SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [63] pdf download

Board Question/Model Test 
Dhanmondi Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 1st Paper 
Subject Code: 107 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test (40 Marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. [Unit—7; Lesson—3(C)]
It was the eve of World War II, October 1938. Mrs Smith sat on her favourite rocking chair and closed her eyes. It was a long tiring day. She looked out of the window; it was dark-quite dark. The tension of the war hung in the air. Mrs Smith was restless. Her husband William Smith and son William Smith Junior were off to the border. She switched on the radio and a deep male voice floated in. It was an invasion alarm! What actually happened on that night was Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre presented a radio adaptation of H.G. 

Well's novel 'War of the Worlds' on the air. Wells meant the programme to be a Halloween Joke. But the beginning of the programme was missed by many listeners. They mistook it for news coverage of an actual invasion of the USA. Panic spread from one end of the country to the other. It drove many people into frenzy. They fled by car from the invaded area. A number of people died as a result of accidents or by suicide. People had believed the invasion because they heard it on the radio at a time of fear and also because the invasion was put across as a current news programme.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5
(a)  Orsen Welles offered on that night ——.
(i) aggression warning
(ii) news of war
(iii) music programme
(iv) new story

(b) All over the country there was ——.
(i) suspense
(ii) fear
(iii) rumour
(iv) nothing

(c) People were scared because ——.
(i) they heard the news of invasion on the radio
(ii) world war broke out
(iii) they missed the beginning of the radio programme
(iv) they misunderstood the radio programme

(d) The radio programme was ——.
(i)  an alarm of invasion
(ii) meant to be  Halloween Joke
(iii) a news coverage
(iv) meant to scare people

(e) The text is about effects of ——.
(i) a novel
(ii) World War II       
(iii) a radio programme
(iv) misunderstanding

 Multiple choice
(a)==>(iv) new story;
(b)==>(ii) fear;
(c)==>(iv) they misunderstood the radio programme;
(d)==>(ii) meant to be a Halloween Joke;
(e)==>(iv) misunderstanding.

2. Write whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct information. 1x5=5
(a)  H.G. Well’s novel ‘War of the Worlds’ was retold for the radio broadcast.
(b)  Mrs. Smith was passing a tiresome day.
(c)   The story shows that media can create any havoc.
(d)  The radio programme was about the recent U.S. invasion.
(e)   Panic was confined to the invaded area.

(a) True.
(b) True.
(c) True.
(d) False. Correct Statement: The radio programme was an adaptation of H.G. Well's novel War of the Worlds.
(e) False. Correct Statement: Panic spread all over the country.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words in the box than necessary. 0.5x10=5

[alarm - suicide - think - initial - switch - visualize - symbol - trigger - seize - break - version - broadcast]

Sitting on her rocking chair, Mrs. Smith was (a) —— about her husband and son as they were off to the border. When she (b) —— on the radio she heard an invasion alarm. Actually the radio was (c) —— a radio (d) —— of Halloween Joke. Many people missed the (e) —— part of the programme. They (f) —— that the real war had (g) —— out. The entire country was (h) —— with panic. They took it for granted that the USA (i) —— off the war. As a result, a number of people were the victims of accidents and (j) ——.

 Filling in gaps with clues 
(a) thinking;
(b) switched;
(c) broadcasting;
(d) version;
(e) initial;
(f) visualized/thought;
(g) broken;
(h) seized;
(i) triggered;
(j) suicide.

4. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the teaching fear of war. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in a correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. 5

[programme - frighten - tense - situation - joke - shelter]
 Information transfer 
It was during World War II. Mrs Smith was in a tense situation and worried for her husband and son. She switched on the radio and heard an invasion alarm. People throughout the country got panicked and began to run away from the invaded area. Many people died by accident and suicide. Actually there was no war. The Mercury Theatre presented H.G. Well's novel ‘War of the Worlds’ as a drama. People missed the beginning of the programme. They thought it as the war signal. They were frightened and began to move to and fro to find safe shelter. In fact it was a joke.

5. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, answer the following questions in your own words. 1x5=5
(a)  Why did Mrs. Smith tense for?
(b)  Who was the presenter of the radio programme?
(c)   What was the actual event?
(d)  What drove men into frenzy?
(e)   What was the consequence of the mistake?

(a) Mrs Smith was tensed because her husband and son were in the border.
(b) Mercury Theatre was the presenter of the radio programme.
(c) The actual event was that orson wells and his mercury theater presented a radio version of H.G well’s novel ‘war of the worlds’ on the air. But many people missed the initial part of the programme and they mistook it for news coverage of an actual invasion of the U.S.A
(d) Panic drove men into frenzy.
(e) People became very frightened and wanted to flee from the place and many died as a result of accident or by suicide.

6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own, based on the information from the text in 'A'. 0.5x10=5
On the radio, an alarm of war was (a) ——. Mrs. Smith was (b) ——. Having (c) —— the beginning of the programme she felt (d) —— for her husband and son who were off to the (e) ——. As she missed the (f) —— part of the programme, she took it for a real (g) ——. Like her, other listeners (h) —— took it to be true. They began (i) —— from the (j) —— area.

