HSC English First Paper | Unit: 8, Lesson: 3 | Environment and Nature | The Giant Panda

1. Warm up activity:
Look at the picture of a panda below. Discuss the following questions in pairs.
□ Have you ever a seen a panda? If yes, where did you see it—in a zoo or on television?
□ What does a panda look like? Does it look like any other animal that you know? U Which country has the largest number of pandas?

2. Now read the text and answer the questions that follow:

Pandas' bamboo food may be lost to climate change
Though they are one of the most beloved animal species on Earth, pandas aren't safe from the devastating effects of climate change. According to a new study, projected temperature increases in China over the next century will likely seriously hinder bamboo, almost the sole source of food for endangered pandas. Ninety-nine per cent of a panda's diet is bamboo and an adult panda needs around 38 kilograms of bamboo eveiy day. Only if bamboo can move to new habitats at higher elevations will pandas stand a chance of survival, the researchers said.
HSC English First Paper | Unit: 8, Lesson: 3 | Environment and Nature | The Giant Panda
However, if conservation programs wait too long, human inhabitants and activities could claim all of the new habitats capable of supporting bamboo in a warming world.

"It is tough, but I think there's still hope, if we take action now," said research team member Jianguo Liu ... "If we wait, then we could be too late."

The researchers used various climate-change models to project die future for three bamboo species relied on by pandas in the Qinling Mountain region of China, which represents about a quarter of the total remaining panda habitat These models varied in their specific predictions, hut each forecasted some level of temperature rise within the coming century.
HSC English First Paper | Unit: 8, Lesson: 3 | Environment and Nature | The Giant Panda
The results suggest that if the bamboo is restricted to its current distribution area, between 80 and 100 percent of it will disappear by the end of the 21rt century, because it won't be able to grow under the increased temperatures.

If, however, bamboo can move into new, cooler areas (which will reach the same temperatures as current bamboo habitats due to warming), then there is hope. However, all depend on the extent to which humans can curtail climate change by limiting greenhouse-gas emissions in the future.

Many pandas in the wild currently live in nature reserves protected from human encroachment However, almost all of the land encompassed by those reserves will be unsuitable for the bamboo if the temperatures rise as predicted But if conservationists plan ahead now to move those reserves in line with changing bamboo habitats, then it may be possible to preserve the land the pandas will need
And climate change is not the only challenge facing giant pandas, one of the most endangered species in the world, researchers say. Human activities have already severely limited the animals' habitats, and their dependence on a single source of food, one that is not that nutrient - or energy - rich, doesn't help.
HSC English First Paper | Unit: 8, Lesson: 3 | Environment and Nature | The Giant Panda
In addition to their native habitats in China, pandas live around the world in zoos and breeding centers. But liu doesn't predict a bright future for the bears if they lose then-wild habitats. "To really protect pandas, you cannot just stick [them] into a breeding center or a zoo," he said, noting that the animals' genetic diversity would suffer, among other issues. "That" s not a long-term solution." 
[Clara Moskowitz: http://www.liv^ttK*.com&4697-gi^]

3. From your reading of the text, answer the following questions:
a. Why have the pandas' forests disappeared?
b. How much docs an adult panda cat a day?
c. When might the Qinling Mountains bamboo disappear?
d. How would you define the scientist Jianguo Liu's attitude? Is he an/a optimist/pessimist? Why do you think so?

4. Match the words in Column A with their synonyms in Column B:
Column A
Column B
1. endangered
2. several
3. gone
4. threat
5. diet
6. predict
7. entire
8. chance
9. tough
10. expert
a. danger
b. difficult
c. a number of
d. food
c. threatened
f. likelihood
g. specialist
h. whole
i. disappeared
j. forecast

5. From your reading of the text, discuss whether the statements (a-h) below are true or false. Then compare your answers with those of a friend:
a. The giant panda will soon be put on the endangered list. T/F
b. The article gives seven reasons for the fall in panda numbers. T/F
c. Bamboo is disappearing because of a bug that is eating it. T/F
d. Around 99% of a panda's diet is bamboo. T/F
e. A report said the bamboo in a Chinese mountain range may disappear. T/F
f. The report says bamboo could disappear in the next two decades. T/F
g. Pandas may survive if there is bamboo higher up the mountains. T/F
h. A panda expert said the world should wake up and help the panda. T/F

6. Role play: Student A strongly believes that the panda will survive in the wild;
Student B strongly believes that the panda has no chance of survival. Have a conversation in pairs on the issue. Use as much information as you can get from the text above. You may also add your own views and knowledge to support your stand.

7. Poster making: Look at the posters below for raising awareness among people to
save pandas. Think of an animal in Bangladesh that is also in the list of endangered species. Make a poster with a slogan to create awareness among people to save that animal.

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:
Lesson 4: Threats to Tigers of Mangrove Forest



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