was killed by the rulers of Athens.  About 2500 years have passed since he died.

13. Write a paragraph on “A Village Doctor” in about 100-120 words by answering the following questions. 10
(a) Who is a village doctor? (b) What are his qualification? (c) How is his chamber? (d) What does he do? (e) How is he helpful to the villagers?

14. Suppose, you have a friend named Tareq or Tahera living in Khulna. He or she wants to know what you intend to do after the SSC Examination. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after the SSC Examination. 10

Or, Write a composition in about 200 words on “Your Hobby”. Use the following clues.

*favourite occupation * types *the cause of being favourite the utility of it.

এসএসসি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 1st Paper Model Test.


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