An email about the warm hospitality

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Guess, you have recently visited your Mend's house and stayed there for 5 days. You have been very much charmed at the warm hospitality of your friend and other members of his family. Now, send an email to your friend thanking him for their hospitality.

From    : "Asaduzzaman" <>
To        : <>
Sent    :  Sunday, January 09, 2022, 11: 10 am.

Subject : The warm hospitality I received from you.

Dear Reza,
I reached home safely at 8 pm. Really, it is you and your family, who showed me utmost affection. I never imagined to have so sincere hospitality from you. It's more than my expectation. I will never forget your mother's motherly love towards me. Thank you all.
Your's friend,


An email about the invitation to birthday party

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Suppose, you are Ratan/Ratna of Kandirpar, Comilla. You are going to observe your birthday on the 25th February, 2022. You have decided to invite some of your friends. Now, send an email to Kamal, one of your friends who lives in Chittagong and invite him to attend the party of your birthday.

From    :  "Ratan Khan" <>
To         :  <>
Sent      :  Thursday, February 14, 2022: 3:40 pm.

Subject  :  Invitation to my birthday party.

Dear Kamal,
I am going to celebrate my fifteenth birthday anniversary on the 25 February, 2022 at our residence. We all will enjoy the party.
Please attend the party.

Yours ever,


A dialogue about the adult education

A dialogue about the adult education for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Villages need to be developed. Now, write a dialogue between Samira and Munir about the adult education of the village people.

A dialogue between Samira and Munir about the adult education of the village people:

Samira   : Hello, Munir, when did you come?

Munir    : Last night, on the Ramadan vacation. But what are you thinking about adult education?

Samira   : You know, in our village illiteracy is a great problem.

Munir    : Yes, for development education has no alternative.

Samira   : That's the point. Some children go to school, but others also should go.

Munir    : If we can make their parents aware of the necessity, I think they will agree to send their children to school.

Samira   : Yes, but what about the adults themselves? They should also be made aware of the necessity of education.

Munir    : Besides, they should be. taught about food and nutrition, better sanitary system and mother's health care. Then their lifestyle will be changed.

Samira   : For that there.has to be Night School for adults.

Munir    : They can easily attend the Night School.

Samira   : Yes, that's a great idea. If the adults are educated, the whole village will be developed. What do you think?

Munir    : I think so. Let's talk to all the village people about this matter.

A dialogue about the choice of profession

A dialogue about the choice of profession
Suppose, you are Shamim. You want to be a teacher. Now, write a dialogue between you and your father about the profession you choose.

A dialogue between myself (Shamim) and my father about the choice of profession:

Father : Ok, Shamim, what would you want to be?

Myself : I have a lot of choices. But I know I have to choose one for my career.

Father : Yes, exactly so. You have to study according to your choice of profession.

Myself : I want to be a teacher, father?

Father : Fine. But why do you want to be a teacher?

Myself : I think teaching is a noble, profession. It is a job which gives much chance to serve the people and to build a nation.

Father : Would you think, you will be able to serve the country the way you wish?

Myself : Yes, I think so, because teachers are the builders of a nation. They give light of education to the illiterate and ignorant. Education dispels ignorance. So, I want to do this work being a teacher.

Father : I am happy to know that you want to be a teacher. I also want you to take up such a noble profession.

Myself : I am also happy that you agree with me. Your inspiration will help me a lot to shine in life.

Father : But make sure you cannot earn much money in this profession.

Myself : I don't hanker after money My mission will be to make the nation educated.

Father : May Allah bless you and fulfil your desire.

Myself : Thank you.

A dialogue about studies

A dialogue about studies for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Study is very essential to learn something. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend Asif about study.

A dialogue between myself and my friend Asif about studies:

Myself : Hello! Asif, what are you reading so carefully?

Asif : An interesting chapter of 'A Handbook of Logic'.

Myself : Is it wise to read logic leaving textbooks?

Asif : Why not? We learn things not only from textbooks but also from other books.

Myself : Why should a student read other books?

Asif : Because poetry helps to develop imagination, history makes us wise and logic develops our abilrty to debate. In short, reading different types of book expands the horizons of our knowledge.

Myself : Really? What else can we get from them?

Asif : We can get superiority in the field of knowledge; prosperity and other facilities in life.

Myself : Can those books be used in practical life?

Asif : Of course! They can better our life and capability of facing the troubles of life.

Myself : Thank you for giving me such information.

Asif : You're welcome.

A dialogue about the unemployment problem

A dialogue about the unemployment problem
Unemployment is one of the serious problems of Bangladesh. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Asha about the unemployment problem and its solution.

