SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [62] pdf download

Board Question/Model Test 
Monipur High School, Mirpur, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 1st Paper 
Subject Code: 107 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test (40 Marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. [Unit-9; Lesson-4(B)]
The first thing is that teaching gives women a better opportunity to take care of both home and career. Very few people realize the amount of work that a teacher has to do. A teacher not only has to take classes but also has to assess students' test and exam scripts after class hours. Also you have to study and be aware of the latest findings and developments in the field of teaching.

In the university teaching profession, a good postgraduate degree from a well-known university is essential for a better career path. However, you can develop as a teacher by doing refresher courses from time to time, by doing study and research and most importantly, by cooperating with your colleagues.

Opportunities for professional development exist equally for everyone in teaching. Yet due to social and family circumstances, it often becomes difficult for women to take them. Thus they fall behind in the merit race. It is not that easy for a woman to leave her family and home behind in order to receive training abroad, even sometimes within the country.

The most important thing in any woman's successful career is the support she gets from her family. This is something that can make or break her career.

Things are definitely changing, though the change is slow and there is much scope for improvement. The new generation of women in the workplace seem more assertive and confident in their work. They are more organized and have a lot more courage than what we had in our day. I feel that the new generation of women can go far into their career as they now have more confidence in themselves.

At first, you have to get good qualifications. Qualifications are something that can never be taken away from you. Plan your career as early as possible and try to make a choice that allows you to give back something to your society.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×5=5
(a) A teacher has to work —— after regular class hours.
(i) very little
(ii) classically
(iii) a lot
(iv) all the time

(b) The women of these days possess more —— than before.
(i) prestige
(ii) self-esteem
(iii) honour
(iv) confidence

(c) Teaching is a/an —— job for women.
(i) easy
(ii) difficult
(iii) suitable
(iv) hard

(d) Women cannot go abroad for training because of ——.

(i) financial problem
(ii) family support
(iii) less merit
(iv) family and social barriers

(e) The new generations of women in the workplace seem more assertive. Here the word ‘assertive’ means ——.
(i) submissive
(ii) boldly self-assured
(iii) narrative
(iv) negative

Multiple choice
(a)==>(iii) a lot;
(b)==>(iv) confidence;
(c)==>(iii) suitable;
(d)==>(iv) family and social barriers;
(e)==>(ii) boldly self-assured.
2. Write whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1×5=5
(a)  As a profession teaching does not suit a woman.
(b)  Gender discrimination exists in teaching.
(c)   Most of the people have a little idea about the amount of work teacher does.
(d)  The speaker is pessimistic about woman’s career in teaching.
(e)   The new generations of women are not conservative.

(a) False. Correct Statement: Teaching is the most suitable profession for women.
(b) False. Correct Statement: Gender discrimination is hardly found in teaching profession.
(c) True.
(d) False. Correct Statement: The speaker is optimistic about woman's career in teaching.
(e) True.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 0.5×10=5

[lag - set - read - abreast - avail - supervise - thought - acquainted - offers - hearted - disparity - evaluate]
Teaching is a noble profession. Women do not face any (a) —— in this profession. Teaching (b) —— women a better opportunity to build up their career and (c) —— their family. Generally, it is (d) —— that a teacher only takes classes. Actually, besides taking classes, a teacher has to (e) —— various questions and (f) —— answer scripts of the students. At the same time, he/she has to study a lot to keep (g) —— of the latest information in the field of teaching. But in most cases a female teacher has to (h) —— behind because she cannot (i) —— the opportunity for professional excellence by doing different courses. Even she fails to get whole (j) —— support from the family members.

Filling in gaps with clues
(a) disparity;
(b) offers;
(c) supervise;
(d) thought;
(e) set;
(f) evaluate;
(g) abreast;
(h) lag;
(i) avail;
(j) hearted. 

4. Read the passage in 'A' again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the teaching profession for women. Use the clues given in the box below. Write the information in the correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. 5

[family support - confidence - development - realise - assessment]

Information transfer
Teaching gives a woman a better opportunity to take care of both home and career. Women can develop their career in teaching by taking refresher courses. In this profession women have got equal opportunity with their male colleagues for their professional development. For the development of the teaching career, women require to study a lot and to undergo training abroad. The new generation of women are more assertive and possess a lot of confidence. What they require is their family support. In this profession, a teacher has to do a lot of works which very few people can realize. The assessment of examination scripts at times may be very tedious. 

5. Give short answer to the following questions: 1×5=5
(a)  Why do most women prefer teaching as their profession?
(b)  What does a teacher generally do everyday?
(c)   What do most people think about teaching?
(d)  Why does a woman fail to excel in professionally?
(e)   What is the most important thing to a woman’s successful career?

(a) Women prefer teaching as their profession because it gives them a better opportunity to take care of both home and career.
(b) Besides taking classes a teacher has to assess students' test and exam scripts after class hours. Also he/she has to study and be aware of the latest findings and development in the field of teaching.
(c) Most people think that teaching is very easy and the teachers have little work to perform.
(d) A woman fails to excel in professionally because of the lack of support from the family and society.
(e) The most important thing for a woman’s successful career is the support she gets from her family.

