HSC English First Paper | Unit: 6, Lesson: 2 | Path to Higher Education | Access to Higher Education in Bangladesh

1. Warm up activity:
□ Discuss what you know about the opportunities of higher education in Bangladesh.
□ Why do you think higher education is important. Discuss in a group.

2. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow:
Tertiary education in Bangladesh comprises two categories of institutions: degree awarding universities and colleges affiliated with the National University (NU). There were only 4 universities in Bangladesh at the time of independence in 1971. All of those universities were publicly financed autonomous entities. At present, there are 35 such universities. Private universities are a relatively new phenomenon in this country. In the early 1990s, the private sector came forward to establish universities. Since then the country has experienced a spectacular growth in private universities-mostly in and around Dhaka and couple of other large cities. At present, there are 79 private universities. The number of colleges providing tertiary level education is around 1,400. Most of them offer BA (pass) education of three year duration; only one-third of them offer B.A. (Honors) courses and some offer MA degrees as well. All of these colleges are affiliated with the National University.

Accessibility to higher education
Accessibility to higher education implies that students get the opportunity to get university education and sufficient support from educational institutions. Increasing enrolment at the secondary and higher secondary level puts pressure on higher educational institutions. But due to limited capacity, only a small number of students may be enrolled in universities. Thus, each year a large number of students are denied access to higher education. Also, due to poverty and increase in educational expenses, students of the lower middle class do not get easy access to higher education. Moreover, those who get places in the universities have limited access to avail all kinds of diversified educational facilities relating to their study fields.

Only about 12 percent of graduates enter highs educational institutions. More than SO pei wait of (bese students arc admitted to NU affiliated colleges. Others arc absorbed by tin public and private umvsaitiea. In the last two decades, there has been a substantial rise in the number of students b private univeraitia. According to the UGC Annual Report 2010, the number rose from 8S.669 in 2003 to 2,00,752 in 2010.

Public universities in Bangladesh
Public Universities arc the first choices of most students. The public universities offer a wide range of subjects in Science, Commerce, Libaal Arti, Humanities, Engineering and Technology, low, Education and Medicine. Public universities attract the beet mind* to teaching although monetary compensation fix teacher* H anything but attractive. Library, laboratory, Internet and research facilities are much bettor there than anywhere else In the country. Seminar*, symposiums, lectures, workshops, debates, mni nahitaiinnH are often held in these iTmtitiitimn wnH there is Hmplp agape far national and international exposure for jzumi&mg young knowledge seekers. Moreover, public univerwtie* offer residential and boarding facilities at low cort/rubridized rates.
HSC English First Paper | Unit: 6, Lesson: 2 | Path to Higher Education | Access to Higher Education in Bangladesh

Annual total intake and total number of students in selected public universities:
Name of the university
Annual Total Intake
Total students
Male students
Female students
University of Dhaka
University of Chittagong
University of Rajshahi
Khulna University
Comilla University
Jahangirnagar University
Islamic University
Bangladesh Agriculture University
Jagannath University
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Source: Journal of Management and Science, Vol.111. No 2. June 2013.
ISSN 2250-1819 / EISSN 2249-1260

3. Find the meanings of the following words. Also indicate the part of speech of each word, change them into as many parts of speech as is possible and make sentences of your own with each changed form:
i. comprise
ii. phenomenon
iii. spectacular
iv. tertiary
v. affiliated
vi. support
vii. enrolled
viii. compensation
ix. symposium
x. subsidize

4. Make sentences of your own with the following phrases:
i. at present
ii. due to
iii. access to
iv. in and around

5. How many public and private universities are there in Bangladesh?

6. What percentage of students gets opportunities for admission into tertiary education?

7. Write a paragraph on "Accessibility to higher education in Bangladesh" using the information about enrollment statistics in the public universities of Bangladesh.

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:
Lesson 3: 21 st Century Higher Education


SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 4 | Are We Aware? | The story of Lipi

SSC English 1st Paper - Class 9-10 English 1st Paper - English 1st paper Class 9-10 - Class nine-ten English 1st paper
A. Discuss in groups and suggest how we can control the high growth rate of our population. Check whether your suggestions include any of the following:
1. Raise awareness among the people, particularly in the rural areas, about the bad consequences of having more children in the family.
2. Stop child marriage.
3. Keep the size of the family small with two children.