A dialogue between myself and Asha about the the unemployment problem:

Myself :   Hello, Asha. How are you?

Asha    :   Fine, thank you, and how about you?

Myself :   Fine. It's many days since we met together, isn't it?

Asha    :  Yes, it is. Actually everybody is busy struggling for his livelihood.

Myself  :  Why is the unemployment problem very acute in Bangladesh?

Asha    :  The reasons are not far to seek. Our country is industrially very backward. There are few mills, factories and firms in our country. More over the youths of our country are averse to self-employment.

Myself :  Is unemployment a problem only in Bangladesh?

Asha    :  No. unemployment is a great problem all over the world.

Myself :  What is the toughest task for an educated person?

Asha    :  The toughest task for an educated man-is to find a suitable job.

Myself :  How can we overcome this problem?

Asha    :   Self-employment can solve this problem to some extent.

Myself :  You are right. Thank you.

Asha    :  Thank you and goodbye.

A dialogue about how to improve skill in English

A dialogue about how to improve skill in English
Suppose, you are Kama!. You want to improve your skill in English. You want suggestions from your friend Hasan for this purpose. Now, write a dialogue between Kamal (yon) and Hasan.

A dialogue between Kamal and Hasan about how to improve skill in English:

Kamal : Hi, Hasan. How are you?

Hasan : I am fine. What about you?

Kamal : I am fine too.

Hasan : Why have you come here?

Kamal : I have come here to meet you and to take suggestions for examination.

Hasan : How can I help you, friend?

Kamal : You will help me telling the ways of improving skill in English.

Hasan : OK. Read story books written in English.

Kamal : Anything else?

Hasan : Yes, Watch English films, read English newspapers and watch English TV news.

Kamal : Thank you Hasan for your wise suggestions.

Hasan : Welcome.

A dialogue about Interpol

A dialogue about Interpol For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Police Department is one of the important departments of a country. Almost every country is related to Interpol. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Alam about Interpol.

A dialogue between myself and Alam about Interpol:

Myself   :   Hello, Alam! What are you thinking about? You seem to be worried.

Alam   :   Yes, my friend. The law and order situation in our country is deteriorating.

Myself   :   I agree with you. What can we do to stop this anarchy?

Alam   :   Well, terrorists committing crimes flee to another countries. Only through Interpol we can trace these criminals. But a problem.

Myself   :   What's that?

Alam   :   Our country is not a member of the International Police Organization.

Myself   :   So what should we do now?

Alam   :   We can draw the attention of the Government about the necessity of being a member of Interpol.

Myself   :   That's a good idea.

Alam   :   If the Government of our country takes initiative, it will succeed to be a member of Interpol.

Myself   :   I think so.

Alam   :   Thank you. It is high time we took the initiative.

A dialogue about Olympic Games

A dialogue about Olympic Games For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Olympic Games are world famous games. But the old Olympic Games have been changed into new Olympic Games. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Nehal about the modern Olympic Games.

A dialogue between myself and Nehal about the history behind modern Olympic Games:

Myself     : Hi, Nehal How are you?

Nehal     : Fine! But are you thinking about something?

Myself     : You're right. I'm thinking about the history of Olympic Games.

Nehal     : It's quite interesting. The games were first held in 776 BC in Greece.

Myself     : Yes, they were arranged in honour of Zeus, the king of Greek gods and goddesses to stop wars among the city states of Greece and its colonies.

Nehal     : The contests of Olympic are now held on various events. But do you know about the number of events at the beginning?

Myself     : Not many. Olympic contests were held only on six events first. Where did it take place first?

Nehal     : In a place called stadium.

Myself     : Didn't the games stop any time?

Nehal     : Roman Emperor stopped the games in 394 AD. A Frenchman called Baron Pierre-de-Goubertin after a long gap succeeded to revive the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens.

Myself     : Oh! You know a lot about the Olympic Games.

Nehal     : Thank you very much.

Myself     : I'm grateful to you.

A dialogue about malnutrition

A dialogue about malnutrition For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Food is a basic human need, no doubt. But every food can't ensure good health. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend Feroz about malnutrition.

A dialogue between myself and my friend Feroz about malnutrition:

Myself   :  Many people eat a lot of food; yet they are not in good health. Could you say why?

Feroz     : Perhaps they don't eat , what their, bodies need. Or perhaps they have some disease or other.

Myself     : Why do they have diseases?

Feroz     : Many diseases are caused by different, germs and bacteria. For example malaria, diarrhoea etc.

Myself     : Usually weak bodies are easily attacked with diseases.

Feroz     : Sometimes strong bodies are'also attacked with diseases.

