JSC English First Paper | Unit: Eight, Lesson: 3 | News! News! News! | News! News! News! (3)

Key words: news item  headline overcome challenge vocational survive boutique forum appreciation  award atmosphere profession entrepreneur

A. Match the following headlines with the given news items.
Class viii , JSC English First Paper » JSC English First Paper  Unit Eight, Lesson 3  News! News! News!  News! News! News! (3)
B. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
With only 2,500 taka in her pocket, Rona Begum began her small business. She also had a sewing machine from her sister. She attended a six-month vocational training run by the Department of Youth Development before that.
Rona's Utsab Tailors Training and Sales Centre began in 1997.

Fifteen years later, she now owns a small production house of fashion garments.
Traditional items, block print works and embroidery are done at her production house. "Despite serious trouble in my personal life, I worked very hard to survive," said Rona.

She supported herself by working at three places. At a time she worked at a local diagnostic centre, at a private medical college, as well as at her own training and boutique centre. She continued this till 2007.

"At first, I got almost no support from my family. Instead, I faced objections. But I'm happy now and busy with my business. The atmosphere at home has also changed," said Rona.

Ms Rona has just started several more commercial projects with partners. She decided to expand business earlier. But she did not get support from any bank or financial institutions. Then she joined the Women Business Forum (WBF), Sylhet and   things started to change. At present, she is the General
Secretary of WBF, Sylhet.

In the last 15 years, Rona received much appreciation and a number of awards. Along with other awards, she received Jatiya Juba Padak in 2012. (adapted from The Daily Star)

1 Do you think the story is news? Why?
2 Where is Rona from? How can you be sure of that?
3 Which fact in the story can be a clue that Rona was educated?
4 What will you mention as the main factor behind Rona's success?
5 Why could she not expand business earlier?
6 What has Rona started with partners?
7 What has happened to the atmosphere at home?

C. Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and tick the best answer.

U8, L3 C 
Listening text: 8

1 Rona received the Divisional Youth Award of Sylhet in 2005/2008/2009.
2 Her stall 'Utsab' got the second award/medal/prize at the Meena Mela in Sylhet, organized by Dhaka Ladies Club in 2006.
3 The Meena Mela in Sylhet was sponsored/arranged/ organized by Dhaka Ladies Club.
4 In 2010 and 2011, Rona trained a group of poor widows/women/workers in a training programme in Sylhet.
5 Jatiya Juba Padak was awarded in a fashion show/function/workshop in Dhaka.

D. Pairwork. Discuss with your partner and give a suitable headline to Rona's story in section B.

E. Imagine you are a reporter. Interview Ms Rona. Ask her to talk about her struggle and success. Write down and act out the dialogue in pairs.

F. Do you know of any man/woman in your locality who got to a high position from a low position through struggle? Write about his/her story.

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