Arsenic Problem Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Arsenic Problem | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC
Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Arsenic Problem'.
(a) What is arsenic? (b) What disease does it lead to? (c) What is the source of arsenic? (d) How do people get affected by arsenic? (e) How can we prevent it?

Water is an important element of the environment. Man cannot live without it. So, its another name is life. But pollouted water is very dangerous for life. At present arsenic contamination in drinking water is one of the severe problems of Bangladesh. Arsenic is a very poisonous white compound of frail element. This element is found out largely in the tube well water of 59 districts of our country. This polluted water causes many serious diseases in the human body such as arsenicosis, sores, stomach troubles, gangrin, etc. B-arsenic is most poisonous. About 24 millions people of Bangladesh are endangered for it. People should . be conscious of it. We can get rid of it through drinking arsenic-free water. In this regard, deep tube wells should be set up in large number. Immediate steps must be taken by the government in order to check this pollution such as research and analysis of source of water, investigation of the possibility of an alternative source of safe water, marking of dangerous tube wells, arrangements of proper treatment of arsenic patients etc. Above all, people should be made aware of the dangerous effects of using arsenic contaminated water: Vitamin A. B. C and E are effective for arsenicosis. So, people must eat the foods containing these elements. It has been seen that those who eat a balanced diet containing fish and vegetables, are less affected with arsenicosis. The initial treatment of arsenicosis is to drink arsenic-free water and eat nutritious and balanced food. And the patients with arsenicosis must consult to skilled doctors for proper treatment. And^people must find out a source of water which is arsenic free.

A Day Laborer Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

A Day Labourer | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC
Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Day Labourer'. 
(a) Who is a day labourer? (b) Where does he work? (c) What are his daily activities? (d) What problems does he face in life?

A day labourer is a person who does heavy and unskilled work. Usually he is employed in agricultural or construction work. So he needs more strength than skill. He works hard from morning to evening. He is ill-paid at the end of the day. He cannot meet his bare necessaries of life with his scanty income. A day labourer usually lives in a slum and leads a very miserable life with his family members. Though he works hard and engages himself for the whole day long, he cannot earn more than his needs. Whenever he can earn a little bit more, his joy knows no bounds. He buys delicious food and enjoys a good meal with his family. During harvest, his work is in great demand and he earns more. But when there is less or no work, his sorrows know no bounds. Sometimes he has to starve with his family members.

A good citizen Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

A good citizen | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC
Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Good Citizen'. 
(a) What do you mean by a good citizen? (b) What are the characteristics of a good citizen? (c) How can a person be a good citizen? (d) How can a country be benefited from a good citizen? (e) What are the government's duties to make a good citizen?

A good citizen is a person who with his basic knowledge on modern science, technologies including ICT and other necessary subject, live happily among the people in his society. He undoubtedly plays important roles in the development of the country. With his scientific knowledge, he can be useful both to himself and to society. He is morally developed and always has a mentality to be helpful to others. He never breaks the social or state rule. A person can be a good citizen by acquiring basic knowledge about his country, such as its laws, executive and legislative powers, judicial system, its culture, tradition, literature, moral values, religions etc. He should also have knowledge about the socio-economic activities and educational system. The knowledge on these things will help him contribute greatly to the development of the country. He will offer his well thought opinions or ideas to reform, develop, amend and protect the existing things in the 'country. He has to be aware of the new development or creation of the world in various fields so that he can contribute to the development of his country-. A good citizen is a patriotic man who always avoids all anti-social activities. He with his democratic attitude always supports the best thing and thus helps in creating something really good or useful. In this respect not only the concerned family but also the government play great roles in moulding his moral character and making him knowledgeable person on all these important subjects. So, the Government should have a good education-system which will be morally formative, creative and suitable according to the age. range of intellect etc. of the students.tizen.

Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh Composition in about 200 words

Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC

Write a composition on 'Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh'. 

Arsenic is a natural element. It is geologically, found in sediments and rocks. It cannot be seen, tasted or smelted when it is present in water.

Arsenic contamination of ground water has become a serious threat. About 20% of the total population of the country is at a risk of arsenic. Arsenic can damage nerves, stomach and skin. Ingestion of arsenic contaminated water for a long time causes arsenicosis. Some members of a family or community are affected.

