59+ English Passage for Translation exercise pdf download

English Grammar Model Test Question for jsc, ssc and hsc exam
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Passage translation
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Translate it into your own language. 1
English is an international language. This language is well-known in the educated-society all over the world. Side by side of the mother tongue, English is very essential in our daily life. If we do not know English, we cannot keep pace with the developed countries of the world. We maintain/conduct international relationship and trade and commerce through English.

Translate it into your own language. 2
It is the last day of Ashar. The sky is covered with cloud. The rain is about to fall. There is darkness everywhere. The passers-by were looking at the sky again and again.

Translate it into your own language. 3
It is the month of Ashar. The sky is overcast with clouds. It is drizzling. The roads are filled with mud / full of mud. Boats are plying with sails.

Translate it into your own language. 4
Man cannot live alone. He wants company/ companion. For this man has been living together for long. None in the society can do whatever he likes. He has to abide by law and order.

Translate it into your own language. 5
We can now fully realize the importance of learning English. Without the knowledge of English, a country like ours cannot keep pace with the advanced countries. English is the medium of communication in the field of international relations and trade and commerce as well. Most of the books on knowledge and learning are written in English. As such, the more a nation masters in the English language, the more it becomes prosperous.

Translate it into your own language. 6
The flower is a unique gift of nature. It adds to the beauty of nature. It also adds to human beauty. We use flowers in various ways. So, flower cultivation should be increased.

Translate it into your own language. 7
Education is the key to prosperity. The more advanced a country in education and culture is, the more prosperous she is in all respects. But education must meet the demand of the age and it and it must be of required standard. Unfortunately, our education is neither befitting to the age nor to the high standard. We cannot keep pace with the other countries if we fail to upgrade the standard of our education.

Translate it into your own language. 8
Time is valuable. Many people do not know the value of time. They do not know that time is life. So even a single moment should not be wasted / we should not waste even a single moment. Lost time never comes back. The student who does not know the value of time, cannot succeed. Time and tide wait for none.

Translate it into your own language. 9
We live in the age of science. We can see the influence of science everywhere/in all spheres. Science is our constant companion. We have made the impossible to possible with the help of science. The modern civilization is the contribution of science. Poverty and disease have to be conquered with the help pf science. Science has to be engaged/used for the greater welfare of mankind.

Translate it into your own language. 10
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Each season has its own characteristics. It dews at night in the winter. The spring is the king of seasons. The cuckoos are found in the spring. The sweet melody of the cuckoo gives us delight / pleasure. Various kinds of beautiful flowers bloom on trees.

Translate it into your own language. 11
Cricket is a popular game. The number of cricket fans is increasing all over the world. Now the practice of cricket is going on in many countries of the world. The practice of cricket is not new in this sub-continent. Bangladesh has come forward in cricket to a great extent/much. Now Bangladesh is a very familiar name in the world/arena of cricket.

Translate it into your own language. 12
Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They can neither read nor write. But man cannot prosper without education. Our government is trying to remove illiteracy from the country. An educated nation is the power of a country. It is the precondition for the development of the nation.

Translate it into your own language. 13
Education is the back bone of a nation. No nation can be prosperous without education. Ignorance is like darkness / Ignorance is similar to darkness. So, society needs the light of education. Everyone will have to realize this truth. Otherwise no hope will be left for the notion.

Translate it into your own language. 14
We live in Bangladesh. We speak in Bengali. About twelve crore people live in this country. Most of the people of the country are the Muslims. Besides, there are the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Christians. Ninety percent people live in villages. About eighty five percent people do the works of cultivation / do agricultural works / are farmers / live on agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of this country.

Translate it into your own language. 15
All of you have heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is our national poet. He was born in 1899 in West Bengal. His poetic genius evolves from his boyhood. He is also known as the rebel poet. He is also called the poet of the poor. He breathed his last in 1976.

Translate it into your own language. 16
Going out at night Hazrat Omar (R) used to see the condition of the poor. One night he was passing along a street. At that time, he heard a sound of crying from a hut. Going there he found that a widow had many children. They were asking their mother for food and were crying without getting any food. At this sight Mohsin's heart was filled with pity.

Translate it into your own language. 17
Hazrat Abdul Quader Zilanee was very truthful from his boyhood. He was very attentive to his studies. After completing his education in the village school, he decided to go to Baghdad for higher education. At the time of departure, his mother said to him, “My son, never tell a lie in life”.

Translate it into your own language. 18
The Japanese are industrious. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Skilled and efficient manpower is her great wealth. Only by dint of diligence Japan has developed. Japan is an example for a country like ours.           

Translate it into your own language. 19
Independence does not come down to a nation / Liberty does not descend upon any nation. A nation has to achieve it. Independence/Liberty is not/does not mean the change of the flag only. Political independence is meaningless without economic liberty / freedom.

Translate it into your own language. 20
He who loves his country is a patriot. A patriot loves his own country more than his own life. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the welfare of his country.  Everybody remembers him. He lives even after his death.

