49+ Transformation of Sentences exercise with answer pdf download

English Grammar Model Test Question for jsc, ssc and hsc exam
Model Test Question 
English 2nd paper 
Transformation of Sentences
exercise with answer pdf download
[The answer is given Below the question.]

English 2nd Paper Model Test Question Transformation of Sentences. Part-01

1. When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Compound)
2. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Simple)
3. He wants to be a doctor to serve people. (Complex)
4. He sits to read when it is time to read. (Simple)
5. Although it may not make one rich, it brings peace of mind. (Compound).
6. Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Compound).
7. She got loan from Grameen Bank and started to make a plan. (Make it Simple)  
8. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Compound)
9. In spite of her working very hard, there was happiness in her heart. (Make it compound).
10. Selling these mangoes, people earn a lot of money. (Compound)
11. As he works hard, he stands first in every class. (Compound)
12. He always works hard to improve his result. (Complex)
13. The thief saw the policeman and ran away. (Simple)
14. They cannot send their children to school for poverty. (Complex)
15. The villagers work hard to support themselves. (Complex)
16. If you study, you will pass. (Make it Compound)
17. If you read attentively, you will pass in the examination. (Simple)
18. I saw a lame man. (Complex)
19. The tiger is a ferocious animal. (Complex)
20. I bought a very interesting book. (Complex)
21. The authoress lived in a small cabin. (Complex)
22. They live in a tiny flat. (Complex)
23. Great A. K. Fazlul Haq was the leader of Krishak League. (Complex)
24. A boy who is obedient is loved by his teachers.(Simple)
25. I saw a crow flying in the sky. (Complex)

Answer Part-01
1. I reached there and my friend received me cordially.
2. In Spite of a healthy man’s being an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability.
3. He wants to be a doctor so that he can/may serve people.
4. At the time of reading, he sits to read.
5. It may not make one rich, but it brings peace of mind.
6. She was a nice little girl, but she was not an ordinary child.
7. Getting loan from Grameen Bank, she started to make a plan.
8. A healthy man is an asset to his family, but an unhealthy man is a liability.
9. She worked very hard, but there was happiness in her heart.
10. People sell these mangoes and earn a lot of money.
11. He works hard and so he stands first in every class.
12. He always works hard so that he can improve his result.
13. They build their houses on high platforms so that they can keep them free from damp.
14. They cannot send their children to school as/because they are poor.
15. The villagers work hard so that they can support themselves.
16. Study and you will pass.
17. By reading attentively, you will pass in the examination.
18. I saw a man who was lame.
19. The tiger is an animal which is ferocious.
20. I bought a book which was very interesting.
21. The authoress lived in a cabin which / that was small.
22. They live in a flat which / that is tiny.
23. A. K. Fazlul Haq who was great was the leader of Krishak League.
24. An obedient boy is loved by his teachers. 
25. I saw a crow which was flying in the sky.

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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer

English 2nd Paper Model Test Question Transformation of Sentences. Part-02
1. It looks very ugly. (Negative)
2. I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)
3. So the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is very poor.  (Negative)
4. Salma is a very good student. (Exclamatory)
5. Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)
6. Everybody wants friends.  (Negative)
7. She is always attentive to studies.  (Negative)
8  I wish I could visit this place.  (Exclamatory)
9. So everybody cannot but be conscious of his health. (Affirmative).
10. He is a regular student. (Negative)
11. He is never late to attend his classes.  (Affirmative)
12. Her parents liked her very much.  (Negative)
13. Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative)  
14. Amina’s life was very difficult. (Make it exclamatory)
15. She was a very hardworking and responsible loanee.   (Make it Negative)

Answer Part-02
1. It does not look very beautiful.
2. I was very glad to see the sea-beach.
2. How glad I was to see the sea-beach!
3. So the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is not very high!
4. What a good student Salma is!
5. Who doesn’t know this?
6. There is nobody who does not want friends.
7. She is never inattentive to studies.
8. Would that I could visit this place!
9. So everybody must be conscious of his health. 
10. He is not a irregular student.
11. He is always punctual to attend his classes.
12. Her parents did not like her a little.
13. Their contribution will always be remembered.
14. How difficult Amina’s life was!
15. She was not a very lazy and irresponsible loanee.

English 2nd Paper Model Test Question Transformation of Sentences. Part-03
1. He can succeed in life.  (Interrogative)
2. Everybody respects a truthful person(Interrogative)
3. She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative)
4  We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)
5. Everyone has heard of Solomon. (Interrogative)
6. Everyone knows this. (Interrogative)
7. He goes to school in time.  (Interrogative)
8. They are your real friends in your life. (Negative-Interrogative)
9. Everyone has heard of Solomon.  (Interrogative)
10. Everybody knows a day laborer.  (Interrogative)

Answer Part-03
1. Can’t he succeed in life?
2. Who disrespects a truthful person?
3. Didn’t she/Did she not pass her time in reading and writing?
4. Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?
5. Who has not heard of Solomon?
6. Who does not know this?
7. Doesn’t he go to school in time?
8. Aren’t they/Are they not your real friends in your life?
9. Who has not heard of Solomon?
10. Who doesn’t know a day laborer?

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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer


  1. 1. When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Compound)
    2. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Simple)
    3. He wants to be a doctor to serve people. (Complex)
    4. He sits to read when it is time to read. (Simple)
    5. Although it may not make one rich, it brings peace of mind. (Compound).
    6. Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Compound).
    7. She got loan from Grameen Bank and started to make a plan. (Make it Simple)
    8. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Compound)
    9. In spite of her working very hard, there was happiness in her heart. (Make it compound).
    10. Selling these mangoes, people earn a lot of money. (Compound)

  2. Anonymous12:26:00 PM

    Thank you very much 🙂🙂😎😎


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HSC Exam Routine

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