Myself     : I know that. But why are so many people unhealthy?

Feroz     : Perhaps they have some undiagnosed disease in them.

Myself     : Not only that, many of them don't get enough food. Many others don't eat the right kinds of foods because of their ignorance of health.

Feroz     : That's also true.

Myself     : I think most people in Bangladesh suffer from malnutrition. Malnutrition is caused either by the lack of enough food or by the lack of right kinds of foods because of their ignorance of health.

Feroz     : I've read our bodies need different nutrients. They need different substances. If our bodies don't get them in right proportion they suffer from

Myself     : Quite right. Even those who eat a lot of food may suffer from it. This happens because they don't eat foods with all necessary substances. I mean the necessary nutrients.

Feroz     : This is why we need a balanced diet to keep ourselves in good health.

A dialogue about computer

A dialogue about computer For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
In the modern age computer has become ah essential part of our life. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend about the usefulness of computer.

A dialogue between myself and my friend Kamal about computer:

Myself   : Hello, Kamal, you look very cheerful. What's the matter?

Kamal    :  I bought a computer last night and I'm so happy.

Myself   :  That's great. It is essential for you.

Kamal    :   I think so. If I do not know anything about it, I won't get any job.

Myself   :   Right. Preference is given to the computer expert people.

Kamal    :  You know there are many jobs in IT sector now.

Myself   :  And one must have the skill in handling computer.

Kamal    :  That's why I've bought it. I'll learn about it.

Myself   :   I am also learning computer and we can leam together.

Kamal    :  That's a good idea. Let's start from today.

Myself   :   Bye, Kamal.

Kamal    :   Goodbye.

A dialogue about the street children

A dialogue about the street children For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Some street children sell flowers for extreme poverty. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Kabir about the street children.

A dialogue between myself and Kabir about the street children:

Myself : Hello! Kabir, how have you procured this flower?

Kabir : I bought it from the street.

Myself : Are flowers sold in the street nowadays?

Kabir : Yes, many street boys sell flowers in some particular places of Dhaka city.

Myself : Which places do they sell flowers?

Kabir : They sell flowers before Hotel Ruposhi Bangla. near Panthapath Road.

Myself : Is flower selling profitable?

Kabir : Yes, flower selling is profitable. Many street boys earn their livelihood by selling flowers.

Myself : Yes, they do so, but they are being deprived of their basic rights.

Kabir : You are right but who will work for them and rehabilitate them?

Myself : Yes, it is a great point. Actually government and people of all walks should come forward to help them get a normal life.

Kabir : I completely agree with you.

Myself : Thanks.

Kabir : Welcome.

The Noble Courage of a Small Boy Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw a house on fire. There was nobody also near the fire. Only a few women were running to and fro. They were crying bitterly. The boy thought that there might be somebody in the house. He could not come out.........
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC

pdf download
One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw a house on fire. There was nobody also near the fire. Only a few women were running to and fro. They were crying bitterly. The boy thought that there might be somebody in the house. He could not come out. The boy went to them and asked them the reason of their crying. One of the women told him that a baby aged 2 years was trapped inside the house. They were in a fix what to do. He advised them to be quiet. Then he poured a tub-full of water in his body and got inside the house hurriedly. After sometime, he came back with the baby in his lap. He handed over the baby to its mother's lap. The baby was crying bitterly as he was frightened and burnt slightly. The mother of the baby and the other women thanked him for his noble deed. They blessed him from the core of their heart.

The Honesty of a School Boy Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Once a boy named Arif was coming home from the school on foot. Suddenly, he noticed a money bag lying beside the road..........
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Once a boy named Arif was coming home from the school on foot. Suddenly, he noticed a money bag lying beside the road. He thought for a while and then decided to pick it up. But he was not in the least interested in grabbing the contents in the money bag. He intended to open the money bag to see if there was any visiting card. Fortunately, he got a card inside the pocket of the money bag. The contents of the visiting card included the address and cell phone number of the owner. Arif called the owner of the number. The owner felt delighted and excited to hear the news because there was an amount of Tk. 50,000 in the bag. The owner requested Arif to carry the bag to his house. Arif did carry the bag accordingly to the address of the owner. The owner hugged Arif and made him his lifetime friend.

