JSC English First Paper | Unit: 4, Lesson: 2 | Check your reference | Using a table of contents

JSC English 1st Paper - Class 8 - Class eight
A Look at the questions and discuss in small groups.
1. Why do we need a table of contents to read a book?
2. What does a table of contents contain?

B. Now read the text and ask and answer the questions following it.
A table of contents is an important part of a book. It gives us information about what is inside a book. It tells us what each of the parts of the book is about. It also tells us how to go to the page where the part starts. A table of contents is usually written as 'contents' at the top of the page. The list of the parts is presented in the order that they appear in the book. The list contains the titles or the names of the parts. It sometimes mentions the sections as well as the subsection titles with the chapter/ unit/lesson titles.
It also includes the foreword or preface, book map, index, and the page numbers.

C. Ask and answer the questions.
1. Why do we need a table of contents in a book?
2. In what order are the parts of a table of contents presented, e.g. lesson numbers?

D. True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1. A table of contents gives us information only about the contents of a book.
2. A table of content contains some columns.
3. There is no link between the order of the list and that of the parts appearing in the book.
4. A chapter or unit title is sometimes followed by the section or subsection titles.

E. Open your English textbook. Find the table of contents page. Look at the questions. Work in pairs and find out.
1. What is the title of the page?
2. What are the column heads?
3. Which page numbers contain the topics?
4. Which topic starts in page 44?
5. How many units are there?
6. How many page numbers are there in the book?

F. Now give information about the following.
Name/title of the table of contents page:
Names of column heads:
Numbers of units:
Total number of pages:
Title of the first unit:
Page number where the first unit starts:
Title of the last unit:
Position of the page numbers:
Position of the chapter titles:
Others, if any:

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