Difference Between Town Life and Village Life Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on the differences you see between the life in your village and the life of the town/city where you live.

Difference between Town Life and Village Life | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

City life and village life differ from each other in many respects. People enjoy various facilities in a city or town, but here people also have to suffer a lot of problems.

On the other hand, life in the village is peaceful and quiet. But people here are deprived of many modern facilities. In a city or town a large number of people live in a small, area. All the houses and roads are made of bricks and concrete.

Industries, offices, hospitals and institutions of higher studies are situated in a city. The lands here are not used for agricultural purposes. The city people are educated, rich and crafty. They are always busy in money-making activities. The differences between the rich and the poor are great here.

The lifestyle of city people is comparatively complex. They have to, eat adulterated foods, breathe in polluted environment. Consequently they suffer from various diseases and generally die an untimely death.

In a village the farmers, fishermen, weavers and potters live. There are extensive fields, trees and ponds and marshy lands in a village. The land is' used here for agricultural purposes. They are very sympathetic to one smother. In times of danger they help each other. But unfortunately, they are mostly poor and illiterate. Their houses are built of tin, bamboo and mud. The village people are simple, free and frank.

They lead a simple and care free life. They are free from, complex mentality, hurry, and avarice of city people. So they are happy. They eat fresh food and live in a pollution-free environment, and thus they suffer from fewer diseases than city people.

And so they live longer than the city people. I am forced to live in a city. But I prefer the simple and leisurely life of the village. There are no industries and mechanical vehicles in the village. So there are no pollutions of any sort.

But the air and sound pollutions make the city a veritable hell. On the other hand, the various bounties of Nature make the village an Eden on earth.

Charms of Village Life Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on the 'Charms of Village Life'.

Charms of Village Life | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

It is said that God made the country but man made the town. The significance of the statement can better be understood if we i go to a village after living a long time in a crowded city.

The first thing that will strike you is the atmosphere free from smoke, noise and all sorts of pollutions. We will breathe in the pure air full of oxygen. Then we will see the green fields, trees, river or heels. The fields take on different colours in different seasons.

During the autumn when the wind plays on the corn-fields, the fields become most enjoyable. The floating clouds in the sky of autumn is attractive. During the harvest time, the melodious songs of the farmers sound very nice.

In the night the sweet tune of the flutes of cowboys are really enchanting. The songs of birds of different kinds of birds are also sweet. Nature has decorated the village with her different bounties. We can enjoy the fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and fish in the village.

We can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise and sunset. At night we can enjoy the beauty of a moonlit night. When there is no moon, millions of stars twinkling in the sky are seen. These beauties of the sky cannot be enjoyed living in a city.

There are no din and. bustle and hurry in the village fife. The village people are simple, free and frank. They have strong fellow-feeling and in times of dangers they help one another. Far from the madding crowd the villages are so many islands of peace where the people are happy with what they have.

Rural life is care-free. Rural people's mentality is not affected with the artificiality of mechanical urban life, father it is natural and plain. All these aspects of village make life really happy.

Strike and Its Impact on Life Composition in about 200 words

 Write a composition on 'Strike and Its Impact on Life'.

Strike and Its Impact on Life | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

'Strike' has been imported from the western countries, to our country. Even only sixty to seventy years ago, this strike was unknown to our society.

Strike, nowadays, has become a regular issue in the Indian subcontinent and in other poor countries. Needless to say that poverty is the root cause of this strike. This strike is one of the strong holds of vicious circle. The poor people are to revolve round this vicious circle of poverty.

There are the owners and the workers in mills and factories. In case of manifold problems and pressures the owners become merciless towards the workers. Workers start to demand more in the face of greater necessity. The owners start not to listen to the limitless demand of the workers. The owners of these mills, factories and industries naturally are richer.

Workers and labourers being deprived of their dues, resort to strike to press home their demand. Consequently, a clash between the workers and owners crop up.

Some people in Bangladesh sire trying to create troubles and dislocations in the government. And that is why they are trying to use this good weapon of strike with an evil purpose. As a result, the daily life of the people is frustrated.

The people of all walks fall in danger. Firstly, the educational institution's are closed and so the study of the students is greatly hampered. Even the school going, college going and university going students are to face a terrific session jam. The government, semi-government and non-government offices are generally closed. So, the economy of the country is on the wane.

The prices of daily commodities are on the increase because of the lack of necessary supply. So, today the necessity of strike is not prevailing that much in the country. No doubt, in a democratic country where everything is done by the people and for the people to call strike is a democratic right. But there must be some reasons.

Without strong reasons or by making superfluous reasons to call strike to 'serve one's own interest is never desirable. A simple day's strike causes huge losses for tliis poor country. Many strikes we have come across. It is high time, we gave up the culture of calling strike for trifling or no reason.

So, we have seen that the strike has both the sides good and bad. We should try to use the good side of it and should try to refrain from the bad, and evil side of it.