B. Read the story of Lipi and answer the questions.
In the next class Ms Choudhury tells her students the story of Lipi. The year before last, Lipi, a 14-year old girl was in class 9 in a rural school in Rangpur. Lipi is the eldest of five children—three daughters and two sons. Their father is a day labourer working on other people's land and mother is a homemaker and a part-time worker at other people's homes. 

The parents, particularly the mother, found it real difficult to raise five children on the small income the father could earn. Perhaps that is why Lipi's father wanted to marry her off. But Lipi was not ready to accept what her parents wanted to impose on her. She wanted to pursue her education. Her mother stood by her, though secret¬ly. When her father arranged her marriage with Tara Mia, the only son of a farmer in the same village, she became greatly upset. Tara Mia was a widower-il¬literate, but well off. His father had a few acres of arable land and was influential in the village. The marriage seemed to be inevitable.

Question 1
Discuss in groups and agree upon an answer to this question: What do you think Lipi should do? Why?
Lipi first talked with her classmates and then with the Headteacher, who was very sympathetic to her. He called a meeting of the teachers and students of the school. He also invited the school managing committee members and some respectable persons of the village to attend the meeting. The Headteacher explained in detail the serious consequences that would follow Lipi's marriage. She would be having children from very early age-15 or 16. It would create constant health hazards to her. Her education would stop. On top of all, her marriage against her will might shatter her future dream. At one stage, Tara Mia's father stood up and tried to argue, "You are all making mistakes. Lipi would be very happy if she got married with Tara Mia. She would have everything- money, clothes, home and status in the society. Why are you trying to deprive her of this opportunity?"

But no, the big majority, who attended the meeting, supported the Headteacher. Lipi's marriage was called off. She is now studying at Carmichael College, Rangpur. 

Question 2
Make predictions. One is done for you.
If Lipi had married Tara Mia that time, ...
a. she would have become a mother of one or two children.

C. Fill in the blanks in the passage with will / would.
Ms Anjali Barua, a retired college teacher, is a widow who lives in her own flat in Dhaka. At this stage of her life, she wants to do something for the people of her village in Sherpur district. Her only daughter lives in Khulna with her husband and children. Right now she is in her village home. She is writing about her future plan in a diary.

"I don't exactly know how I should go about my plan. But one thing I know for sure, I (1)------will need a lot of money for the work. If I had 5 million taka, I (2)------start an adult education centre. Then if I found an expert on adult education, I (3)------prepare learning materials for the people. If you ask him what the materials (4)------ look like, he (5)------be able to explain in details. I know if the people attended the classes at the centre, they (6)------learn how to read, write and count. I (7)------definitely give time to this project. But to carry out the project successfully I (8)------ have to live in the village almost permanently. Here is a problem. Who (9)------take care of my flat in Dhaka? If I had a good, reliable man, I (10)------make him caretaker of my flat. But where (11)------I find such a man?

D. Read the beginning of the story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story in a way you would like.
Nahar, an 18 year old garments worker lives with her family in a slum. She dreams of having a life full of joy. One day while going to her work place, she found a piece of gold in front of the factory gate.

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SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 5 | Are We Aware? | Let's become skilled workforce

SSC English 1st Paper - Class 9-10 English 1st Paper - English 1st paper Class 9-10 - Class nine-ten English 1st paper
A. In groups discuss the following question and give your opinion to the whole class: Why should we learn English?

B. Read the conversation between Ratan and Rumi to find out about the importance of English.

Rumi: You remember my brother Raihan, don't you? He applied for a front desk job in a 5-star hotel.

Ratan: What happened? Has he got the job?

Rumi: No! He couldn't answer most of the questions in the interview. 

Ratan: Why? He did well in the HSC, didn't he?

Rumi: Yes, he did. But the recruiting officer in the interview asked him questions in English and he couldn't understand most of them.

Ratan: Sorry, but I have a different story to tell you. My cousin Sheela did her HSC from a college in Mymensingh. She couldn't do as well as Raihan in her exams, but she got a job as a crew member in Biman Bangladesh. She said she had answered all the questions in English both in her written test and interview.

Rumi: Great! She must be good in English. Well, then the key to getting some jobs is English, isn't it?

Ratan: Yes, you're right.

C. Discuss in groups.
1 Try to find out why English is needed for a good hotel front desk job and a flight crew member.
2 Choose two / three other jobs where English is needed and write why and how English is used in those jobs.

