16 Examples about how to write poster properly

Poster Writing | Model Test

Poster No.1 Q. Write a poster about the bad effect of environment pollution and its remedy. Or, write a poster to create awareness against environment pollution. Answer to the Question No. 1

Stop Environment Pollution Save life

 Beware of Environment Pollution 

* Polluted environment causes disease.
* It causes global warming.

# Use dustbin.
# Stop cutting trees. 
# Stop burning woods. 
# Stop killing wild animals.
# Plant more trees.
Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.2 Q. Write a poster about the bad effect of Air pollution and its remedy.  Answer to the Question No. 2

Stop Air Pollution Save life

  Beware of Air Pollution  

* Air is life.
* Polluted air causes many diseases.
* It causes global warming.
* Polluted air is harmful.

# Stop burning trees. 
# Stop smoking.
# Stop cutting trees.
# Stop producing carbon-di-oxide.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Poster No.3 Q. Write a poster about the bad effect of Water pollution and its remedy. Answer to the Question No. 3

Stop Water Pollution Save life

 Beware of Water Pollution 

* Water is life.
* Polluted water causes many diseases.
* Polluted water is harmful.

# Use sanitary latrines. 
# Stop building latrines on the bank of the canals and river.
# Stop throwing wastage of mills and factories into water. 
# Aware illiterate people.
# Stop excessive use of chemical fertilizer and insecticides in the fields.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Poster No.4 Q. Write a poster to create public awareness against sound pollution.  Answer to the Question No. 4

Stop Sound pollution Live peacefully

 Beware of Sound/Noise Pollution 

* It pollutes the environment. 
* It damages our power of hearing.
* It harms concentration.

# Raises blood pressure. 
# Increases rate of heartbeat.
# Prevent sound pollution.
# Control loud speaker.
# Develop civic sense.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Poster No.5 Q. Write a poster to create public awareness against corruption.  Answer to the Question No. 5

Stop corruption Save the nation

   Beware of Corruption 

* Corruption is a sin.
* It is a crime. 
* It destroys a nation.
* It hinders the development of the country. 
* It’s a national problem.
* It debases the society.

# Be united against the corrupted persons. 
# Raise your voice against corruption.
# Be religious.
# Stop taking and giving bribe. 
# Hate the corrupted people.
# Punish the corrupted administrators.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.6 Q. Write a poster to create public awareness against terrorism. Answer to the Question No. 6

Stop terrorism Upgrade social life

Terrorism creates fear and terror

* Terrorism damages mental peace.
* It leads to the loss of money and life.
* It causes social disorder.

# Be united.
# Be conscious.
# Prevent terrors.
# Catch the terrors and hand over to the police.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.7 Q. Write a poster to create awareness/consciousness against dowry system. Or, write a poster showing its bad effect and remedy. Answer to the Question No. 7

Never take dowry Never give dowry

 Beware of dowry 

* Dowry causes social disorder.
* It destroys the happiness of family life.
* It is a social curse.

# Arrange female education.
# Make women self-reliant.
# Punish the dowry-taker.
# Enforce the law strictly.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.8 Q. Write a poster to create awareness for planting more and more trees / about the bad effect of deforestation / to save the forests. Answer to the Question No. 8

Plant more Trees.    Save Bangladesh
Check global warming    Check greenhouse effect

 Trees means Life 

* Trees are our best friends.
* It provides foods, fruits, woods, medicine etc.
* It supplies oxygen.
* It absorbs carbon-di-oxide.
* It maintains ecological balance.

# Grow more trees.
# Prevent drought, cyclone etc.
# Cut one tree, grow two trees.
# Be conscious.
# Save the country from deforestation.

Circulated by – The Ministry of Forestry, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.9 Q. Write a poster showing the bad effects of smoking. Or, On the occasion of the World Tobacco-Free Day you have been asked to make a poster by the Health Dept. highlighting the bad effects of smoking and pointing to the measures to avoid the bad effect of smoking. So, make the poster accordingly. Answer to the Question No. 9

Stop smoking  Save life
Avoid smoking  Save the environment

 Beware of Smoking 

* Smoking spoils health.
* It means talking poison.
* It causes wastage of money.

# Give up smoking.
# Be healthy.
# Fine the smoker.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.10 Q. Write a poster to create public awareness against the bad effect of drugs. Answer to the Question No. 10

Stop Drugs Save life

 Beware of Drugs 

* Drugs create fatal diseases.
* It means taking poison.
* It leads to social crime.
* It creates frustration.
* It causes wastage of money.

# Give up drugs.
# Be healthy.
# Punish the drug addicted persons.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.11 Q. Write a poster to create consciousness against AIDS. Answer to the Question No. 11

Avoid AIDS Live in peace

Beware of AIDS

* AIDS is a cure-less disease.
* It is a deadly enemy.

# Avoid illegal sex-relationship.
# Follow religious life.
# Lead a controlled life.
# Don’t marry foreigner.
# Don’t use examined blood.
# Use only new syringe.
# Be conscious about AIDS.
# Know details about AIDS.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.12 Q. Write a poster to create awareness of the dangers of Arsenic pollution. Answer to the Question No. 12

Drink arsenic free water. Save life

Beware of Arsenic Pollution

* Arsenic is a slow poison.
* It causes skin disease and cancer.

# Use rain water.
# Mark the arsenic contained tube wells red    and arsenic free green.

Circulated by - The Department of Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.13 Q. Write a poster to create awareness against reckless driving vehicles on the road. Answer to the Question No. 13

Stop reckless driving Save life

Beware of Reckless Driving

* Reckless driving kills men.
* Drive vehicles carefully.
* Value the life of others.
* Life is more valuable than time.

# Obey traffic rules.
# Stop drinking drug.
# Avoid reckless driving.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.14 Q. Write a poster about a live concert making the people aware of this concert.
Answer to the Question No. 14

Concert! Concert!! Concert!!!

 Enjoy! Enjoy!! Enjoy!!! 

* Enjoy concert, be merry.
* Remove the monotony of life.
* Regain your spirit of life.
* Enjoy the taste of life.
* Don’t miss the concert.

Circulated by – City Corporation, Dhaka.

Poster No.15 Q. Write a poster to create consciousness against child labor. Answer to the Question No. 15

Stop child labor          Save children

 Child Labor: A course 

* Love children.
* Send them to school.
* Say “no” to child labor.

# Develop the future generation.
# Follow the rules strictly.
# Remove poverty by employing the adult.
# Control the birth rate of the poor.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Poster No.16 Q. Write a poster to create consciousness against acid throwing.  Answer to the Question No. 16

Stop Acid throwing.           Save women

 Beware of Acid throwing 

* It’s a social curse.
* It’s a capital crime.
* It causes social disorder. 

# Punish the acid thrower.
# Hate the acid thrower.
# Enforce the law strictly.
# Prevent acid throwing.

Circulated by – Adhikar, an NGO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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