But others in the same family or community, who consume the same water, may not be affected. The most common early signs of chronic arsenic poisoning are muscle weakness arid aching. It is causing serious health hazard to people.

The farmers use contaminated ground water. For this the soil is being polluted. Arsenic is also found in vegetables, fruits and crops. The entire population, may be in danger. Because of arsenic, the quality of food decreases. High levels of arsenic contamination may cause tremendous health hazards.

We must deal with the arsenic problem. We have to provide arsenic free water. Public awareness can overcome this problem. Surface water, or rain water treatment plants
should be established. This water should be used for all domestic purposes.

A scientific and comprehensive national water policy is necessary. Government must create public awareness. Better medical facilities should be provided.

A Village Fair Composition in about 200 words

A Village Fair | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Village Fair' that you have visited.

A village fair is arranged in an open place on the occasion of a festival or the death or birth anniversary of a holy man of the locality. A few months ago I visited a village fair.

I saw there many interesting things. I saw that many temporary sheds and shops were built which were decorated with attractive goods like toys, utensils, earthen ware, spades, sickles, readymade garments, wooden furniture and so on, Handicrafts made by local people were also brought and displayed for sale.

I saw the children buying dolls and toys as well as other fancy articles, women folk buying cosmetics and grown up people buying domestic goods.

Life in the village is usually dull and colourless compared to city/town. So, the villagers eagerly wait for the day which goes a long way to dispel the monotonous round of life.

In the village fair the special attractions were circus parties, Jatra parties, doll dance, nagordola and magic shows, etc. I noticed that it was a great attraction for the children.

I saw some children blowing whistles, some of them were flying balloons and buying toys and making sports in their joys and excitements. These things interested me most.

A Village Doctor Composition in about 200 words

A Village Doctor | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Village Doctor'.
A village doctor is usually a quack. But he is very useful to the villagers and he is the most trusted fellow in the village. In one out of a hundred cases, there, may be a qualified doctor, but in almost all the villages the quacks take up the job.

A quack gets a few years training under a doctor and in course of time, becomes a doctor. A village doctor is the most active man in the village. He gets up early and attends to his patients. He has no compounder. He himself prepares the medicine. He examines the patients and prescribes medicines for them.

His dispensary is quite small. There may be one or two almirahs of medicines. He has one or two chairs and one table. There may be few benches for the visitors. His dispensary always remains busy. The village doctor remains busy all day long. Sometimes, he goes out to visit the patients. When he goes out, he either walks on foot, or goes by a bi-cycle.

A village doctor is a responsible man. He fully realises his importance. He takes only a little amount of money from the patients. From the poor patients he does not charge anything. Sometimes, he treats the poor and the needy without taking anything. His behaviour is mild. He attends the patient even at late hours of night. He does not mind the long distance.

A village doctor is an important person in the village. He is the most trusted leader. He gives advice to all and sundry. The villagers look to him for advice. They love him and take him as their leader. He sometimes sits in the village conciliation courts. He is generally a well-to-do person in the village.

Of course, nowadays the condition of the village doctor is not so happy as it was a few years before. With the establishment of Rural Health Centres they are put to certain disadvantages.

A Memorable Day in My Life Composition in about 200 words

A Memorable Day in My Life | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Memorable Day in Your Life'.

In our day to day life we come by a lot of events. We do not remember all of them. Some days are so significant that we cannot but remember them. One such memorable day of my life is my first flight.

I was preparing for the Junior Scholarship Examination. My elder brother who lives in Dhaka with his wife arid children, told me that he -would send me an air ticket from Jessore to Dhaka if I got the scholarship. Fortunately, I got a Talentpool Scholarship and my brother kept his promise. It was the month of April. I went to the Biman. Office by a rickshaw. A bus of Bangladesh Biman took us to airport. After checking in I was given a boarding card with my seat number on it. I was waiting in the lounge with other passengers, for the plane.

Then there was an announcement for the passengers to board the plane. I was full of excitement. I also felt nervous. Then I walked up the stairs with other passengers. An air hostess welcomed the passengers. Another man showed my seat.

Luckily, it was beside a window. In a short time the pilot welcomed us. He told us to fasten our seat-belts arid the plane took off. I was scared at the deafening sound and the jerk.

Gradually, everything became right. The houses below looked like toy houses. We were: given orange juice to drink. They also gave us chocolates, sandwich and cakes.
After only 35 minutes the plane landed at Zia International Airport, Dhaka. Within 30 minutes I got out and found my brother waiting for me.