D. Read what Ms Choudhury says to her students about learning English.
"Today there are many jobs where you need English. This is because the world has become smaller. Vast distances are shortened by speedy transports. We can talk to a person thousands of kilometers away on the phone or the Internet. So we can communicate with the whole world easily. English has made this communication easier.

There are many countries in the world with many languages, but to communicate with them, you cannot use all the languages. So you need a common language that you can use with more or less all the people in the world. English is that common language. You can talk to a Chinese toy maker, a French artist, an Arab ambassador or a Korean builder in one language-English.

English for us in Bangladesh is all the more important. As we have seen earlier, we are too many people in a small country. So if you leam English, you have the best opportunity to find a good job, both within and outside the country. And that is good news for millions of our unemployed youths."

"But Miss, we learn English for 12 or 14 years, yet we do not find good jobs, " says Rumi. She then tells the class about what happened to her brother. "Could you please tell us why?" Rumi asks.

"This is a very important question, Rumi. We should learn how to use English both orally and in writing for doing things as needed in our work, such as communicating with others at personal, social, national and international levels. But unfortunately, at the moment we are learning English mainly for our exams," continues Ms Choudhury. "Remember, English can greatly help you become skilled workers."

"But where and how can we learn this kind of English, Miss?" asks Ratan. Ms Choudhury says, "We can learn English both in and outside the classroom. Besides your textbooks, the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, computers and other supplementary materials will greatly help you. During our classroom activities, we'll see how we can learn English."

E. Write a paragraph by rearranging the following sentences or sentence parts.
1 You can learn a common language in and outside the classroom.
2 You cannot speak all the languages of different people of different
countries to communicate with them.
3 For example, you can do businesses with a Chinese, a Japanese, a
French, an Arab or a Nigerian if you know English.
4 Also other things like the radio, TV, computers and newspapers can
help you learn English.
5 Therefore you need a common language, i.e. English, which is
understood by people more or less all over the world. 

F. Discuss in groups and write answers to these questions.
1 Describe briefly the things that have made the present world smaller.
2 Give reasons why a common language is needed in today's world.
3 Why is English needed all the more in Bangladesh?
4 How can our youths become a skilled workforce?

G. Project: Find out how many people in your village or locality can speak or write English for communication. State their age, education and what they do.

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Unit Five: Nature and environment


SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 3 | Are We Aware? | Our food and shelter

A. Look at the pictures and answer these questions.
1 What do the people do in a tree or a boat?
2 Why do they do so?
SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 3 | Are We Aware? | Our food and shelter
B. Discuss what will be our problems if our population becomes double the size it is now.

C. Read what the teacher Ms Choudhury and her students are talking about.
The class comes up with different problems. One group leader says, "The scarcity of food will be a serious problem in the years ahead. It is true that our agriculturists have developed new varieties of rice and its per acre production has definitely increased. But the rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. This is because our land is fixed, i.e. we cannot increase it, while our population is increasing rapidly."

Another group leader comes up with the housing problem in the country, which he says adds much to the food problem. He says, "Families are growing larger in size and at the same time breaking into smaller families. Each smaller family needs a separate house to live in. Also the arable fields are being divided by these smaller families among themselves. Mills and factories are being set up, which occupy a considerable portion of our land. So while we need more land to grow more food to feed more mouths, our land is shrinking day by day. If our population grows at the present rate, a day will come when many people will not find any land to build a house on. And, as a result, many of them might live on trees or on the floating boats in the rivers."

"No way," another student argues. "Trees are being cut, hills are being cleared and water bodies are being filled up — all to meet the needs of too many people."

"Thank you students," Ms Choudhury says, "You're quite right. Let me tell you about this village where I was born and brought up. Things were not like this in the past. I remember as a child, the village was so beautiful! The green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields seemed to be unending. They used to wave and dance in the breeze. There used to be a wood in the northern side of the village. There was a tall tamarind tree in the middle of the wood. Also there was a big banyan tree which looked like a huge green umbrella, with its aerial roots hanging down. I often used to go there with my friends. We would often have picnic there. While the boys would climb the tamarind tree and pick some tamarinds, I and my best friend Rima used to swing from the hanging roots. But now, look, the wood is gone. The beauty of the crop fields is spoiled by the unplanned houses built here and there."