 Filling gaps without clues 
(a) broadcast/given;
(b) restless;
(c) missed;
(d) anxious/tensed;
(e) border;
(f) initial;
(g) invasion;
(h) also;
(i) fleeing/running;
(j) invaded.

7. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine yourself in place of Mrs. Smith. Now, write in about 70-80 words about the experience you had achieved out of the radio programme and people’s reaction to it. 5

 Rewriting in a different form 
I am Mrs Smith. One day on the eve of the world wor II  I was much worried and tensed about my husband and son. They were in the frontier. An invasion alarm was given in a radio programme. People were running and fleeing from the area. They were panicked. Actually there was no war. It was a drama. Mercury Theatre presented a radio version of H.G. Well’s ‘War of the Worlds’. Many people missed the beginning and took it for a real war. Many people died by accident or suicide.

8. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences. 5

During World War II Mrs Smith switched on the radio and heard an invasion alarm. People missed the beginning and mistook it for a real alarm. They began to run away from the area. Many people died by accident or suicide. Actually it was a radio programme of H.G. Well's novel 'War of the Worlds'.

Part B : Vocabulary Test (20 Marks)
9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words in than necessary. 1x10=10

[win - brings - virtues - nobody - tomorrow - everybody - never - should - if - speaking - once - expect]
Truthfulness is the greatest of all the (a) —— which makes a man really great. (b) —— we do not cultivate the habit of (c) —— the truth, we cannot (d) —— respect from others. It (e) —— be kept in mind that (f) —— trusts a liar. He may succeed (g) —— or twice by telling a lie but it never (h) —— good result. A lie (i) —— remain hidden. Today or (j) —— people come to know about the truth.

 Cloze test with clues 
(a) virtues;
(b) If;
(c) speaking;
(d) expect;
(e) should;
(f) nobody;
(g) once;
(h) brings;
(i) never;
(j) tomorrow.

10. Fill in each gap with a suitable word. Use only one word for each gap. 1x10=10
Road accidents are common (a) —— in modern city life. Every year thousands of people die and many more are (b) —— in road accidents. So, steps to check road accidents need to be (c) ——. The increased volume of traffics should be (d) ——. New roads should be (e) —— in cities and towns. Reckless driving should be dealt with (f) —— punishment. Defective vehicles should not be (g) —— to ply in the streets. Driving license should be given in (h) —— of specific (i) —— of driving. More options should be (j) ——.

 Cloze test without clues 
(a) incidents;
(b) wounded;
(c) taken;
(d) decreased;
(e) constructed/made;
(f) exemplary;
(g) allowed/permitted;
(h) case;
(i) experience;
(j) given/implied.

Part C : Writing Test (40 Marks)
11. Read the following table and make ten meaningful sentences. 1x10=10




One day his wife

The passers by








her utmost to irritate Socrates

that Socrates did not pay heed to her

that an angry man is more of a beast than a human being

up to him and poured much water over him

out and sat on the door-step of his house looking out on

the public street

more furious than ever and began to insult Socrates

it and were much amused at the incident

this and joined with them in their laughter

“I was expecting this, after thunder comes rain.”

a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse.

 Producing sentences from substitution table 
(a) Socrates believed that an angry man is more of a beast than a human being.
(b) Socrates had a wife who used to lose temper on the slightest excuse.
(c) One day his wife became more furious than ever and began to insult Socrates.
(d) She tried her utmost to irritate Socrates.
(e) Socrates went out and sat on the door-step of his house looking out on the public street.
(f) She saw that Socrates did not pay heed to her.
(g) She went up to him and poured much water over him.
(h) Socrates said, "I was expecting this, after thunder comes rain."
(i) The passersby saw it and were much amused at the incident.
(j) Socrates saw this and joined with them in their laughter.

12. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 1x10=10
(a) "Stop" said the bad man. "What have I done to deserve it?"
(b) When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.
(c) One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour.
(d) But when he did any work, he would say, "God had done it by me."
(e) "Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?" asked the owner of the garden.
(f) "Because God is getting it done by me," replied the bad man.
(g) The owner of the garden said nothing.
(h) He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.
(i) There was a bad man in a village.
(j) The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and rushed to the garden.

 Reordering sentences 
There was a bad man in a village. But when he did any work, he would say, “God had done it by me.” One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and rushed to the garden. “Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?” asked the owner of the garden. “Because God is getting it done by me,” replied the bad man. The owner of the garden said nothing. He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree. When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick. “Stop,” said the bad man, “What have I done to deserve it?”

13. Write a paragraph on “A Day Labourer” by answering the following questions.  10
(a) Who is a day labourer? (b) What works does he usually do? (c) What sort of life does he usually lead? (d) What happens when he earns more? (e) What happens when he cannot find work?

14. Suppose, you are Hasan/Hasna of Kalabagan, Dhaka and you have a friend named Nabil/Nabila who lives in Sonapur, Rangpur. He/She wants to know what you intend to do after your SSC examination. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your intention after the SSC examination. 10

Write a short composition in about 200 words on ‘Your Visit to a Place to Historical Interest’. 
এসএসসি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 1st Paper Model Test.


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