The Cruelty of a Housemistress Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Nasima who was a poor girl worked in a rich man's house as a maidservant. The house master was kind to her but the housemistress was cruel and she abused her every now and then. One day while making tea Nasima broke a cup and immediately the mistress got furious and assaulted her.
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Nasima who was a poor girl worked in a rich man's house as a maidservant. The house master was kind to her but the housemistress was cruel and she abused her every now and then. One day while making tea Nasima broke a cup and immediately the mistress got furious and assaulted her. The housemaster was in the office during this time. When he got back home, he found that Nasima was groaning under pain in the kitchen. He wanted to take her to, a doctor but his wife vehemently protested it. The next day Nasima managed to escape from the house and got herself admitted to a government hospital. She expressed everything to the doctors. One of the doctors reported to a Human Rights activist who visited Nasima in the hospital. They filed a case against the mistress who was arrested. Human Rights Organization took the responsibility of Nasima's education. Nasima got the job of teaching in a high school after her graduation. Now, she is a successful teacher.

The Clever Astrologer Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras…………… 
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond 'of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called on him to his palace. Then, he wanted to know his future and the astrologer said something unpleasant. At this the king got furious arid condemned him to death saying, "Men like you should not live to spoil the peace of the world." But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution. "How long would you live?" asked the king. This astrologer mused for a while for some way of escape, as he was sure the king would prove him a liar putting him to death then and there, if he would live longer than that day. With ready wit he said, "The stars declare that I shall die only a week before your Majesty. So, good-bye. I shall wait to receive your Majesty where you have been sending me." At this the king turned pale as dead and shouted, "Drive this wretch away, let him not come again."

Mr. Rahman's Graciousness Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Mr. Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of the road. He went nearer to the man…………
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Mr. Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of the road. He went nearer to the man. He then decided to take the man to the nearby hospital. He beckoned a taxi driver and asked the driver to help him lift the man into the taxi. In an hour, the taxi brought them to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Mr. Rahman read the meter to see the amount of fare. It was taka ninety. He paid the fare and collected an emergency ticket. While the man was placed in the emergency ward, the emergency doctor on duty was surprised to see his father in a senseless condition. The doctor, however, examined to find that he was made to inhale chloroform by the miscreants who took to their heels with all his valuables. On duty, Dr. Rana came to know about Mr. Rahman who was kind enough to take the trouble of bringing the man to hospital. Dr. Rana expressing his gratitude embraced Mr. Rahman and said, From today, you are my uncle.

Dress Does Not Make a Man Great Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a very simple life. Once on his way to the court of the King of Iran; he took shelter in a nobleman's house for a night. He was then in a very simple dress. The nobleman could not recognize him and they showed disrespect and dishonor to him……………
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a very simple life. Once on his way to the court of the King of Iran, he took shelter in a nobleman's house for a night. He was then in a very simple dress. The nobleman could not recognize him and they showed disrespect and dishonor to him. The poet left the nobleman's house in utter dismay. A few days later, he went there putting on a rich dress. This time he was duly respected and honored by the people of the noble man's house. They gave him rich food to eat. The poet did not eat the food but he began to put the food in his pocket. Being astonished, the nobleman asked the poet about his mysterious behavior. Then, the poet said, "This food is for my dress, not for me. Had it been not so, I would have been treated in the same manner when I was very poorly dressed." The nobleman was really sad for this. He begged forgiveness of the poet.

Bayazid's Devotion to His Mother Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write tea new sentences to complete the story.
Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was in. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. He found no water in the house.
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
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Bayazid Bostami
Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was HI. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. He found no water in the house. He remembered that there was a fountain at the end of the village. He started walking quickly. It took him an hour to reach the fountain. He filled the jar with water and began to walk fast towards his residence. It was dead night when he reached home. He was sorry to find his mother in deep sleep. He refrained himself from disturbing his mother and stood beside her bed with a glass of water. His mother awoke at dawn. She was moved to see her son's devotion to her. She earnestly prayed to Allah to bless her son with the highest spiritual honour. Allah granted her prayer and made Bayazid one of His greatest devotees.

A Rickshaw Puller and a Lottery Ticket Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Kashem is a poor rickshaw puller in Dhaka. He pulls his rickshaw in different areas of the city. One day he saw some man selling lottery tickets enticing the passers-by. Kashem felt tempted and bought a ticket……………
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC

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Kashem is a poor rickshaw puller in Dhaka. He pulls his rickshaw in different areas of the city. One day he saw some men selling lottery tickets enticing the passers-by. Kashem felt tempted and bought a ticket: He knew the date of the draw. He was waiting eagerly for the day. Then, the much awaited day came. He purchased a daily newspaper to see whether he won the lottery. To his great surprise, he could easily find out his ticket number which got the first prize amounting to 20 lakh taka. He was beside himself and was in'a fix what to do, Too many plans and programmes that flashed in his mind included buying a ready-made house in Dhaka and marrying a beautiful lady. But with the lottery money he became burdened with so many problems and complaint. He got a lot of money. But alas! he lost his mental peace and tranquility.