Translate it into your own language. 21
The twenty-first February is a memorable day in our national life. Every year we remember this day with respect/regard. The day is a government holiday. The national flag is kept half-mast on this day. Every monument of the martyrs is covered with flowers. Those who have laid down their lives for the mother tongue are immortal.

Translate it into your own language. 22
No one can prosper without diligence/labor. Let it be money or education, you have to work hard to achieve it. Those who are idle lag behind forever. Those who have obtained high position in the society are all industrious. Bear in mind that industry is the key to success.

Translate it into your own language. 23
Paper is a very useful thing. We cannot do without it. Previously there was no use of paper in our country. The people of China first invented paper. People in those days used palm leaf instead of paper.

Translate it into your own language. 24
A newspaper is the store house of knowledge. We can know the customs and manners of other countries of the world through a newspaper. In fact, it is a gist/summary of the current affairs. It supplies everyone with news.

Translate it into your own language. 25
Honesty is a noble virtue. A man of this quality / A person possessing this quality is lucky. Everybody respects him, nobody dislikes him. We need honest men / honest people are greatly needed in the present state of Bangladesh.

Translate it into your own language. 26
No one can proper without diligence/labor. Be it money or education, one must work hard to earn that. Those who are idle lag behind forever. All who rose to eminence in society were industrious. Always remember that industry is the key to success.

Translate it into your own language. 27
Man is the architect of his own fate. If we become reluctant to toiling, we cannot be lucky. Some people think that the success in life depends on fortune. But it is not true. Hard labor is needed to gain success in every sphere of life. Industry is the key to success. Those who believe in fate, lag behind always.

Translate it into your own language. 28
War is a curse for human civilization. In the ancient time, war was confined to the soldiers. But at present, all men both civil and military are to suffer the consequence of war. War causes great havoc / It causes great havoc during the war. Man wants to get rid of this curse / to get free from this curse.

Translate it into your own language. 29
Reading book is an attractive habit. To speak the truth, it has no alternative. Reading book is a must to know the unknown. Yet many people cannot understand the importance of reading book. Even the students, today, do not show sufficient interest in reading books.

Translate it into your own language. 30
Reading books is an excellent habit. There is no alternative to it. One must read books in order to gain knowledge. Many people do not read books. Nowadays students also do not show interest to books.

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Translate it into your own language. 31
Fishermen work day and night / by day and at night. Many fishermen go to fish / go to catch fish at night. Storm may become that night / there may be storm that night. It may be a dark and cold night. When they go to river to catch fish / to fish, their family becomes / remains anxious.

Translate it into your own language. 32
Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. It is one of the populous capital cities of the world. Traffic jam is a regular problem here. Load shedding is a usual affair. Even the problem of pure water is a common subject/matter.

Translate it into your own language. 33
The sun gives us light and heat. The sun looks like a plate. It is actually much larger than the earth and far away from the earth. The sun is visible only at day time / at day. The sun causes day and night. The night follows the day. Again, the day follows the night.

Translate it into your own language. 34
Ants are very industrious. They find their food all day long. They save their food against the rainy day. Though they are little, they are tolerant and careful. We have many things to learn from their lives.

Translate it into your own language. 35
The little bees fly from flower to flower. It has no rest from dawn to dusk. It has only work and work. It collects honey from flowers. One day the big honey-comb is built with small drops of honey.

Translate it into your own language. 36
It is the month of Asher. The sky is covered with clouds. It is drizzling. The roads and ways are full of mud. Boats are sailing on. Harvesting is going on. The farmers are busy to harvesting paddy. Bangladesh has assumed a beautiful look. This is our birthland. I love my motherland.

Translate it into your own language. 37
Many of us are in the habit if smoking. But everyone should know that smoking is harmful to health. Smoking causes various kinds of fatal diseases. Cancer is one of them. So, smoking should be given up/we should give up smoking.

Translate it into your own language. 38
The love of mother is never exhausted/ended. It has no fatigue. Father may turn his back from the children. Even, brothers and sisters may turn into deadly enemies. But mother's love exists through all.

Translate it into your own language. 39
Bangladesh was not independent before. Others ruled this country and exploited the people of the country. So, the war of independence took place in 1971. About thirty lac heroic people laid down their lives in this war. We remember them with respect/honor/regard.

Translate it into your own language. 40
Bangladesh is an independent and sovereign country. Independence/freedom is the birth right to human. But no nation can achieve it without efforts. To save the independence of the motherland is the duty of every citizen. To carry out this duty properly, proper education is very necessary. And educated, honest citizens never hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the independence of the country.

Translate it into your own language. 41
Man was very helpless in the ancient time. There was not much difference between man and beast. Man was always afraid of wild animals. They did not know how to build houses. They could not make / weave clothes and make weapons. They passed the night in the muddy cave or in the cave of a hill or climbing on a tree. At day time, they moved to and fro in search of food.

Translate it into your own language. 42
Mecca is an old city. The first mosque of the world was built there. It is known to all as Kaaba Mosque. Hazrat Ibrahim (A) built it. After that a long time has been passed away. Suddenly a hole was discovered on the wall. It was repaired soon carrying wood from Jeddah.

