My favorite Teacher Composition in about 200 words

My favorite Teacher | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition about Your favorite Teacher / The person you like most.

My favorite Teacher
The name of my favorite English teacher is Mr. X. He is an M.A with honors in English. He is a very gentle man. He is very honest, sincere and punctual. He is very intelligent. He is one of the good teachers of our school.

He always speaks clear English. He explains any topic very clearly. He speaks so clear English that we can understand easily. He always encourages us to speak English. He follows the communicative method for making the class enjoyable.

He has some special qualities which attract not only me but also all. He is a very religious person. He always gives us advice to be honest and religious. He never hates anybody and evaluates all. These qualities of him attract me mostly.

He behaves with the students friendly. In a word/In brief, he behaves us as a father, as a brother and as a close friend. He always tries to explain any topic clearly so that we all can understand the topic. To speak the truth, the backward students cannot understand every topic clearly. He asks questions to them and inspires them. If they cannot answer, he again explains it.

He is a social-worker and a debtor. He always inspires us to take part various co-curriculum activities.

We all know that one right thing makes another right thing. As my English teacher is a religious person, I shall get the right way of the next world.

During two years I did not find any negative quality in my teacher. Except some naughty students, everybody likes him very much. The other teachers and the guardians also respect him very much.

There is a memorable sentence uttered by him which is – “Practice makes a man perfect.”

Duties of a Student Composition in about 200 words

Duties of a Student | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition about Duties of a Student.

 Duties of a Student
Student life is the most important part of a man’s life. It is also called the golden period of life. A student has to spend a part of his life in educational institutions such as school, college and university for acquiring knowledge. So, this life is called student life.

If a student passes his student life to acquire knowledge properly, he will be succeeded in future. If he does not make the best use of his time, he will have to repent in future. So, it is called that student life is not a bed of roses.

Student life is the seed time of life. The results of future depend on the student life. So, the first and foremost duty of a student is to study attentively and to make a good result. He should not waste his valuable time. He should attend his classes regularly and listens to the lectures of his teachers. He should not adopt unfair means in the examination which spoils the future of a student. He should speak the truth and not tell a lie because a liar is hated by all if he is a government officer. He should never associate with bad boys and students. He should never smoke or take drugs. He should read newspapers and magazines regularly.

A student should perform a lot of other duties except studies. He should take regular physical exercise for sound health because sound mind depends on sound health. He should take part in the various kinds of indoor and outdoor games for physical fitness. He should never take part in nasty politics. He should participate in co-curriculum activities such as poem reciting, debating, cultural function etc. for mental satisfaction which is the key to bright future.

He should do some social works at times. During flood or other calamities, he should come forward to help the distressed people. He should motivate the common people against illiteracy, superstitions, bad culture, ignorance etc. During long vacation a student should take part in mass education to open a night school at a school or at his house.

A student is the future hope and strength of a country and the builder of his own life. So, he should pass his student life to remember the duties and responsibilities of an ideal student. He should read the life history of the great men of the world.

Deforestation Composition in about 200 words

Deforestation | Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Write a composition about Deforestation.

The word “Deforestation” is the opposite word of “Afforestation or Tree Plantation.” Its meaning is indiscriminately cutting down trees and destruction of forests.

Tree are men’s best friends because they give us foods, fruits, shelter, shade, flowers, clothes, rubber, gums, medicine etc. and maintain ecological balance. Many poor and unconscious people do not know their contributions and so they are cutting down trees for money. They also cut down trees for making dwelling-houses, furniture, cultivable lands, new roads etc. They cut down trees for getting firewood.

The climatologists believe that a country should have at least 25% forest lands for maintaining ecological balance. A country becomes a desert if it has no tree. So, it is seen that if any country has no sufficient trees, it falls into various natural disasters such as drought, storm, cyclone, flood etc. At the time of making food from the sun-light, trees take/absorb carbon di-oxide and emit oxygen. For deforestation, the quantity of oxygen is decreasing and the quantity of carbon di-oxide is increasing.

As a result, the temperature of the world is increasing day by day which is the cause of greenhouse effect. For the cause of greenhouse effect, the environment is being polluted. People suffer from various diseases for environmental pollution. Moreover, people are being deprived of sufficient food, fruits, vegetables and other necessary things.

We can save the country from deforestation by planting more trees. To be successful in this work, the literate people should do conscious the unconscious people. The government, NGOs and the mass media such as radio, television, newspaper etc. should come forward in this regard.

There are many pictures showing the functions and benefits of trees, and the cause and effects greenhouse effect of published by the Ministry of Environment. I can motivate the people practically showing these pictures to plant more trees.

Realizing the importance of tree plantation, every student should participate in the tree plantation program.