6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own, based on the information from the text in 'A' : 0.5×10=5
Women who have (a) —— teaching as a profession are able to look (b) —— their home and also (c) —— in their career. This is (d) —— because a teacher has to (e) —— less time in their workplace. But it does not (f) —— that their work is very (g) ——. In fact, they have to (h) —— a lot. Besides taking classes, they have to (i) —— the answer scripts of the students. They also have to be (j) —— about the latest findings and development in the field of teaching.

Filling in gaps without clues
(a) taken;
(b) after;
(c) advance;
(d) possible;
(e) spend;
(f) mean;
(g) easy;
(h) work;
(i) evaluate;
(j) aware.

7. Read the passage in 'A' again. Suppose, you are a female teacher. Now, write a paragraph in about 70-80 words about your idea of teaching as a career. 5

Rewriting in a different form
I am a teacher and have been teaching in a school for more than 5 years. Though a teacher has to do a lot of works everyday, teaching is a noble profession and by being a teacher one can get real respect and honour. In this profession the working hour is smaller than other profession. For new generation men and women this profession is the best. They can be good teachers by receiving training from home and abroad. Serving in an educational institution they can help their family quite nicely.

8. Read the passage in 'A' again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences. 5

The text deals with the working women. It tells us the problems that the working women faced in the past. Though they had equal opportunities as men, they failed to avail themselves of those due to social and family barriers. The situation is slowly changing. At present the working women are more assertive and confident, and can pursue their career to a far length.

Part B : Vocabulary Test (20 Marks)
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1×10=10

[bewildering - buildings - each - designed - technology - amenities - largest - place - wonder - surrounded - monument - spectacular]
The Sangsad Bhaban at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is a (a) —— modern architecture and (b) ——. It is one of the (c) —— and most (d) —— parliament buildings in the world. It was (e) —— by the famous architect Louis I Kahn. This 155 feet high nine storeyed building is (f) —— by an artificial lake called the Crescent Lake. The structure has 1605 doors, 335 windows, 365 ventilators and corridors totalling to (g) —— length of 41.6 kilometers. The house has 354 seats for MPs, 56 for guests, 40 for journalists and 430 for spectators. It has three party rooms in (h) —— of which can take seat 153 people. The whole (i) —— is air conditioned and includes all modern (j) ——.

Cloze test with clues
(a) wonder;
(b) technology;
(c) largest;
(d) spectacular;
(e) designed;
(f) surrounded; 
(g) bewildering;
(h) each;
(i) place;
(j) amenities.

10. Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only ­one word for each gap. 1×10=10
Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a) —— without education. Education (b) —— our ignorance and gives us (c) —— of knowledge. In respect of (d) —— education, there should be no (e) —— between man and women. Education is one of the basic human (f) ——. If we (g) —— the women of the right of education, almost half of our population will (h) —— in darkness. No development is (i) —— in our country without the (j) —— of women.

Cloze test without clues
(a) prosper;
(b) removes;
(c) lights;
(d) imparting;
(e) disparity;
(f) rights;
(g) deprive;
(h) remain;
(i) possible;
(j) education.

Part C : Writing Test (40 Marks)
11. Read the following table and make ten meaningful sentences. 1×10=10





Educated youth


The government







create opportunities for


the best help

seek self-employment

idle after completing their studies

more people in our country than jobs

a curse

the body and mind of our

 young population

the best solution to the problem 

 of unemployment

not depend on the government

to provide them with jobs

change our notion of secure and

comfortable job in an office or a bank

Producing sentences from substitution table
(a) Unemployment is a curse.
(b) It weakens the body and mind of our young population.
(c) We should change our notion of a secure and comfortable job in an office or a bank.
(d) There are more people in our country than jobs.
(e) Educated youth remain idle after completing their studies.
(f) They should not depend on the government to provide them with jobs.
(g) They should seek self-employment.
(h) The government should create opportunities for self-employment.
(i) It is the best solution to the problem of unemployment.
(j) Self-help is the best help.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 1×10=10
(a) The village was situated far away from the capital. (b) Thus he saved his life. (c) He came with a large army. (d) Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince. (e) Taimur’s soldiers were killed. (f) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. (g) The prince heard the news. (h) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. (i) His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place. (j) Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller.

Reordering sentences
Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince. He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. The village was situated far away from the capital. The prince  heard the news. He came with a large army. His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place. Taimur's soldiers were killed. Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller.  Thus he saved his life.

13. Write a paragraph on “Environment Pollution” by answering the following questions. 10
(a) What is meant by environment pollution? (b) What are responsible for it? (c) How do they cause it? (d) What are its effects on us and other elements? (e) How can we get rid of it?

14. Suppose, you are Sharif/Sharmin living at 101 Rupganj, Dhaka. Your friend Sanjid/Sanjida who lives at 60 Sadar Road, Manikganj has sent you a birthday present.  Now, write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for the nice birthday present. 10


Write a composition in about 200 words on ‘Your Future Plan of Life’. Use the following clues:
Why is future plan essential —— what you want to be —— your plan —— contribution to the society.
এসএসসি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 1st Paper Model Test.


  1. In the university teaching profession, a good postgraduate degree from a well-known university is essential for a better career path. However, you can develop as a teacher by doing refresher courses from time to time, by doing study and research and most importantly, by cooperating with your colleagues.

    Opportunities for professional development exist equally for everyone in teaching. Yet due to social and family circumstances, it often becomes difficult for women to take them. Thus they fall behind in the merit race. It is not that easy for a woman to leave her family and home behind in order to receive training abroad, even sometimes within the country.