D. Tick the best answer.
1. The rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth.
The sentence means that the food production
a is as much as needed,
b is less than what is needed,
c is more than what is needed,
d is sufficient for the population.

2. How can our housing problem add to our food problem?
a After making houses, farmers do not have enough time to work in the field.
b After making houses, farmers do not have enough money to buy food.
c If you do not have a house, you cannot store your food, 
d For making too many houses, people are using the crop land.

3. What makes our land shrink day by day mentioned in line no. 13? 
a Families are growing larger in size.
b Houses and factories are being built on it.
c Smaller families need smaller houses.
d Land grabbers are occupying portions of our land.

4. Many people may have to live on trees, because
a they would like tree houses, 
b making houses on trees is less expensive, 
c they may not find land to make houses, 
d tree houses are safer during floods.

5. People are cutting trees to 
a plant more trees.
b keep the environment clean, 
c make articles of furniture, 
d grow crops or make houses.

E. Make a list of things Ms Choudhury saw as a child in the village. Why do you think she liked them?

F. Write a composition about your village or locality. Describe any change in the things you have noticed over the years, such as houses, fields, trees, plants, etc.

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SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 2 | Are We Aware? | Are we too many?

A. Read the text and do the following project work.
SSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson 2 | Are We Aware? |  Are we too many?
The next day when the teacher came to the class and was about to start the lesson, Shanti Barua stood up and said, "Teacher, can I ask you a question, please?"
"Go ahead, Shanti," said the teacher.

"In our last class, we heard Jamil's story of how too many people made the ferry boat sink. I have also seen crowds of people at the bus stand, railway station, launch and steamer ghats. It is not uncommon to sec people travelling on top of a bus or train and meeting with tragic accidents. My question is: Are we really too many people in the country?"
"Thank you, Shanti. Please sit down."
The teacher then looked round the class and askcd,"How many of you have the same question in mind?"

Almost all the hands went up.
"Okay," the teacher continued. "Finding the right answer to this question is very important for us—for our national development. So we will look at this issue with some facts so that we can find out if we are really too many or not."

Project work: Discuss in groups and cany out a survey on the topic: "Too many people" You can do the following things:
• Select only one small area such as your village or locality in the town / city where you live.
• Find out its area. (You can do it by walking around it. At normal speed you can cover about one kilometer in ten minutes.)
• Find out the number of people living in it.
• Find out about the people's occupations, unemployment and poverty.

B. Listen to the Audio. Listen how the teacher talks about the population of Bangladesh and answer the following questions.

 Listening text 3 

Tick the best answer.
1. Bangladesh is a small country, because 
a its land area is small.
b it has about 150 million people.
c it is the 8th most populous country in the world.
d it has limited resources.

2. Density of population in any country means 
a all the people in a country.
b number of people living in one square kilometer, 
c 1000 people living in one square kilometer, 
d too many people living in one square kilometer

3. Our yearly population growth rate is 
a 1.9%        
b 1.40%
c 2.1%       
d 1.1%

4. Our birth rate is-----------per thousand.
a 6.1
b 1.40
c 20.1
d 14

5. What will be the size of our population in 2050?
a 150 m
b 197 m
c 217 m
d 250 m

C. Listen again and answer these questions.
1. How do you get the population growth rate of a country?
2. Why will the population of Bangladesh be so large in 2050?

D. Read the chart and fill in the gaps with information from the table Use comparatives and superlatives where necessary. The chart shows facts about some countries including Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Sri Lanka India China

Sri Lanka
Land area
144,000 sq km (approx)
65,600 sq km
3,287,590 sqkm
9,600,000 sqkm
20 m
Density of

Birth rate (per 1000)
Death rate
(per 1000)

Growth rate
In terms of land area Bangladesh is (1) (larger) than Sri Lanka, but (2)--------than India. China is, of course, (3)----------of all the four countries. Sri Lanka has the (4)--------population among the four countries. However, China has the (5)--------population shown in the chart. In fact, China has the (6)---------population in the world and India has the (7)---------highest population in the world. On the other hand, China   has  the  (8)----------growth rate among the 4 countries. Bangladesh has (9)----------growth rate than India, but higher birth rate than (10)----------and (11)-----------

E. Write a paragraph about the population situation of any of the countries above. Use the facts given in the chart in D above.

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