My flight from Jessore to Dhaka was of a very short duration. But it had a lasting effect on me. It was really the most memorable day of my life.

A Journey Train Composition in about 200 words

A Journey Train | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Train Journey You have Recently Made'.

A journey by train is an enjoyable experience. Once I decided to have a journey by train. I took preparation for it. My mother helped me in this matter. She washed my clothes, arranged my necessary articles and things.

It was decided that I would make this journey to the village home of a friend. During the last autumn vacation I took up the journey. We were four in number and it was a six-hour journey.

We started at about 9 in the morning. The railway compartment was very crowded and noisy. I took a corner seat and looked out of the window. After sometime the train started to move.

Soon we left behind the platform, the familiar houses, shops and offices. The train was passing through small villages and corn fields. In fifteen minutes we crossed the first bridge.

As the train passed over the bridge, a booming sound was produced. Inside the train some unusual things happened. There was a good deal of noise. The people were talking and the hawkers selling their goods. A pick-pocket was caught red-handed and was handed over to the railway police. Outside, there was beautiful Nature all around. The train was moving at a great speed. The trees and houses seemed to run back. We saw the various natural sights.

Finally, we reached the destination. We got down and reached the house of our friend by rickshaw.

A Journey By Plane Composition in about 200 words

A Journey By Plane | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Journey By Plane'.

I had been cherishing a desire to make a plane journey for a long time. One of my friend named Pintu went to and came back from London by plane.

He described his thrilling experience to me. I was very thrilled and excited to hear of it. Actually he sharpened my desire.

However, one of my uncles who lives in Rajshahi asked me to go to his residence and pass a few days with his family during the last summer vacation. He sent a plane ticket for Rajshahi. I was thrilled when I got the ticket.

On the appointed day I reached the airport and waited in the lounge. I was given a boarding card on which my seat number was written. Soon the departure of our plane was announced and we were asked to board the plane. We got on board and took our seats.

The plane took off and we were high up in the sky. A few minutes later we were given newspapers and fruit juice. Though I felt a little nervous at the beginning, I soon got over it and enjoyed the flight. As I was sipping I looked outside through the window/ There were clouds floating past the plane. Houses, trees and people below looked like tiny toys.

Rivers appeared like village paths. After some time the plane was over the mighty Jamuna which iooked like a big highway. I kept on looking below and saw the green Bangladesh from above. Then a few minutes later it was announced that we were near Rajshahi. I was a bit disappointed that the journey came to an end so soon. However, the plane began to come down and landed safely.

Thus my long cherished dream to make a plane journey got realized though on a small scale. The journey was thrilling. I had an excellent feeling during the journey. It will be ever fresh in my mind.

A Journey by Bus Composition in about 200 words

A Journey by Bus | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition on 'A Journey by Bus'.

A journey by bus is a pleasant journey by road from one place to another. Last October I had the chance of making a journey by bus.

One of my cousins is a student of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. I always wished to pay a visit to the Agricultural University because I want to be an agriculture economist.

My cousin stays in the Sultana Razia Hall. I have heard that the Brahmaputra flows past the hall. Her final examination was over. She was working on her thesis paper. She invited me to go to Mymensingh. I was excited to get the letter. I made preparation with my father's permission. He complied with my request as my school was closed.

I hired a taxi-cab and went to Mohakhali bus terminal. I bought a ticket. It was a non-stop service. Within fifteen minutes all the seats were occupied. The bus left just at 8:30 a.m. It was a very fast moving bus. I sat beside a window and saw the airport, Tongi Biswa Estema ground, Bangladesh National University, Bangladesh Open University and the statue of a freedom fighter at Gazipur Chowrastha. I enjoyed the scenic beauty of Gazari forest on both sides of the road.

At Valuka our bus had to slow its speed because it was a haat. day and shops sat on either side of the road. Having crossed that point, the bus gained speed. I saw farmers working in fields, fishermen catching fish in the ditches and many other vehicles running to the opposite direction. These gave me much pleasure.

At 10:30 a.m. the bus reached Mymensingh. My cousin was waiting for me. Thus ended my bus journey. I will remember it as a pleasant event of my life.

My remark about bus journey is that it is cheaper though not safer than train or launch journey.