Translate it into your own language. 43
Poverty is a complex problem in Bangladesh. But we hardly realize that this miserable condition is of our own creation. Many do not try to improve their condition by hard labor and profitable business. They only curse their lot. We must give up laziness and averse to work. Man is the maker of his own fate.

Translate it into your own language. 44
Copying is not good. Everyone hates copying. Yet, some students copy. None can be great by copying. To be great one needs/requires of one's own quality / qualification.

Translate it into your own language. 45
Road accidents are increasing every day. Many people are dying. The drivers of the vehicles will have to be more alert. The pedestrians are also not free from this liability. The lives of people are invaluable.

Translate it into your own language. 46
A few days ago, / Some days ago, I went to my village home. Then it was rainy season. "The roads were about to go under water in excessive rain / because of heavy rain. I faced much troubles to reach home. But I forgot all the sufferings of the way after reaching home.

Translate it into your own language. 47
The place Bolpur / Bolpur is known/noted for Rabindranath’s Shanti Niketan. One/We can reach Shanti Niketan from Bolpur station by rickshaw. It is Rabindranath’s Shanti Niketan. There is pomp of green all around / The pomp of greenery is all around. What a calm and solitary place it is! Shanti Niketan is really a place of peace. When one goes / we go there, one’s/our mind is thrilled / leaps up with joy atomically.

Translate it into your own language. 48
Every morning, we see two wonderful matters / incidents. One is sunrise and other is the newspaper of that day / that day’s newspaper. Habitually, we do not feel wondered / surprise any more but neither of the two is a little matter / event. As the surrounding / all around is enlightened with the light of the sun / the sunlight, in the same way newspapers also inform us of the incidents that have happened all over the world in the last twenty-four hours.

Translate it into your own language. 49
Mahbub still studying / continues his studies through hardship / with great efforts. Although he is poor, he has not given up studies. Every day he comes to college on foot from a very long distant place / distance. He is painstaking, polite and hard-working. Everybody is placed at his behavior.

Translate it into your own language. 50
It is accepted by all that to lie is a great sin. In spite of that we cannot but tell a lie in most of the cases. If everybody spoke the truth, all misdeeds including terrorism and corruption would stop. The higher the accountability, the less will be the intensity of misdeeds. In fact, it is only the natural and effective application of law that can remove all misdeeds.

Translate it into your own language. 51
It is good for health to get up from bed early in the morning/Early rising is good for health. Early in the morning the air is pure and the mind is fresh. There is not much noise. Any work can be done attentively / with attention. One who rises early also gets much time. He can take rest. He can also finish all work in time. So, to rise early in the morning/early rising is a very good habit.

Translate it into your own language. 52
Flood occurs/visits Bangladesh every year. Man, and other animals suffer from untold miseries during flood. Crops are also greatly damaged. Various diseases like diarrhea and dysentery break out in an epidemic form after flood. So, flood is a serious problem for our country. That’s why/So, the government should try to solve this problem permanently taking specific plans.

Translate it into your own language. 53
There are many housewives who work almost all day long at home. They get no salary for their works. But their work is very important for the family. There are some housewives who assist their families in the agricultural works. Many build up poultry farm.

Translate it into your own language. 54
Once day some hunters set a trap to catch wild animals. A lion was caught in the trap. He tried his best to get out of the trap. As he rolled on the ground/earth, he was trapped in the net more tightly. He could not move any more. A rat heard the roar and groan of the lion. The rat went there to see what had happened. The rat came close to the lion, it said “Lie quietly and I will free you.”

Translate it into your own language. 55
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Although some industrial plants have grown up, the country has not yet been industrialized. Even her agriculture is not self-dependent rather the whole of it is dependent on rain. Cloud is necessary for rain as there is no rain without cloud.

Translate it into your own language. 56
In spite of all these we are not pessimists. We find that the world is proceeding towards the path of development in the face of various kinds of problems. During the last fifty years after the Second World War, many countries have been freed from colonial rule. Bangladesh also achieved independence in 1971. And after liberation Bangladesh also developed much in many fields.

Translate it into your own language. 57
Copying in the examination has become a social disease. What is your idea in this matter? Many people think that it is not an isolated affair. The cause of this is rooted in our present social and political condition. If we cannot get rid of such condition we will be destroyed as a nation.

Translate it into your own language. 58
Nowadays, it has become very difficult to move in the Dhaka city. It appears that the number of the people and the vehicles are more than what the roads and ways can contain. Besides, there is sounder and more smoke and dust. In this situation, the sufferings of the common people beggar’s description. But it is a news of hope that the present govt. is taking necessary steps to make the communication system easier and available / low cost.

Translate it into your own language. 59
In ancient time, man was helpless. There was no difference between man and beasts. They were always anxious in fear of beasts. They could not know how to build houses. Even, they did not know how to wear clothes or make weapons.

English Passage for Translation 
Translate it into your own language. 60
The Japan is are industrious. Japan is not rich on the basis of natural assets. Educated and skilled people are her great assets. Japan has developed through only industrious. Japan is an example for like our country.
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