How To Write an Advertisement Model Question No. 06 to 10

How To Write an Advertisement | Model Question

Advertisement No.6
Q.6 Write an advertisement from a university to recruit some teachers in different subjects.
Or, suppose a Private University wants to appoint part-time teachers of English. Make an advertisement for this.
Answer to the Q. No.6

 Job Vacancy 
SA University, Dhaka.
Applications are invited for recruitment of some qualified teachers for English, Computer Science, Accounting, Economics and Mathematics.

Apply by November 12, 2019 with CV and two copies of recent photograph and necessary papers.

Write to: The Registrar, SA University, 25 Kafrul, Dhaka.

Advertisement No.7
Q.7. Suppose, you want to sell one of your cars. Now write an advertisement for a daily.
Answer to the Q. No.7

 Car for Sale 
A Mercedes Benz Car-2010 model

Please Contact: 
A Ali, House No.20, 
Road No.10, 
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 
Mobile: 01914576321


Advertisement No.8
Q. 8 Suppose you want to sell some of your land. Write an advertisement for a daily.
Answer to the Q. No.8

 Land for Sale 
3 Katha attractive land. Suitable for building a house right now.

Write to: 
M Ali, House No.10, 
Road No.11, Block No.3, 
Banani, Dhaka, 
Mobile No.01914576321.

Advertisement No.9
Q.9 Write an advertisement for wanting a private tutor.
Answer to the Q. No.9

 Private Tutor Wanted 
For a JSC Student, First come, first served.

Qualification: Master degree.

Write to: 
H. Ali, House No.10, 
Road No.11, Block No.3, 
Banani, Dhaka, 
Mobile No.01914576321.

Advertisement No.10
Q.10 Write an advertisement from a multinational company that is looking for a suitable site for setting up its factory.
Answer to the Q. No.10

 Factory Site Wanted 
A multinational company wants to set up a biscuit factory at Gazipur in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The details are as follows:
Site: Industrial Zone.
Land: 5,000 sq. ft.
Power: Available.

Contact (within 10 days):
Runa Ali, House No.10, 
Road No.11, Block No.3, 
Banani, Dhaka, 
Mobile No.01997-335125.



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